frequency identification
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Sanskruti Dharme

Abstract: In terms of house security, the door is pivotal. To keep the hearthstone secure, the proprietor will keep the door locked at all times. Still, owing to a rush when leaving the house, the proprietor may forget to lock the door, or they may be doubtful if they’ve closed the door or not. Wireless security grounded operation have fleetly increased due to the dramatic enhancement of ultramodern technologies. Numerous access control systems were designed and/or enforced grounded on different types of wireless communication technologies by different people. Radio Frequency identification (RFID) is a contactless technology that’s extensively used in several diligences for tasks like access control system, book shadowing in libraries, tollgate system, forced chain operation, and so on. For enforcing this design, we will be using Arduino mega 2560 pro mini, a fingerprint sensor, Keypad module. ESP-32 CAM module, RFID sensor, solenoid lock and ESP8266. We have also created an application for monitoring and controlling the security features of the door lock. We can also open the door through mobile fingerprint. Keywords: Arduino mega 2560 pro mini, ESP32-CAM, ESP8266, Fingerprint sensor, Keypad module, RFID sensor.

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 564
Jawad Yousaf ◽  
Eqab Almajali ◽  
Mahmoud El Najjar ◽  
Ahmed Amir ◽  
Amir Altaf ◽  

This work presents the design and analysis of newly developed reconfigurable, flexible, inexpensive, optically-controlled, and fully printable chipless Arabic alphabet-based radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. The etching of the metallic copper tag strip is performed on a flexible simple thin paper substrate (ϵr = 2.31) backed by a metallic ground plane. The analysis of investigated tags is performed in CST MWS in the frequency range of 1–12 GHz for the determination of the unique signature resonance characteristics of each tag in terms of its back-scattered horizontal and vertical mono-static radar cross section (RCS). The analysis reflects that each tag has its own unique electromagnetic signature (EMS) due to the changing current distribution of metallic resonator. This EMS of each tag could be used for the robust detection and recognition of all realized 28 Arabic alphabet tags. The study also discusses, for the first time, the effect of the change in font type and size of realized tags on their EMS. The robustness and reliability of the obtained EMS of letter tags is confirmed by comparing the RCS results for selective letter tags using FDTD and MoM numerical methods, which shows very good agreement. The proposed tags could be used for smart internet of things (IoT) and product marketing applications.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 841-846
Rafif Muhammad Irdian ◽  
Rafi Fredy Septianto ◽  
Aksen Winarto

Along with the increasing crime rate of data theft that occurs, it takes a good room security system to maintain data security for a particular agency or organization. Something A good security system is a security system that can be monitored and controlled remotely using the internet or better known as IoT (Internet of Things). In this thesis will designed an IoT-based room security system using the Android application, this system works using several modules including RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) module, camera module and door lock solenoid. The RFID card in this RFID Module functions as an identification process for people who want to enter into the room. In addition, this RFID module also functions as a trigger for the camera to work to take pictures a picture of the person who wants to enter the room. The data obtained from the two modules later will be sent into the Android application. The admin of the room can carry out the verification process to allow or deny people who want to enter the room. The results of testing this system can be runs well when the internet speed of the access point is fast and stable, but less optimal when the internet speed of the access point is running slowly.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-12
M. Vijayalakshmi ◽  
S. Mercy Shalinie ◽  
Ming Hour Yang ◽  
Shou-Chuan Lai ◽  
Jia-Ning Luo

Supply chain management (SCM) governance is the streamline of the IoT product life cycle from its production to delivery. Integrating blockchain with supply chain management is essential to ensure end-to-end tracking, trustiness between manufacturers and customers, fraud and counterfeit elimination, and customizing administrative costs and paperwork. This paper proposes an RFID ownership transfer protocol with the help of zk-SNARKs (Zero Knowledge-Succinct Noninteractive Arguments of Knowledge) using Ethereum blockchain. When the owner performs RFID transfer, the transferred information will be recorded on the blockchain using smart contracts. When using a smart contract to transfer ownership on the Ethereum blockchain, because the content on the blockchain will not be tampered with, all accounts in the Ethereum can view the transfer results and verify them. The privacy of the supply chain is attained by generating the proof of product code via zk-SNARKs algorithm. This algorithm also enhances the scalability of the supply chain system by creating a trusted setup in off-chain mode.

2022 ◽  
Márta Alexy ◽  
Tomáš Horváth

Pig farming is largely characterized by closed, large-scale housing technology. These systems are driven by resource efficiency. In intensive technologies, humans control almost completely. However, there are pig farming systems where humans have just little control. These free-range technologies are called organic pig farming systems in which the quality characteristics of the produced meat sold on a premium price are primary. We present the practical difficulties that are challenging in implementing precision pig farming. We characterize the data science methods that determine the reliability our conclusions. This chapter describes the literature on the behavior and production results of pigs, social aspects, and the possibilities of the certified pig meat supply chain. Digital solutions can be implemented to verify and trace the origin of meat products. In our project, Mangalica breeding sows were tagged with passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, and a research zone was established at wallowing area. RFID readers record the presence of sows in this zone. In addition, temperature, humidity, and air pressure are recorded hourly for 24 hours a day. Data are analyzed using visualization and data science techniques. We present our interim results and conditions of the experiment in this chapter.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-346
Edi Saputra Siregar

Storage for goods is an important part of a mosque. When we are going to pray in congregation, the items or bags we carry make us anxious and afraid of losing. The development of technology has replaced the storage of goods carried out by mosque officials into an automated storage system. But it also needs to be considered in terms of the security system for storing these items. Researchers formulate how automation and security systems use RRFID. The research method used is research and development. The storage of this item is programmed with the Arduino and CX Programmer applications by creating a security system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as radio waves carrying data that will be received by the RFID reader. The result of this research is an automatic door prototype using RFID which will operate properly. Reader ability to detect id card very good starting when the card is affixed to the reader and the selenoid system will work to open the door when the id card is attached.

2022 ◽  
pp. 168-180
Sasikumar Gurumoorthy ◽  
L. Venkateswara Reddy ◽  
Sudhakaran Periakaruppan

Art colonnades and museums all over the world are the first option for individuals to visit for the enhancement of the cultural life of people. To ensure their safety, museums have established numerous cultural security measures. Traditional strategies do not obstruct their pace entirely. They only use a computer in the museum to check individuals at the entrance and exit. Therefore, the authors proposed a gallery anti-stealing device created on the internet-of-things (IoT) technology that ensures security through passive readers/writers of RFID. Radio frequency identification (RFID) remains a system that practices isolated data storing and recovery and offers object tracking with a unique identity code. The system then sends sound and light warning information, while the photographic camera structure is triggered to capture a picture at the same time. The recognition of the accuracy in the hardware component of the device can be additionally enhanced by the use of this technology to increase the safety of museum equipment.

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