Probabilistic Antecedents and Conditional Attitudes
AbstractI generalize the notion of a conditional attitude by bringing together two topics of inquiry. One is the ordinary inquiry into conditional attitudes. The other topic is the inquiry into the attitude of thinking that a proposition is likely, or having a high credence in a proposition. For instance, what is it to intend to go to the game if it is likely that Kershaw pitches? Being likely that Kershaw pitches is the condition of the attitude. Given a natural position about statements like “It is likely that Kershaw pitches,” the target attitude looks different from ordinary conditional attitudes.
1988 ◽
Vol 62
pp. 411-419
1967 ◽
Vol 28
pp. 207-244
1967 ◽
Vol 28
pp. 177-206
1999 ◽
Vol 173
pp. 249-254
1976 ◽
Vol 32
pp. 577-588
1971 ◽
Vol 29
pp. 244-245