scholarly journals A note on the product of F-subgroups in a finite group

1996 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-42 ◽  
Angel Carocca

Saturated formations are closed under the product of subgroups which are connected by certain permutability properties.

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 463-473
Viachaslau I. Murashka

Abstract Let {\mathfrak{X}} be a class of groups. A subgroup U of a group G is called {\mathfrak{X}} -maximal in G provided that (a) {U\in\mathfrak{X}} , and (b) if {U\leq V\leq G} and {V\in\mathfrak{X}} , then {U=V} . A chief factor {H/K} of G is called {\mathfrak{X}} -eccentric in G provided {(H/K)\rtimes G/C_{G}(H/K)\not\in\mathfrak{X}} . A group G is called a quasi- {\mathfrak{X}} -group if for every {\mathfrak{X}} -eccentric chief factor {H/K} and every {x\in G} , x induces an inner automorphism on {H/K} . We use {\mathfrak{X}^{*}} to denote the class of all quasi- {\mathfrak{X}} -groups. In this paper we describe all hereditary saturated formations {\mathfrak{F}} containing all nilpotent groups such that the {\mathfrak{F}^{*}} -hypercenter of G coincides with the intersection of all {\mathfrak{F}^{*}} -maximal subgroups of G for every group G.

2003 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 461-470 ◽  
A. Ballester-Bolinches ◽  
Clara Calvo ◽  
R. Esteban-Romero

It is shown in this paper that if  is a class of simple groups such that π() = char , the -saturated formation ℌ generated by a finite group cannot be expressed as the Gaschütz product  ∘  of two non--saturated formations if ℌ ≠ . It answers some open questions on products of formations. The relation between ω-saturated and -saturated formations is also discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Stefanos Aivazidis ◽  
Inna N. Safonova ◽  
Alexander N. Skiba

Abstract Let 𝐺 be a finite group, and let 𝔉 be a hereditary saturated formation. We denote by Z F ⁢ ( G ) \mathbf{Z}_{\mathfrak{F}}(G) the product of all normal subgroups 𝑁 of 𝐺 such that every chief factor H / K H/K of 𝐺 below 𝑁 is 𝔉-central in 𝐺, that is, ( H / K ) ⋊ ( G / C G ⁢ ( H / K ) ) ∈ F (H/K)\rtimes(G/\mathbf{C}_{G}(H/K))\in\mathfrak{F} . A subgroup A ⩽ G A\leqslant G is said to be 𝔉-subnormal in the sense of Kegel, or 𝐾-𝔉-subnormal in 𝐺, if there is a subgroup chain A = A 0 ⩽ A 1 ⩽ ⋯ ⩽ A n = G A=A_{0}\leqslant A_{1}\leqslant\cdots\leqslant A_{n}=G such that either A i - 1 ⁢ ⊴ ⁢ A i A_{i-1}\trianglelefteq A_{i} or A i / ( A i - 1 ) A i ∈ F A_{i}/(A_{i-1})_{A_{i}}\in\mathfrak{F} for all i = 1 , … , n i=1,\ldots,n . In this paper, we prove the following generalization of Schenkman’s theorem on the centraliser of the nilpotent residual of a subnormal subgroup: Let 𝔉 be a hereditary saturated formation containing all nilpotent groups, and let 𝑆 be a 𝐾-𝔉-subnormal subgroup of 𝐺. If Z F ⁢ ( E ) = 1 \mathbf{Z}_{\mathfrak{F}}(E)=1 for every subgroup 𝐸 of 𝐺 such that S ⩽ E S\leqslant E , then C G ⁢ ( D ) ⩽ D \mathbf{C}_{G}(D)\leqslant D , where D = S F D=S^{\mathfrak{F}} is the 𝔉-residual of 𝑆.


Abstract Similarly to the Frobenius–Schur indicator of irreducible characters, we consider higher Frobenius–Schur indicators $\nu _{p^n}(\chi ) = |G|^{-1} \sum _{g \in G} \chi (g^{p^n})$ for primes p and $n \in \mathbb {N}$ , where G is a finite group and $\chi $ is a generalised character of G. These invariants give answers to interesting questions in representation theory. In particular, we give several characterisations of groups via higher Frobenius–Schur indicators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1742-1747
Jianjun Liu ◽  
Mengling Jiang ◽  
Guiyun Chen

Abstract A subgroup H of a finite group G is called weakly pronormal in G if there exists a subgroup K of G such that G = H K G=HK and H ∩ K H\cap K is pronormal in G. In this paper, we investigate the structure of the finite groups in which some subgroups are weakly pronormal. Our results improve and generalize many known results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 335-346
Mackenzie Simper

AbstractConsider an urn containing balls labeled with integer values. Define a discrete-time random process by drawing two balls, one at a time and with replacement, and noting the labels. Add a new ball labeled with the sum of the two drawn labels. This model was introduced by Siegmund and Yakir (2005) Ann. Prob.33, 2036 for labels taking values in a finite group, in which case the distribution defined by the urn converges to the uniform distribution on the group. For the urn of integers, the main result of this paper is an exponential limit law. The mean of the exponential is a random variable with distribution depending on the starting configuration. This is a novel urn model which combines multi-drawing and an infinite type of balls. The proof of convergence uses the contraction method for recursive distributional equations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Jiakuan Lu ◽  
Kaisun Wu ◽  
Wei Meng

AbstractLet 𝐺 be a finite group. An irreducible character of 𝐺 is called a 𝒫-character if it is an irreducible constituent of (1_{H})^{G} for some maximal subgroup 𝐻 of 𝐺. In this paper, we obtain some conditions for a solvable group 𝐺 to be 𝑝-nilpotent or 𝑝-closed in terms of 𝒫-characters.

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