1981 ◽  
Vol 96 ◽  
pp. 125-151 ◽  
A. R. Hyland

The current observational and theoretical literature on Bok globules and their relationship to star formation is reviewed. Recent observations of globules at optical, infrared, and far infrared wavelengths are shown to provide important constraints on their structure and evolutionary status, and the suggestion that many globules are gravitationally unstable is seriously questioned.Dark clouds associated with T associations are well-known sites of recent and continuing star formation. In recent years molecular observations and far infrared surveys have provided maps of such regions from which possible sites of star formation may be identified. Optical (Hα) and near infrared surveys have enabled a clear identification of pre-main sequence (PMS) objects within the clouds. Methods of distinguishing these from background objects and the nature of their infrared excesses are examined in the light of recent observations in the near and far infrared. The perennial question as to the existence of anomalous reddening within dark clouds is also investigated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (S352) ◽  
pp. 27-32
Stefano Carniani

AbstractCharacterising primeval galaxies entails the challenging goal of observing galaxies with modest star formation rates (SFR < 100 Mȯyr−1) and approaching the beginning of the reionisation epoch (z > 6). To date a large number of primeval galaxies have been identified thanks to deep near-infrared surveys. However, to further our understanding on the formation and evolution of such primeval objects, we must investigate their nature and physical properties through multi-band spectroscopic observations. Information on dust content, metallicity, interactions with the surrounding environment, and outflows can be obtained with ALMA observations of far-infrared (FIR) lines such as the [Cii] at 158 μm and [Oiii] at 88 μm. Here, we, thus, discuss the recent results unveiled by ALMA observations and present new [Cii] observations of BDF-3299, a star-forming galaxy at z = 7.1 showing a spatial and spectral offset between the rest-frame UV and the FIR lines emission.

2018 ◽  
Vol 616 ◽  
pp. A110 ◽  
D. Elbaz ◽  
R. Leiton ◽  
N. Nagar ◽  
K. Okumura ◽  
M. Franco ◽  

Aims. We use high-resolution continuum images obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) to probe the surface density of star formation in z ~ 2 galaxies and study the different physical properties between galaxies within and above the star-formation main sequence of galaxies. Methods. We use ALMA images at 870 μm with 0.2 arcsec resolution in order to resolve star formation in a sample of eight star-forming galaxies at z ~ 2 selected among the most massive Herschel galaxies in the GOODS-South field. This sample is supplemented with eleven galaxies from the public data of the 1.3 mm survey of the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field, HUDF. We derive dust and gas masses for the galaxies, compute their depletion times and gas fractions, and study the relative distributions of rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) and far-infrared (FIR) light. Results. ALMA reveals systematically dense concentrations of dusty star formation close to the center of the stellar component of the galaxies. We identify two different starburst regimes: (i) the classical population of starbursts located above the SFR-M⋆ main sequence, with enhanced gas fractions and short depletion times and (ii) a sub-population of galaxies located within the scatter of the main sequence that experience compact star formation with depletion timescales typical of starbursts of ~150 Myr. In both starburst populations, the FIR and UV are distributed in distinct regions and dust-corrected star formation rates (SFRs) estimated using UV-optical-near-infrared data alone underestimate the total SFR. Starbursts hidden in the main sequence show instead the lowest gas fractions of our sample and could represent the last stage of star formation prior to passivization. Being Herschel-selected, these main sequence galaxies are located in the high-mass end of the main sequence, hence we do not know whether these “starbursts hidden in the main sequence” also exist below 1011 M⊙. Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are found to be ubiquitous in these compact starbursts, suggesting that the triggering mechanism also feeds the central black hole or that the active nucleus triggers star formation.

2001 ◽  
Vol 200 ◽  
pp. 169-180 ◽  
Mark J. McCaughrean

We summarise the results of recent optical and near-infrared imaging studies of the binary fraction among young low-mass stars in the dense Orion Trapezium Cluster. Over the separation range ∼ 30–500 AU and within the observational errors, there appears to be no excess of binary systems in the cluster relative to the main sequence field star population. Over the separation range ∼ 1000–5000 AU, the cluster is deficient in binaries relative to the field. Both results are in contrast to those found for the more distributed population of young stars in the Taurus-Auriga dark clouds, which is overabundant in binaries by roughly a factor of two. We briefly discuss possible origins for this difference and observational tests which may distinguish between them, and the implications these results have for our understanding of the typical environment where most young stars are born.

1987 ◽  
Vol 122 ◽  
pp. 125-126
R. Carballo ◽  
C. Eiroa ◽  
A. Mampaso

We present accurate positions and near infrared photometry (Table I) of 11 point-like objects in the neighbourhood of GGD objects obtained on the 1.55 m and on the 1.23 m in Teide Obs. and Calar Alto Obs. respectively, in Spain. Several of the near infrared sources are directly associated with the GGD nebulae and/or are candidate for their excitation. In addition some of them seem to be the near infrared counterparts of IRAS sources. We believe, on the basis of their infrared excess, far infrared emission (IRAS), association with nebulosity, coincidence with H2O masers or the fact that in most cases the observed luminosities are higher than those expected for main sequence stars, that most of them (9/12) are young stars embedded in the dark clouds which contain the GGD objects. The loci of the detected sources in an (H-K,K-L) infrared two-colour diagram is the same as that obtained for known pre-main sequence stars, such as T Tauris and Herbig Ae-Be stars, indicating the presence of dust shells with temperatures in the range 800–1500 K. The observed range in luminosity, 10–4600 L⊙, added to other different characteristics found between them, such' as the presence, or absence, of H2O masers, indicates the interest for a detailed study of the infrared sources and related GGD nebulae.

2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (S272) ◽  
pp. 366-371
Chien-De Lee ◽  
Wen-Ping Chen

AbstractClassical Be stars, in addition to their emission-line spectra, are associated with infrared excess which is attributable to free-free emission from ionized gas. However, a few with exceptionally large near-infrared excess, namely with J–H, and H–Ks both greater than 0.6 mag—and excess emission extending to mid- and far-infrared wavelengths—must be accounted for by thermal emission from circumstellar dust. Evolved Be stars on the verge of turning off the main sequence may condense dust in their expanding cooling envelopes. The dust particles should be very small in size, hence reprocess starlight efficiently. This is in contrast to Herbig Ae/Be stars for which the copious infrared excess arises from relatively large grains as part of the surplus star-forming materials.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (H15) ◽  
pp. 403-403
Volker Ossenkopf ◽  
Chris W. Ormel ◽  
Robert Simon ◽  
Kefeng Sun ◽  
Jürgen Stutzki

Infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) are potential sites of massive star formation, dark in the near-infrared, but in many cases already with indications of active star-formation from far-infrared and submm observations. They are an ideal test bed to study the role of internal and external heating on the structure of the molecular cloud material.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (S359) ◽  
pp. 17-21
Karín Menéndez-Delmestre ◽  
Laurie Riguccini ◽  
Ezequiel Treister

AbstractThe coexistence of star formation and AGN activity has geared much attention to dusty galaxies at high redshifts, in the interest of understanding the origin of the Magorrian relation observed locally, where the mass of the stellar bulk in a galaxy appears to be tied to the mass of the underlying supermassive black hole. We exploit the combined use of far-infrared (IR) Herschel data and deep Chandra ˜160 ksec depth X-ray imaging of the COSMOS field to probe for AGN signatures in a large sample of >100 Dust-Obscured Galaxies (DOGs). Only a handful (˜20%) present individual X-ray detections pointing to the presence of significant AGN activity, while X-ray stacking analysis on the X-ray undetected DOGs points to a mix between AGN activity and star formation. Together, they are typically found on the main sequence of star-forming galaxies or below it, suggesting that they are either still undergoing significant build up of the stellar bulk or have started quenching. We find only ˜30% (6) Compton-thick AGN candidates (NH > 1024 cm–2), which is the same frequency found within other soft- and hard-X-ray selected AGN populations. This suggests that the large column densities responsible for the obscuration in Compton-thick AGNs must be nuclear and have little to do with the dust obscuration of the host galaxy. We find that DOGs identified to have an AGN share similar near-IR and mid-to-far-IR colors, independently of whether they are individually detected or not in the X-ray. The main difference between the X-ray detected and the X-ray undetected populations appears to be in their redshift distributions, with the X-ray undetected ones being typically found at larger distances. This strongly underlines the critical need for multiwavelength studies in order to obtain a more complete census of the obscured AGN population out to higher redshifts. For more details, we refer the reader to Riguccini et al. (2019).

2018 ◽  
Vol 615 ◽  
pp. A148 ◽  
Francesco Damiani

Context. The low-mass members of OB associations, expected to be a major component of their total population, are in most cases poorly studied because of the difficulty of selecting these faint stars in crowded sky regions. Our knowledge of many OB associations relies on only a relatively small number of massive members. Aims. We study here the Sco OB1 association, with the aim of a better characterization of its properties, such as global size and shape, member clusters and their morphology, age and formation history, and total mass. Methods. We use deep optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry from the VPHAS+ and VVV surveys, over a wide area (2.6° × 2.6°), complemented by Spitzer infrared (IR) data, and Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray data. A new technique is developed to find clusters of pre-main sequence M-type stars using suitable color-color diagrams, complementing existing selection techniques using narrow-band Hα photometry or NIR and ultraviolet (UV) excesses, and X-ray data. Results. We find a large population of approximately 4000 candidate low-mass Sco OB1 members whose spatial properties correlate well with those of Hα-emission, NIR-excess, UV-excess, and X-ray detected members, and unresolved X-ray emission. The low-mass population is spread among several interconnected subgroups: they coincide with the HII regions G345.45+1.50 and IC4628, and the rich clusters NGC 6231 and Trumpler 24, with an additional subcluster intermediate between these two. The total mass of Sco OB1 is estimated to be ~ 8500 M⊙. Indication of a sequence of star-formation events is found, from South (NGC 6231) to North (G345.45+1.50). We suggest that the diluted appearance of Trumpler 24 indicates that the cluster is now dissolving into the field, and that tidal stripping by NGC 6231 nearby contributes to the process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 624 ◽  
pp. A137 ◽  
L. Haemmerlé ◽  
P. Eggenberger ◽  
S. Ekström ◽  
C. Georgy ◽  
G. Meynet ◽  

Grids of stellar models are useful tools to derive the properties of stellar clusters, in particular young clusters hosting massive stars, and to provide information on the star formation process in various mass ranges. Because of their short evolutionary timescale, massive stars end their life while their low-mass siblings are still on the pre-main sequence (pre-MS) phase. Thus the study of young clusters requires consistent consideration of all the phases of stellar evolution. But despite the large number of grids that are available in the literature, a grid accounting for the evolution from the pre-MS accretion phase to the post-MS phase in the whole stellar mass range is still lacking. We build a grid of stellar models at solar metallicity with masses from 0.8 M⊙ to 120 M⊙, including pre-MS phase with accretion. We use the GENEC code to run stellar models on this mass range. The accretion law is chosen to match the observations of pre-MS objects on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. We describe the evolutionary tracks and isochrones of our models. The grid is connected to previous MS and post-MS grids computed with the same numerical method and physical assumptions, which provides the widest grid in mass and age to date.

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