infrared sources
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
Ian M. Baker

Many small animals, including shrews, most rodents and some marsupials, have fur composed of at least four types of hair, all with distinctive and complex anatomy. A ubiquitous and unexplained feature is periodic, internal banding with spacing in the 6–12 µm range that hints at an underlying infrared function. One bristle-like form, called guard hair, has the correct shape and internal periodic patterns to function as an infrared antenna. Optical analysis of guard hair from a wide range of species shows precise tuning to the optimum wavelength for thermal imaging. For heavily predated, nocturnal animals the ability to sense local infrared sources has a clear survival advantage. The tuned antennae, spectral filters and waveguides present in guard hair, all operating at a scale similar to the infrared wavelength, could be a rich source of bio-inspiration in the field of photonics. The tools developed in this work may enable us to understand the other hair types and their evolution.

M. F. Rashman ◽  
I. A. Steele ◽  
S. D. Bates ◽  
J. H. Knapen

AbstractMid-Infrared imaging is vital for the study of a wide variety of astronomical phenomena, including evolved stars, exoplanets, and dust enshrouded processes such as star formation in galaxies. However, infrared detectors have traditionally been expensive and it is difficult to achieve the sensitivity needed to see beyond the overwhelming mid-infrared background. Here we describe the upgrade and commissioning of a simple prototype, low-cost 10 μ m imaging instrument. The system was built using commercially available components including an uncooled microbolometer focal plane array and chopping system. The system was deployed for a week on the 1.52 m Carlos Sanchez Telescope and used to observe several very bright mid-infrared sources with catalogue fluxes down to $\sim 600$ ∼ 600 Jy. We report a sensitivity improvement of $\sim 4$ ∼ 4 mag over our previous unchopped observations, in line with our earlier predictions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 503 (2) ◽  
pp. 2187-2194
Daniel P Cohen ◽  
Jean L Turner ◽  
Sara C Beck ◽  
S Michelle Consiglio

ABSTRACT We report Keck–NIRSPEC observations of the Brackett α 4.05 μm recombination line across the two candidate embedded super star clusters (SSCs) in NGC 1569. These SSCs power a bright H ii region and have been previously detected as radio and mid-infrared sources. Supplemented with high-resolution VLA mapping of the radio continuum along with IRTF–TEXES spectroscopy of the [S iv] 10.5 μm line, the Brackett α data provide new insight into the dynamical state of gas ionized by these forming massive clusters. Near-infrared sources detected in 2 μm images from the slit-viewing Camera are matched with Gaia sources to obtain accurate celestial coordinates and slit positions to within ∼0${_{.}^{\prime\prime}}$1. Br α is detected as a strong emission peak powered by the less luminous infrared source, MIR1 (LIR ∼ 2 × 107 $\rm L_\odot$). The second candidate SSC MIR2 is more luminous (LIR ≳ 4 × 108 $\rm L_\odot$) but exhibits weak radio continuum and Br α emission, suggesting the ionized gas is extremely dense (ne ≳ 105 cm−3), corresponding to hypercompact H ii regions around newborn massive stars. The Br α and [S iv] lines across the region are both remarkably symmetric and extremely narrow, with observed line widths Δv ≃ 40 $\rm km\, s^{-1}$, full width at half-maximum. This result is the first clear evidence that feedback from NGC 1569’s youngest giant clusters is currently incapable of rapid gas dispersal, consistent with the emerging theoretical paradigm in the formation of giant star clusters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 014
Ying-Hua Yue ◽  
Sheng-Li Qin ◽  
Tie Liu ◽  
Meng-Yao Tang ◽  
Yuefang Wu ◽  

T. A. Movsessian ◽  
T. Yu. Magakyan ◽  
S. N. Dodonov ◽  
H. R. Andreasyan

We present new results obtained in frames of the Byurakan Narrow Band Imaging Survey (BNBIS). Observations were carried out with upgraded 1 m Schmidt telescope of Byurakan Observatory. Main task of this survey is to search and to study the new Herbig-Haro objects and collimated outflows using narrow-band Hα and [S ii] images of some fields in dark clouds of Galaxy. And, because, Herbig-Haro objects are the main indicators of active starformation processes to fined regions where going on active starformation processes. Main targets of this survey are R associations, young stellar objects associated with compact reflection nebulae, but here we will mainly focused on deeply embedded infrared sources in molecular clouds. During this survey we plan to significantly expand the list of HH objects by using the high quantum efficiency of the system and the telescopes high focal ratio (F/2), which allows detecting low surface brightness objects as well as large field of view of Schmidt telescope.

2020 ◽  
Vol 500 (3) ◽  
pp. 4078-4094
Seong Jin Kim ◽  
Nagisa Oi ◽  
Tomotsugu Goto ◽  
Hiroyuki Ikeda ◽  
Simon C-C Ho ◽  

ABSTRACT The North Ecliptic Pole field is a natural deep-field location for many satellite observations. It has been targeted many times since it was surveyed by the AKARI space telescope with its unique wavelength coverage from the near- to mid-infrared (mid-IR). Many follow-up observations have been carried out, making this field one of the most frequently observed areas with a variety of facilities, accumulating abundant panchromatic data from the X-ray to the radio wavelength range. Recently, a deep optical survey with the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) at the Subaru telescope covered the NEP-Wide (NEPW) field, which enabled us to identify faint sources in the near- and mid-IR bands, and to improve the photometric redshift (photo-z) estimation. In this work, we present newly identified AKARI sources by the HSC survey, along with multiband photometry for 91 861 AKARI sources observed over the NEPW field. We release a new band-merged catalogue combining various photometric data from the GALEX UV to submillimetre (sub-mm) bands (e.g. Herschel/SPIRE, JCMT/SCUBA-2). About ∼20 000 AKARI sources are newly matched to the HSC data, most of which seem to be faint galaxies in the near- to mid-infrared AKARI bands. This catalogue is motivating a variety of current research, and will be increasingly useful as recently launched (eROSITA/ART-XC) and future space missions (such as JWST, Euclid, and SPHEREx) plan to take deep observations in the NEP field.

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