The spectra of Fredholm operators in locally convex spaces

1964 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 801-806 ◽  
P. A. Olagunju ◽  
T. T. West

1. Notation and definitions. In this paper necessary and sufficient conditions are found for the spectrum of a Fredholm operator in a locally convex space (always taken to be Hausdorff) to lie on the non-negative real axis of the complex plane. Some results of Grothendieck(2) allow us to obtain the results in this general form; an interesting special case is the trace-class of operators in a general Banach space. We also deal with the case of Hilbert–Schmidt operators in a Hilbert space.

1982 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 406-410 ◽  
Waleed Deeb

Introduction. Let f be a modulus, ei = (δij) and E = {ei, i = 1, 2, …}. The L(f) spaces were created (to the best of our knowledge) by W. Ruckle in [2] in order to construct an example to answer a question of A. Wilansky. It turned out that these spaces are interesting spaces. For example lp, 0 < p ≦ 1 is an L(f) space with f(x) = xp, and every FK space contains an L(f) space [2]. A natural question is: For which f is L(f) a locally convex space? It is known that L(f) ⊆ l1, for all f modulus (see [2]), and l1 is the smallest locally convex FK space in which E is bounded (see [1]). Thus the question becomes: For which f does L(f) equal l1? In this paper we characterize such f. (An FK space need not be locally convex here.) We also characterize those f for which L(f) contains a convex ball. The final result of this paper is to show that if f satisfies f(x · y) ≦ f(x) · f(y) and L(f) ≠ l1 then L(f) contains no infinite dimensional subspace isomorphic to a Banach space.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (03) ◽  
pp. 1650049 ◽  
Piyush Shroff ◽  
Sarah Witherspoon

We examine PBW deformations of finite group extensions of quantum symmetric algebras, in particular the quantum Drinfeld orbifold algebras defined by the first author. We give a homological interpretation, in terms of Gerstenhaber brackets, of the necessary and sufficient conditions on parameter functions to define a quantum Drinfeld orbifold algebra, thus clarifying the conditions. In case the acting group is trivial, we determine conditions under which such a PBW deformation is a generalized enveloping algebra of a color Lie algebra; our PBW deformations include these algebras as a special case.

1972 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 451-456 ◽  
Lennart Råde

This paper discusses the response process when a Poisson process interacts with a renewal process in such a way that one or more points of the Poisson process eliminate a random number of consecutive points of the renewal process. A queuing situation is devised such that the c.d.f. of the length of the busy period is the same as the c.d.f. of the length of time intervals of the renewal response process. The Laplace-Stieltjes transform is obtained and from this the expectation of the time intervals of the response process is derived. For a special case necessary and sufficient conditions for the response process to be a Poisson process are found.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 380-395
Jiramate Punpim ◽  
Somphong Jitman

Triangular numbers have been of interest and continuously studied due to their beautiful representations, nice properties, and various links with other figurate numbers. For positive integers n and l, the nth l-isosceles triangular number is a generalization of triangular numbers defined to be the arithmetic sum of the formT(n, l) = 1 + (1 + l) + (1 + 2l) + · · · + (1 + (n − 1)l).In this paper, we focus on characterizations and identities for isosceles triangular numbers as well as their links with other figurate numbers. Recursive formulas for constructions of isosceles triangular numbers are given together with necessary and sufficient conditions for a positive integer to be a sum of isosceles triangular  numbers. Various identities for isosceles triangular numbers are established. Results on triangular numbers can be viewed as a special case.

1970 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-307 ◽  
Melvin Band

Let F be a local field with ring of integers and unique prime ideal (p). Suppose that V a finite-dimensional regular quadratic space over F, W and W′ are two isometric subspaces of V (i.e. τ: W → W′ is an isometry from W to W′). By the well-known Witt's Theorem, τ can always be extended to an isometry σ ∈ O(V).The integral analogue of this theorem has been solved over non-dyadic local fields by James and Rosenzweig [2], over the 2-adic fields by Trojan [4], and partially over the dyadics by Hsia [1], all for the special case that W is a line. In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions that two arbitrary dimensional subspaces W and W′ are integrally equivalent over non-dyadic local fields.

1990 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-78 ◽  
Werner J. Ricker

The notion of a closed vector measure m, due to I. Kluv´;nek, is by now well established. Its importance stems from the fact that if the locally convex space X in which m assumes its values is sequentially complete, then m is closed if and only if its L1-space is complete for the topology of uniform convergence of indefinite integrals. However, there are important examples of X-valued measures where X is not sequentially complete. Sufficient conditions guaranteeing the completeness of L1(m) for closed X-valued measures m are presented without the requirement that X be sequentially complete.

1975 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 1110-1113 ◽  
Paul M. Gauthier ◽  
Lee A. Rubel

Let E be a separable Fréchet space, and let E* be its topological dual space. We recall that a Fréchet space is, by definition, a complete metrizable locally convex topological vector space. A sequence {Ln} of continuous linear functional is said to be interpolating if for every sequence {An} of complex numbers, there exists an ƒ ∈ E such that Ln(ƒ) = An for n = 1, 2, 3, … . In this paper, we give necessary and sufficient conditions that {Ln} be an interpolating sequence. They are different from the conditions in [2] and don't seem to be easily interderivable with them.

Ibrahim Al-Dayel ◽  
Ahmad Al Khalaf

A group [Formula: see text] has the Basis Property if every subgroup [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] has an equivalent basis (minimal generating set). We studied a special case of the finite group with the Basis Property, when [Formula: see text]-group [Formula: see text] is an abelian group. We found the necessary and sufficient conditions on an abelian [Formula: see text]-group [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] with the Basis Property to be kernel of Frobenius group.

1984 ◽  
Vol 96 (2) ◽  
pp. 321-323 ◽  
Jan H. Fourie ◽  
William H. Ruckle

AbstractLet E, F be Hausdorff locally convex spaces. In this note we consider conditions on E and F such that the dual space of the space Kb (E, F) (of quasi-compact operators) is a complemented subspace of the dual space of Lb (E, F) (of continuous linear operators). We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for Lb(E, F) to be semi-reflexive.

2008 ◽  
Vol 40 (04) ◽  
pp. 1198-1222
Donatas Surgailis

We introduce a modification of the linear ARCH (LARCH) model (Giraitis, Robinson, and Surgailis (2000)) - a special case of Sentana's (1995) quadratic ARCH (QARCH) model - for which the conditional variance is a sum of a positive constant and the square of an inhomogeneous linear combination of past observations. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a stationary solution with finite variance are obtained. We give conditions under which the stationary solution with infinite fourth moment can exhibit long memory, the leverage effect, and a Lévy-stable limit behavior of partial sums of squares.

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