The spectra of Fredholm operators in locally convex spaces
1964 ◽
Vol 60
pp. 801-806
1. Notation and definitions. In this paper necessary and sufficient conditions are found for the spectrum of a Fredholm operator in a locally convex space (always taken to be Hausdorff) to lie on the non-negative real axis of the complex plane. Some results of Grothendieck(2) allow us to obtain the results in this general form; an interesting special case is the trace-class of operators in a general Banach space. We also deal with the case of Hilbert–Schmidt operators in a Hilbert space.
1982 ◽
Vol 34
pp. 406-410
2016 ◽
Vol 15
pp. 1650049
2021 ◽
Vol 14
pp. 380-395
1970 ◽
Vol 22
pp. 297-307
1990 ◽
Vol 33
pp. 71-78
1975 ◽
Vol 27
pp. 1110-1113
1984 ◽
Vol 96
pp. 321-323