Physical Factors in the Thromboplastic Activity of Phospholipids

1967 ◽  
Vol 17 (03/04) ◽  
pp. 495-507 ◽  
F Gobbi ◽  
U Barbieri ◽  
E Ascari

SummaryCephalin suspensions lose their thromboplastic activity when incubated with Tween or with sodium deoxycholate. This effect is proportional to the concentration of the surface-active substance, and to the length of its incubation with the phospholipids.The disappearance of the thromboplastic activity of cephalin treated with surface-tension lowering substances is due to the increased dispersion of the suspensions, as demonstrated by the decrease of their optical density. The activity of sodium deoxycholate is faster than that of Tween.The impaired thromboplastin formation in the presence of phospholipids treated with Tween or with sodium deoxycholate is not due to the formation of inhibitors.Cephalin incubated with surface-tension lowering substances and recovered by ultracentrifugation does not show any thromboplastic activity.Electron-microscopic studies show that incubation with surface-active substances causes the demolition of the structure of phospholipid-particle, on which the thromboplastic activity seems to depend.The size of the particles and the electric surface-charge seem to be among the main factors responsible for the thromboplastic activity of phospholipids.

1962 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 324-330
Mary Ellen Avery

The alveoli of the normal lung are lined by a substance which exerts surface tension at the air-liquid interface. In the expanded lung the tension is high and operates to increase the elastic recoil of the lung. In the lung at low volumes the surface tension becomes extremely low. This confers stability on the airspaces and thus prevents atelectasis. This lining layer is a lipoprotein film, which is not found where alveoli are still lined by cuboidal epithelium. Its time of appearance coincides with the appearance of alveolar lining cells. Electron microscopic evidence of secretory activity in alveolar cells suggests that they may be the source of the surface-active film. The normal alveolar lining layer is not present in lungs of infants who die from profound atelectasis and hyaline membrane disease. Whether its absence is a failure of development or due to inactivation is not established.

The spiracular gill is a pupal structure, but it is the chief respiratory organ of the adult of Taphrophila before the pupal cuticle is shed. At the pupa-adult moult, the epidermis and blood in the spiracular gill are completely isolated from the living insect by two cuticles between which is the moulting fluid. A few hours after the isolation of the tissue, the epidermis of most parts of the gill begins to dissociate, the cells become rounded, separate away from the cuticle and from one another, and in due course form loose clumps usually far from the gill walls. The tissue isolated in the gill repairs cuts and tears in the gill walls with a tanned cuticle. At 16 to 18° C the competence of the isolated tissue to repair damage to the gill walls lasts about 14 days. The tissue is isolated 8 to 9 days before the emergence of the adult, and it repairs the gill up to 5 days after the insect has shed it and flown away. The isolated tissue tolerates complete dehydration and high temperatures. In water the isolated tissue of gills previously dried for 70 days over phosphorus pentoxide and heated when dry to 103° C for 2 h, or to 130° C for 30 min, successfully repaired wounds. The epidermis of the adult and larva of Taphrophila also repairs wounds after complete dehydration. The epidermis of other insects is shown to exhibit a similar tolerance to dehydration even when no such tolerance is shown by the insect: the epidermis of some insects that are killed when they lose about 20% of their moisture content will repair wounds after complete dehydration if dried rapidly. The gill of Taphrophila has a plastron that is not wetted at pressures below about 0⋅3 atm above normal pressure, and it is only wetted by surface active substances that reduce the surface tension to about 25 dyn/cm. Apart from its plastron, the gill is not an effective respiratory organ. The gill walls are not rigid. In water, the internal pressure maintains turgidity and maximum surface area necessary for the efficient functioning of the plastron. The internal pressure of intact and unscarred gills is 4⋅3 atm. When the gill is torn or cut open, blood and cells spurt out and there is an immediate equilization of internal and hydrostatic pressures. A clot is rapidly formed at the site of the injury. The increase in the mechanical strength of the clot outpaces the increase in the internal pressure brought about by water that diffuses into the gill. In a number of other Tipulidae beside Taphrophila blood and epiderm is are isolated in the respiratory horn or the spiracular gill at the pupa-adult moult. In some of these, such as the species of Lipsothrix , the epidermis does not dissociate nor separate from the cuticle but becomes syncytial and remains closely attached to the cuticle.


Regularities of akyltrimethylammoniachloride sorption abstraction from water solutions with hydrolytic lignin have been studied. Two characteristic pH areas of a cation surface-active substance concentration different in the nature of sorbate/sorbent interaction have been singled out. In the acid medium the sorbate’s adsorption by hydrolytic lignin takes place due to physical adsorption. In the subacid and alkaline medium the sorbate/sorbent interaction occurs due to chemical adsorption.

1998 ◽  
Vol 102 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 234-236
Alan H. Jobe

The alveoli of the normal lung are lined by a substance that exerts surface tension at the air–liquid interface. In the expanded lung, the tension is high and operates to increase the elastic recoil of the lung. In the lung at low volumes, the surface tension becomes extremely low. This confers stability on the air spaces and thus prevents atelectasis. This lining layer is a lipoprotein film, which is not found where alveoli still are lined by cuboidal epithelium. Its appearance coincides with the appearance of alveolar lining cells. Electron microscopic evidence of secretory activity in alveolar cells suggests that they may be the source of the surface-active film. The normal alveolar lining layer is not present in lungs of infants who die from profound atelectasis and hyaline membrane disease. Whether its absence is a failure of development or attributable to inactivation is not established.

1981 ◽  
Vol 89 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-316 ◽  
Michael D. Maves ◽  
Gajanan S. Patil ◽  
David J. Lim

An attempt to describe the nature of the surface-active substances of the eustachian tube lining layer that influence normal tubal function was undertaken. Under sterile conditions, guinea pig tubotympanic washings were collected, centrifuged, and pooled. Analysis of the pooled lavages using standard surface chemistry techniques confirmed the presence of significant surface-tension-lowering activity in the mucous lining layer of the eustachian tube, but the surface pressure obtained is neither as great nor displays the same degree of hysteresis as pulmonary surfactant. Following separation into aqueous and lipid fractions, measurable amounts of surface activity can be found in both isolates. The chemical composition and concentration of the lipid fraction, and its relative contribution to the surface activity of the tubotympanic washings, however, is smaller and radically different from the phospholipids found in surfactant. A significantly higher concentration of protein was recovered in comparison with the lipid portion, and it was observed that the surface activity of the total washings and the aqueous phase bore remarkable similarities. Although the surface-tension-lowering properties of the tubal lining layer may be the consequence of a combined synergistic action of the lipid and protein moieties, we believe that the current evidence points toward the proteins as being the primary tubal surface-tension-lowering substances.

1926 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-193 ◽  
C. M. Wilhelmj ◽  
Moyer S. Fleisher

1. Following thyroidectomy in guinea pigs, there is a gradual elevation of the surface tension of the blood plasma which reaches its height in from 19 to 22 days after operation. This elevation is probably permanent, since we have found it to persist for as long as 120 days. 2. In our experiments, we found a few thyroidectomized animals in which the surface tension of the plasma was still within normal limits 24 and 120 days after operation. We suggest that these exceptions are due to three possible factors: (1) incomplete thyroidectomy; (2) presence of accessory thyroid tissue; (3) compensatory activity on the part of other organs. 3. The surface tension of the plasma from operated animals is higher than that from controls in both the initial and 20 minute determinations, but the difference is greater at the 20 minute period. 4. The time-drop (difference between the initial and 20 minute determinations) is somewhat greater in the plasma from normal than in that from operated animals. 5. It is suggested that these changes are due to a decrease in the amount of certain normally occurring surface-active substances, the production of which is directly or indirectly dependent upon the thyroid gland.

1922 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-134 ◽  
P. Lecomte du Noüy

1. The equilibrium of the serum corresponding to its normal minimal surface tension is as stable and difficult to break, under ordinary conditions, as the osmotic tension equilibrium. The addition of a strong surface-active substance (sodium oleate, glycocholate, or taurocholate), will not lower it definitely, unless the substance is present in large amounts and in solution. After the first rapid drop has occurred, a process of recovery takes place, which brings back the normal surface tension in a short time (from 2 to 6 minutes in the case of pure serum). As a drop in the surface tension of the serum of animals may be very injurious to the red cells, this process of recovery is a normal one of defense in all cases in which surface-active substances (bile) are set free in the blood. 2. When diluted, the serum shows the same phenomenon to a smaller extent; the time of recovery is very much longer and the final surface tension is always lower than the original value. At a dilution of 1/10,000, no recovery takes place, the dilution being too high to overcome the lowering action of 1/10,000 of sodium oleate. 3. The recovery is stronger when the surface-active substance is added powdered or in a highly concentrated solution, and not stirred. 4. The recovery does not seem to be inversely proportional to the concentration of sodium oleate, when added superficially. Doubling the concentration at 1/2,000, for example, gives the same curve of recovery. This happens under certain conditions; namely, when the liquid is not stirred after the addition of sodium oleate. 5. This recovery is due to a purely physical phenomenon, namely adsorption, and is not specific for the serum. Other colloidal solutions, such as gum arabic, egg albumin, gelatin, and silver and gold sols, show it, only to a smaller degree. The process of recovery follows a logarithmic law in all cases, expressed by an equation of the form See PDF for Equation 6. Temperature affects this phenomenon. At first it enhances it, but finally decreases it. This would seem to connect the loss of the property of the serum known as complement in a serum with a modification of the physical properties of this serum. This phenomenon is being investigated further.

2018 ◽  
Vol 931 ◽  
pp. 548-551
Dena K.S. Bataev ◽  
Minkail A. Gaziev ◽  
Adam Kh. Mazhiev ◽  
Aslan Kh. Mazhiev

The article is devoted to the effect of surface-active substances on the interface of phases. The hydrophobization and hydrophilization of surfactants, their role in building composites are considered. The dependence of the surface tension on temperature, the dependence of the density on the temperature of various kinds of additives for concrete, is given.

Viktor Kosolapov

Formation of an adsorption surface layer on microneralities of friction surfaces. The model of interaction of the molecule of surface-active substance with the microasperity of friction surface has been given. It has been found that the distance of interaction and the thickness of an adsorbed layer of surface-active substances depend on value of a field of an adsorbing surface and energy of thermal oscillations of molecules of surface-active. It has been shown that the distance of interaction and the thickness of an adsorbed layer of surface-active substances decrease at magnification of temperature of working liquid.

О. Я. Семешко ◽  
Н. С. Скалозубова ◽  
Т. С. Асаулюк ◽  
Ю. Г. Сарібєкова ◽  
С. А. Мясников

Analysis of the mechanism of action of surfactants in the conditions of washing cotton knitted fabrics, the establishment of surfactants for functional purposes, which should be part of the composition, and the study of changes in the surface tension of solutions of surfactants of various classes designed to create a composition for the preparation of cotton knitted fabrics. Determination of the surface tension of solutions of surfactants of different concentrations was carried out by the method of detachment of the ring, using the Du-Nui method. The paper presents the results of the analysis of the mechanism of action of surfactants in the conditions of washing cotton knitted fabrics, it is established what properties the constituents of the composition should possess and the surfactants that contribute to the maximum reduction in the surface tension of their solutions are determined. Scientifically substantiated the principles of creating surfactants compositions for the scouring of cotton knitted fabric on the basis of an analysis of the mechanism of their action and found that the wetting and washing abilities of surfactants are the determinants; the isothermal dependences of the surface tension of solutions of surfactants of various classes are first obtained. Surface-active substances and their concentrations are established, which ensure low surface tension of solutions.

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