Temporal and spatial characteristics of forest fires in South Korea between 1970 and 2003

2006 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 389 ◽  
Byungdoo Lee ◽  
Pil Sun Park ◽  
Joosang Chung

Information on the temporal and spatial patterns of forest fires can contribute to efficient forest fire management. To evaluate the readjustment of forest fire precautionary periods and to provide information for forest fire prevention and suppression strategies, the temporal and spatial characteristics of forest fire occurrences and spread in Korea were analysed using statistics from 1970 to 2003. Monthly forest fire occurrences and burned area were examined using time-series analysis, and F-tests were conducted among forest fire occurrences, burned area, and fire area growth rate to understand monthly forest fire characteristics. To understand the spatial characteristics of forest fires, cities and counties with similar forest fire characteristics were grouped based on cluster analysis of forest fire occurrences and spread characteristics. A seasonal exponential smoothing model was selected for forest fire occurrences and burned area. The number of mean annual forest fire occurrences was 429, and mean annual burned area was 2908 ha year–1 in Korea. The seasonal differences in forest fire characteristics were clearly distinguished, with 61% of total forest fire occurrences and 90% of total burned area being in March and April. Forest fire precautionary periods are suggested based on forest fire occurrence patterns. A total of 226 cities and counties throughout the country were classified into three groups. Group 1, which had frequent forest fire occurrences with smaller burned areas and slower fire growth area rates, was distributed in the western part of Korea and metropolitan regions. Group 3, which had a relatively small number of forest fire occurrences but larger burned areas and fast growth rates, was located in the central inland region and the eastern part of the Taeback Mountain Range. Group 2 had characteristics intermediate between those of group 1 and group 3.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 432
Aru Han ◽  
Song Qing ◽  
Yongbin Bao ◽  
Li Na ◽  
Yuhai Bao ◽  

An important component in improving the quality of forests is to study the interference intensity of forest fires, in order to describe the intensity of the forest fire and the vegetation recovery, and to improve the monitoring ability of the dynamic change of the forest. Using a forest fire event in Bilahe, Inner Monglia in 2017 as a case study, this study extracted the burned area based on the BAIS2 index of Sentinel-2 data for 2016–2018. The leaf area index (LAI) and fractional vegetation cover (FVC), which are more suitable for monitoring vegetation dynamic changes of a burned area, were calculated by comparing the biophysical and spectral indices. The results showed that patterns of change of LAI and FVC of various land cover types were similar post-fire. The LAI and FVC of forest and grassland were high during the pre-fire and post-fire years. During the fire year, from the fire month (May) through the next 4 months (September), the order of areas of different fire severity in terms of values of LAI and FVC was: low > moderate > high severity. During the post fire year, LAI and FVC increased rapidly in areas of different fire severity, and the ranking of areas of different fire severity in terms of values LAI and FVC was consistent with the trend observed during the pre-fire year. The results of this study can improve the understanding of the mechanisms involved in post-fire vegetation change. By using quantitative inversion, the health trajectory of the ecosystem can be rapidly determined, and therefore this method can play an irreplaceable role in the realization of sustainable development in the study area. Therefore, it is of great scientific significance to quantitatively retrieve vegetation variables by remote sensing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-2 ◽  
Min Cao ◽  
Mengxue Huang

<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The development of the sharing economy has provided an important realization path for urban’s green and healthy development, and has also accelerated the speed of urban development. With the constant capital pouring into the public transport field, dock-less shared bicycle is a relatively new form of transport in urban areas, and it provides a bikesharing service to fulfil urban short trips. Dock-less shared bicycle, with a characteristic of riding and stopping anywhere, has successfully solved the last mile travel problem. Recently, studies focus on the on the temporal spatial characteristics of public bicycle based on public bicycle operation data. However, there are few studies on the identification of riding patterns based on the characteristics of temporal and spatial behavior of residents. In addition, researches have been conducted on public bicycles administered by the government, and the dock-less shared bicycle have different characteristics from public bicycles in terms of scale of use and mode of use. This paper aims to analyze the temporal and spatial characteristics of residents using shared bicycles, and attempts to explore the characteristics of the riding modes of the dock-less shared bicycles.</p><p>Mobike sharing bicycle dataset of Beijing city were obtained for the research and this dataset contains a wealth of attributes with cover of 396600 shared bicycle users and 485500 riding records from May 10 to May 25 in 2017. Additionally, 19 types of POI (Point of Interest) data were also obtained through the API of Baidu Maps. To examine the patterns of shared bicycle trips, these POI data are categorized into five types including residential, commercial, institution, recreation and transport. Spatiotemporal analysis method, correlation analysis methods and kernel density methods were used to analyse the temporal and spatial characteristics of shared bicycle trips, revealing the time curve and spatial hotspot distribution area of shared bikes. Furthermore, a new matrix of riding pattern based on POI was proposed to identify the riding patterns during massive sharing bicycle dataset.</p><p>This paper aims to explore the riding behaviour of shared bicycles, and the research results are as follows:</p><p>(1) Temporal characteristics of riding behaviour</p><p>The use of the Mobike bicycles is significantly different on weekdays and weekends (Figure1). Figure 2 clearly shows a morning peak (7&amp;ndash;9&amp;thinsp;h) and evening peak (17&amp;ndash;19&amp;thinsp;h), corresponding with typical commute time. At noon, some users' dining activities triggered a certain close-distance riding behavior, which formed a noon peak. Different from the riding characteristics of the working days, there are many recreational and leisure riding behaviors on the weekends. The distribution of riding time is more balanced, and there is no obvious morning and evening peak phenomenon.</p><p>(2) Spatial characteristics of riding behavior</p><p> The spatial distribution of riding behaviour varies with different roads (Figure 2) and people prefer to choose trunk roads for cycling trips. Spatial hotpot detecting method based on the kernel density is applied to identify the active degree of bike sharing trip during a whole weekday (Figure 3). The red colour represents a high active degree and the green and blue colour means the low degree. Note that almost no riding occurred in the early hours of the morning and late at night. The characteristics of three riding peaks are obvious in the figure. A large number of travels occurred in Second Ring to Fourth Ring Road, and some travel activities were concentrated near traffic sites.</p><p>(3) Patterns of riding behavior</p><p> Different riding patterns happens in different space and change over the time at two scales of day and hour. During morning peak and evening peak on weekdays, more than 60 percent of riding trips are corresponding with typical commuting activities. The observed commuting pattern of morning peak (Figure 4(a) and (b)) implies that the majority of shared bicycle trips might relate to home, transports, commercial area and some institution. For example, students choose shared bicycles to do some school activities, people prefer to use shared bicycles as a connection tool to bus station and metro stops and people handle daily affairs in some government agencies. However, a large part of the shared bicycle trips on weekends shows the characteristics of non-commuting riding pattern, which means more leisure activities take place at weekends (Figure 4(c) and (d)). Non-commuting pattern of riding behavior mainly occurs among residential areas, metro stops, bus stations and recreational facilities, such as parks, playgrounds, etc.</p>

Iwona Doroniewicz ◽  
Daniel Ledwoń ◽  
Monika Bugdol ◽  
Katarzyna Kieszczyńska ◽  
Alicja Affanasowicz ◽  

Abstract Background: The assessment of spontaneous activity of infants is of fundamental importance to the diagnosis and prediction of abnormal psychomotor development in children. Comprehensive and early diagnosis allows for quick and effective treatment and therapy. Subjective methods are based on the knowledge and experience of the diagnostician. The lack of objective methods to assess the motor development of infants makes it necessary to search for solutions for reliable, credible, and reproducible assessment expressed in numerical or pictorial terms. This study discusses the possibilities of pictorial standardization and optimization of measurable infant behavior based on video recordings. Methods: The authors attempt to perform computer analysis of spontaneous movements depending on the left, right, and front head position. The study was based on data of 26 healthy infants aged 7 to 15 weeks, with three infants included in an in-depth analysis. The selected films represented the input data for the parameters used as the author's temporal and spatial characteristics describing the global movements of the upper and lower limbs. The obtained videos were used as the input data for the algorithm of automatic detection of characteristic points using the OpenPose library. Results: The following movement characteristics were analysed: Factor of Movement's Area (FMA) ("amount of movement in the movement"), Factor of Movement's Shape (FMS) ("circularity” or "ellipticity" of the movement), Center of Movement's Area (CMA) ("inward and outward" and "up and down" movements). Preliminary analysis of the videos showed that the activity of the limbs, especially the upper limbs, may depend on the position of the head.Conclusions: The movement behavior of the infants varies in terms of the range and quality of movement, depending on age and head position.

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