A note on the comparison between total ozone from Oslo CTM2 and SBUV satellite data

2011 ◽  
Vol 32 (9) ◽  
pp. 2535-2545 ◽  
K. Eleftheratos ◽  
C. S. Zerefos ◽  
E. Gerasopoulos ◽  
I. S. A. Isaksen ◽  
B. Rognerud ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 1594
Songkang Kim ◽  
Sang-Jong Park ◽  
Hana Lee ◽  
Dha Hyun Ahn ◽  
Yeonjin Jung ◽  

The ground-based ozone observation instrument, Brewer spectrophotometer (Brewer), was used to evaluate the quality of the total ozone column (TOC) produced by multiple polar-orbit satellite measurements at three stations in Antarctica (King Sejong, Jang Bogo, and Zhongshan stations). While all satellite TOCs showed high correlations with Brewer TOCs (R = ~0.8 to 0.9), there are some TOC differences among satellite data in austral spring, which is mainly attributed to the bias of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) TOC. The quality of satellite TOCs is consistent between Level 2 and 3 data, implying that “which satellite TOC is used” can induce larger uncertainty than “which spatial resolution is used” for the investigation of the Antarctic TOC pattern. Additionally, the quality of satellite TOC is regionally different (e.g., OMI TOC is a little higher at the King Sejong station, but lower at the Zhongshan station than the Brewer TOC). Thus, it seems necessary to consider the difference of multiple satellite data for better assessing the spatiotemporal pattern of Antarctic TOC.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 987-1011
Kostas Eleftheratos ◽  
Christos S. Zerefos ◽  
Dimitris S. Balis ◽  
Maria-Elissavet Koukouli ◽  
John Kapsomenakis ◽  

Abstract. In this work we present evidence that quasi-cyclical perturbations in total ozone (quasi-biennial oscillation – QBO, El Niño–Southern Oscillation – ENSO, and North Atlantic Oscillation – NAO) can be used as independent proxies in evaluating Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) 2 aboard MetOp A (GOME-2A) satellite total ozone data, using ground-based (GB) measurements, other satellite data, and chemical transport model calculations. The analysis is performed in the frame of the validation strategy on longer time scales within the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) Satellite Application Facility on Atmospheric Composition Monitoring (AC SAF) project, covering the period 2007–2016. Comparison of GOME-2A total ozone with ground observations shows mean differences of about -0.7±1.4 % in the tropics (0–30∘), about +0.1±2.1 % in the mid-latitudes (30–60∘), and about +2.5±3.2 % and 0.0±4.3 % over the northern and southern high latitudes (60–80∘), respectively. In general, we find that GOME-2A total ozone data depict the QBO–ENSO–NAO natural fluctuations in concurrence with the co-located solar backscatter ultraviolet radiometer (SBUV), GOME-type Total Ozone Essential Climate Variable (GTO-ECV; composed of total ozone observations from GOME, SCIAMACHY – SCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY, GOME-2A, and OMI – ozone monitoring instrument, combined into one homogeneous time series), and ground-based observations. Total ozone from GOME-2A is well correlated with the QBO (highest correlation in the tropics of +0.8) in agreement with SBUV, GTO-ECV, and GB data which also give the highest correlation in the tropics. The differences between deseazonalized GOME-2A and GB total ozone in the tropics are within ±1 %. These differences were tested further as to their correlations with the QBO. The differences had practically no QBO signal, providing an independent test of the stability of the long-term variability of the satellite data. Correlations between GOME-2A total ozone and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) were studied over the tropical Pacific Ocean after removing seasonal, QBO, and solar-cycle-related variability. Correlations between ozone and the SOI are on the order of +0.5, consistent with SBUV and GB observations. Differences between GOME-2A and GB measurements at the station of Samoa (American Samoa; 14.25∘ S, 170.6∘ W) are within ±1.9 %. We also studied the impact of the NAO on total ozone in the northern mid-latitudes in winter. We find very good agreement between GOME-2A and GB observations over Canada and Europe as to their NAO-related variability, with mean differences reaching the ±1 % levels. The agreement and small differences which were found between the independently produced total ozone datasets as to the influence of the QBO, ENSO, and NAO show the importance of these climatological proxies as additional tool for monitoring the long-term stability of satellite–ground-truth biases.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 3021-3035 ◽  
R. J. van der A ◽  
M. A. F. Allaart ◽  
H. J. Eskes

Abstract. The ozone multi-sensor reanalysis (MSR) is a multi-decadal ozone column data record constructed using all available ozone column satellite data sets, surface Brewer and Dobson observations and a data assimilation technique with detailed error modelling. The result is a high-resolution time series of 6-hourly global ozone column fields and forecast error fields that may be used for ozone trend analyses as well as detailed case studies. The ozone MSR is produced in two steps. First, the latest reprocessed versions of all available ozone column satellite data sets are collected and then are corrected for biases as a function of solar zenith angle (SZA), viewing zenith angle (VZA), time (trend), and stratospheric temperature using surface observations of the ozone column from Brewer and Dobson spectrophotometers from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre (WOUDC). Subsequently the de-biased satellite observations are assimilated within the ozone chemistry and data assimilation model TMDAM. The MSR2 (MSR version 2) reanalysis upgrade described in this paper consists of an ozone record for the 43-year period 1970–2012. The chemistry transport model and data assimilation system have been adapted to improve the resolution, error modelling and processing speed. Backscatter ultraviolet (BUV) satellite observations have been included for the period 1970–1977. The total record is extended by 13 years compared to the first version of the ozone multi sensor reanalysis, the MSR1. The latest total ozone retrievals of 15 satellite instruments are used: BUV-Nimbus4, TOMS-Nimbus7, TOMS-EP, SBUV-7, -9, -11, -14, -16, -17, -18, -19, GOME, SCIAMACHY, OMI and GOME-2. The resolution of the model runs, assimilation and output is increased from 2° × 3° to 1° × 1°. The analysis is driven by 3-hourly meteorology from the ERA-Interim reanalysis of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) starting from 1979, and ERA-40 before that date. The chemistry parameterization has been updated. The performance of the MSR2 analysis is studied with the help of observation-minus-forecast (OmF) departures from the data assimilation, by comparisons with the individual station observations and with ozone sondes. The OmF statistics show that the mean bias of the MSR2 analyses is less than 1 % with respect to de-biased satellite observations after 1979.

2017 ◽  
Peter Hrabčák

Abstract. Atmospheric ozone along with aerosols significantly affect the amount of ultraviolet solar radiation that reaches on the Earth's surface. Presented study is focused on the comparison of the optical depth of total ozone and atmospheric aerosols in the area of Poprad-Gánovce situated at the altitude of 706 meters above sea level, close to the highest peak of the Carpathian Mountains. Measurements of direct sun ultraviolet radiation are carried out here continuously since 1994 using the Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer type MK IV. These measurements are used to calculate the total amount of atmospheric ozone and consequently its optical depth. Measurements can also be used to determine the optical depth of atmospheric aerosols using the Langley plot method. In this study, those two factors causing a significant reduction in the direct sun ultraviolet radiation to the Earth's surface are compared to each other. The study is showing results of measurements over 23 years, since 1994 to 2016. Values of optical depth are determined for wavelengths 306.3 nm, 310.1 nm, 313.5 nm, 316.8 nm and 320.1 nm. A statistically significant decrease in the total optical depth of the atmosphere was observed for all investigated wavelengths. Its main cause is the decrease of optical depth of aerosols. The study also presents comparison of the terrestrial and satellite data of total ozone and AOD. A very good match of satellite and terrestrial direct sun measurements of total ozone was found. The use of zenith sky measurements in combination with the direct sun measurements leads to the systematically higher values of total ozone. Comparison of the satellite and terrestrial AOD measurements in the UV range of the solar spectrum is mainly limited by the very low number of days for which AOD can be determined for satellite measurements. It has been found that AOD satellite data is higher than terrestrial in the long-term average.

2021 ◽  
Viktoria F. Sofieva ◽  
Risto Hänninen ◽  
Mikhail Sofiev ◽  
Monika Szelag ◽  
Hei Shing Lee ◽  

Abstract. The satellite measurements in nadir and limb viewing geometry provide a complementary view of the atmosphere. An effective combination of the limb and nadir measurements can provide a new information about atmospheric composition. In this work, we present tropospheric ozone column datasets that have been created using combination of total ozone column from OMI and TROPOMI with stratospheric ozone column dataset from several available limb-viewing instruments (MLS, OSIRIS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY, OMPS-LP, GOMOS). We have developed further the methodological aspects of assessment of tropospheric ozone using the residual method using simulations with the chemistry-transport model SILAM. It has been shown that the accurate assessment of ozone in the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere (UTLS) is of high importance for detecting the ground-level ozone patterns. The stratospheric ozone column is derived from a combination of ozone profiles from several satellite instruments in limb-viewing geometry. We developed a method for the data homogenization, which includes the removal of biases and a-posteriori estimation (validation) of random uncertainties, thus making the data from different instruments compatible with each other. The high horizontal and vertical resolution dataset of ozone profiles is created via interpolation of the limb profiles from each day to 1° × 1° horizonal grid. A new kriging-type interpolation method, which takes into account data uncertainties and the information about natural ozone variations from the SILAM-adjusted ozone field, has been developed. To mitigate the limited accuracy and coverage of the limb profile data in the UTLS, a smooth transition to the model data is applied below the tropopause. This allows estimation of stratospheric ozone column with full coverage of the UTLS. The derived ozone profiles are in very good agreement with collocated ozonesonde measurements. The residual method was successfully applied to OMI and TROPOMI clear-sky total ozone data in combination with the stratospheric ozone column from the high-resolution limb profile dataset. The resulting tropospheric ozone column is in very good agreement with other satellite data. The global distributions of tropospheric ozone exhibit enhancements associated with the regions of high tropospheric ozone production. The main created datasets are (i) monthly 1° × 1° global tropospheric ozone column dataset using OMI and limb instruments, (ii) monthly 1° × 1° global tropospheric ozone column dataset using TROPOMI and limb instruments and (iii) daily 1° × 1° interpolated stratospheric ozone column from limb instruments. Other datasets, which are created as an intermediate step of creating the tropospheric ozone column data, are: (i) daily 1° × 1° clear sky and total ozone column from OMI and TROPOMI (ii) Daily 1° × 1° homogenized and interpolated dataset of ozone profiles and (iii) daily 1° × 1° dataset of ozone profiles from SILAM simulations with adjustment to satellite data. These datasets can be used in various studies related to ozone distributions, variability and trends, both in the troposphere and the stratosphere.

2011 ◽  
Vol 48 (12) ◽  
pp. 2016-2022 ◽  
Peter Krizan ◽  
Jiri Miksovsky ◽  
Michal Kozubek ◽  
Wang Gengchen ◽  
Bai Jianhui

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (6) ◽  
pp. 398-402
I. V. Dvoretskaya ◽  
G. M. Kruchenitskii ◽  
K. A. Statnikov

2008 ◽  
Vol 113 (D14) ◽  
V. E. Fioletov ◽  
G. Labow ◽  
R. Evans ◽  
E. W. Hare ◽  
U. Köhler ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 8023-8082 ◽  
T. Verhoelst ◽  
J. Granville ◽  
F. Hendrick ◽  
U. Köhler ◽  
C. Lerot ◽  

Abstract. Comparisons with ground-based correlative measurements constitute a key component in the validation of satellite data on atmospheric composition. The error budget of these comparisons contains not only the measurement uncertainties but also several terms related to differences in sampling and smoothing of the inhomogeneous and variable atmospheric field. A versatile system for Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs), named OSSSMOSE, is used here to quantify these terms. Based on the application of pragmatic observation operators onto high-resolution atmospheric fields, it allows a simulation of each individual measurement, and consequently also of the differences to be expected from spatial and temporal field variations between both measurements making up a comparison pair. As a topical case study, the system is used to evaluate the error budget of total ozone column (TOC) comparisons between on the one hand GOME-type direct fitting (GODFITv3) satellite retrievals from GOME/ERS2, SCIAMACHY/Envisat, and GOME-2/MetOp-A, and on the other hand direct-sun and zenith-sky reference measurements such as from Dobsons, Brewers, and zenith scattered light (ZSL-)DOAS instruments respectively. In particular, the focus is placed on the GODFITv3 reprocessed GOME-2A data record vs. the ground-based instruments contributing to the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC). The simulations are found to reproduce the actual measurements almost to within the measurement uncertainties, confirming that the OSSE approach and its technical implementation are appropriate. This work reveals that many features of the comparison spread and median difference can be understood as due to metrological differences, even when using strict co-location criteria. In particular, sampling difference errors exceed measurement uncertainties regularly at most mid- and high-latitude stations, with values up to 10 % and more in extreme cases. Smoothing difference errors only play a role in the comparisons with ZSL-DOAS instruments at high latitudes, especially in the presence of a polar vortex. At tropical latitudes, where TOC variability is lower, both types of errors remain below about 1 % and consequently do not contribute significantly to the comparison error budget. The detailed analysis of the comparison results, including now the metrological errors, suggests that the published random measurement uncertainties for GODFITv3 reprocessed satellite data are potentially overestimated, and adjustments are proposed here. This successful application of the OSSSMOSE sytem to close for the first time the error budget of TOC comparisons, bodes well for potential future applications, which are briefly touched upon.

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