Estimation of uneven-aged forest stand parameters, crown closure and land use/cover using the Landsat 8 OLI satellite image

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Sinan Kaptan ◽  
Hasan Aksoy ◽  
Birsen Durkaya
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-65
Safridatul Audah ◽  
Muharratul Mina Rizky ◽  

Tapaktuan is the capital and administrative center of South Aceh Regency, which is a sub-district level city area known as Naga City. Tapaktuan is designated as a sub-district to be used for the expansion of the capital's land. Consideration of land suitability is needed so that the development of settlements in Tapaktuan District is directed. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of land use change from 2014 to 2018 by using remote sensing technology in the form of Landsat-8 OLI satellite data through image classification methods by determining the training area of the image which then automatically categorizes all pixels in the image into land cover class. The results obtained are the results of the two image classification tests stating the accuracy of the interpretation of more than 80% and the results of the classification of land cover divided into seven forms of land use, namely plantations, forests, settlements, open land, and clouds. From these classes, the area of land cover change in Tapaktuan is increasing in size from year to year.

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (44) ◽  
pp. 221-236
Marcos Esdras Leite ◽  
Lucimar Sales Dias ◽  
André Medeiros Rocha

O presente trabalho consiste no diagnóstico do uso e ocupação do solo no entorno da Barragem Bico da Pedra, no município de Janaúba-MG, por meio de imagens de satélites do satélite Landsat 8 - sensor OLI, além de incursões em campo e levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema estudado. As análises e avaliações realizadas indicam a presença do número de edificações no entorno da barragem do Bico da Pedra, construída em 1979, sob responsabilidade da Companhia de Desenvolvimento dos Vales do São Francisco e Parnaíba - CODEVASF. O reservatório foi construído com a finalidade de abastecimento humano da população dos municípios de Janaúba e Nova Porteirinha-MG, abastecimento do Perímetro de Irrigação do Gorutuba e perenização do rio Gorutuba, que outrora se encontrava em regime intermitente devido às condições ambientais da região em estudo. A partir de levantamento de dados históricos, foi possível detectar um aumento nos números de edificações motivado por diversos fatores, como a ausência de fiscalização e a prática do turismo. As consequências oriundas dessa ocupação podem gerar impactos ambientais negativos, tais como, desmatamento da Área de Preservação Permanente - APP, redução da biodiversidade, erosão do solo e poluição do corpo hídrico. Vale ressaltar que muitos desses impactos já são observados no entorno da Barragem Bico da Pedra. Portanto, este estudo, a partir do uso das Geotecnologias, traz informações sobre a forma e o processo de construção de imóveis residenciais no entorno da barragem do Bico da Pedra, bem como das consequências dessa ocupação. Palavras chaves: Ocupação, barragem, Degradação, Imagem de satélite, Sensoriamento Remoto      AbstractThe present work consists on the diagnosis of the land use on the neighborhood of Bico da Pedra dam, in the municipality of Janaúba-MG, through images of satellite Landsat 8 - OLI sensor and incursions in the field and survey literature on the subject studied. The analysis and evaluations done indicates the increasement on the number of buildings close to Bico da Pedra dam, constructed in 1979, by responsibility of Development Company of the Valleys São Francisco e Parnaíba (CODEVASF). The water tank was constructed to fill up the people that live in Janaúba and Nova Porteirinha, provide water to Perimeter of Irrigation of Gorutuba e evergreening of Gorutuba river that once before was in intermittent regime caused by environmentals conditions of the region. From survey of historical data it was possible to detect an increase in the numbers of buildings caused by several factors, such as lack of supervision and the practice of tourism. The consequences of that occupation can cause negatives environmental impacts: deforestation of Permanent Preservation Area, reduction on biodiversity, land erosion and hydrous body pollution. It is important to emphasize that a lot of these impacts are already observed next to the Bico da Pedra dam, as well as the consequences of this occupation. Keywords: Occupation, watertank, degradation, Satellite Image, Remote Sensing 

Nativa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 520
Luani Rosa de Oliveira Piva ◽  
Rorai Pereira Martins Neto

Nos últimos anos, a intensificação das atividades antrópicas modificadoras da cobertura vegetal do solo em território brasileiro vem ocorrendo em larga escala. Para fins de monitoramento das alterações da cobertura florestal, as técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto da vegetação são ferramentas imprescindíveis, principalmente em áreas extensas e de difícil acesso, como é o caso da Amazônia brasileira. Neste sentido, objetivou-se com este trabalho identificar as mudanças no uso e cobertura do solo no período de 20 anos nos municípios de Aripuanã e Rondolândia, Noroeste do Mato Grosso, visando quantificar as áreas efetivas que sofreram alterações. Para tal, foram utilizadas técnicas de classificação digital de imagens Landsat 5 TM e Landsat 8 OLI em três diferentes datas (1995, 2005 e 2015) e, posteriormente, realizada a detecção de mudanças para o uso e cobertura do solo. A classificação digital apresentou resultados excelentes, com índice Kappa acima de 0,80 para os mapas gerados, indicando ser uma ferramenta potencial para o uso e cobertura do solo. Os resultados denotaram uma conversão de áreas florestais principalmente para atividades antrópicas agrícolas, na ordem de 472 km², o que representa uma perda de 1,3% de superfície de floresta amazônica na região de estudo.Palavras-chave: conversão de áreas florestais; uso e cobertura do solo; classificação digital; análise multitemporal. CHANGE IN FOREST COVER OF THE NORTHWEST REGION OF AMAZON IN MATO GROSSO STATE ABSTRACT: In the past few years, the intensification of anthropic activities that modify the soil-vegetation cover in Brazil’s land has been occurring on a large scale. To monitor the forest cover changes, the techniques of Remote Sensing of vegetation are essential tools, especially in large areas and with difficult access, as is the case of the Brazilian Amazon. The aim of this work was to identify the changes in land use and land cover, over the past 20 years, in the municipalities of Aripuanã and Rondolândia, Northwest of Mato Grosso State, in order to quantify the effective altered areas. Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI digital classification images techniques were used in three different dates (1995, 2005 and 2015) and, later, the detection to the land use and land cover changes. The digital classification showed excellent results, with kappa index above 0.80 for the generated maps, indicating the digital classification as a potential tool for land use and land cover. Results reflect the conversion of forest areas mainly for agricultural activities, in the order of 472 km², representing a loss of 1.3% of Amazon forest surface in the study region.Keywords: forest conversion; land use and land cover; digital classification; multitemporal analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 383
Donny Dhonanto ◽  
Nurul Puspita Palupi ◽  
Ghaisani Salsabila

 Transformation of land-use cause forest area decrease that will affect microclimate (weather tends heat), thus hotspot may possible to scattered in that area and raise the transformation of surface temperature. The objective of this research is to determine the indication of surface temperature in the East Kutai District. The advantage of this research is to give information about hotspot area distribution based on land use and relate between hotspots with surface temperature increase so it is supposed to be one of the consider to transform land use in East Kutai District. This research was held from April until May 2019 at the Laboratory of Carthography and Geographic Information System, Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University. This research using calculation of Land Surface Temperature (LST) value to determine the transformation of surface temperature in East Kutai District by data analysis from Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS satellite. Hotspot area distribution adapted to map of land-use so we found the source of the hotspot. The result of the research shows there are about 6 hotspots in land-use of plantation in 2017 and the increase of the surface temperature is not static cause by depending of rainfall in East Kutai District. Increasing of surface temperature in East Kutai District in October 2013 become 22.35 oC (for minimum temperature), whereas in May 2017 become 37.24 oC (for maximum temperature). 

Trinh Le Hung

The classification of urban land cover/land use is a difficult task due to the complexity in the structure of the urban surface. This paper presents the method of combining of Sentinel 2 MSI and Landsat 8 multi-resolution satellite image data for urban bare land classification based on NDBaI index. Two images of Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 acquired closely together, were used to calculate the NDBaI index, in which sortware infrared band (band 11) of Sentinel 2 MSI image and thermal infrared band (band 10) of Landsat 8 image were used to improve the spatial resolution of NDBaI index. The results obtained from two experimental areas showed that, the total accuracy of classifying bare land from the NDBaI index which calculated by the proposed method increased by about 6% compared to the method using the NDBaI index, which is calculated using only Landsat 8 data. The results obtained in this study contribute to improving the efficiency of using free remote sensing data in urban land cover/land use classification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Adnan Adnan ◽  
Fitra Saleh ◽  
Iradat Salihin

Abstrak: Penggunaan lahan disetiap tahunnya akan mengalami perubahan. Perkembangan tersebut bisa jadi tidak terkendali, sehingga perencanaan prediksi perubahan lahan penting untuk dikaji. Dalam memprediksi dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan citra, khususnya citra Landsat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) distribusi penggunaan lahan terbangun di Kota Kendari pada tahun 2014 dan 2019 dengan metode OBIA pada citra terfusi; (2) melihat arah perubahan penggunaan lahan terbangun di Kota Kendari pada tahun 2024 dan 2029 dengan metode Land Change Modeler (LCM). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini  yaitu metode klasifikasi penggunaan lahan berbasis piksel OBIA dan pemodelan prediksi perubahan penggunaan lahan Land Change Modeler (LCM). Hasil penelitian ini antara lain: (1) luas lahan terbangun pada tahun 2014 di Kota Kendari seluas 6.061,85 hektar dan luas penggunaan lahan terbangun di Kota Kendari pada tahun 2019 seluas 6.716,96 hektar dengan perubahan penggunaan lahan terbangun tahun 2014 sampai dengan tahun 2019 dengan pertambahan luas 2,43%; (2) Arah perubahan penggunaan lahan terbangun di Kota Kendari diprediksikan cenderung berkembang ke arah Kecamatan Baruga karena dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu kemiringan lereng dan jaringan jalan. Kata Kunci : Penggunaan Lahan, Landsat 8 OLI, Penajaman Citra, OBIA, LCM Abstract: Land use will change every year. The development may be uncontrollable, so predictive planning of land changes is important to review. In predicting  can be done using  imagery, especially Landsat imagery. This study aims to:(1)  the distribution of land  use  built  in Kendari City in 2014 and 2019 with OBIA method on diffusion imagery; (2) see the direction of land use changes built in Kendari City in  2024 and 2029 with land change modeler  (LCM) method. The methods used in this study are OBIA pixel-based land  use  classification method and land use change prediction modeling land change modeler (LCM).  The results of this study include: (1) land area  built in 2014 in Kendari City aswide as 6,061.85 hectars and land use area built in Kendari City in 2019 aswide as 6,716.96 hectars with land use changes built in 2014 to 2019 with an increase  of  2.43%; (2) The direction of land use changes built in Kendari City  is predicted   to tend to  develop  towards  Baruga Subdistrict because it is influenced by two factors, namely slope and road network. Keywords: Land Use,  Landsat 8 OLI,  Image Sharpening,  OBIA, LCM

Respati ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Sulidar Fitri ◽  
Novi Nurjanah

INTISARITeknologi penginderaan jauh sangat baik dijadikan data pembuatan peta penggunaan lahan, karena kebutuhan pemetaan semakin tinggi terutama untuk mendeteksi perubahan penggunaan lahan terutama untuk penentuan luas area khususnya sawah di kabupaten Sleman. Untuk mendapatkan informasi luasan area sawah dari interpretasi citra landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager) diperlukan metode khusus, terutama untuk pengolahan data citra penginderaan jauh secara digital. Salah satu metode pengolahan citra penginderaan jauh adalah metode Support Vector Machine (SVM). Metode SVM merupakan metode learning machine (Pembelajaran mesin) yang dapat mengklasifikasikan pola serta mengenali pola dari inputan atau contoh data yang diberikan dan juga termasuk ke dalam supervised learning. Hasil area sawah yang didapati dari citra Landsat 8 OLI dengan pengolahan metode SVM didapati berada di 18 kecamatan dala Kabupaten Sleman. Luasan tertinggi ada di kecamatan Ngaglik dengan 19,78 KM2 dan terendah di kecamatan Turi seluas 2,14 KM2. Nilai keseluruhan akurasi yang didapat untuk kelas lahan sawah dan area non sawah adalah adalah 53%.Kata kunci— Landsat-8 OLI, SVM, Data Citra, Geospasial, Luas Area Sawah ABSTRACTRemote sensing technology is very well used as a data for making land use maps, because mapping needs are increasingly high especially for detecting land use changes, especially for determining the area, especially rice fields in Sleman district. To get information about the area of the rice fields from the interpretation of Landsat-8 OLI (Operational Land Imager), special methods are needed, especially for processing remote sensing image data digitally. One method of processing remote sensing images is the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method. The SVM method is a learning machine method that can classify patterns and recognize patterns from input or sample data provided and also includes supervised learning. The results of the rice field that were found from the Landsat 8 OLI image by processing the SVM method were found in 18 sub-districts in Sleman Regency. The highest area is in Ngaglik sub-district with 19.78 KM2 and the lowest in Turi sub-district is 2.14 KM2. The overall value of the accuracy obtained for the class of rice field and non-rice field is 53%.Kata kunci—  Landsat-8 OLI, SVM, Image Data, Geospatial, Area of Rice Fields

Proceedings ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (23) ◽  
pp. 1430
V. M. Fernández-Pacheco ◽  
C. A. López-Sánchez ◽  
E. Álvarez-Álvarez ◽  
M. J. Suárez López ◽  
L. García-Expósito ◽  

Air pollution is one of the major environmental problems, especially in industrial and highly populated areas. Remote sensing image is a rich source of information with many uses. This paper is focused on estimation of air pollutants using Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-8 OLI satellite images. Particulate Matter with particle size less than 10 microns (PM10) is estimated for the study area of Principado de Asturias (Spain). When a satellite records the radiance of the surface received at sensor, does not represent the true radiance of the surface. A noise caused by Aerosol and Particulate Matters attenuate that radiance. In many applications of remote sensing, that noise called path radiance is removed during pre-processing. Instead, path radiance was used to estimate the PM10 concentration in the air. A relationship between the path radiance and PM10 measurements from ground stations has been established using Random Forest (RF) algorithm and a PM10 map was generated for the study area. The results show that PM10 estimation through satellite image is an efficient technique and it is suitable for local and regional studies.

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