scholarly journals Proteoglycans in cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Identification, localization, and exocytosis of a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan from human cloned natural killer cells during target cell lysis.

1985 ◽  
Vol 162 (6) ◽  
pp. 1771-1787 ◽  
R P MacDermott ◽  
R E Schmidt ◽  
J P Caulfield ◽  
A Hein ◽  
G T Bartley ◽  

A clone of natural killer (NK) cells (JTB18) was found to be ultrastructurally similar to peripheral blood large granular lymphocytes (LGL). These cells incorporated [35S]sulfate into cell-associated proteoglycan molecules, which were then isolated by CsCl density gradient centrifugation. As assessed by gel filtration chromatography, the native 35S-labeled proteoglycan and its beta-eliminated 35S-labeled glycosaminoglycans were of Mr approximately 200,000 and 50,000, respectively. The 35S-labeled proteoglycans were resistant to proteolysis, since their Mr were apparently not altered by incubation with either pronase or S. aureus V8 protease. The purified NK cell 35S-labeled proteoglycans were degraded by approximately 90% to 35S-labeled disaccharides with either chondroitinase ABC or AC. High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of the digests revealed these disaccharides to be composed entirely of chondroitin sulfate A (glucuronic acid----N-acetylgalactosamine-4SO4). Whole 35S-labeled cells incubated with chondroitinase ABC failed to release 35S-labeled disaccharides into the supernatant, and x-ray energy-dispersive analysis revealed that sulfur-containing molecules were present in the intracellular granules, thereby localizing the NK cell-associated proteoglycan primarily in the granules of the cell, rather than on the plasma membrane. The 35S-labeled cloned NK cells incubated for 30 min to 4 h with K562 tumor cell targets at a 0.5:1 ratio exocytosed a mean of 49% of the granular 35S-labeled proteoglycans during the first 60 min of the culture. Proteoglycan release was maximal with an effector/target cell ratio of 0.5:1 for JTB18:K562. Significant proteoglycan release from JTB18 NK cells was also obtained with other sensitive target cells such as REX, Molt4, and CEM, but not with cells such as KG1 and Laz156, which have been shown previously to be resistant to killing by this NK cell. Thus, protease-resistant intracellular proteoglycans with chondroitin sulfate A side chains are specifically exocytosed from the granules of human NK effector cells upon contact with sensitive targets, suggesting that these proteoglycans may be involved in the mechanism of cytotoxicity.

1993 ◽  
Vol 178 (3) ◽  
pp. 961-969 ◽  
M S Malnati ◽  
P Lusso ◽  
E Ciccone ◽  
A Moretta ◽  
L Moretta ◽  

Natural killer (NK) cells provide a first line of defense against viral infections. The mechanisms by which NK cells recognize and eliminate infected cells are still largely unknown. To test whether target cell elements contribute to NK cell recognition of virus-infected cells, human NK cells were cloned from two unrelated donors and assayed for their ability to kill normal autologous or allogeneic cells before and after infection by human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), a T-lymphotropic herpesvirus. Of 132 NK clones isolated from donor 1, all displayed strong cytolytic activity against the NK-sensitive cell line K562, none killed uninfected autologous T cells, and 65 (49%) killed autologous T cells infected with HHV-6. A panel of representative NK clones from donors 1 and 2 was tested on targets obtained from four donors. A wide heterogeneity was observed in the specificity of lysis of infected target cells among the NK clones. Some clones killed none, some killed only one, and others killed more than one of the different HHV-6-infected target cells. Killing of infected targets was not due to complete absence of class I molecules because class I surface levels were only partially affected by HHV-6 infection. Thus, target cell recognition is not controlled by the effector NK cell alone, but also by polymorphic elements on the target cell that restrict NK cell recognition. Furthermore, NK clones from different donors display a variable range of specificities in their recognition of infected target cells.

1995 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 732-737 ◽  
S. J. Won ◽  
M. T. Lin

The effects of different ambient temperatures (Ta) on the splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity, effector-target cell conjugation activity, and NK cell numbers were assessed in male inbred C3H/HeNCrj mice (7–10 wk old). The splenic NK cytotoxic activities were examined in a 4-h 51Cr release assay in mouse spleen cells that were obtained 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 days after exposure to Ta of 22, 4, or 35 degrees C. The percentage of conjugating lymphocytes was calculated by counting the number of single lymphocytes bound to single target cells per 400 effector cells. The numbers of NK cells were expressed by the percentage of 5E6-positive cells. The 5E6 identifies only a subset of NK cells. It was found that the splenic NK cell activity, the effector-target cell conjugation activity, or the NK cell number began to fall 1 day after cold (Ta 4 degrees C) or heat (Ta 35 degrees C) stress. After a 16-day period of either cold or heat exposure, the fall in the splenic NK cell activity, the effector-target cell conjugation activity, or the number of 5E6-positive subsets of NK cells was still evident. Compared with those of the control group (Ta 22 degrees C), the cold-stressed mice had higher adrenal cortisol concentration and lower colonic temperature, whereas the heat-stressed animals had higher adrenal cortisol concentration and higher colonic temperature during a 16-day period of thermal exposure. However, neither cold nor heat stress affected both the body weight gain and the spleen weight in our mice.

1996 ◽  
Vol 184 (3) ◽  
pp. 913-922 ◽  
O Mandelboim ◽  
H T Reyburn ◽  
M Valés-Gómez ◽  
L Pazmany ◽  
M Colonna ◽  

Recognition of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules by natural killer (NR) cells leads to inhibition of target cell lysis. Based on the capacity of different human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA)-C and HLA-B molecules to inhibit target cell lysis by NK lines and clones, three NK allospecificities have been defined: NK1 and NK2 cells are inhibited by different HLA-C allotypes and NK3 cells by some HLA-B allotypes. The NK1 and NK2 inhibitory ligands on target cells correspond to a dimorphism of HLA-C at residues 77 and 80 in the alpha 1 helix: Asn77-Lys80 in NK1 and Ser77-Asn80 in NK2 inhibitory ligands. It has been reported that protection from NK1 killers depended on the presence of the Lys residue at position 80, an upward pointing residue near the end of the alpha 1 helix (and not on Asn77), whereas inhibition of NK2 effector cells required Ser77, a residue deep in the F pocket and interacting with the peptide (and not Asn80). As part of ongoing experiments to investigate the structural requirements for NK cell inhibition by HLA-C locus alleles, we also examined the effects of mutations at residues 77 and 80 on the ability of HLA-C alleles to confer protection from NK lysis. We present data confirming that the NK1 specificity depended on Lys80 (and not on Asn77); however recognition of NK2 ligands by NK cells was also controlled by the amino acid at position 80 (Asn), and mutation of Ser77 had no effect. Furthermore, bound peptide was shown to be unnecessary for the inhibition of NK cell-mediated lysis since HLA-C molecules assembled in the absence of peptide in RMA-S cells at 26 degrees C were fully competent to inhibit NK cells specifically. The implications of these data for peptide-independent recognition of HLA-C by NK receptors are discussed.

1999 ◽  
Vol 190 (7) ◽  
pp. 1005-1012 ◽  
Mikael Eriksson ◽  
Guenther Leitz ◽  
Erik Fällman ◽  
Ove Axner ◽  
James C. Ryan ◽  

Inhibitory receptors expressed on natural killer (NK) cells abrogate positive signals upon binding corresponding major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules on various target cells. By directly micromanipulating the effector–target cell encounter using an optical tweezers system which allowed temporal and spatial control, we demonstrate that Ly49–MHC class I interactions prevent characteristic cellular responses in NK cells upon binding to target cells. Furthermore, using this system, we directly demonstrate that an NK cell already bound to a resistant target cell may simultaneously bind and kill a susceptible target cell. Thus, although Ly49-mediated inhibitory signals can prevent many types of effector responses, they do not globally inhibit cellular function, but rather the inhibitory signal is spatially restricted towards resistant targets.

Blood ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 87 (12) ◽  
pp. 5136-5143 ◽  
JG Filep ◽  
C Baron ◽  
S Lachance ◽  
C Perreault ◽  
JS Chan

Although it has been recognized for sometime that target cells destroyed by natural killer (NK) cells die largely by apoptosis, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. The aim of the present study was to examine the role of nitric oxide (NO) in mediating murine NK-cell-induced killing of YAC-1 lymphoma cells. NK calls induced extensive release of 125I-DNA and 51Cr from YAC-1 cells. The target killing ability of NK cells was associated with an increased production of NO as measured by concentrations of nitrite in the culture medium. That YAC-1 killing resulted, in part, from the production of NO was confirmed by the significant protection of cell lysis in L-arginine- depleted medium and by approximately 30 % attenuation of cell lysis and DNA fragmentation by an inhibitor of NO synthase, NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in a culture medium containing 1 mmol/L L- arginine. Fluorescence microscopic examination of YAC-1 cells showed the presence of changes in nuclear morphology characteristic for apoptosis. The percentage of apoptotic cells was markedly decreased by L-NAME. Further evidence for apoptosis is provided by the specific pattern of internucleosomal DNA fragmentation both in the absence and presence of L-NAME. During target-cell killing, an increased oxidation of intracellularly trapped dichlorofluorescein was observed in cells labeled with an antimouse NK-cell monoclonal antibody, as measured by flow cytometry. These increases were effectively prevented by L-NAME, but not W-13, an inhibitor of calmodulin. The ability of NO to induce cell lysis and DNA fragmentation in YAC-1 cells was further demonstrated by exposing tumor cells to chemically generated NO. Taken together, these observations suggest a role for NO as one of the mediators of NK-cell-mediated DNA fragmentation and cell lysis.

1982 ◽  
Vol 156 (2) ◽  
pp. 492-505 ◽  
S L Helfand ◽  
J Werkmeister ◽  
J C Roder

The binding of tumor cells or fetal fibroblasts to human natural killer (NK) cells led to a rapid chemiluminescence response within seconds of target-effector interaction. The degree of chemiluminescence was dependent on the concentration of NK-enriched lymphocytes or target cells, and plasma membrane vesicles from K562 also induced a chemiluminescence response. Mild glutaraldehyde treatment of effector cells abrogated their ability to generate chemiluminescence, whereas K562 target cells treated in the same way were almost fully able to induce a chemiluminescence response to NK-enriched lymphocytes. These results show a directionality of response with NK as the responders and tumor cells as the stimulators. A survey of eight different tumor cell lines and fetal fibroblast lines revealed a striking correlation (r greater than 0.93, P less than 0.001) between the ability of a given line to bind to NK-enriched lymphocytes, induce chemiluminescence, and to be lysed. Three differentiated sublines of K562 grown in butyrate and cloned induced little chemiluminescence compared with the K562 parent, and they were selectively resistant to NK-mediated binding and cytolysis. In addition, treatment of K562 cells with higher concentrations of glutaraldehyde for longer periods led to varying degrees of target antigen preservation, as measured in cold target competition assays and in conjugate formation. The degree of NK target antigen preservation correlated directly with the ability of the cells to induce chemiluminescence (r greater than 0.95). The degree of NK activation was also important because interferon-pretreated effectors generated more chemiluminescence upon stimulation with K562 or MeWo targets. Monocytes or granulocytes did not contribute to the chemiluminescence induced by NK-sensitive targets. Some NK-resistant tumor cell lines were sensitive to monocyte-mediated cytolysis and also induced chemiluminescence in monocytes but not NK cells. These results show that the target structures recognized by the NK cell may play a role in NK activation because the degree of chemiluminescence was directly proportional to the ability of a given target cell line to bind to the NK cell and to be lysed.

2000 ◽  
Vol 149 (6) ◽  
pp. 1249-1262 ◽  
David Sancho ◽  
Marta Nieto ◽  
Manuel Llano ◽  
José L. Rodríguez-Fernández ◽  
Reyes Tejedor ◽  

The compartmentalization of plasma membrane proteins has a key role in regulation of lymphocyte activation and development of immunity. We found that the proline-rich tyrosine kinase-2 (PYK-2/RAFTK) colocalized with the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) at the trailing edge of migrating natural killer (NK) cells. When polyclonal NK cells bound to K562 targets, PYK-2 translocated to the area of NK–target cell interaction. The specificity of this process was assessed with NK cell clones bearing activatory or inhibitory forms of CD94/NKG2. The translocation of PYK-2, MTOC, and paxillin to the area of NK–target cell contact was regulated upon specific recognition of target cells through NK cell receptors, controlling target cell killing. Furthermore, parallel in vitro kinase assays showed that PYK-2 was activated in response to signals that specifically triggered its translocation and NK cell mediated cytotoxicity. The overexpression of both the wt and a dominant-negative mutant of PYK-2, but not ZAP-70 wt, prevented the specific translocation of the MTOC and paxillin, and blocked the cytotoxic response of NK cells. Our data indicate that subcellular compartmentalization of PYK-2 correlates with effective signal transduction. Furthermore, they also suggest an important role for PYK-2 on the assembly of the signaling complexes that regulate the cytotoxic response.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Corona Solana ◽  
Raquel Tarazona ◽  
Rafael Solana

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) represents the most common cause of dementia in the elderly. AD is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive memory loss and cognitive decline. Although the aetiology of AD is not clear, both environmental factors and heritable predisposition may contribute to disease occurrence. In addition, inflammation and immune system alterations have been linked to AD. The prevailing hypothesis as cause of AD is the deposition in the brain of amyloid beta peptides (Aβ). Although Aβ have a role in defending the brain against infections, their accumulation promotes an inflammatory response mediated by microglia and astrocytes. The production of proinflammatory cytokines and other inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and complement factors favours the recruitment of peripheral immune cells further promoting neuroinflammation. Age-related inflammation and chronic infection with herpes virus such as cytomegalovirus may also contribute to inflammation in AD patients. Natural killer (NK) cells are innate lymphoid cells involved in host defence against viral infections and tumours. Once activated NK cells secrete cytokines such as IFN-γ and TNF-α and chemokines and exert cytotoxic activity against target cells. In the elderly, changes in NK cell compartment have been described which may contribute to the lower capacity of elderly individuals to respond to pathogens and tumours. Recently, the role of NK cells in the immunopathogenesis of AD is discussed. Although in AD patients the frequency of NK cells is not affected, a high NK cell response to cytokines has been described together with NK cell dysregulation of signalling pathways which is in part involved in this altered behaviour.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Giorgio Santoni ◽  
Consuelo Amantini ◽  
Matteo Santoni ◽  
Federica Maggi ◽  
Maria Beatrice Morelli ◽  

Natural killer (NK) cells are a main subset of innate lymphocytes that contribute to host immune protection against viruses and tumors by mediating target cell killing and secreting a wide array of cytokines. Their functions are finely regulated by a balance between activating and inhibitory receptors and involve also adhesive interactions. Mechanotransduction is the process in which physical forces sensed by mechanosensors are translated into chemical signaling. Herein, we report findings on the involvement of this mechanism that is mainly mediated by actin cytoskeleton, in the regulation of NK cell adhesion, migration, tissue infiltration and functions. Actin represents the structural basis for NK cell immunological synapse (NKIS) and polarization of secretory apparatus. NK-target cell interaction involves the formation of both uropods and membrane nanotubes that allow target cell interaction over long distances. Actin retrograde flow (ARF) regulates NK cell signaling and controls the equilibrium between activation versus inhibition. Activating NKIS is associated with rapid lamellipodial ARF, whereas lower centripetal actin flow is present during inhibitory NKIS where β actin can associate with the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1. Overall, a better knowledge of mechanotransduction might represent a future challenge: Realization of nanomaterials tailored for NK cells, would be important to translate in vitro studies in in vivo new immunotherapeutic approaches.

1996 ◽  
Vol 184 (6) ◽  
pp. 2119-2128 ◽  
L.H. Mason ◽  
S.K. Anderson ◽  
W.M. Yokoyama ◽  
H.R.C. Smith ◽  
R. Winkler-Pickett ◽  

Proteins encoded by members of the Ly-49 gene family are predominantly expressed on murine natural killer (NK) cells. Several members of this gene family have been demonstrated to inhibit NK cell lysis upon recognizing their class I ligands on target cells. In this report, we present data supporting that not all Ly-49 proteins inhibit NK cell function. Our laboratory has generated and characterized a monoclonal antibody (mAb) (12A8) that can be used to recognize the Ly-49D subset of murine NK cells. Transfection of Cos-7 cells with known members of the Ly-49 gene family revealed that 12A8 recognizes Ly-49D, but also cross-reacts with the Ly-49A protein on B6 NK cells. In addition, 12A8 demonstrates reactivity by both immunoprecipitation and two-color flow cytometry analysis with an NK cell subset that is distinct from those expressing Ly-49A, C, or G2. An Ly-49D+ subset of NK cells that did not express Ly49A, C, and G2 was isolated and examined for their functional capabilities. Tumor targets and concanovalin A (ConA) lymphoblasts from a variety of H2 haplotypes were examined for their susceptibility to lysis by Ly-49D+ NK cells. None of the major histocompatibility complex class I–bearing targets inhibited lysis of Ly-49D+ NK cells. More importantly, we demonstrate that the addition of mAb 12A8 to Ly-49D+ NK cells can augment lysis of FcγR+ target cells in a reverse antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity–type assay and induces apoptosis in Ly49D+ NK cells. Furthermore, the cytoplasmic domain of Ly-49D does not contain the V/IxYxxL immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif found in Ly-49A, C, or G2 that has been characterized in the human p58 killer inhibitory receptors. Therefore, Ly-49D is the first member of the Ly-49 family characterized as transmitting positive signals to NK cells, rather than inhibiting NK cell function.

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