The Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Reticulated Red Clay-Sand Mixture Using X-Ray Diffraction
Abstract To assess the behavior of Reticulated Red Clay (RRC)-sand mixtures, a series of laboratory tests were performed on RRC-sand mixtures in which the weight ratio of sand ranging from 0% to 80%. Compaction test and direct shear test were conducted to evaluate the compactness of mixtures. The threshold sand content for the change of the mechanical properties of the mixture is 50%, and the mixture at this time has the densest structure. Oedometer test to the mixture indicate that the coefficient and compression modulus of it are only related to the ratio of its components. As the sand content in the mixture increases, the phenomena that the clay particles enclosing the sand particles and filling into the gaps of particles make the mixture denser. During the same time, there is a phenomenon of internal friction between sand particles caused by the inadequate wrapping of clay particles. Combined with the results of scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy, the appearance of these phenomena and the transition process of the structure of the mixture from the clay structure to the sand structure were confirmed.