Diffusion with stochastic resetting of interacting particles emerging in a model of population genetics
Abstract In this paper we put forward a Generalized Ohta-Kimura ladder model (GOKM) which bears a strong liaison with the so-called jump-type Fleming-Viot process (JFVP). The novelty here, when we compare with the classical Ohta-Kimura model, is that we now have an operator which allows multiple interaction among the individuals. It has to do with a generalized branching mechanism: m individual types extinguish and one individual type splits into m copies. The system of evolution equations arising from GOKM can be seen as a system of n-dimensional Kolmogorov forward equations (or Fokker-Planck equations). Besides the interest in its own right a favorable feature of GOKM, vis-`a-vis JFVP, is that its analysis requires a more amenable armory of concepts and mathematical technique to analyze some relevant issues such as correlation, indistinguishability of individuals and stationarity. In addition, as a by product, we show that the connection between Ohta-Kimura Model and diffusion with resetting, as previously structured in [6], can be extended to our setting.