scholarly journals Methodological approach to the problem of increasing precipitation in specific physical and geographical regions of Russia by affecting cloud cover

2021 ◽  
Vol 840 (1) ◽  
pp. 012030
A P Doronin ◽  
N A Kozlova ◽  
V M Petrochenko ◽  
A S Timoshchuk
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16491
Iuliia S. Pinkovetskaia

The purpose of our study was to evaluate the indicators characterizing the age structure of the scientific and pedagogical staff of universities and other higher educational institutions in the regions of Russia. In the course of the work, the indicators characterizing the specific weights of teachers belonging to five age groups from 25 to 34 years, from 35 to 44 years, from 45 to 54 years, from 55 to 64 years and over 65 years in the total number of teachers working in higher education institutes were evaluated. The study used official statistical information for 82 regions of Russia. We used the density functions of the normal distribution as models. The results of the research allowed us to draw conclusions: the largest number (more than a quarter) of teachers was observed in the group from 35 to 44 years; 24% of teachers were aged from 45 to 54 years; 20% of teachers were slightly older. The least number of teachers was observed in the age groups over 65 years and from 25 to 34 years. The proposed methodological approach and the results obtained have originality and scientific novelty, since the assessment of regional features of the age structure of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the regions of Russia has not been carried out before.

2021 ◽  
pp. 78-84
I. S. Pinkovetskaia

The article is devoted to the actual problem of financial support for the development of innovations. The purpose of the study is to estimate the share of innovation financing costs in the income received by organizations from the sale of manufactured goods, works and services for innovative organizations located in each of the regions of Russia. As the initial information, the study used official statistics for 2017-2019, which characterize the costs of financing innovations by organizations located in 82 regions of Russia. In the course of the study, economic and mathematical models were developed that represent the functions of the normal distribution. It is proved that there were no significant changes in the value of the share of innovation financing costs in the amount of income received from the sale of manufactured products by organizations located in the regions in 2017-2019. It is shown that the costs of financing innovations for organizations account for a small share in the amount of income received from the sale of manufactured products. It is shown that the values of the specific weights of innovation financing costs were significantly differentiated by region. The results obtained are new and original. The methodological approach presented in the article to estimate the share of innovation financing costs in the amount of revenue received from sales of manufactured products by organizations located in the regions can be used in further research. The proposed tools can be used to monitor the costs of financing innovation activities in organizations. The results of the work can be applied in the current activities of state structures and public organizations, when justifying measures for the development of innovative activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 01125 ◽  
Svetlana Uvarova ◽  
Khuta Gumba ◽  
Dmitriy Lapaev

Substantiation of sustainable development of the country's economy should be based on following the principle of regional differentiation in the planning and implementation of management decisions at the meso-level. The principle postulates the need to take into account territorial differences in the development of the structural elements of the economic system. The authors suggest assessing the differences on the basis of clustering of regions by the level of investment attractiveness. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the methodological approach to the assessment of the investment climate in the region. The paper analyzes the criteria for assessing the social and economic situation of the regions, the methodology for rating the regions is proposed, and the factors of investment attractiveness are investigated. According to the proposed methodology, the investment attractiveness of the regions of Russia and the Republic of Abkhazia was assessed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 111-120
N. Е. Karmanova ◽  
A. V. Koritskiy

Purpose of research. To identify the impact of social capital on economic development and income, using mathematical modeling. Also, based on the analysis of modern domestic and foreign literature on the theoretical foundations of social capital, to give a qualitative and quantitative characteristic of such indicators of social capital as marriage, divorce, the ratio of these indicators and the mechanisms of its possible impact on the income of Russian citizens.  Materials and methods. General scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, empirical methods were used to obtain scientific results. The theoretical basis of the study is the fundamental theoretical work and publications of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of social capital research as a factor affecting the development of the national economy as a whole and the income of the Russian population, in particular. The authors propose a methodological approach that distinguishes the study from other economists – this is mathematical modeling using the extended Cobb-Douglas production function with the inclusion of indicators representing human and social capital in the number of independent variables of this function. The variable, characterizing social capital is a statistical indicator “the ratio of marriage and divorce”, as a characteristic of the state of social (or its components of moral capital) in Russia. The calculations used data from statistical reference books “Regions of Russia. Socio-Economic Indicators”, “weighted” regressions, the indicator “number of people employed in the region’s economy” was used as a weighted variable.  Results. Calculations of spatial regression equations, using official statistics are carried out. The statistical evaluation of the effect of social capital on the income differentiation of the population in the regions of Russia is presented. Social capital, as shown by the calculations of the regression equations, along with the fixed capital per worker and the average level of education of the population, employed in the economy of the regions, has a significant impact  on both income and differentiation of income of the population of Russian regions. In addition, calculations indicate that the frequency of divorces adversely affects the income of the employed population of the regions of Russia.  Conclusion. Calculations and analysis of statistical indicators show that social capital in Russia does not accumulate, but degrades. This can lead to undesirable consequences in terms of economic development, preventing the movement along progressive trajectories. In particular, for example, to the spread of such a negative phenomenon as information asymmetry in different groups: at work or in the family, which can interfere with productive work and result in lower quality of work, service, efficiency and competitiveness. Therefore, there is an urgent need to envisage a number of measures to accumulate and save social capital. Including the strengthening of the family, which makes a significant contribution to the creative processes of trust, and accordingly, the growth of social capital.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-53
Yu. S. Pinkovetskaya

The purpose of the study. It is known that the further development of the Russian regions requires significant investment in all areas of activity. Therefore, the problem of assessing the existing indicators of investment activity, characteristic of each of the regions, is put forward as an urgent one. At the same time, given the wide variety of Russian regions, a comparative analysis of absolute investment volumes is not appropriate. In this regard, we suggest using a comparison of specific indicators for the analysis. The purpose of our study is to assess the levels of specific investment in capital asset per capita in all regions of our country.Materials and methods. The study used the methodological approach proposed by the author, based on the consideration of specific indicators describing investment activity in the regions of Russia. The study included four stages. As initial information, we considered the official statistics provided on the ROSSTAT website, which characterize investments in the regions, as well as the number of their population in 2019. The study conducted a cluster analysis, as well as economic and mathematical modeling of the distribution of the considered indicators by the regions of the country.Results. The cluster analysis allowed us to identify five clusters that unite the regions of Russia with similar values of specific investments per inhabitant of the corresponding region. The first cluster includes four regions, the second cluster - five regions, the third cluster - thirteen regions, the fourth cluster - twenty-six regions and the fifth cluster - thirty-four regions. The cluster analysis showed that in nine regions in 2019, there was a high level of investment, due to the tasks of their strategic development to solve federal problems. For 73 regions there were relatively low values of specific investment, the distribution of empirical data was modeled using the normal distribution function.Conclusion. The scientific novelty of the study is related to the cluster analysis and the study of the distribution of specific investments by region. Regions with high and low values of specific investments in capital asset were identified. It is proved that the values of specific investments have a significant differentiation across the regions of the country. The results of our work have a certain theoretical and practical significance for the government, regional and local authorities. The methodological approach to assessing the level of investment presented in the article can be used in further research.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (32) ◽  
pp. e13366
Iuliia Pinkovetskaia

This research aimed to assess the indicators that characterize the number of teaching staff at universities and other higher education institutions (HEIs) in the regions of Russia. These indicators were: (1) the number of teachers per thousand working-age residents of each of the regions, (2) the average number of teachers per HEI in the region, (3) the proportion of teachers who have a Doctor of Science (DSc) and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in the number of teachers working in HEIs in the region, and (4) the number of students per teacher working in HEIs. We used official statistical information of 82 regions of Russia. We found that, on average, there are slightly more than two teachers working in HIEs per thousand working-age residents. The average number of teachers per HIE in Russia is 158. In universities, the average number of students per teacher is more than 20. The proposed methodological approach and the obtained results are a scientific novelty, since the assessment of regional characteristics of the number of teaching staff in the regions of Russia has not been carried out before.

A. A. Baturin ◽  
V. A. Antonov ◽  
V. P. Smelyansky ◽  
K. V. Zhukov ◽  
V. F. Chernobay ◽  

Submitted are the materials on epizootiology of West Nile Fever in birds, taking into account their migration. Described are the characteristics of WNF in wild and synanthropic birds. Ecological relationships between birds, mosquitoes, ticks and West Nile virus are analyzed. Main autumn bird migratory directions are characterized and the data on WNF monitoring in birds in different geographical regions of Russia are presented.

2010 ◽  
pp. 100710114641
Emily Gertz

2006 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 160-173 ◽  
Maria Senokozlieva ◽  
Oliver Fischer ◽  
Gary Bente ◽  
Nicole Krämer

Abstract. TV news are essentially cultural phenomena. Previous research suggests that the often-overlooked formal and implicit characteristics of newscasts may be systematically related to culture-specific characteristics. Investigating these characteristics by means of a frame-by-frame content analysis is identified as a particularly promising methodological approach. To examine the relationship between culture and selected formal characteristics of newscasts, we present an explorative study that compares material from the USA, the Arab world, and Germany. Results indicate that there are many significant differences, some of which are in line with expectations derived from cultural specifics. Specifically, we argue that the number of persons presented as well as the context in which they are presented can be interpreted as indicators of Individualism/Collectivism. The conclusions underline the validity of the chosen methodological approach, but also demonstrate the need for more comprehensive and theory-driven category schemes.

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