increasing precipitation
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Forests ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 126
Lijuan Zhang ◽  
Lianqi Zhu ◽  
Yanhong Li ◽  
Wenbo Zhu ◽  
Yingyong Chen

Climate change has caused substantial shifts in the geographical distribution of many species. There is growing evidence that many species are migrating in response to climate change. Changes in the distribution of dominant tree species induced by climate change can have an impact not only on organisms such as epiphytes and understory vegetation, but also on the whole ecosystem. Cyclobalanopsis glauca is a dominant tree species in the mingled evergreen and deciduous broadleaf forests of China. Understanding their adaptive strategies against climate change is important for understanding the future community structure. We employed the Maxent framework to model current suitable habitats of C. glauca under current climate conditions and predicted it onto the climate scenarios for 2041–2060 and 2081–2100 using 315 occurrence data. Our results showed that annual precipitation was the most critical factor for the distribution of C. glauca. In the future, increasing precipitation would reduce the limitation of water on habitats, leading to an expansion of the distribution to a higher latitude and higher altitude. At the same time, there were habitat contractions at the junction of the Jiangxi and Fujian Provinces. This study can provide vital information for the management of C. glauca, and serve as a reminder for managers to protect C. glauca in the range contraction areas.

Tianqi Zhao ◽  
Alan D. Iwaasa

Purple prairie clover (PPC, Dalea purpurea Vent.) is a grazing tolerant perennial legume with good nutritional quality and is widely distributed across North America. Deferred rotational grazing (DR) and continuous grazing (CG) are the most widespread grazing systems on North American grasslands. We conducted a 10-year grazing study to assess the effects of environmental factors and grazing on the frequency of PPC in plant communities. The results showed that the frequency of PPC decreased and then increased with increasing precipitation under CG (P<0.05), while there was no significant change under DR (P>0.05). Meanwhile, PPC frequency increased with temperature under DR (P<0.05), but did not change under CG (P>0.05). Both grazing systems and the number of grazing years had a significant effect on PPC frequency (P<0.05), and there is no interaction between those two factors (P>0.05). We found that from 2011 to 2020, the growth rate of PPC population is 18.24% and 11.69% per year under DR and CG grazing, respectively. Moreover, after 10 years of grazing, the PPC increase in DR was 22.86% higher than that of CG. Thus, selecting the DR grazing system can increase PPC and is an effective practice for coping with environmental changes.

Abstract Extreme precipitation occurring on consecutive days may substantially increase the risk of related impacts, but changes in such events have not been studied at a global scale. Here we use a unique global dataset based on in situ observations and multi-model historical and future simulations to analyse the changes in the frequency of extreme precipitation on consecutive days (EPCD). We further disentangle the relative contributions of variations in precipitation intensity and temporal correlation of extreme precipitation, to understand the processes that drive the changes in EPCD. Observations and climate model simulations show that the frequency of EPCD is increasing in most land regions, in particular in North America, Europe and the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes. These increases are primarily a consequence of increasing precipitation intensity, but changes in the temporal correlation of extreme precipitation regionally amplify or reduce the effects of intensity changes. Changes are larger in simulations with a stronger warming signal, suggesting that further increases in EPCD are expected for the future under continued climate warming.

2021 ◽  
Ignacio Alonso Jara Parra

<p>Climate variability in New Zealand (34-47°S), a long, narrow continental strip straddling the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, results largely from the interplay between sub-tropical and sub-Antarctic atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems. Despite their importance to present-day New Zealand climate, these hemispheric-wide systems have only recently come under the spotlight of paleo-climate investigations with most attention having traditionally been centred on reconstructing climate trends. This PhD adopts a broader approach to climate reconstruction, by developing and comparing two new pollen-climate reconstructions from New Zealand (38-42°S) and one from Patagonia, Southern Chile (43°S). At each site, paleo-climate interpretations are based on the changes in climate-sensitive plant indicators. The influence of hemispheric atmospheric circulation on New Zealand climate history is assessed by: (1) comparing New Zealand climate/vegetation trends with published proxies from low- and high-latitudes, and (2) comparing New Zealand reconstructions with the Patagonian record. Finally, a multi-millennial pattern of Southern Hemisphere circulation over the last 14,000 cal yr BP (calendar years before AD 1950) is outlined. The first record presented is a 16,000-year temperature reconstruction from a small alpine lake in South Island, New Zealand (41°S), based on pollen and plant macrofossils. Climate variations are interpreted from the relative abundance of lowland and highland vegetation. The results include a lifting of the altitudinal forest limits attributed to warming pulses between 13,000-10,000 cal yr BP and between 7000-6000 cal yr BP, and a decline of lowland relative to upland forest taxa interpreted as cooling trends between 10,000-7000 cal yr BP and over the last 3000 years. The second record gives 15,000-year temperature and precipitation reconstructions from a peatbog in northern New Zealand (38°S), based on pollen and charcoal analysis. Temperature changes are assessed based on two quantitate reconstructions, whereas precipitation trends are inferred from variations in arboreal taxa with different drought tolerances. A long-term warming is inferred between 14,600-10,000 cal yr BP. Persistent dry conditions are recorded between 12,000-10,000 cal yr BP, followed by a long-term wet period between 10,000-6000 cal yr BP. The last 7000 years feature a long-term drying trend that culminates with persistent drier conditions over the last 3000 years. The third record provides a 16,000-year reconstruction from a small lake in Northwestern Patagonia (43°S), based on pollen and charcoal analysis. Climate conditions are inferred from the relative variations of pollen types with distinctive climate tolerances and complemented with changes in fire activity. These variations are in turn interpreted as resulting from changes in the position and/or strength of the Southern Westerly Winds (SWW). Cold and moist conditions attributable to stronger/northward-shifted SWW winds are observed between 16,000-13,600 cal yr BP. In contrast, warm and dry conditions suggestive of weaker/southward-shifted SWW are detected between 12,000-10,000 cal yr BP. The last 6000 years shows a trend towards colder conditions and increasing precipitation variability, suggesting a highly variable westerly flow over Patagonia. A comparison between the New Zealand and the Patagonia records suggest: (1) weakened/southward-shifted westerly flow over the southern mid-latitudes between 13,000-10,000 cal yr BP caused rapid warming and peak temperatures in New Zealand, as well as dry conditions in Northern New Zealand, (2) Enhanced/northward-shifted SWW over the southern mid-latitudes between 9000-4000 cal yr BP caused decreasing temperatures in the South Island and increasing precipitation in Northern New Zealand and (3) Overall weakened/southward-shifted SWW after 4000 cal yr BP caused a decrease in temperature in the southern New Zealand site. Drier conditions in Northern New Zealand and the overall increase in climate instability at all sites may have resulted from more frequent El Niño events along with an increase in sub-tropical climate variability.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ignacio Alonso Jara Parra

<p>Climate variability in New Zealand (34-47°S), a long, narrow continental strip straddling the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, results largely from the interplay between sub-tropical and sub-Antarctic atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems. Despite their importance to present-day New Zealand climate, these hemispheric-wide systems have only recently come under the spotlight of paleo-climate investigations with most attention having traditionally been centred on reconstructing climate trends. This PhD adopts a broader approach to climate reconstruction, by developing and comparing two new pollen-climate reconstructions from New Zealand (38-42°S) and one from Patagonia, Southern Chile (43°S). At each site, paleo-climate interpretations are based on the changes in climate-sensitive plant indicators. The influence of hemispheric atmospheric circulation on New Zealand climate history is assessed by: (1) comparing New Zealand climate/vegetation trends with published proxies from low- and high-latitudes, and (2) comparing New Zealand reconstructions with the Patagonian record. Finally, a multi-millennial pattern of Southern Hemisphere circulation over the last 14,000 cal yr BP (calendar years before AD 1950) is outlined. The first record presented is a 16,000-year temperature reconstruction from a small alpine lake in South Island, New Zealand (41°S), based on pollen and plant macrofossils. Climate variations are interpreted from the relative abundance of lowland and highland vegetation. The results include a lifting of the altitudinal forest limits attributed to warming pulses between 13,000-10,000 cal yr BP and between 7000-6000 cal yr BP, and a decline of lowland relative to upland forest taxa interpreted as cooling trends between 10,000-7000 cal yr BP and over the last 3000 years. The second record gives 15,000-year temperature and precipitation reconstructions from a peatbog in northern New Zealand (38°S), based on pollen and charcoal analysis. Temperature changes are assessed based on two quantitate reconstructions, whereas precipitation trends are inferred from variations in arboreal taxa with different drought tolerances. A long-term warming is inferred between 14,600-10,000 cal yr BP. Persistent dry conditions are recorded between 12,000-10,000 cal yr BP, followed by a long-term wet period between 10,000-6000 cal yr BP. The last 7000 years feature a long-term drying trend that culminates with persistent drier conditions over the last 3000 years. The third record provides a 16,000-year reconstruction from a small lake in Northwestern Patagonia (43°S), based on pollen and charcoal analysis. Climate conditions are inferred from the relative variations of pollen types with distinctive climate tolerances and complemented with changes in fire activity. These variations are in turn interpreted as resulting from changes in the position and/or strength of the Southern Westerly Winds (SWW). Cold and moist conditions attributable to stronger/northward-shifted SWW winds are observed between 16,000-13,600 cal yr BP. In contrast, warm and dry conditions suggestive of weaker/southward-shifted SWW are detected between 12,000-10,000 cal yr BP. The last 6000 years shows a trend towards colder conditions and increasing precipitation variability, suggesting a highly variable westerly flow over Patagonia. A comparison between the New Zealand and the Patagonia records suggest: (1) weakened/southward-shifted westerly flow over the southern mid-latitudes between 13,000-10,000 cal yr BP caused rapid warming and peak temperatures in New Zealand, as well as dry conditions in Northern New Zealand, (2) Enhanced/northward-shifted SWW over the southern mid-latitudes between 9000-4000 cal yr BP caused decreasing temperatures in the South Island and increasing precipitation in Northern New Zealand and (3) Overall weakened/southward-shifted SWW after 4000 cal yr BP caused a decrease in temperature in the southern New Zealand site. Drier conditions in Northern New Zealand and the overall increase in climate instability at all sites may have resulted from more frequent El Niño events along with an increase in sub-tropical climate variability.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Tamás Bartyik ◽  
György Sipos ◽  
Dávid Filyó ◽  
Tímea Kiss ◽  
Petru Urdea ◽  

Abstract River Maros/Mureş has one of the largest alluvial fans in the Carpathian Basin. On the surface of the fan several very wide, braided channels can be identified, resembling increased discharges during the Late Glacial. In our study we investigated the activity period of the largest channel of them, formed under a bankfull discharge three times higher than present day values. Previous investigations dated the formation of the palaeochannel to the very end of the Pleistocene by dating a point bar series upstream of the selected site. Our aim was to obtain further data on the activity period of the channel and to investigate temporal relationships between maximum palaeodischarges, deglaciation phases on the upland catchment and climatic amelioration during the Late Pleistocene. The age of sediment samples was determined by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). The investigation of the luminescence properties of the quartz extracts also enabled the assessment of sediment delivery dynamics in comparison to other palaeochannels on the alluvial fan. OSL age results suggest that the activity of the channel is roughly coincident with, but slightly older than the previously determined ages, meaning that the main channel forming period started at 13.50±0.94 ka and must have ended by 8.64±0.82 ka. This period cannot directly be related to the major phases of glacier retreat on the upland catchments, and in terms of other high discharge channels only the activity of one overlaps with a major deglaciation phase at ~17-18 ka. Based on these, high palaeodischarges can be rather related to increased Late Glacial runoff, resulted by increasing precipitation and scarce vegetation cover on the catchment. Meanwhile, the quartz luminescence sensitivity of the investigated channel refers to fast sediment delivery from upland subcatchments. Therefore, the retreat of glaciers could affect alluvial processes on the lowland by increasing sediment availability, which contributed to the development of large braided palaeochannels.

Atmosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 1155
Muna Khatiwada ◽  
Scott Curtis

The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) river basin is the world’s third largest. Literature show that changes in precipitation have a significant impact on climate, agriculture, and the environment in the GBM. Two satellite-based precipitation products, Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR) and Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP), were used to analyze and compare precipitation trends over the GBM as a whole and within 34 pre-defined hydrological sub-basins separately for the period 1983–2019. A non-parametric Modified Mann-Kendall test was applied to determine significant trends in monsoon (June–September) and pre-monsoon (March–May) precipitation. The results show an inconsistency between the two precipitation products. Namely, the MSWEP pre-monsoon precipitation trend has significantly increased (Z-value = 2.236, p = 0.025), and the PERSIANN-CDR monsoon precipitation trend has significantly decreased (Z-value = −33.071, p < 0.000). However, both products strongly indicate that precipitation has recently declined in the pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons in the eastern and southern regions of the GBM river basin, agreeing with several previous studies. Further work is needed to identify the reasons behind inconsistent decreasing and increasing precipitation trends in the GBM river basin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
Lauren A. Dennhardt ◽  
Laura Aldrich-Wolfe ◽  
Katie L. Black ◽  
W. Gaya Shivega ◽  
Steven E. Travers

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (31) ◽  
Wenxia Zhang ◽  
Kalli Furtado ◽  
Peili Wu ◽  
Tianjun Zhou ◽  
Robin Chadwick ◽  

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