scholarly journals Effect of addition corn flour, millet flour and pumpkin seed flour on the properties of gluten-free gingerbread

2021 ◽  
Vol 845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012108
P K Garkina ◽  
A A Kurochkin ◽  
D I Frolov ◽  
G V Shaburova

Abstract This article presents the development of a recipe for gluten-free gingerbread using secondary raw materials and cereals that normalize the intestinal micro flora. The gluten-free gingerbread recipes included the following gluten-free raw materials: corn flour (CF), millet flour (MF), pumpkin seed flour (PSF). The formulation was used as gingerbread «Limon» of wheat dough as a control sample. Prescription gluten-free components and their ratio were selected based on the analysis of data from domestic and foreign sources, taking into account the functional orientation and consumer properties. Laboratory baking of gingerbread was carried out with a complete replacement of wheat flour in the recipe for a different ratio of gluten-free flour mixture CF:MF:PSF - 40:40:20 and 35:35:30. To evaluate the obtained gingerbread, organoleptic and physicochemical methods of analysis were used. The organoleptic properties and physicochemical properties of the control sample and samples of gluten-free mixtures were compared. It has been found that replacing wheat flour with a gluten-free flour mixture generally improves the properties of gingerbread. We determined the rational ratio of gluten-free flour ingredients for the production of gingerbread CF:MF:PSF - 35:35:30.

Food Industry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Vladislav Tiunov ◽  
Olga Chugunova ◽  
Aleksandr Arisov

Currently, Strategy for Improving the Food Products Quality in the Russian Federation until 2030 identifies the need to develop new food products as one of the important state tasks; the quality improvement of raw materials used, the nutritional and biological value of finished products and expanding its range are an urgent area of scientific research. Flour culinary products are no exception. These products made from traditional wheat flour of the highest grade have low nutritional value, high calorie, lack of vitamins and minerals. In order to increase the biological value of flour culinary products, a man adds food additives and biologically active substances; uses non-traditional raw materials for the production. The article considers the possibility of using non-traditional flour types mixtures instead of wheat flour of the highest grade in the production of flour culinary products (pancakes). The researchers developed the optimal dosage for adding mixtures of rice and corn, rice and amaranth, rice and soya flour to the product formulations. They studied comprehensively the regulated indicators of product quality and safety: organoleptic, physical and chemical, microbiological; run the comparative analysis of samples from non-traditional types of flour with a control sample. The authors developed the pancakes technology in the form of baking it in a convection steamer with a complete replacement of wheat flour with a mixture of rice and corn, rice and amaranth, rice and soya flour. They compiled technological maps and formulated a technical document package on the products range.

MEDVEDIEVA Anzhelika ◽  
ANTONYUK Iryna ◽  

Background. Flour confectionery in Ukraine is in high demand, it’s made gluten-free mainly using corn and rice flour, rarely buckwheat. In our opinion, an inte­resting alternative to these types of flour will be to use sesame flour in the recipe and technology of gingerbread products, due to its convenience and unique taste. We have not found any research on the use of sesame flour in the technologies of gingerbread flour confectionery in available sources. The aim of this research is to scientifically substantiate and develop the techno­logy of gluten-free gingerbread with a complete replacement of wheat with sesame flour. Materials and methods. The object of research is the technology of gingerbread using gluten-free finely ground sesame flour. As a control sample, high-grade wheat flour was used for the preparation of children’s gingerbread by custard. The quality of gingerbread is determined according to DSTU 4187:2003 (State Stan­dards of Ukraine). Organoleptic evaluation of the samples was performed on a 5-point scale. The calculation of nutritional value (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, dietary fiber), and the content of minerals is carried out according to the tables of chemical composition. Results. With the help of test doughs, it was found that in the recipe of children’s gingerbread it is possible to completely replace wheat flour with sesame and "dry perfume" (a mixture of spices) with nutmeg. According to organoleptic parameters of two types of gingerbread from wheat and sesame flour, the latter were less porous, but had a pleasant rich taste of sesame and nutmeg aroma. As a result, the identified shortcomings do not have a significant impact on the overall quality of gluten-free products. The technological scheme of preparation of "Sesame" gingerbreads with the use of sesame flour and nutmeg has been developed. The chemical composition, mineral content and energy value of control and deve­loped gingerbreads were calculated. The latter had better nutritional and biological value. Conclusion. The technology of gingerbread dough and gingerbreads with the use of sesame flour and nutmeg has been developed, which improves the organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of the new "Sesame" gingerbreads, makes their taste more expressive and enriches them with useful microelements. By replacing wheat flour with sesame, the finished products do not contain gluten and can be recommended to certain categories of consumers who suffer from diseases associated with wheat protein intolerance and allergy to it.

2022 ◽  
pp. 55-58
Юлия Юрьевна Никонорова ◽  
Лариса Александровна Косых ◽  
Любовь Федоровна Сыркина

Для больных целиакией стоит проблема при составлении рациона питания, в основном это отказ от изделий, которые содержат в своем составе глютен. Перед хлебопекарными предприятиями стоит задача расширить ассортимент безглютеновых продуктов. При изготовлении продуктов, не содержащих глютен, применяют нетрадиционное сырье: к такому сырью относится сорговая мука. Зерно сорго универсально в использовании, в зависимости от сорта его используют как на пищевые цели, так и на кормовые и промышленные. Цель работы - изучение возможности применения сорговой муки из разных сортов для изготовления функциональных безглютеновых кексов. Анализ оценки качества муки и готовых изделий осуществляли органолептическим и физико-химическим способом. Исследованы показатели качества готовых изделий: пшеничной муки высшего сорта и цельносмолотой, полученной из озимой пшеницы сорта Поволжская Нива, а также цельносмолотой сорговой муки из сортов Рось, Державное, Вера и линии Л-246/17. При определении органолептических и физико-химических показателей выявлено, что цвет муки у контрольных образцов был белый и бежевый. У цельносмолотой сорговой муки в зависимости от сорта от светло-бежевого до коричневого. Влажность муки была в норме и не превышала 15 %. По данным фракционного состава белка, самое низкое содержание глютелинов оказалось у линии Л-246/17 (7,98 %), тогда как у пшеничной муки высшего сорта 31,17 %. Хлебопекарная оценка готовых изделий показала, что все кексы со слегка выпуклой формой корки, пропеченные. Объем и удельный объем кексов из цельносмолотой муки сортов Рось, Державное и линии Л-246/17 больше по сравнению с контрольным образцом из цельносмолотой муки пшеницы сорта Поволжская Нива. Проведен сравнительный анализ сортов зернового сорго для применения их в пищевой промышленности, в качестве безглютенового сырья для производства кондитерских изделий. For patients with celiac disease, there is a problem when compiling a diet, mainly it is the rejection of products that contain gluten in their composition. Bakeries are faced with the task of expanding the range of gluten-free products. In the manufacture of gluten-free products, non-traditional raw materials are used, such raw materials include sorghum flour. Sorghum grain is universal in use, depending on the variety, it is used both for food purposes, and for feed and industrial purposes. The purpose of the work is to study the possibility of using sorghum flour from different varieties for the production of functional gluten-free cupcakes. The analysis of the evaluation of the quality of flour and finished products was carried out by organoleptic and physico-chemical methods. The quality indicators of finished products were studied: wheat flour of the highest grade and whole-ground wheat obtained from winter wheat of the Volga Niva variety, as well as whole - ground sorghum flour from the Ros, Derzhavnoye, Vera varieties and the L-246/17 line. When determining the organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters, it was revealed that the color of the flour in the control samples was white and beige. For whole-ground sorghum flour, depending on the variety, from light beige to brown. The moisture content of the flour was normal and did not exceed 15 %. According to the fractional composition of the protein, the lowest content of glutelins was found in the L-246/17 line 7.98 %, while wheat flour of the highest grade - 31.17 %. The bakery evaluation of the finished products showed that all the cupcakes with a slightly convex crust shape are baked. The volume and specific volume of cupcakes made of whole-ground flour of the Ros, Derzhavnoye varieties and the L-246/17 line is higher compared to the control sample made of whole-ground wheat flour of the Volga Niva variety. A comparative analysis of varieties of grain sorghum for their use in the food industry, as gluten-free raw materials for the production of confectionery products is carried out

Valentina Zhukova ◽  
Vira Tarasenko

The article develops a rational recipe composition and technology for the preparation of functional dairy cakes enriched with pumpkin seed flour, the quality of finished products is assessed. It is shown that the correction of traditional recipes of products of mass demand and daily nutrition in accordance with the nutritional needs of the population is one of the most relevant in the context of a healthy lifestyle. Local plant raw materials with preventive and functional properties are analyzed. It has been suggested that a part of wheat flour should be replaced in the recipe by pumpkin seed flour with a higher content of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, macro- and microelements. The relevance of scientific research is to solve the important problem of purposeful search for cheap local plant ingredients with high physiological activity and selection of their optimal dosage in recipes to increase biological and nutritional value, as well as taste properties of finished products. The aim of the research was to improve the technology of preparation of dairy cakes of high biological value with the use of non-traditional raw materials, as well as to study changes in the quality indicators of finished cakes. In the course of research, the dependence of the mass fraction of moisture of the finished cakes on the dosage of pumpkin flour was determined. It is established that at replacement of 5-20% of wheat flour on pumpkin humidity of products changes insignificantly and remains within norm. The degree of baking of cakes was determined by the difference in weight of the product before and after baking. It was found that with increasing the dose of pumpkin seed flour, the baking rate decreases. It is determined that at a content of 15% and above of pumpkin flour in the recipe of the cake have a pronounced taste and smell of pumpkin seeds. Organoleptic analysis showed that the optimal amount of pumpkin flour in dairy cakes is 10%. Experimental samples have a well-developed porosity, pleasant, sweet taste, with a slight tinge of pumpkin seeds. The results of the study may be useful for manufacturers of functional foods.

Е.Г. ДУНЕЦ ◽  

Безглютеновая продукция, помимо исключения глютена, должна обеспечивать профилактику состояний, возникающих при соблюдении безглютеновой диеты, пищевых дефицитов, ослабленности защитных систем организма. Установлено, что разработанное пресное тесто на основе композиции соевой, рисовой и кукурузной муки в отличие от теста из пшеничной муки имеет более сбалансированный состав белков, жиров и углеводов 1 : 1,2 : 5,1 соответственно, содержит в 6,8 раза больше жира, а крахмальная составляющая снижена на 23. В100 г разработанного теста содержится 1,85 г пищевых волокон. При употреблении порции пельменей (200 г) удовлетворение суточной потребности составляет (без учета нутриентов фарша), : в основных пищевых веществах 7,67,7, витаминах группы В 5,59,0, РР 8,55, Е 17,20, в кальции 3,94, магнии 7,95, селене 20,32. Биологическая ценность белков теста составляет 62, что более чем в полтора раза превышает биологическую ценность белков теста из пшеничной муки. Высокое содержание витаминов, минеральных веществ и пищевых волокон позволяет отнести разработанное тесто на основе безглютенового сырья к продуктам профилактической направленности. Gluten-free products, in addition to excluding gluten, should provide prevention of conditions (food deficiencies, weakening of the bodys defense systems) that occur when following a gluten-free diet. It was found that the developed unleavened dough based on a composition of soy, rice and corn flour, in contrast to the dough from wheat flour, has a more balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates 1 : 1,2 : 5,1 respectively, contains 6,8 times more fat, and the starch component is reduced by 23. 100 g of the developed dough contains 1,85 g of dietary fiber. When using a portion of dumplings (200 g), the daily requirement is met (excluding minced meat nutrients),: in basic nutrients 7,67,7, B vitamins 5,59,0, PP 8,55, E 17,20, in calcium 3,94, magnesium 7,95, selenium 20,32. The biological value of dough proteins is 62, which is more than one and a half times higher than the biological value of wheat flour dough proteins. The high content of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers allows us to refer the developed dough based on gluten-free raw materials to the products of preventive orientation.


Рост числа больных с алиментарно-зависимыми заболеваниями во многих странах делает необходимым расширение ассортимента продуктов для диетического питания. Исследована возможность применения полисахаридов микробного и растительного происхождения в качестве структурообразователей в рецептуре творожного суфле для безглютенового питания. Предложена замена глютенсодержащего сырья – пшеничной муки на полисахариды (ПС) ксантан и гуаран. Объектом исследования были образцы творожного суфле с внесенным ксантаном или гуараном в количестве 0,3; 0,5; 0,7 и 1,0% от массы сырья взамен пшеничной муки. Контролем служил образец суфле из творога, приготовленного по стандартной рецептуре, без замены пшеничной муки ПС. Установлено, что после выпечки консистенция изделий с ксантаном не соответствовала требованиям, предъявляемым к суфле: оно было плотным и не обладало ярко выраженной характерной пористостью. Наивысшую органолептическую оценку получил образец суфле с содержанием 0,3% гуарана со структурой и вкусом, характерными для контрольного образца. Исследованные физико-химические показатели и пищевая и энергетическая ценность разработанного творожного суфле для безглютенового питания сопоставимы с аналогичными показателями контрольного образца. Рассчитано, что при годовом объеме выработки разработанной продукции 35,3 т срок окупаемости составит 0,33 года при рентабельности 50%. The increase in the number of patients with alimentary-dependent diseases in many countries makes it necessary to expand the range of products for dietary nutrition. The possibility of using polysaccharides of microbial and plant origin as structure-forming agents in the formulation curd souffle for gluten-free nutrition has been investigated. Replacement of gluten-containing raw materials – wheat flour with polysaccharides (PS) xanthan and guaran is proposed. The object of the study was samples of cottage cheese souffle with xanthan or guaran added in the amount of 0,3; 0,5; 0,7 and 1,0% of the mass of raw materials instead of wheat flour. The control was a sample of a souffle made of curd prepared according to a standard formulation, without replacing wheat flour with PS. It was found that after baking, the consistency of products with xanthan did not meet the requirements for the souffle: it was dense and did not have a pronounced characteristic porosity. The highest organoleptic rating was given to a souffle sample containing 0,3% guaran, which had the structure and taste characteristic of the control sample. The studied physical and chemical parameters and the nutritional and energy value of the developed curd souffle for gluten-free nutrition are comparable with similar indicators of the control sample. It is calculated that with an annual output of 3,3 tons of developed products, the payback period will be 0,33 years with a profitability of 50%.


Необходимость разработки безглютеновых продуктов обусловлена ростом численности людей страдающих целиакией, распространенность которой составляет 1 случай на 100–200 человек населения. Решение проблем, возникающих при производстве безглютеновых мучных кондитерских изделий, делает актуальным поиск новых видов сырья, не содержащего глютен и способного улучшать потребительские свойства изделий. В качестве источника безглютенового сырья была выбрана гречневая мука (ГМ). Получено безглютеновое печенье из ГМ в сочетании с различными гидроколлоидами – камедями акации, трагаканта, гуаровой и ксантановой, которые по отдельности добавляли в образцы ГМ в количестве 1г/100 г, и исследовано его физико-химические и сенсорные свойства в сравнении с аналогичными свойствами печенья из пшеничной муки (ПМ). Установлено, что образцы ГМ с добавкой камедей имеют более высокое содержание влаги, а печенье, полученное из смеси ГМ с камедью по разработанной нами технологии, – большую толщину, массу и сниженную прочность при разрушении по сравнению с ГМ и печеньем, изготовленным из нее. При сенсорной оценке качества изделий, проведенной по девятибалльной гедонистической шкале, установлено, что самые высокие показатели качества имеет печенье из ПМ, самые низкие – печенье, приготовленное из ГМ. Внесение камедей улучшило сенсорные показатели изделий на основе ГМ. Лучшим признан образец печенья на основе ГМ с добавлением ксантановой камеди. Таким образом, использование гидроколлоидов улучшает водосвязывающую способность муки и сенсорные показатели изделия – цвет, аромат, вкус и дает возможность получить безглютеновое печенье достаточно высокого качества, сопоставимого с качеством печенья из пшеничной муки. The need to develop gluten-free products is due to the growing number of people suffering from celiac disease, the prevalence of which is 1 case per 100–200 people of the population. Solving the problems that arise in the production of gluten-free flour confectionery products makes it relevant to search for new types of raw materials that do not contain gluten and can improve the consumer properties of products. Buckwheat flour (BF) was chosen as a source of gluten-free raw materials. Gluten-free cookies from BF were obtained in combination with various hydrocolloids-acacia, tragacanth, guar and xanthan gums, which were separately added to BF samples in the amount of 1 g/100 g, and its physical and chemical and sensory properties were studied in comparison with similar properties of wheat flour cookies (WF). The purpose of this work is to obtain gluten-free cookies from BF in combination with various hydrocolloids – acacia gum, tragacanth, guar gum and xanthan gum, which were separately added to BF in the amount of 1 g/100 g, and to study its physical, chemical and sensory properties in comparison with similar properties of cookies from WF. It was found that the samples of BF with the addition of gums have higher moisture content, and the cookies obtained from a mixture of BF with gum according to the technology developed by us – a greater thickness, weight and reduced strength at destruction compared to BF and cookies made from it. In the sensory evaluation of the quality of products conducted on a nine-point hedonistic scale, it was found that the highest quality indicators are cookies made from WF, the lowest – cookies made from BF. The introduction of gums improved the sensory performance of BF-based products. A sample of BF-based cookies with the addition of xanthan gum was recognized as the best. Thus, the use of hydrocolloids improves the water-binding ability of flour and the sensory characteristics of the product – color, aroma, taste, and makes it possible to obtain gluten-free cookies of sufficiently high quality, comparable to the quality of cookies made from wheat flour.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
pp. 212-220
Liubomyr Khomichak ◽  
Inha Kuznietsova ◽  
Svetlana Vysotska ◽  
Sergiy Tkachenko ◽  

Introduction. Processing of grain raw material with influence on starch or albumens by application of heat treatment creates the variety of functional properties of a product and is perspective in the modern terms vital functions of man. Research methods and methods. The flour obtained from wheat of the Ascanian wheat and from wheat of the soft varieties: Sophia ("sweet wheat"), Blond (soft) and Chornobrova (enriched with micro- and macronutrients) were used in the study. Thermal modification of flour samples was carried out in a convective manner. The control sample for determining the quality indicators is obtained in industrial conditions, extruded wheat flour produced by LLC "AS groups, LTD". Research results. The obtained kinetic dependence shows the gradual loss of moisture standards with different speed which accordingly influences on duration of drying. The moisture content of the drying agent most affects the intensity at the initial stage of the constant drying rate. With an increase in the moisture content of the coolant, the period of constant drying increases and the amount of evaporated moisture increases during this period. With the subsequent removal of moisture from raw materials, the degree of influence of this parameter on the intensity decreases. The nature of the drying curves is the same and the recommended process for obtaining modified flour is the process duration of 300 minutes or 5 hours. It was determined microscopically, that the samples of dried wheat flour have a purpose and are partially destroyed by starch granules and amorphization of biocomposite materials. Based on the data on the kinetics of drying flour samples, the kinetic coefficients and values of the critical moisture content for drying wheat flour were calculated, which is 1.18-1.30 %. It was determined that for the sensorial indicators the obtained samples have indicators characteristic of the varietal characteristics of wheat, from which the flour was taken. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, the modified wheat flour samples are not inferior to the well-known industrial sample of extruded flour. Conclusions. Use of flour, obtained from the wheat with different correlation of amilose and amylopectin, positively influences on a technological process and allows to extend the assortment of modified starch products, and accordingly, food products. Kinetics of the convective drying standards of the flour is investigated. Researches showed that a it is physically modified flour obtained from the different sorts of the soft wheat is not inferior in quality to the extruded wheat flour.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 26-31
L.T. Fahrtdinova ◽  
M.K. Sadigova ◽  
T.V. Kirillova ◽  
Yu. T. Saidullaeva ◽  

The article presents the results of a study on the development of a recipe for semi‑finished custard based on gluten‑free raw materials. The ratio of components in the gluten‑free mixture was optimized using the regression analysis method. The influence of gluten‑free raw materials on the rheological properties of the semi‑ finished product is studied. The variants of the experiment differed in the composition of the composite mixture (the ratio of corn, rice flour and corn starch). The chemical composition and the ratio of the components of the mixture determine the rheological properties of the semi‑finished product. The experimental version with the ratio of rice flour, corn flour and corn starch 50:40:10 most corresponds to the rheological properties of the control version and is characterized by high consumer properties.

2012 ◽  
Vol 49 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 157-160 ◽  
M. Božiková

This article deals with thermophysical properties of nutritive raw materials particularly of corn and wheat granary mass. It is necessary to know thermophysical performance of granary mass for protection of quality of technological process by processing to final products. Granary mass consist of grains complex of specific kind. It is non uniform material in microscopic and macroscopic structure. There are enacted biophysical and physiological processes. Heat transfer can not be isolated by solid transfer and heat &ndash; moisture transfer. It means that specification of granary mass and granary fragments is difficult to determine. We researched thermal properties of fragments of corn and wheat grain, concretely corn and wheat flour. In the first series of measurements we measured relations of thermal conductivity&nbsp; to the moisture content&nbsp; in range (2&divide;18) % for two different samples &ndash; corn flour and wheat flour. Function f ( to bulk density <sub>S</sub>, samples had identical moisture content 6.5%. For size of corn and wheat grains in range (0.063&divide;0.5) mm this is polynomical function. Measured results are corresponding with results at present literature (Ginzburg et al. 1985).

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