The Public as a Timescape

2020 ◽  
pp. 182-191
Megan Eaton Robb

Out of the intersection of a modernity that shrank miles into minutes with a disjointed temporality preserved by the limitations to fast travel, Madinah newspaper delineated a new space and time. It transformed its geographic isolation into a source of moral authenticity for the modern age. As a modern Islamic voice it wove its local public into the fabric of a history being lived by Muslims in many places. From the fusion of the telegraph and the printing press with centuries-old social and communication networks it fashioned credibility and accessibility; with Western print technology, it preserved the religious significance of traditional calligraphy; with this religious visual authority it elevated the aesthetic of the newspaper form. Embodying as a business the virtuous rhythms of Muslim devotion, it became an indelible part of the life rhythm of its home qasbah and of communities beyond its borders. This indicates that this and other small-town newspapers may have been a key vector by which these political orientations were incubated, nourished, and maintained.

2000 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-66 ◽  
Mustafa Shah

The concluding part of the article pursues the theoretical arguments which relate to the tawqīf-işṭilāḥ debate on the origin of language and the intricate link with the concept of majāz. The article attempts to show how the question of the origin of language was imported into the controversy relating to the resort to metaphor and figurative language in the exegesis of the Qur'an and Prophetic dicta. Moreover, there was concern in some quarters that religious doctrines were being articulated through a veneer of metaphorical language. Some theologians had, in presenting a hypothesis for the existence of tropical expressions in the idiom of Arabic, referred to the concept of işṭilāḥ to justify their arguments, whilst tawqīf al-lugha was adduced to counter such reasoning. The religious significance of the issue is highlighted by Ibn Taymiyya who advances the thesis that the evolved concept of majāz was expressly formulated at a posterior juncture in the development of the Islamic tradition. He vociferously argues that a developed concept of majāz was insidiously exploited by those with preconceived theological motives. The article shows why Ibn Taymiyya had to discard the perceived sacrosanct doctrine of tawqīfal-lugha in order to refute theoretically the concept of majāz. This also meant that for scholars of the same view as Ibn Taymiyya, the aesthetic features associated with the device of majāz were summarily disregarded. Nevertheless, a concept of majāz was explicitly endorsed as an indisputable feature of the Arabic language by a majority of scholars.

2010 ◽  
pp. 52-72
Serena Zacchigna ◽  
Mauro Giacca

Since the early days of gene therapy, both the scientific community and the public have perceived the ethical challenges intrinsic to this discipline. First, the technology exploited by gene therapy is still experimental and burdened by important safety issues. Second, in several instances gene therapy aims at stably modifying the genetic characteristics of individuals. Third, the same modifications could in principle be applied also to embryos, foetuses or germ cells. Finally, while gene therapy applications are generally accepted for therapeutic purposes, the same gene transfer technologies could also be exploited to improve the aesthetic appearance, or the physical and intellectual performance of people. The definition of suitable guidelines for a controlled, ethically accepted translation of gene therapy to the clinics remains a major challenge for the near future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (4) ◽  
pp. 418-430
Jonathan Tobias

In For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church, there is a clear preference for the “democratic genius of the modern age.” This preference for democracy is due, in part, to the long experience of the Orthodox Church with other governmental forms, especially autocratic and authoritarian states.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 431-447

AbstractOnline social networking services involve communication activities between large number of individuals over the public Internet and their crawled records are often regarded as proxies of real (i.e., offline) interaction structure. However, structure observed in these records might differ from real counterparts because individuals may behave differently online and non-human accounts may even participate. To understand the difference between online and real social networks, we investigate an empirical communication network between users on Twitter, which is perhaps one of the largest social networking services. We define a network of user pairs that send reciprocal messages. Based on the correlation between degree of adjacent nodes observed in this network, we hypothesize that this network differs from conventional understandings in the sense that there is a small number of distinctive users that we call outsiders. Outsiders do not belong to any user groups but they are connected with different groups, while not being well connected with each other. We identify outsiders by maximizing the degree assortativity coefficient of the network via node removal, thereby confirming that local structural properties of outsiders identified are consistent with our hypothesis. Our findings suggest that the existence of outsiders should be considered when using Twitter communication networks for social network analysis.

Muzikologija ◽  
2008 ◽  
pp. 185-202
Aleksandar Vasic

Serbian music criticism became a subject of professional music critics at the beginning of the twentieth century, after being developed by music amateurs throughout the whole previous century. The Serbian Literary Magazine (1901- 1914, 1920-1941), the forum of the Serbian modernist writers in the early 1900s, had a crucial role in shaping the Serbian music criticism and essayistics of the modern era. The Serbian elite musicians wrote for the SLM and therefore it reflects the most important issues of the early twentieth century Serbian music. The SLM undertook the mission of educating its readers. The music culture of the Serbian public was only recently developed. The public needed an introduction into the most important features of the European music, as well as developing its own taste in music. This paper deals with two aspects of the music criticism in the SLM, in view of its educational role: the problem of virtuosity and the method used by music critics in this magazine. The aesthetic canon of the SLM was marked by decisively negative attitude towards the virtuosity. Mainly concerned by educating the Serbian music public in the spirit of the highest music achievements in Europe, the music writers of the SLM criticized both domestic and foreign performers who favoured virtuosity over the 'essence' of music. Therefore, Niccol? Paganini, Franz Liszt, and even Peter Tchaikowsky with his Violin concerto became the subject of the magazine's criticism. However their attitude towards the interpreters with both musicality and virtuoso technique was always positive. That was evident in the writings on Jan Kubel?k. This educational mission also had its effect on the structure of critique writings in the SLM. In their wish to inform the Serbian public on the European music (which they did very professionally), the critics gave much more information on biographies, bibliographies and style of the European composers, than they valued the interpretation itself. That was by far the weakest aspect of music criticism in the SLM. Although the music criticism in the SLM was professional and analytic one, it often used the literary style and sometimes even profane expressions in describing the artistic value and performance, more than it was necessary for the genre of music criticism. The music critics of the SLM set high aesthetic standards before the Serbian music public, and therefore the virtuosity was rejected by them. At the same time, these highly professional critics did not possess a certain level of introspection that would allow them to abstain from using sometimes empty and unconvincing phrases instead of exact formulations suitable for the professional music criticism. In that respect, music critics in the SLM did not match the standards they themselves set before both the performers and the public in Serbia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 141-146
Chhaya Jain

In today's era, cinema is such a genre, towards which a child of two years and an old man of eighty years is also attracted. Even a person from a small town to a small town is not untouched by its hypnosis. Cinema is a complete genre in itself, as it includes all arts like painting, theatrical art, poetry, fiction. The cinema that we see today has a developed and sophisticated form in front of us, a century of hard work behind it. In the present times, cinema has taken the form of industry but it has not only given us entertainment, but also education, so it has become a powerful medium to express the feelings of the public. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that "Movies are not only the best medium of entertainment, but they are also the best medium for knowledge enhancement".   आज के युग में सिनेमा एक ऐसी विधा है, जिसकी ओर दो साल का एक बच्चा और अस्सी साल का एक बूढ़ा भी आकर्षित है। एक महानगर से लेकर छोटे से कस्बे का व्यक्ति भी इसके सम्मोहन से अछूता नहीं हैं। सिनेमा अपने आप में एक सम्पूर्ण विधा है, क्योंकि इसमें चित्रकला, नाट्य कला, काव्य कला, कथा साहित्य आदि सभी कलाओं का समावेश रहता हैं। आज हम जो सिनेमा देखते है वह हमारे सामने एक विकसित और परिष्कृत रूप है, इसके पीछे एक सदी का परिश्रम है। वर्तमान समय में सिनेमा ने उद्योग रूप ले लिया है परंतु इसने हमें न केवल मनोरंजन ही दिया है, बल्कि शिक्षा भी दी है, इसलिए यह जनमानस की भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने का सशक्त माध्यम बन गया है। इसलिये यह कहना गलत न होगा कि “फिल्में मनोरंजन का उत्तम माध्यम तो हैं ही, साथ ही वह ज्ञानवर्धन के लिए भी अत्यंत बेहतरीन माध्यम हैं।”

Bastina ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 95-109
Đurđina Isić

The paper presents the results of research that included comparative study of the place and role of female characters in selected and representative comedies by Serbian comedigrapher Branislav Nušić (eng. MP, Suspicious person, Mrs Minister, Bereaved family, Dr, Deceased; srb. Narodni poslanik, Sumnjivo lice, Ožalošćena porodica, Dr, Pokojnik, Vlast) and Bulgarian comedigrapher Stefan Kostov (eng. Gold mine, Golemanov, Grasshoppers, Nameless comedy; blg. Zlamnama mina, Golemanov, Skakalci, Komediâ bez ime) in order to find similarities and differences in the process of comedigraphic shaping of female characters in the work of these two authors. The subject of the research was viewed primarily from a literary-theoretical point of view, and the dominant methods of study were comparative and analytical-synthetic. During the research, there was a differentiation of female characters in accordance with their motivational structures, psychological assemblies and the nature of the place and the role they play in the social environment in which they are located. Therefore, we can distinguish female characters who live in the province and who are fully representative of the small-town spirit, female characters who live in the capital and are a symbol of the modern age and female characters who dwell in the capital, but in fact, deeply down still carry a small-town view of the world. The structure of this paper is in line with this distinction. Conclusions made at the end of the study show that the representation of female characters in analyzed comedies of both comedigaphers is highly similar in its nature.

José Daniel Santibáñez Vásquez ◽  
Natalie Barragán ◽  
Natalie Barragán ◽  
Christopher Andrade ◽  
Christopher Andrade ◽  

RESUMEN El Llanero Solitario ha sido uno de los personajes más emblemáticos de la cultura estadounidense. Su paso por la radio, televisión, cine y cómics marcó toda una época en la que los vaqueros eran héroes nacionales. Uno de los medios que tuvo mayor aceptación por parte del público fue el de la tira cómica o comic strip, que se publicaba diariamente. Escrita por Cary Bates e ilustrado por Russ Heath, esta tira logró llevar a muchos lectores a acompañar al Llanero Solitario y a Tonto en sus aventuras. Se trata de una obra de gran calidad narrativa y visual, en la que Russ Heath expone su talento como dibujante y su capacidad para ordenar, de manera inteligente, cada elemento gráfico del cómic.PALABRAS CLAVES Arte secuencial, cómic, composición, Llanero Solitario, narrativa, Russ Heath.KAWASPA RURASPA PARLASPA IMASAMI RURANKUNA ATUN KAWACHI SAPALLA LLAGTAPI, KAWACHISPA KAI WATAKUNAPI 1981-1984 CHASALLATA RURASKA SUG RUSSEL HEATHSUGLLAPIKaipi kai runa Cary Bates i Russ Heath Parlame Kawachhikame imasami tukuikunata sumaska kai suti alpapi sapalla, llalischiskakuna rimaspa, kawaspa kawachispa tukuikunata kai rurai suti comic strip, kai iskai runakuna kai kilkapi parlanakumi iman paikuna uillankuna. Munankuna tukuinutata kawachinga kankuna ajai iachakuna. Allilla imapas rurangapa Kilkangapa tukuikunata kawachinkuna sumaglla apachikuna.IMA SUTI RIMAI SIMI:Rukaikuna, kunaurramanda, kawachii, alpapi sapalla, parlu, Russ Heath.ANALYSIS OF THE AESTHETIC AND SEQUENTIAL NARRATIVE IN THE LONE RANGER COMIC STRIP, PUBLISHED BETWEEN 1981 AND 1984 AND ILLUSTRATED BY RUSSEL HEATHABSTRACT The Lone Ranger has been one of the most iconic characters in American culture. Its passage through radio, television, film and comics marked an era in which cowboys were national heroes. One medium that was widely accepted by the public was the daily comic strip. Written by Cary Bates and illustrated by Russ Heath, this strip managed to make readers feel that they were joining the Lone Ranger and Tonto on their adventures. This is a unique work of great narrative and visual quality, in which Russ Heath shows his talent as an illustrator and his ability to sort intelligently each graphic element.KEYWORDS Sequential art, comic, layout, Lone Ranger, narrative, Russ Heath.ANALYSE DE L’ESTHETIQUE ET DE LA NARRATIVE SEQUENTIELLE DANS LE COMIC STRIP THE LONE RANGER, PUBLIE ENTRE 1981 ET 1984, ET ILLUSTRE PAR RUSSEL HEATHRÉSUMÉ The Lone Ranger a été l’un des personnages les plus emblématiques de la culture américaine. Son passage à travers la radio, la télévision, le cinéma et la bande dessinée a marqué une époque où les cow-boys étaient des héros nationaux. Un moyen qui a été largement accepté par le public était la bande dessinée quotidienne. Écrite par Cary Bates et illustrée par Russ Heath, cette bande a réussi à rendre les lecteurs les compagnons du Lone Ranger et Tonto dans leurs aventures. Ceci est une œuvre unique de grande qualité narrative et visuelle, dans laquelle Russ Heath montre son talent de dessinateur et sa capacité à trier intelligemment chaque élément graphique.MOTS-CLEFSArt séquentiel, bande dessinée, mise en page, Lone Ranger, narrative, Russ Heath.ANALISES DA ESTÉTICA E DA NARRATIVA SEQUENCIAL DAS TIRINHAS O CAVALHEIRO SOLITÁRIO, PUBLICADA ENTRE 1981 E 1984, E ILUSTRADA POR RUSSEL HEATH.RESUMO O Cavalheiro Solitário tem sido um dos personagens mais emblemáticos da cultura americana (E.U). Seu passo pela rádio, televisão, cinema e os quadrinhos marcou toda uma época na que os boiadeiros eram heróis nacionais. Um dos meios que teve maior aceitação pelo público foi o das tirinhas ou quadrinhos strip, que se publicava diariamente. Escrita por Cary Bates e ilustrado por Russ Heath, estas tirinhas conseguiu levar a muitos leitores acompanhar ao cavalheiro solitário e a Tonto em suas aventuras. Se trata de uma obra de grande qualidade narrativa e visual, na que Russ Heath expõe o seu talento como desenhista e sua capacidade para ordenar, de maneira inteligente, cada elemento gráfico do Gibi.PALAVRAS CHAVES Arte sequencial, tirinhas, composição, Cavalheiro Solitário, narrativa, Russ Heath. Recibido el 04 de julio de 2015 Aceptado el 22 de enero de 2016

2018 ◽  
pp. 86-105
Carlos Hugo Soria Caceres

RESUMENLas infraestructuras de transporte presentes sobre el territorio condicionan las relaciones sociales y de comunicación de muchos espacios. Grandes estaciones, puertos o aeropuertos se presentan como ejes de centralidad sobre los que se distribuyen flujos de mercancías y personas, configurando a su vez el diseño y la funcionalidad de las ciudades. Hoy en día, con el avance producido en sectores como el ferrocarril de alta velocidad, las estaciones han transformado su función principal de nudo de intercambio, proyectándose como nuevos espacios comerciales y de negocio. En este artículo se analiza este nuevo fenómeno de transformación espacial y social vinculado a la alta velocidad ferroviaria, focalizando su ámbito en España. Se desgrana a su vez el papel de las comunidades sociales, políticas y empresariales para la ciudad y el espacio público presentes en las nuevas estaciones de ferroviarias. Palabras clave: ferrocarril; espacio público; urbanismo. ABSTRACTThis work aims to discuss the transport infrastructures presents on the territory and the conditions to the social and communication relations of many spaces. Large stations, ports or airports are presented as axes of centrality on which flows of goods and people are distributed, configuring in turn the design and functionality of cities. Nowadays, with the advance produced in sectors such as high-speed rail, the stations have transformed their main function as an exchange hub, projecting themselves as new commercial and business spaces. This article analyzes this new phenomenon of spatial and social transformation linked to high-speed rail, focusing its scope in Spain. At the same time, the role of the social, political and business communities for the city and the public space present in the new railway stations.Keywords: railroad; public space; urbanism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 905 (1) ◽  
pp. 012145
S Budi ◽  
T Widiastuti ◽  
D T Ardianto ◽  
S Mataram

Abstract Batik is one of the artworks of old Javanese society which has continued to exist and develop until the present day. In the 18th century, batik was a special type of clothing worn by the nobility, and there were even prohibitions for using batik clothing with certain types of motifs. Its basic substance is the ornamental images made on the fabric. A piece of cloth can change its position and value only because of a difference in decoration. As a visual aesthetic, batik is the work of Javanese artists, created by abstracting the surrounding natural environment, especially various flora, and fauna. Up to 1912, there were more than 100 names of flowers, leaves, and plants that were abstracted to become classical motifs. In the contemporary era, where batik has become more acceptable as clothing for the public, flora-based motifs are no longer the result of abstraction of particular flowers or plants but are considered more for their ornamental aesthetic. The aesthetic value of contemporary batik motifs is no longer determined by the type of flowers or plants abstracted, but by how they are represented for the beauty of clothing.

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