The Cities of Kerma and Pnubs-Dokki Gel
The two cities of Kerma and Dokki Gel represent the center of an independent Nubian kingdom that stood up to Egyptian hegemony over a long period of time. Archaeological research carried out in Kerma has enabled us to trace the main development phases of the capital and to identify its main institutions, often influenced by Egypt. On the other hand, the city of Dokki Gel is different in nature, and its unusual architecture, displaying oval or circular monuments, leads us to consider an external input from neighboring countries, probably from the south, like Punt or ancient powers of Darfur. One can thus suggest that the armies of neighboring kingdoms took part in the defense of the territory in the form of coalitions mentioned in some sources contemporary with the conquest of Kerma by the pharaoh’s armies. The establishment of a menenu (fortress) by Thutmose I at Dokki Gel marks a breach that lasted three centuries, and the start of the Egyptianization of the city of Pnubs.