scholarly journals I - Biology and morphology of the immature stages of Mycetophilidae ( Diptera, Nematocera )

The importance of larval characters in determining the affinities and systematic position of Diptera has been emphasized by Dufour, Brauer, Mik, Osten-Sacken, and Keilin. Osten-Sacken considered that the desideratum of dipterology was “ to establish the natural character of each family in its larval form as well as the natural characters of at least the principal genera within each family during the same stage of existence” . As Edwards says, “ The question as to whether the larval or adult characters are of greater value for classification has often been raised. In more than one case the larval characters have been shown to be more important (Culicidae, Mycetobia ), and in some cases the classification of adults has been based on Secondary Characters, and only further examination revealed the characters of real taxonomic value ”. The position of Mycetobia provides a good example of the importance of larval characters. Winnertz and J ohannsen included it in the Mycetophilidae. Keilin (1919, a),from a detailed larval study of Mycetobia and Rhyphus , concluded that they are closely related. Further investigations by E dwards based on adult characters confirmed Keilin’s view that it should be transferred to the Rhyphidae.* In our present state of knowledge, however, classification based on larval characters could not supersede classification by adults, as only a small proportion of the immature stages of insects is known in comparison to the number of adults. However, as Edwards points out, “ Any attempt to base a classification on adults only without reference to the other stages is an unnatural proceeding and likely to produce unnatural results, owing to the ease with which striking but really superficial characters can be confused with those of more fundamental importance from the point of view of phylogeny ”.

I. R. Khuzina ◽  
V. N. Komarov

The paper considers a point of view, based on the conception of the broad understanding of taxons. According to this point of view, rhyncholites of the subgenus Dentatobeccus and Microbeccus are accepted to be synonymous with the genus Rhynchoteuthis, and subgenus Romanovichella is considered to be synonymous with the genus Palaeoteuthis. The criteria, exercising influence on the different approaches to the classification of rhyncholites, have been analyzed (such as age and individual variability, sexual dimorphism, pathological and teratological features, degree of disintegration of material), underestimation of which can lead to inaccuracy. Divestment of the subgenuses Dentatobeccus, Microbeccus and Romanovichella, possessing very bright morphological characteristics, to have an independent status and denomination to their synonyms, has been noted to be unjustified. An artificial system (any suggested variant) with all its minuses is a single probable system for rhyncholites. The main criteria, minimizing its negative sides and proving the separation of the new taxon, is an available mass-scale material. The narrow understanding of the genus, used in sensible limits, has been underlined to simplify the problem of the passing the view about the genus to the other investigators and recognition of rhyncholites for the practical tasks.

1895 ◽  
Vol 2 (12) ◽  
pp. 529-539 ◽  
H. A. Nicholson ◽  
J. E. Marr

Since the remarkable paper by Professor Lapworth “On an Improved Classification of the Rhabdophora” was published in the Geological Magazine for 1873, a great deal of fresh information has been gathered as to these interesting fossils; but the classification given in that paper, though to some extent confessedly artificial, is still generally adhered to. Observations made by the authors in recent years lead them to suppose that that classification will in the future undergo considerable modification; but in the present state of our knowledge it serves a purpose so useful, that it is not our intention to propose any immediate change in it. Our object, on the other hand, is to bring forward certain conclusions which we have independently reached, and which will, we believe, enhance the value of Graptolites to the stratigraphical geologist, and lead to results important to the biologist. Our conclusions are based upon an examination of a large number of forms generally referred to the family Dichograptidæ; but, as we propose very briefly to indicate, they affect the relationships of Graptolites belonging to other families also.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 148-154
Natalia A. Guz ◽  
Yulia G. Babicheva

The purpose of the work is to explore the point of view in Vasily Shukshin's short stories in its systematic and diverse manifestation. Topicality is provided by the exceptional significance of this category in narratology. The study of the point of view based on the material of short stories by Vasily Shukshin has been conducted for the first time. The article briefly traces the history of scientific understanding of the category of point of view in foreign and Russian philology and notes the variety of approaches and definitions in the formulation of the concept. The authors use the classification of Boris Uspenskij for analysis and consider the point of view in Vasily Shukshin's short stories in psychological, ideological (evaluative), spatial-temporal and phraseological terms. The positions of Boris Korman, Yuri Lotman, Wolf Schmid and Franz Karl Stanzel also take into account. The authors note the features of Vasily Shukshin's narration that affect the expression of the point of view in the text. Vasily Shukshin's short stories are characterised by a dynamic and frequent change of points of view, which indicates the technique of “montageˮ and similarities in this regard with cinematic techniques. The conclusions generalise the variety of ways and forms of expression of the point of view in the studied artistic material. The point of view in the considered stories is characterised by variability in the correlation of subjects of speech and subjects of consciousness, alternation of external and internal points of view, mutual transitions from one to the other, text interference and other hybrid phenomena.

1872 ◽  
Vol 18 (83) ◽  
pp. 333-354 ◽  
W. W. Ireland

There always must be some awkwardness about the classification of insanity. It is regarded as aberration of function of the nervous centres, the result of a number of nervous diseases. The physician who wishes to have a proper know ledge of insanity from a medical point of view must study the pathological conditions of which it is the symptom or the result, and when he has done so it is impossible for him to disconnect one series of observations from the other-the mental aberration from the accompanying disaese of tissue or pathological symptoms.

1905 ◽  
Vol 51 (213) ◽  
pp. 380-390
A. R. Urquhart

While the Association is engaged in considering the proposals of the Statistical Committee, it may be helpful to note what has been written about insanity from the point of view of a librarian. The following extended classification has been found adequate for the arrangement of some 1,500 books and pamphlets relating to this subject. An authors catalogue is easily prepared upon the usual dictionary plan, but it assumes a wide knowledge of literature, not only as a matter of history, but also as an incessant and overmastering growth. A subjects catalogue, on the other hand, is the method of importance to workers who, with the least possible delay, want to ascertain what has been written on all or any of the various aspects of the main subject engaging attention.

1973 ◽  
Vol 105 (9) ◽  
pp. 1235-1249 ◽  
J. W. Kamp

AbstractA numerical taxonomic analysis was performed using eight exemplars of the orthopteroids. Two suites of attributes were used in a non-weighted dissimilarities analysis. The same suites of attributes were analyzed for a similarity index with dendrograms based on the shortest connection network of Prim. The Tettigoniidae and Gryllidae are in agreement with current systematic placement within the Ensifera. The Caelifera diverge early from ancestral stem lines and suggest a greater separation from the Ensifera within the Orthoptera than generally accepted for their systematic position. The dendrograms suggest that the Blattaria and Mantodea show a relationship closer than the present subordinal rank permits. In the dendrograms the Grylloblattodea and Dermaptera form a remote complex from the other orthopteroids and each qualifies as a separate order. Modern classification of the orthopteroids considers the Dictyoptera, Dermaptera, Orthoptera, and Phasmida as orders. My analysis elevates the Grylloblattidae to the ordinal level as Grylloblattodea.

1895 ◽  
Vol 41 (173) ◽  
pp. 222-228
R. S. Stewart

(Illustrated.)As a rule general paralysis is characterized by well-defined spinal symptoms and pathological changes, and, looked at from this point of view, the cases which pursue what may be called a normal course group themselves broadly into two fairly-defined but unequal divisions, presenting more or less distinctive features as regards onset, course, duration, and pathology. The type which is associated with locomotor ataxia is a well-recognized one, and it appears to me that in all the other cases the features which predominate during the progress of the affection indicate a correspondingly close relationship, clinically and pathologically, with that variety of spinal disease termed primary spastic paraplegia. In a small proportion the features are indicative of a combination of these two types, but it will be found that primarily such cases belong to one or other group, the combination of symptoms being of relatively late occurrence.

B. M. Bazrov ◽  
M. L. Kheifetz ◽  
V. L. Hurevich ◽  
N. N. Popok

The main methods of classification and coding in mechanical engineering are studied from the systemic point of view, their main characteristics are considered. When analyzing the systemology of classification of machines of various functional purposes, the absence of a unified methodological approach in constructing the classification and in coding the products is shown. In the existing classifications, products are considered constructively only as objects of operation, and the other stages of their life cycle are not affected. As a result of the system analysis, a unified methodological approach is proposed for constructing classifications, coding and unification of products for various functional purposes, reflecting the features of all stages of their life cycle. For the production stages of the life cycle, a system of classifications using various coding methods is considered: a description of structural and technological elements formed by the tool edges, a sequence of numbers, taking into account signs; a description of the surfaces formed by tool movements, in numbers, indicating the directions of feed movements; and to describe complex-profile surfaces and a combination of long-range elements, their combination is used. The expediency of using each of the classifications in real production conditions is determined by the statistics of use of structural and technological elements and surfaces, as well as of tools that form them.

The article is devoted to the analysis of sociological reflection of the phenomenon of violence in terms of its conceptual and ideological diversity. The classification of approaches to the study of violence in sociology, based on the relation of violence and sociality, is proposed: apologetic and critical traditions are identified in the sociological discourse of violence. The process of problematization of symbolic violence in the critical tradition of theorizing is studied. The concepts of K. Marx and F. Engels, A. Gramsci, N. Elias and M. Foucault are considered in detail from the point of view of their contribution to the sociology of violence in general. The author reveals how in the formation of the critical tradition the idea of the complexity and multidimensionality of the nature of violence develops, which excludes the possibility of reduction of the violence only to the physical one; therefore, therefore it is necessary to distinguish the other forms and types of violence – symbolic, psychological, structural, etc; the article focuses on the problem of the foundation of the concept of symbolic violence. The author comes to the conclusion that the concept of «symbolic violence» combines a variety of critical epistemological constructs, such as «domination», «alienation», «exploitation», «hegemony», «struggle», «establishments and outsiders» and others. The critical potential of the concept of «symbolic violence» lies, firstly, in the possibility of deconstruction of the obvious and everyday structures in order to find an embodiment of power relations, and secondly, in the allocation of interests of a certain group of people in the usual and routine relations of subordination and domination, concentrated in structures of everyday life.

1903 ◽  
Vol 49 (205) ◽  
pp. 236-245 ◽  
A. R. Urquhart

I have ventured to suggest that we should now consider what we are going to do about the classification of mental disorders. Lately, the Royal College of Physicians of London decided to revise the Nomenclature of Diseases, and publish another edition. The President of this College is on the Committee; as is also Dr. Savage, our colleague in London, who has taken much interest in this question. I was somewhat surprised the other day when I asked for a copy of the Nomenclature of Diseases in the Royal Medical Society of London, to find that they did not have a copy in their library—a book which is supposed to guide the profession in the statistical registration of diseases. In 1896, for the third edition, an attempt was made to reform the nomenclature of mental diseases, under the direction of Dr. Hack Tuke and Dr. Savage. In its present state it is still unsatisfactory. The classification with which we have to deal is as follows:—First, there is “idiocy (cretinism), and then mania (acute or chronic), delirious, hysterical, puerperal, epileptic, traumatic, syphilitic, gouty, from either acute or chronic disease, alcoholic, plumbic, or other poisons.” Acute is an absurd word, because we specially want to mark the duration. Acute should be rendered Recent. Then there is “melancholia (acute or chronic), delirious, hypochondriac, climacteric, puerperal, epileptic, syphilitic, acute, other diseases.” Then there is “dementia (primary or secondary), senile, climacteric, puerperal, epileptic, traumatic, syphilitic, acute, other diseases.” Then there is “mental stupor, anergic, delusional.” Then there is “general paralysis.” That is not a mental disease. Lastly, there is “delusional insanity.”

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