Applying fuzzy Delphi Method to Construct Evaluation Criteria for Online English Teaching

Sandy Yu-Rung Yang ◽  
Sean Te-Hsun Lin ◽  
Yilin Li ◽  
Yuhao Xu
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4(Suppl.)) ◽  
pp. 1423
Rawia Tahrir Mohammed ◽  
Razali Yaakob ◽  
Nurfadhlina Mohd Sharef ◽  
Rusli Abdullah

Many objective optimizations (MaOO) algorithms that intends to solve problems with many objectives (MaOP) (i.e., the problem with more than three objectives) are widely used in various areas such as industrial manufacturing, transportation, sustainability, and even in the medical sector.  Various approaches of MaOO algorithms are available and employed to handle different MaOP cases. In contrast, the performance of the MaOO algorithms assesses based on the balance between the convergence and diversity of the non-dominated solutions measured using different evaluation criteria of the quality performance indicators. Although many evaluation criteria are available, yet most of the evaluation and benchmarking of the MaOO with state-of-art algorithms perform using one or two performance indicators without clear evidence or justification of the efficiency of these indicators over others.  Thus, unify a set of most suitable evaluation criteria of the MaOO is needed. This study proposed a distinct unifying model for the MaOO evaluation criteria using the fuzzy Delphi method. The study followed a systematic procedure to analyze 49 evaluation criteria, sub-criteria, and its performance indicators, a penal of 23 domain experts, participated in this study. Lastly, the most suitable criteria outcomes are formulated in the unifying model and evaluate by experts to verify the appropriateness and suitability of the model in assessing the MaOO algorithms fairly and effectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1918 (5) ◽  
pp. 052071
Z R Hendrastuti ◽  
S Siswanto ◽  
A Muhlisin ◽  
F Firmadani ◽  
H Hartono ◽  

Marcin Lawnik ◽  
Joanna Krakowczyk ◽  
Arkadiusz Banasik

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (16) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Nuha Abdullah ◽  
Norasmah Othman

The policy of 30% women representation as decision-makers in Malaysia has not been achieved even in 2021. This is due to the lack of women in decision-making positions in the public and private sectors. There are two factors for the lack of women in decision-making positions; leadership self-efficacy and leadership skills. In order to fulfil the policy of 30% women representation in decision-making positions, empirical research should be carried out to measure the level of leadership self-efficacy and leadership skills among female government officers who hold positions of Grade 48 and above. A research instrument that consists of items that measure leadership self-efficacy and leadership skills has been developed. A content validity process was carried out to ensure that the items would measure the dimensions that need to be measured. Hence, this study applied the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) in order to obtain experts’ consensus regarding the items that are relevant in measuring the dimensions of leadership self-efficacy and leadership skills of women as decision-makers. 14 expert panelists were involved in this research and all of the data collected were analysed using the FDM. Results of the analysis showed that 30 items developed for the leadership self-efficacy dimension and 25 items developed for the leadership skills dimension fulfilled the required conditions which are the threshold (d) ≤ 0.2, the value α-cut ≥ 0.5, and over 75% expert panelists’ consensus. It is hoped that the research results would lead to the innovation of applying the FDM in determining the content validity of the items developed in measuring dimensions such as measuring the dimensions of leadership self-efficacy and leadership skills among women.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-172
Hidayatul Fariha Sulaiman ◽  
Rosnah Ismail ◽  
Hanizah Mohd Yusoff ◽  
Norziela Anuar ◽  
Mohd Ridhuan Mohd Jamil ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 101-110
Alejandro Padilla-Rivera ◽  
Breno Barros Telles do Carmo ◽  
Gabriella Arcese ◽  
Nicolas Merveille

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (28) ◽  
pp. 45 ◽  
Syamsul Nor Azlan Mohamad ◽  
Mohamed Amin Embi ◽  
Norazah Nordin

<p>The present articles introduces the Fuzzy Delphi Method results obtained in the study on designing Project-based Learning (PjBL) activities for art and design courses using Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) as a decision-making.This method bases on qualified experts that assures the validity of the collected information. In particular, the confirmation of elements is based on experts opinion and consensus. The consensus survey constructed based on the emergent themes the experts raised from the conducted interview. For this purpose of the study, 22 experts in Project-based learning involved in the interview and responses the consensus survey. The experts participated in this study involves local and international perspectives that contribute to the best idea and practises by their respective's institution. The selection of decision-making will reflect the e-Porfolio users which purposely design for art and design courses. As resulted, the Fuzzy Delphi will interpret the decision-making made by experts to suggest best practices of the pedagogical strategy infused in e-Portfolio system.</p><p style="margin: 0px; font-family: Times;"> </p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 108 ◽  
pp. 182-197 ◽  
Marina Bouzon ◽  
Kannan Govindan ◽  
Carlos M.Taboada Rodriguez ◽  
Lucila M.S. Campos

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