Work in progress - gender parity success in the Civil Engineering department at Kuwait University

Rana A. Al-Fares ◽  
Lulwa A. Al-Abdulmuhsen
2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Sitti Safiatus Riskijah

In fiscal year 2014 the practice material needs about 36% of the DIPACivil Engineering Department budgetfundsfor the fiscal year2014.Thus, needs proper management, so that the procurementof materialsdone as needed and can be used effectivelyandefficiently. This study aimstodetermine the level ofcontrolthe materialthat has been applied, andthe schedule of material management influence towards the performancepracticein terms ofschedule materialpractice aspects.The research data in the form of primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to direct executors as the material handler and the responsible party of practice activity at the Civil Engineering Department of X at Malang. Number of samples around 8 with 6 executive responsible party. Data were analyzed descriptively and then analyzed with regression method using SPSS 20.The results shows: 1) Executors implement control of schedule practice material to the workshop and laboratory reasonably well; and 2) Control of material arrivals schedule shows significant effect of the time of practice execution or completion. With the contribution of the effect of 72.2%.  Keywords: control, schedule, materials, practice, performance

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.12) ◽  
pp. 425
M Balasubramanian ◽  
Senthil Selvan.S ◽  
V R.Prasath Kumar ◽  
Mahadevan S

In this study, the development of professionalism of undergraduate students of civil engineering is essential to face the challenges in the modern world and this study describes professional internship program for each semester in the civil engineering department at SRM Institute of Science and Technology. Based upon literature reviews of the professional internship program for each semester questionnaires are prepared and given to faculties, undergraduates of SRM Institute of Science and Technology and also get from the construction contractors, to predict issues in the traditional professional internship program. For undergraduates questionnaires consider weighted percentage of before and after professional internship program are Wb and Wa. The expert groups were utilized to planning, implementation, evaluation, and execution of the professional internship program at the SRM Institute of Science and Technology. An implementation of the professional internship program for each semester of undergraduate students of the civil engineering department at SRM Institute of Science and Technology. The outcomes obtained for civil engineering undergraduates are getting from valuable resources, that professional internship program for each semester is needed undergraduates to develop the carrier and gain knowledge and should create best civil engineers.   

2001 ◽  
Vol 684 ◽  
John J. Schemmel ◽  
Frances Griffith ◽  
Earl Glover

ABSTRACTAs part of their required curriculum, undergraduate students in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Arkansas take a course that studies the materials commonly used in the construction of buildings, bridges, highways, and the like. This course is titled CVEG 2113 - Structural Materials. A focal point for this course is the examination of concrete, its production, engineering properties, and uses in structures.Since concrete can be delivered to a job site while still in a workable form, it is often necessary to perform a series of tests on the “fresh” material prior to its placement in a structure. Prior to the mid-1980's results from the field testing of concrete were often dubious. In an effort to improve the quality of testing, and thus the reliability and accuracy of the test data, organizations such as the American Concrete Institute (ACI) initiated programs to certify field testing technicians. With the students in CVEG 2113 already receiving instruction relative to testing, as well as having the opportunity to perform the applicable tests in the laboratory, it quickly became evident that ACI certification could, and should, be incorporated into the course syllabus. Being certified adds a tangible skill to a student's resume thus making the student more marketable for summer and long-term employment. The concrete industry benefits from an increased pool of highly qualified engineers. The Department of Civil Engineering benefits from an enhanced reputation from the perspective of both the students and industry.

2014 ◽  
Vol 493 ◽  
pp. 281-286 ◽  
Widyastuti ◽  
Ary Bachtiar Krishna Putra ◽  
Ridho Hantoro ◽  
Eky Novianarenti ◽  
Arrad Ghani Safitra

Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) encourages the ECO Campus program. The program enables ITS to systematically identify, evaluate, manage and improve their environmental performance and practices. One of the program issue is energy saving in building. The energy saving effect of an air-conditioning system retrofit project is analyzed by Energy Conservation Opportunities (ECOs) Method. These ECOs are assessed in terms of their costs and benefits, and an economic comparison to rank the various refrigerants. Finally, an Action Plan is created where certain ECOs are selected for implementation. Civil Engineering Department has a responsibility to design infrastructure and green building concept planning. This department also has the largest energy consumption in this faculty comparing the other department. The energy consumption on this Department is 60829 kWh/month. The value of IKE is 13.39 per month with the largest electrical energy consumption in air-conditioning system is 57% from total consumption. The energy used of air-conditioning sytem is 523.692 kWh. The energy saving opportunities by CFC retrofitting with hydrocarbon can save its power consumption about 20%. It also saving cost and reducing the electricity bill of 1643871.838 IDR/month. The payback period of investment costs of retrofit R-22 to Hydrocarbonis about 13 month.

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