2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Sitti Safiatus Riskijah

In fiscal year 2014 the practice material needs about 36% of the DIPACivil Engineering Department budgetfundsfor the fiscal year2014.Thus, needs proper management, so that the procurementof materialsdone as needed and can be used effectivelyandefficiently. This study aimstodetermine the level ofcontrolthe materialthat has been applied, andthe schedule of material management influence towards the performancepracticein terms ofschedule materialpractice aspects.The research data in the form of primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to direct executors as the material handler and the responsible party of practice activity at the Civil Engineering Department of X at Malang. Number of samples around 8 with 6 executive responsible party. Data were analyzed descriptively and then analyzed with regression method using SPSS 20.The results shows: 1) Executors implement control of schedule practice material to the workshop and laboratory reasonably well; and 2) Control of material arrivals schedule shows significant effect of the time of practice execution or completion. With the contribution of the effect of 72.2%.  Keywords: control, schedule, materials, practice, performance

2018 ◽  
Sukma Yudistira ◽  
M Zaim

Technology and economic developments are in line with the need of English skills for specific fields, including English for Civil Engineering. In preparation for graduates, Civil Engineering Department of Universitas Negeri Padang provides English for Civil Engineering course. The acceptance of graduates in employment increases, especially, for the fresh graduates who are mastering English in their area of expertise. This study investigates the need analysis of the students who are learning English for civil engineering. This research was conducted using a survey method. Research data was taken through questionnaires and interviews with students, lecturers, and corporate leaders. From the result of need analysis, it was found the English skills, the teaching methodology, the topic, and the language focus needed by the civil engineering students. The results of this study provide recommendations for the development of English for Civil Engineering curriculum.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Astri Furqani ◽  
Hafidhah .

In this era, a lot of activities that can not be separated from the practice of cheating or fraud , no exception In the government . Inspektorat Sumenep is the leading institution of internal Local Government in preventing and detecting fraud in the Local Government appropiate Perbup Sumenep No. 29 of 2008 . Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep need attention on the issue . This is due to Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep an agency with the largest number of assets and managing large budgets . These conditions led to the formulation of the problem is How Inspektorat Sumenep role in preventing and detecting fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep. This study used a qualitative approach in which the focus of this study is Inspektorat role in preventing and detecting fraud at Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep . Primary data obtained by direct interviews with the parties directly related to the determination of the source of research data in a qualitative study using nonprobability sampling . The sampling technique used was purposive sampling . The conclusion of this study, role of the Inspektorat Sumenep in the prevention of fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep still not maximal . This is due to Inspektorat Sumenep not supervise from the planning / budgeting and not optimal in overseeing and assisting the implementation of the SPIP as an instrument of fraud prevention in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep . The role of Inspektorat Sumenep in the detection of fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep done by conducting an audit of financial and asset management in each financial year.Keywords: fraud, government, inspektorat.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Arif Hasan ◽  
Dedi Budiman Hakim ◽  
Irdika Mansur

This study aims to analyze causes of the low uptake of the budget and formulate a strategy of maximizing the absorption of expenditure on Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Manokwari. Respondents involved are 20 people that consist of: treasury officials and holder output of activity. The data used were secondary data in the form of reports on budget realization (LRA) quarter I, II, III and IV of the fiscal year 2011 to 2015, and the primary data were in the form of interviews with the help of a questionnaire. While the analysis of the data used was descriptive analysis using data tabulation, and the analysis of the three stages strategy of the decision making used IFE and EFE matrix, SWOT matrix and QSPM matrix.The results showed that there are 19 factors causing low of budget absorption until the end of the third quarter, and there were 10 drafts of policy as a strategy for maximizing the absorption of the budget on Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Manokwari.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penyebab rendahnya penyerapan anggaran belanja dan merumuskan strategi maksimalisasi penyerapan anggaran belanja pada Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Manokwari. Responden yang terlibat adalah 20 orang yaitu pejabat perbendaharaan dan pemegang output kegiatan. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa laporan realisasi anggaran (LRA) triwulan I, II, III dan IV tahun anggaran 2011 sampai 2015, dan data primer berupa wawancara dengan bantuan kuesioner. Sedangkan analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif menggunakan analisis tabulasi, dan analisis analisis strategi tiga tahap pengambilan keputusan menggunakan matriks IFE dan EFE, matriks SWOT dan matriks QSPM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 19 faktor penyebab rendahnya penyerapan anggaran belanja sampai akhir triwulan III, dan terdapat 10 rancangan kebijakan sebagai strategi maksimalisasi penyerapan anggaran belanja di Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Manokwari.

GigaScience ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
Daniel Arend ◽  
Patrick König ◽  
Astrid Junker ◽  
Uwe Scholz ◽  
Matthias Lange

Abstract Background The FAIR data principle as a commitment to support long-term research data management is widely accepted in the scientific community. Although the ELIXIR Core Data Resources and other established infrastructures provide comprehensive and long-term stable services and platforms for FAIR data management, a large quantity of research data is still hidden or at risk of getting lost. Currently, high-throughput plant genomics and phenomics technologies are producing research data in abundance, the storage of which is not covered by established core databases. This concerns the data volume, e.g., time series of images or high-resolution hyper-spectral data; the quality of data formatting and annotation, e.g., with regard to structure and annotation specifications of core databases; uncovered data domains; or organizational constraints prohibiting primary data storage outside institional boundaries. Results To share these potentially dark data in a FAIR way and master these challenges the ELIXIR Germany/de.NBI service Plant Genomic and Phenomics Research Data Repository (PGP) implements a “bring the infrastructure to the data” approach, which allows research data to be kept in place and wrapped in a FAIR-aware software infrastructure. This article presents new features of the e!DAL infrastructure software and the PGP repository as a best practice on how to easily set up FAIR-compliant and intuitive research data services. Furthermore, the integration of the ELIXIR Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) and data discovery services are introduced as means to lower technical barriers and to increase the visibility of research data. Conclusion The e!DAL software matured to a powerful and FAIR-compliant infrastructure, while keeping the focus on flexible setup and integration into existing infrastructures and into the daily research process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 80
Vivi Elvina Panjaitan

ABSTRACTNumbers of management, storage, and preservation of research data problems had been the rationales why national scientific repository (RIN) system was implemented. To measure its success, the present study evaluated, analyzed problems, and provided recommendations using descriptive exploratory qualitative research methods with interviews as the primary data. In terms of the effectiveness, the results showed that the RIN system objectives provided a nationally integrated interoperability research data management system, ensuring long-term archiving and access had been achieved whereas the awareness of researchers to share data and sustainability plans had not been achieved. Based on its efficiency, PDDI LIPI had pursued many activities and strategies. In accordance with its adequacy, the existence of RIN system was able to answer the existing research data problems while the problem of continuity of input of research data and the sustainability of research had not been achieved. In regard to its equalization, RIN system was intended to all professions that carried out research, in which the socialization activities and technical guidance to researchers in relevant institutions were conducted. In coping with its responsiveness, all target groups still could not experience it because the follow-up activity of the target groups after knowing RIN system was still minimum. Hence, it was advised that the target group from both internal LIPI, external LIPI, and PDDI LIPI acted as the implementors. The present study concluded that the implementation of RIN system had not been optimally implemented and still needed improvements. ABSTRAKPermasalahan pengelolaan, penyimpanan, pelestarian data penelitian mendorong dilakukannya implementasi kebijakan sistem RIN. Untuk mengukur keberhasilannya, penulis mengevaluasi, menganalisis permasalahan dan memberikan rekomendasi dengan menggunakan metode penelitan kualitatif deskriptif melalui data primer yaitu wawancara dan data sekunder. Dari efektivitasnya diperoleh hasil bahwa tujuan sistem RIN menyediakan sistem interoperabilitas pengelolaan data penelitian terintegrasi secara nasional, menjamin pengarsipan dan pengaksesan jangka panjang telah tercapai sedangkan kesadaran peneliti untuk berbagi data dan rencana keberlanjutan belum tercapai. Berdasarkan efisiensinya, PDDI LIPI telah mengupayakan banyak kegiatan dan strategi. Berdasarkan kecukupannya, keberadaan sistem RIN mampu menjawab permasalahan data penelitian yang dihadapi sedangkan permasalahan kontinuitas penginputan data penelitian, keberlanjutan penelitian belum tercapai. Berdasarkan pemerataannya, sistem RIN ditujukan kepada seluruh profesi yang melaksanakan penelitian, bukan sekelompok golongan namun kegiatan sosialisasi dan bimbingan teknis lebih banyak kepada peneliti di instansi yang memiliki badan penelitian pengembangan serta perguruan tinggi. Berdasarkan responsivitasnya, belum dapat dirasakan oleh seluruh target sasaran dikarenakan tindaklanjut dari para target sasaran setelah mengenal sistem RIN masih rendah. Maka perlu rekomendasi kepada target sasaran baik dari internal LIPI, eksternal LIPI maupun PDDI LIPI sebagai implementor. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan sistem RIN belum berjalan dengan optimal dan masih perlu ditingkatkan.

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 925
Aulia Agusatria ◽  
Abel Tasman

This study aims to analyze the factors forming the marketing mix at BNI Syariah customers in Padang Branch. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The population of this research is customers of Islamic banks in the city of Padang with a sample of 100 customers obtained using Slovin formula. The sampling technique is accidental sampling. Research data are primary data collected by questionnaire. Instrument testing uses validity and reliability tests. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis and factor analysis. The results of the study showed that of the eight factors there were six factors that influence the form of the marketing mix for customers of the BNI Syariah branch of Padang Branch.Keyword: Marketing Mix

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-184
Ahmad Ichsan ◽  
Choirunnisak Choirunnisak ◽  
Meriyati Meriyati

This research was motivated when the policy of eliminating hajj bailouts was lowered, it made researchers want to know the factors of eliminating hajj bailouts at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BNI Syariah Indralaya), as well as how the solutions for customers provided by Bank Syariah Indonesia (BNI Syariah Indralaya) related to the elimination of hajj bailouts. This study aims to analyze the abolition of hajj bailouts at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BNI Syariah Indralaya). This research is descriptive using a qualitative approach. This research data uses primary data. To explore relevant data, the writer uses the interview method, after the data has been collected, it is analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the elimination of hajj bailouts was due to hajj bailouts that were not the main product, hajj bailout products were not profitable, and the high waiting list for prospective hajj pilgrims. The solution provided by the bank is the introduction of the iB Hasanah Savings product.

2019 ◽  
Kharisma ◽  
Adil Fadillah

RESEARCH OBJECTIVES is to determine the effect of Celebrity Endorser,Impressions Attractiveness, Impression packaging and Interest in Watching of PesbukersANTV Television program(1) to know the effect of Celebrity Endorser to Interest in Watch(2) to know the effect of Impressions Attractiveness to Interest in Watch (3) to determine theeffect of Impressions Packaging to Interest in Watch (4). The number of respondents in thisstudy amounted to 100 respondents taken from students / I Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu EkonomiKesatuan Bogor. This research data in though by using SPSS. RESEARCH METHODS usedis to use quantitative research that places the celebrity endorser, Attractiveness Impressions,and packaging Impression as independent variable and interest in watching as a dependentvariable. With primary data used is questionnaires distributed to selected respondents andprocessed the results with statistical calculations. RESULTS Y =-0,820+ + +0,353X3+Which in this case means if the celebrity endorser is 1 (one) then the interest in watchingvalue will be 0,207. If the attractiveness imprression is 1 (one) then the interest in watchingwill be 0,568. If the packaging impression is 1 (one) then the interest in watching will be0,353.Keywords: Celebrity Endorser, Attractiveness Impressions, packaging Impression, Interestin Watching

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-64
Seto Sulaksono Adi Wibowo ◽  
Dwi Amelia Putri ◽  
Yosi Handayani

The research was conducted at the Scanner Engineering Department of PT Epson Batam. The topic is written about budget management for repair and maintenance (die & mold) costs with the aim of knowing how to minimize the variance between budgeted costs and their realization. Data collection methods used in this study were interviews, observation, and documentation, and descriptive and quantitative methods were used for data analysis. The existing budgeting system in the Scanner Engineering Department has been carried out correctly and effectively met the objectives, but overall during the 2018 fiscal year there were budget inefficiencies. Based on observations, it is known that from the budget made there are still differences (favorable variance and unfavorable variance). Where the difference arises due to unexpected costs for damaged equipment, the difference between the scheduled repair time (service) and the reality, as well as delays in sending invoices or debit notes.

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