Effect of the crystallinity of a grain boundary on the self-diffusion of copper in thin-film interconnections

Hayato Sakamoto ◽  
Takeru Kato ◽  
Ken Suzuki ◽  
Hideo Miura
1959 ◽  
Vol 37 (10) ◽  
pp. 1623-1628 ◽  
J. R. MacEwan ◽  
J. U. MacEwan ◽  
L. Yaffe

The self-diffusion of nickel has been studied in polycrystalline samples by a sectioning technique. There is evidence of grain boundary diffusion below temperatures of 1150 °C. The results obtained between 1150° and 1400 °C are representative of volume diffusion and are represented by the expression[Formula: see text]A comparison is made with the results of other self-diffusion studies using Zener's hypothesis.

2005 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 1146-1153 ◽  
Mikhail I. Mendelev ◽  
Hao Zhang ◽  
David J. Srolovitz

We examined the influence of the boundary plane on grain-boundary diffusion in Ni through a series of molecular dynamics simulations. A series of 〈010〉 ∑5 tilt boundaries, including several high symmetry and low symmetry boundary planes, were considered. The self-diffusion coefficient is a strong function of boundary inclination at low temperature but is almost independent of inclination at high temperature. At all temperatures, the self-diffusion coefficients are low when at least one of the two grains has a normal with low Miller indices. The grain boundary self-diffusion coefficient is an Arrhenius function of temperature. The logarithm of the pre-exponential factor in the Arrhenius expression was shown to be nearly proportional to the activation energy for diffusion. The activation energy for self-diffusion in a (103) symmetric tilt boundary is much higher than in boundaries with other inclinations. We discuss the origin of the boundary plane density–diffusion coefficient correlation.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1015 ◽  
pp. 37-41
Yan Ni Wen ◽  
Xiao Bin Fang ◽  
Xiao Fei Jia

The self-diffusion in very thin Cu (001) film that formed by 2~11 atomic layers have been studied by using modified analytic embedded atom method (MAEAM) and a molecular dynamic (MD) simulation. The vacancy formation is the most easily in of Cu (001) thin film formed by any layers. The vacancy formation energy 0.5054eV in of the Cu (001) thin film formed by layers is the highest in all the values in the ones that formed by layers. The vacancy in and 3 is easily migrated to layer, and the vacancy in is easily migrated in intra-layer, and the vacancy in is easily migrated to when the corresponding atomic layer is existed. The vacancy formation and diffusion will not be affected by the atomic layer when the Cu (001) thin film is formed by more than ten layers ().

2015 ◽  
Vol 816 ◽  
pp. 594-600 ◽  
Da Wei Han ◽  
Fang Liu ◽  
Dan Jia ◽  
Feng Qi ◽  
Hong Cai Yang ◽  

The effect of Mo addition on the grain growth of Inconel 718 alloy has been investigated. It was revealed that δ phase was precipitated at the grain boundaries when the Mo addition is in the range of 2.80% - 4.00%, while the Mo-bearing phase was precipitated at the grain boundaries when the Mo addition is in the range of 5.50% - 7.50%. By pinning the grain boundary, the grain boundary precipitate can effectively prevent the grain growths. So the grains grow rapidly with increase the solution temperature when the grain boundary precipitate is absent. The activation energy value for grain growth of IN718 alloys with different Mo addition is 210 - 255 kJ/mol and the grain growth mechanism is controlled by the self-diffusion. The grain growth exponent reduces with increasing Mo addition.

1990 ◽  
Vol 67 (7) ◽  
pp. 3315-3322 ◽  
J. C. Ciccariello ◽  
S. Poize ◽  
P. Gas

Nikolay N. Afonin ◽  
Vera A. Logachova

We demonstrated the possibility of using the mathematical form of Darken's theory, applied to the description of the Kirkendall effect in binary systems, to the description of reactive interdiffusion in non-stoichiometric polycrystalline film oxide systems with limited solubility. The aim of the study was the simulation of reactive interdiffusion under vacuum annealing of a thin film system consisting of two non-stoichiometric polycrystalline titanium and cobalt oxides. The nonstoichiometric nature of the system assumes the presence of mobile components, free interstitial cobalt and titanium cations in it. Phase formation occurs as a result of reactive interdiffusion and trapping of mobile components of the systemon inter-grain traps. The proposed mechanism describes the formation of complex oxide phases distributed over the depth of the system.A complex empirical research technique was used, involving Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, X-ray phase analysis and modelling methods. The values of the characteristic parameters of the process were determined by numerical analysis of the experimentally obtained distributions of the concentrations of the components within the developed model. During vacuum annealing of a thin film two-layer system of non-stoichiometric TiO2–x–Co1–уO oxides in temperature range T = 773 – 1073 К, the values of the individual diffusion coefficients of cobalt DCo = 5.1·10–8·exp(–1.0 eV/(kT) cm2/s and titaniumDTi = 1.38·10–13·exp(–0.31 eV/(kT) cm2/s were determined.It was shown that for T = 1073 K, the phase formation of CoTiO3 with a rhombohedral structure occurs. The extension of the phase formation region of complex cobalt and titanium oxides increases with an increase in the vacuum annealing temperature and at 1073 K it is comparable with the total thickness of the film system.The model allows predicting the distribution of the concentrations of the components over the depth of multilayer nonstoichiometric systems in which reactive interdiffusion is possible.       References1. Chebotin V. N. Fizicheskaya khimiya tverdogo tela[Physical chemistry of a solid state]. Moscow: KhimiyaPubl.; 1982. 320 p. (in Russ.)2. Tretyakov Yu. D. Tverdofaznye reaktsii [Solidphase reactions]. Moscow: Khimiya Publ.; 1978. 360 p.(in Russ.)3. Afonin N. N., Logacheva V. A. Interdiffusion andphase formation in the Fe–TiO2 thin-film system.Semiconductors. 2017;51(10): 1300–1305. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S10637826171000254. Afonin N. N., Logacheva V. A. Cobalt modificationof thin rutile films magnetron-sputtered in vacuumtechnical. 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Jin Young Kim ◽  
R. E. Hummel ◽  
R. T. DeHoff

Gold thin film metallizations in microelectronic circuits have a distinct advantage over those consisting of aluminum because they are less susceptible to electromigration. When electromigration is no longer the principal failure mechanism, other failure mechanisms caused by d.c. stressing might become important. In gold thin-film metallizations, grain boundary grooving is the principal failure mechanism.Previous studies have shown that grain boundary grooving in gold films can be prevented by an indium underlay between the substrate and gold. The beneficial effect of the In/Au composite film is mainly due to roughening of the surface of the gold films, redistribution of indium on the gold films and formation of In2O3 on the free surface and along the grain boundaries of the gold films during air annealing.

Soft Matter ◽  
2021 ◽  
Riccardo Artoni ◽  
Michele Larcher ◽  
James T. Jenkins ◽  
Patrick Richard

The self-diffusivity tensor in homogeneously sheared dense granular flows is anisotropic. We show how its components depend on solid fraction, restitution coefficient, shear rate, and granular temperature.

Victor P. Arkhipov ◽  
Natalia A. Kuzina ◽  
Andrei Filippov

AbstractAggregation numbers were calculated based on measurements of the self-diffusion coefficients, the effective hydrodynamic radii of micelles and aggregates of oxyethylated alkylphenols in aqueous solutions. On the assumption that the radii of spherical micelles are equal to the lengths of fully extended neonol molecules, the limiting values of aggregation numbers corresponding to spherically shaped neonol micelles were calculated. The concentration and temperature ranges under which spherical micelles of neonols are formed were determined.

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