Harmonic Resonance Characteristic of Large-scale PV Plant: Modelling, Analysis and Engineering Case

Qianyi Liu ◽  
Fang Liu ◽  
Runmin Zou ◽  
Yong Li
Arvydas Povilaitis ◽  
Erik P. Querner

The Žuvintas Lake, located in southern Lithuania in the basin of the Dovine River is one of the biggest lakes and the oldest natural reserves of the country. However, the changes in the hydrology of the Dovine River basin, caused by large‐scale melioration and water management works carried out in the 20th century, have resulted in significant alteration of hydrological regime and decrease in biodiversity of the Žuvintas Lake and surrounding wetlands. In order to prevent the ongoing deterioration of the Lake and wetlands solutions have to be found. Therefore, various scenarios have been analysed to evaluate the impact of water management alternatives. For these scenarios the physically‐based distributed parameter model SIMGRO was used. The results have shown that natural water regime in the Žuvintas Lake is hardly reversible. However, the replacement of sluice‐gates implemented at the outlet of the Žuvintas Lake by overflow weir as well as the blocking of drainage ditches and the removal of scrubs and trees in the wetlands surrounding the Lake can be highly successful measures to improve hydrological conditions. Santrauka Dovinės upės (dešinysis Šešupės upės intakas) baseine yra seniausias Lietuvoje Žuvinto biosferos rezervatas ir kitos europinės svarbos saugomos teritorijos. Tose vietose hidrologinis režimas tiesiogiai reguliuojamas šešiose vietose pastatytais reguliavimo šliuzais. Šiuo metu poreikio reguliuoti nėra, todėl darbe analizuojamos natūralaus vandens režimo atkūrimo galimybės Žuvinto ežere ir aplinkinėse pelkėse. Tam buvo taikytas matematinio modeliavimo metodas naudojant pasiskirsčiusių parametrų SIMGRO modelį. Ankstesni tyrimai parodė, kad atkurti natūralų hidrologinį režimą vien panaikinus reguliavimo šliuzą žemiau Žuvinto ežero, negalima. Tai sunaikintų ežerą ir neigiamai paveiktų požeminio vandens režimą Žuvinto ir Amalvos pelkių komplekse. Siekiant bent dalinio vandens režimo natūralizavimo reguliavimo šliuzą siūloma rekonstruoti į slenkstinę nuopylą įrengiant žuvitakį. Žuvinto ir Amalvos pelkių masyve požeminio vandens režimui pagerinti rekomenduojama pašalinti ten augančią sumedėjusią augaliją ir apypelkio teritorijose patvenkti melioracijos griovius. Pateikiamas tokių priemonių galimas poveikis Žuvinto ežero ir aplinkinių pelkių hidrologiniam režimui. Peзюме Водный режим бассейнa реки Довине в южной части Литвы в прошлом столетии был подвержен важным изменениям. Там находится старый заповедник Литвы – озеро Жувинтас c близлежащими болотaми. В статье представлен сценарий по восстановлению водного режима в озере Жувинтас и окружающих болотах. Для исследования была применена математическая модель SIMGRO. Результаты показали, что полное восстановление гидрологического режима в озере невозможно. Для улучшения водного режима предложен ряд мер.

1984 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 1301-1305
B.J. Petrović ◽  
M.J. Petrović

2017 ◽  
Vol 143 ◽  
pp. 53-65 ◽  
Zhiyong Chen ◽  
An Luo ◽  
Huimin Kuang ◽  
Leming Zhou ◽  
Yandong Chen ◽  

Sandip Bisui ◽  
Subhas C. Misra

Personalized medicare systems is an emerging field of research, which bears the potential to significantly reduce healthcare expenditures and treatment errors and thereby to revolutionize the entire treatment procedure. In this novel approach, genomic variation in different individuals is duly taken into consideration. However, there exist several serious issues (e.g. privacy concerns) that provide hindrance to large-scale adoption of this medicare system. The main objective of this study has been to identify the privacy issues and to evaluate their impact on successful implementation of this novel medical treatment. The methodology used is empirical and is based on a survey-based post facto procedure. The data collected from the survey are analyzed by using the method of structural modelling analysis. This is an original study in the realm of healthcare management, which reveals that the technology related factors and privacy concerns have considerable impact on the successful implementation of personalized medicare system on a large scale. But the privacy concerns have no significant moderating effect on the impact of technology related factors, so far, the success of implementation of personalized medicine is concerned.

1999 ◽  
Vol 173 ◽  
pp. 243-248
D. Kubáček ◽  
A. Galád ◽  
A. Pravda

AbstractUnusual short-period comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 inspired many observers to explain its unpredictable outbursts. In this paper large scale structures and features from the inner part of the coma in time periods around outbursts are studied. CCD images were taken at Whipple Observatory, Mt. Hopkins, in 1989 and at Astronomical Observatory, Modra, from 1995 to 1998. Photographic plates of the comet were taken at Harvard College Observatory, Oak Ridge, from 1974 to 1982. The latter were digitized at first to apply the same techniques of image processing for optimizing the visibility of features in the coma during outbursts. Outbursts and coma structures show various shapes.

1994 ◽  
Vol 144 ◽  
pp. 29-33
P. Ambrož

AbstractThe large-scale coronal structures observed during the sporadically visible solar eclipses were compared with the numerically extrapolated field-line structures of coronal magnetic field. A characteristic relationship between the observed structures of coronal plasma and the magnetic field line configurations was determined. The long-term evolution of large scale coronal structures inferred from photospheric magnetic observations in the course of 11- and 22-year solar cycles is described.Some known parameters, such as the source surface radius, or coronal rotation rate are discussed and actually interpreted. A relation between the large-scale photospheric magnetic field evolution and the coronal structure rearrangement is demonstrated.

2000 ◽  
Vol 179 ◽  
pp. 205-208
Pavel Ambrož ◽  
Alfred Schroll

AbstractPrecise measurements of heliographic position of solar filaments were used for determination of the proper motion of solar filaments on the time-scale of days. The filaments have a tendency to make a shaking or waving of the external structure and to make a general movement of whole filament body, coinciding with the transport of the magnetic flux in the photosphere. The velocity scatter of individual measured points is about one order higher than the accuracy of measurements.

Simon Thomas

Trends in the technology development of very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI) have been in the direction of higher density of components with smaller dimensions. The scaling down of device dimensions has been not only laterally but also in depth. Such efforts in miniaturization bring with them new developments in materials and processing. Successful implementation of these efforts is, to a large extent, dependent on the proper understanding of the material properties, process technologies and reliability issues, through adequate analytical studies. The analytical instrumentation technology has, fortunately, kept pace with the basic requirements of devices with lateral dimensions in the micron/ submicron range and depths of the order of nonometers. Often, newer analytical techniques have emerged or the more conventional techniques have been adapted to meet the more stringent requirements. As such, a variety of analytical techniques are available today to aid an analyst in the efforts of VLSI process evaluation. Generally such analytical efforts are divided into the characterization of materials, evaluation of processing steps and the analysis of failures.

V. C. Kannan ◽  
A. K. Singh ◽  
R. B. Irwin ◽  
S. Chittipeddi ◽  
F. D. Nkansah ◽  

Titanium nitride (TiN) films have historically been used as diffusion barrier between silicon and aluminum, as an adhesion layer for tungsten deposition and as an interconnect material etc. Recently, the role of TiN films as contact barriers in very large scale silicon integrated circuits (VLSI) has been extensively studied. TiN films have resistivities on the order of 20μ Ω-cm which is much lower than that of titanium (nearly 66μ Ω-cm). Deposited TiN films show resistivities which vary from 20 to 100μ Ω-cm depending upon the type of deposition and process conditions. TiNx is known to have a NaCl type crystal structure for a wide range of compositions. Change in color from metallic luster to gold reflects the stabilization of the TiNx (FCC) phase over the close packed Ti(N) hexagonal phase. It was found that TiN (1:1) ideal composition with the FCC (NaCl-type) structure gives the best electrical property.

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