A New Calculation Approach to the Energy Balance of a Gas Turbine Including a Study of the Impact of the Uncertainty of Measured Parameters
Computing the solution to the energy balance around a gas turbine in order to calculate the intake mass flow and the turbine inlet temperature requires several iterations. This makes hand calculations very difficult and, depending on the software used, even causes significant calculation times on PCs. While this may not seem all that important considering the power of today’s personal computers, the approach described in this paper presents a new way of looking at the gas turbine process and the resulting simplifications in the calculations. This paper offers a new approach to compute the energy balance around a gas turbine. The energy balance requires that all energy flows going into and out of the control volume be accounted for. The difficulty of the energy balance equation around a gas turbine lies in the fact that the exhaust gas composition is unknown as long as the intake flow is unknown. Thus, a composition needs to be assumed when computing the exhaust gas enthalpy. This allows the calculation of the intake flow, which in turn provides a new exhaust gas composition, and so forth. By viewing the exhaust gas as a flow consisting of ambient air and combusted fuel, the described iteration can be avoided. The study presents the formulation of the energy balance applying this approach and looks at the accuracy of the result as a function of the inaccuracy of the input parameters. Furthermore, solutions of the energy balance are presented for various process scenarios, and the impact of the uncertainty of key process parameter is analyzed.