Probing charmonium-like XYZ states in hadron–hadron ultraperipheral collisions and electron–proton scattering
AbstractExclusive production of charmonium-like XYZ states in hadron–hadron ultraperipheral collisions (UPCs) and electron–proton scattering are studied employing the effective Lagrangian method. Total cross sections and rapidity distributions of charmonium-like XYZ states are obtained in hadron–hadron UPCs and the electron–proton scattering process. These predictions can be applied to estimate the observed event number of exclusive charmonium-like XYZ states in hadron–hadron UPCs and electron–proton scattering. The results indicate that it is significant to search X(3872) and $$Z^+_c(3900)$$ Z c + ( 3900 ) in pA UPCs, and the Electron–Ion Collider in China will be an advantageous platform to observe XYZ states in the future.