scholarly journals Symmetries and unitary interactions of mass dimension one fermionic dark matter

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (35) ◽  
pp. 1650187 ◽  
Cheng-Yang Lee

The fermionic fields constructed from Elko have several unexpected properties. They satisfy the Klein–Gordon but not the Dirac equation and are of mass dimension one instead of three-half. Starting with the Klein–Gordon Lagrangian, we initiate a careful study of the symmetries and interactions of these fermions and their higher-spin generalizations. We find, although the fermions are of mass dimension one, the four-point fermionic self-interaction violates unitarity at high-energy so it cannot be a fundamental interaction of the theory. Using the optical theorem, we derive an explicit bound on energy for the fermion–scalar interaction. It follows that for the spin-half fermions, the demand of renormalizability and unitarity forbids four-point interactions and only allows for the Yukawa interaction. For fermions with spin [Formula: see text], they have no renormalizable or unitary interactions. Since the theory is described by a Klein–Gordon Lagrangian, the interaction generated by the local [Formula: see text] gauge symmetry which contains a four-point interaction, is excluded by the demand of renormalizability. In the context of the Standard Model, these properties make the spin-half fermions natural dark matter candidates. Finally, we discuss the recent developments on the introduction of new adjoint and spinor duals which may allow us to circumvent the unitarity constraints on the interactions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (11) ◽  
pp. 1550048 ◽  
Cheng-Yang Lee

According to Ahluwalia and Grumiller, massive spin-half fields of mass-dimension one can be constructed using the eigenspinors of the charge-conjugation operator (Elko) as expansion coefficients. In this paper, we generalize their result by constructing quantum fields from higher-spin Elko. The kinematics of these fields are thoroughly investigated. Starting with the field operators, their propagators and Hamiltonians are derived. These fields satisfy the higher-spin generalization of the Klein–Gordon but not the Dirac equation. Independent of the spin, they are all of mass-dimension one and are thus endowed with renormalizable self-interactions. These fields violate Lorentz symmetry. The violation can be characterized by a non-Lorentz-covariant term that appears in the Elko spin-sums. This term provides a decomposition of the generalized higher-spin Dirac operator in the momentum space thus suggesting a possible connection between the mass-dimension one fields and the Lorentz-invariant fields.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (16) ◽  
pp. 1950126 ◽  
S. H. Pereira ◽  
Richard S. Costa

This work studies the finite temperature effects of a mass dimension one fermionic field, sometimes called Elko field. The equilibrium partition function was calculated by means of the imaginary time formalism and the result obtained was the same for a Dirac fermionic field, even though the Elko field does not satisfy a Dirac-like equation. The high and low temperature limits were obtained, and for the last case the degeneracy pressure due to Pauli exclusion principle can be responsible for the dark matter halos around galaxies to be greater than or of the same order of the galaxy radius. Also, for a light particle of about 1.0 eV and a density of just 1 particle per cubic centimeter, the value of the total dark matter mass due to Elko particles is of the same order of a typical galaxy. Such a result satisfactorily explains the dark matter as being formed just by Elko fermionic particles and also the existence of galactic halos that go beyond the observable limit.

2005 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
D. V. Ahluwalia-Khalilova ◽  
D. Grumiller

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (01) ◽  
pp. 1550006 ◽  
Alexandre Alves ◽  
F. de Campos ◽  
M. Dias ◽  
J. M. Hoff da Silva

The aim of this paper is to explore the possibility of discovering a fermionic field with mass dimension one, the Elko field, in the Large Hadron Collider. Due to its mass dimension, an Elko can only interact either with Standard Model spinors and gauge fields at one-loop order or at tree level through a quartic interaction with the Higgs field. In this Higgs portal scenario, the Elko is a viable candidate to a dark matter constituent which has been shown to be compatible with relic abundance measurements from WMAP and direct dark matter searches. We propose a search strategy for this dark matter candidate in the channel [Formula: see text] at the [Formula: see text] LHC. We show the LHC potential to discover the Elko considering a triple Higgs–Elkos coupling as small as ~0.5 after 1 ab-1 of integrated luminosity. Some phenomenological consequences of this new particle and its collider signatures are also discussed.

2014 ◽  
Vol 23 (14) ◽  
pp. 1430026 ◽  
Dharam Vir Ahluwalia ◽  
Alekha Chandra Nayak

We review how Elko arise as an extension of complex-valued four-component Majorana spinors. This is followed by a discussion that constrains certain elements of phase freedom. A proof is reviewed that unambiguously establishes that Elko, and for that matter the indicated Majorana spinors, cannot satisfy Dirac equation. They, however do, as they must, satisfy spinorial Klein–Gordon equation. We then introduce a quantum field with Elko as its expansion coefficients and show that it is causal, satisfies Fermi statistics, and then refer to the existing literature to remind that its mass dimension is one. We conclude by providing an up-to-date bibliography on the subject.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (12) ◽  
pp. 1730028 ◽  
S. H. Pereira ◽  
Rodrigo C. Lima

In the present work we study the process of particle creation for mass dimension one fermionic fields (sometimes named Elko) as a consequence of expansion of the universe. We study the effect driven by an expanding background that is asymptotically Minkowski in the past and future. The differential equation that governs the time mode function is obtained for the conformal coupling case and, although its solution is nonanalytic, within an approximation that preserves the characteristics of the terms that break analyticity, analytic solutions are obtained. Thus, by means of Bogolyubov transformations technique, the number density of particles created is obtained, which can be compared to exact solutions already present in literature for scalar and Dirac particles. The spectrum of the created particles was obtained and it was found that it is a generalization of the scalar field case, which converges to the scalar field one when the specific terms concerning the Elko field are dropped out. We also found that lighter Elko particles are created in larger quantities than the Dirac fermionic particles. By considering the Elko particles as candidate to the dark matter in the universe, such result shows that there are more light dark matter (Elko) particles created by the gravitational effects in the universe than baryonic (fermionic) matter, in agreement to the standard model.

2016 ◽  
Vol 760 ◽  
pp. 164-169 ◽  
Cheng-Yang Lee

2005 ◽  
Vol 2005 (07) ◽  
pp. 012-012 ◽  
D V Ahluwalia-Khalilova ◽  
D Grumiller

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