A high precision narrow-band neutrino beam: The ENUBET project

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (34n35) ◽  
pp. 2044017
M. Torti ◽  
F. Acerbi ◽  
A. Berra ◽  
M. Bonesini ◽  
A. Branca ◽  

The knowledge of the initial flux, energy and flavor of current neutrino beams is the main limitation for a precise measurement of neutrino cross-sections. The ENUBET ERC project is studying a facility based on a narrow-band neutrino beam capable of constraining the neutrino fluxes normalization through the monitoring of the associated charged leptons in an instrumented decay tunnel. In ENUBET, the identification of large-angle positrons from [Formula: see text] decays at single particle level can potentially reduce the [Formula: see text] flux uncertainty at the level of 1%. This setup would allow for an unprecedented measurement of the [Formula: see text] cross-section at the GeV scale. This input would be highly beneficial to reduce the budget of systematic uncertainties in the next long baseline oscillation projects. Furthermore, in narrow-band beams, the transverse position of the neutrino interaction at the detector can be exploited to determine a priori with significant precision the neutrino energy spectrum without relying on the final state reconstruction. This contribution will present the advances in the design and simulation of the hadronic beam line. Special emphasis will be given to a static focusing system of secondary mesons that can be coupled to a slow extraction proton scheme. The consequent reduction of particle rates and pile-up effects makes the determination of the [Formula: see text] flux through a direct monitoring of muons after the hadron dump viable, and paves the way to a time-tagged neutrino beam. Time-coincidences among the lepton at the source and the neutrino at the detector would enable an unprecedented purity and the possibility to reconstruct the neutrino kinematics at source on an event-by-event basis. We will also present the performance of positron tagger prototypes tested at CERN beamlines, a full simulation of the positron reconstruction chain and the expected physics reach of ENUBET.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
Igor D. Kakorin ◽  
Konstantin S. Kuzmin ◽  
Vadim A. Naumov

AbstractWe suggest an empirical rule-of-thumb for calculating the cross sections of charged-current quasielastic (CCQE) and CCQE-like interactions of neutrinos and antineutrinos with nuclei. The approach is based on the standard relativistic Fermi-gas model and on the notion of neutrino energy dependent axial-vector mass of the nucleon, governed by a couple of adjustable parameters, one of which is the conventional charged-current axial-vector mass. The inelastic background contributions and final-state interactions are therewith simulated using GENIE 3 neutrino event generator. An extensive comparison of our calculations with earlier and current accelerator CCQE and CCQE-like data for different nuclear targets shows good or at least qualitative overall agreement over a wide energy range. We also discuss some problematical issues common to several competing contemporary models of the CCQE (anti)neutrino–nucleus scattering and to the current neutrino interaction generators.

K Abe ◽  
R Akutsu ◽  
A Ali ◽  
C Andreopoulos ◽  
L Anthony ◽  

Abstract We report a measurement of the flux-integrated $\nu_{\mu}$ charged-current cross sections on water, hydrocarbon, and iron in the T2K on-axis neutrino beam with a mean neutrino energy of 1.5 GeV. The measured cross sections on water, hydrocarbon, and iron are $\sigma^{\rm{H_{2}O}}_{\rm{CC}} = (0.840\pm 0.010(\mathrm{stat.})^{+0.10}_{-0.08}(\mathrm{syst.}))\times10^{-38}\,\mathrm{cm}^2$/nucleon, $\sigma^{\rm{CH}}_{\rm{CC}} = (0.817\pm 0.007(\mathrm{stat.})^{+0.11}_{-0.08}(\mathrm{syst.}))\times10^{-38}\,\mathrm{cm}^2$/nucleon, and $\sigma^{\rm{Fe}}_{\rm{CC}} = (0.859\pm 0.003(\mathrm{stat.})^{+0.12}_{-0.10}(\mathrm{syst.}))\times10^{-38}\,\mathrm{cm}^2$/nucleon, respectively, for a restricted phase space of induced muons: $\theta_{\mu}<45^{\circ}$ and $p_{\mu}>$0.4 GeV/$c$ in the laboratory frame. The measured cross section ratios are ${\sigma^{\rm{H_{2}O}}_{\rm{CC}}}/{\sigma^{\rm{CH}}_{\rm{CC}}} = 1.028\pm 0.016(\mathrm{stat.})\pm 0.053(\mathrm{syst.})$, ${\sigma^{\rm{Fe}}_{\rm{CC}}}/{\sigma^{\rm{H_{2}O}}_{\rm{CC}}} = 1.023\pm 0.012(\mathrm{stat.})\pm 0.058(\mathrm{syst.})$, and ${\sigma^{\rm{Fe}}_{\rm{CC}}}/{\sigma^{\rm{CH}}_{\rm{CC}}} = 1.049\pm 0.010(\mathrm{stat.})\pm 0.043(\mathrm{syst.})$. These results, with an unprecedented precision for the measurements of neutrino cross sections on water in the studied energy region, show good agreement with the current neutrino interaction models used in the T2K oscillation analyses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 249
V. Ch. Chasioti ◽  
T. S. Kosmas ◽  
P. Divari

Inelastic neutrino-nucleus reaction cross sections are studied focusing on the neutral current processes. Particularly, we investigate the angular and initial neutrino-energy dependence of the differential and integrated cross sections for low and intermediate energies of the incoming neutrino (or antineutrino). Contributions coming from both, the vector and axial-vector components of the corresponding hadronic currents have been included. The initial and final state nuclear wave-functions have been calculated in the context of the Quasi-particle Random Phase Approximation (QRPA) tested on the reproducibility of the low-lying energy spectrum (up to about 5 MeV) of the studied nuclei. The results presented here refer to the nuclear isotopes 16O and 98Mo. As it is well known, O plays a significant role in supernova evolution phenomena and Mo is used as a target in the MOON neutrino experiment at Japan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
K Abe ◽  
N Akhlaq ◽  
R Akutsu ◽  
A Ali ◽  
C Alt ◽  

Abstract We report measurements of the flux-integrated $\overline{\nu}_\mu$ and $\overline{\nu}_\mu+\nu_\mu$ charged-current cross-sections on water and hydrocarbon targets using the T2K anti-neutrino beam with a mean beam energy of 0.86 GeV. The signal is defined as the (anti-)neutrino charged-current interaction with one induced $\mu^\pm$ and no detected charged pion or proton. These measurements are performed using a new WAGASCI module recently added to the T2K setup in combination with the INGRID Proton Module. The phase space of muons is restricted to the high-detection efficiency region, $p_{\mu}&gt;400~{\rm MeV}/c$ and $\theta_{\mu}&lt;30^{\circ}$, in the laboratory frame. An absence of pions and protons in the detectable phase spaces of $p_{\pi}&gt;200~{\rm MeV}/c$, $\theta_{\pi}&lt;70^{\circ}$ and $p_{\rm p}&gt;600~{\rm MeV}/c$, $\theta_{\rm p}&lt;70^{\circ}$ is required. In this paper, both the $\overline{\nu}_\mu$ cross-sections and $\overline{\nu}_\mu+\nu_\mu$ cross-sections on water and hydrocarbon targets and their ratios are provided by using the D’Agostini unfolding method. The results of the integrated $\overline{\nu}_\mu$ cross-section measurements over this phase space are $\sigma_{\rm H_{2}O}=(1.082\pm0.068(\rm stat.)^{+0.145}_{-0.128}(\rm syst.)) \times 10^{-39}\,{\rm cm^{2} / nucleon}$, $\sigma_{\rm CH}=(1.096\pm0.054(\rm stat.)^{+0.132}_{-0.117}(\rm syst.)) \times 10^{-39}\,{\rm cm^{2} / nucleon}$, and $\sigma_{\rm H_{2}O}/\sigma_{\rm CH} = 0.987\pm0.078(\rm stat.)^{+0.093}_{-0.090}(\rm syst.)$. The $\overline{\nu}_\mu+\nu_\mu$ cross-section is $\sigma_{\rm H_{2}O} = (1.155\pm0.064(\rm stat.)^{+0.148}_{-0.129}(\rm syst.)) \times 10^{-39}\,{\rm cm^{2} / nucleon}$, $\sigma_{\rm CH}=(1.159\pm0.049(\rm stat.)^{+0.129}_{-0.115}(\rm syst.)) \times 10^{-39}\,{\rm cm^{2} / nucleon}$, and $\sigma_{\rm H_{2}O}/\sigma_{\rm CH}=0.996\pm0.069(\rm stat.)^{+0.083}_{-0.078}(\rm syst.)$.

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (12) ◽  
M. A. Acero ◽  
P. Adamson ◽  
G. Agam ◽  
L. Aliaga ◽  
T. Alion ◽  

AbstractThe two-detector design of the NOvA neutrino oscillation experiment, in which two functionally identical detectors are exposed to an intense neutrino beam, aids in canceling leading order effects of cross-section uncertainties. However, limited knowledge of neutrino interaction cross sections still gives rise to some of the largest systematic uncertainties in current oscillation measurements. We show contemporary models of neutrino interactions to be discrepant with data from NOvA, consistent with discrepancies seen in other experiments. Adjustments to neutrino interaction models in GENIE are presented, creating an effective model that improves agreement with our data. We also describe systematic uncertainties on these models, including uncertainties on multi-nucleon interactions from a newly developed procedure using NOvA near detector data.

2005 ◽  
Vol 20 (14) ◽  
pp. 3078-3081 ◽  
D. Naples ◽  
G. Blazey ◽  
A. Bodek ◽  
D. Boehnlein ◽  

The MINERνA experiment at Fermilab will use a fully-active scintillator based fine grained neutrino detector and the high rate NuMI neutrino beam. MINERνA will measure low energy neutrino interaction properties and cross sections to a new level of precision. These measurements will be critical input to present and future accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiments in this energy range.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-16 ◽  
Omar Benhar ◽  
Noemi Rocco

The quantitative description of the effects of nuclear dynamics on the measured neutrino-nucleus cross sections—needed to reduce the systematic uncertainty of long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments—involves severe difficulties. Owing to the uncertainty on the incoming neutrino energy, different reaction mechanisms contribute to the cross section measured at fixed energy and scattering angle of the outgoing lepton, and must therefore be consistently taken into account within a unified model. We research the theoretical approach based on the impulse approximation and the use of realistic nucleon spectral functions, allowing one to describe a variety of reaction mechanisms active in the broad kinematical range covered by neutrino experiments. The extension of this scheme to include more complex mechanisms involving the two-nucleon currents, which are believed to be important, is also outlined. The impact of nuclear effects on the determination of neutrino oscillation parameters is illustrated by analyzing the problem of neutrino energy reconstruction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-13
A. Ozansoy

We search for the doubly charged leptons (L−−) predicted in composite models including extended weak isospin multiplets, namely, IW=1 and IW=3/2, at the Future Circular Collider- (FCC-) based energy-frontier electron-proton colliders with the center-of-mass energies of s=3.46 TeV, s=10 TeV, and s=31.6 TeV, respectively. We deal with the e−p⟶L−−X⟶e−W−X process, calculate the production cross sections, and give the normalized transverse momentum and pseudorapidity distributions of final-state electron to obtain the kinematical cuts for the discovery. We show the statistical significance (SS) of the expected signal yield as a function of doubly charged lepton mass (SS−ML plots) to attain the doubly charged lepton discovery mass limits for both the IW=1 and IW=3/2. It is obtained that discovery mass limits on the mass of doubly charged lepton for IW=1 (IW=3/2) are 2.21 2.73 TeV, 5.46 8.47 TeV, and 12.9 20.0 TeV for s=3.46 TeV, s=10 TeV, and s=31.6 TeV, respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (9) ◽  
Gábor Balassa ◽  
György Wolf

Abstract In this work, we extended our statistical model with charmed and bottomed hadrons, and fit the quark creational probabilities for the heavy quarks, using low energy inclusive charmonium and bottomonium data. With the finalized fit for all the relevant types of quarks (up, down, strange, charm, bottom) at the energy range from a few GeV up to a few tens of GeV’s, the model is now considered complete. Some examples are also given for proton–proton, pion–proton, and proton–antiproton collisions with charmonium, bottomonium, and open charm hadrons in the final state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (9) ◽  
Markus A. Ebert ◽  
Bernhard Mistlberger ◽  
Gherardo Vita

Abstract We demonstrate how to efficiently expand cross sections for color-singlet production at hadron colliders around the kinematic limit of all final state radiation being collinear to one of the incoming hadrons. This expansion is systematically improvable and applicable to a large class of physical observables. We demonstrate the viability of this technique by obtaining the first two terms in the collinear expansion of the rapidity distribution of the gluon fusion Higgs boson production cross section at next-to-next-to leading order (NNLO) in QCD perturbation theory. Furthermore, we illustrate how this technique is used to extract universal building blocks of scattering cross section like the N-jettiness and transverse momentum beam function at NNLO.

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