charged lepton
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Idham Syah Alam

Abstract We investigate a left-right mirror model with SU(3)c×SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)Y and a discrete Z2 symmetry, which introduces mirror fields that are copies of the standard model fields. The mirror fields have the opposite chirality to their standard model counterpart fields. We also introduce singlet scalars as dark matter. The new interaction between dark matter, standard model fermions, and mirror fermions can account for dark matter abundance, charged lepton flavor violation, lepton anomalous magnetic moment, and flavor changing neutral current. We demonstrated that if we choose dark matter annihilation into muon as the dominant annihilation channel for leptophilic dark matter, both the observed dark matter abundance and the observed discrepancy between theory and experiment in the muon anomalous magnetic moment can be explained without contradicting the bound derived from charged lepton flavor violating processes. We briefly discuss how mirror fermions will be produced at the future linear collider, as mirror fermions can interact with neutral gauge bosons in this model. Finally, we discuss the lightest mirror neutrino decay mechanism, which will be highly abundant if stable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Kingman Cheung ◽  
Abner Soffer ◽  
Zeren Simon Wang ◽  
Yu-Heng Wu

Abstract We study charged lepton flavor violation associated with a light leptophilic axion-like particle (ALP), X, at the B-factory experiment Belle II. We focus on production of the ALP in the tau decays τ → Xl with l = e, μ, followed by its decay via X → l−l+. The ALP can be either promptly decaying or long-lived. We perform Monte-Carlo simulations, recasting a prompt search at Belle for lepton-flavor-violating τ decays, and propose a displaced-vertex (DV) search. For both types of searches, we derive the Belle II sensitivity reaches in both the product of branching fractions and the ALP coupling constants, as functions of the ALP mass and lifetime. The results show that the DV search exceeds the sensitivity reach of the prompt search to the relevant branching fractions by up to about a factor of 40 in the long decay length regime.

2021 ◽  
Vol 822 ◽  
pp. 136656
Emidio Gabrielli ◽  
Barbara Mele ◽  
Roberto Onofrio

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (11) ◽  
A. Abada ◽  
J. Kriewald ◽  
A. M. Teixeira

AbstractIn extensions of the standard model by Majorana fermions, the presence of additional CP violating phases has been shown to play a crucial role in lepton number violating processes. In this work we show that (Dirac and Majorana) CP violating phases can also lead to important effects in charged lepton flavour violating (cLFV) transitions and decays, in some cases with a significant impact for the predicted rates of cLFV observables. We conduct a thorough exploration of these effects in several cLFV observables, and discuss the implications for future observation. We emphasise how the presence of leptonic CP violating phases might lead to modified cLFV rates, and to a possible loss of correlation between cLFV observables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Takeshi Araki ◽  
Kento Asai ◽  
Takashi Shimomura

Abstract We study constraints on light and feebly interacting bosons having charged lepton flavor violating couplings from electron beam dump experiments. Scalar, pseudoscalar, vector, and dipole type interactions of the bosons are analyzed, and excluded regions from the searches for decays into electron-positron pairs are derived. It is found that parameter regions unconstrained by flavor violating decays of muon can be excluded using the results of the E137 experiment. We also discuss the impact of the search for flavor violating decays of the light bosons in electron beam dump experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
K. Uno ◽  
K. Hayasaka ◽  
K. Inami ◽  
I. Adachi ◽  

Abstract Charged lepton flavor violation is forbidden in the Standard Model but possible in several new physics scenarios. In many of these models, the radiative decays τ± → ℓ±γ (ℓ = e, μ) are predicted to have a sizeable probability, making them particularly interesting channels to search at various experiments. An updated search via τ± → ℓ±γ using full data of the Belle experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 988 fb−1, is reported for charged lepton flavor violation. No significant excess over background predictions from the Standard Model is observed, and the upper limits on the branching fractions, $$ \mathcal{B} $$ B (τ± → μ±γ) ≤ 4.2 × 10−8 and $$ \mathcal{B} $$ B (τ± → e±γ) ≤ 5.6 × 10−8, are set at 90% confidence level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (9) ◽  
Tong Li ◽  
Michael A. Schmidt ◽  
Chang-Yuan Yao ◽  
Man Yuan

AbstractAny observation of charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) implies the existence of new physics beyond the SM in charged lepton sector. CLFV interactions may also contribute to the muon magnetic moment and explain the discrepancy between the SM prediction and the recent muon $$g-2$$ g - 2 precision measurement at Fermilab. We consider the most general SM gauge invariant Lagrangian of $$\Delta L=0$$ Δ L = 0 bileptons with CLFV couplings and investigate the interplay of low-energy precision experiments and colliders in light of the muon magnetic moment anomaly. We go beyond previous work by demonstrating the sensitivity of the LHC, the MACE experiment, a proposed muonium-antimuonium conversion experiment, and a muon collider. Currently-available LHC data is already able to probe unexplored parameter space via the CLFV process $$pp\rightarrow \gamma ^*/Z^*\rightarrow \ell _1^\pm \ell _1^\pm \ell _2^\mp \ell _2^\mp $$ p p → γ ∗ / Z ∗ → ℓ 1 ± ℓ 1 ± ℓ 2 ∓ ℓ 2 ∓ .

2021 ◽  
Sameer Patel ◽  
Mary Hall Reno ◽  
John Krizmanic ◽  
Yosui Akaike ◽  
Luis A. Anchordoqui ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (11) ◽  
M. Ablikim ◽  
M. N. Achasov ◽  
P. Adlarson ◽  
S. Ahmed ◽  
M. Albrecht ◽  

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