2010 ◽  
Vol 06 (04) ◽  
pp. 811-818

We show the existence of abelian surfaces [Formula: see text] over ℚp having good reduction with supersingular special fiber whose associated p-adic Galois module [Formula: see text] is not semisimple.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (04) ◽  
pp. 991-1001
Christopher Rasmussen ◽  
Akio Tamagawa

Fix a number field [Formula: see text] and a rational prime [Formula: see text]. We consider abelian varieties whose [Formula: see text]-power torsion generates a pro-[Formula: see text] extension of [Formula: see text] which is unramified away from [Formula: see text]. It is a necessary, but not generally sufficient, condition that such varieties have good reduction away from [Formula: see text]. In the special case of [Formula: see text], we demonstrate that for abelian surfaces [Formula: see text], good reduction away from [Formula: see text] does suffice. The result is extended to elliptic curves and abelian surfaces over certain number fields unramified away from [Formula: see text]. An explicit example is constructed to demonstrate that good reduction away from [Formula: see text] is not sufficient, at [Formula: see text], for abelian varieties of sufficiently high dimension.

2009 ◽  
Vol 05 (07) ◽  
pp. 1179-1203 ◽  

Let A = 𝔽q[T] be the polynomial ring over the finite field 𝔽q, k = 𝔽q(T) the rational function field, and K a finite extension of k. Let ϕ be a Drinfeld A-module over K of rank r. For a place 𝔓 of K of good reduction, write [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is the valuation ring of 𝔓 and [Formula: see text] its maximal ideal. Let P𝔓, ϕ(X) be the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius automorphism of 𝔽𝔓acting on a Tate module of ϕ. Let χϕ(𝔓) = P𝔓, ϕ(1), and let ν(χϕ(𝔓)) be the number of distinct primes dividing χϕ(𝔓). If ϕ is of rank 2 with [Formula: see text], we prove that there exists a normal distribution for the quantity [Formula: see text] For r ≥ 3, we show that the same result holds under the open image conjecture for Drinfeld modules. We also study the number of distinct prime divisors of the trace of the Frobenius automorphism of 𝔽𝔓acting on a Tate module of ϕ and obtain similar results.

2012 ◽  
Vol 148 (5) ◽  
pp. 1390-1442 ◽  
Francesc Fité ◽  
Kiran S. Kedlaya ◽  
Víctor Rotger ◽  
Andrew V. Sutherland

AbstractFor an abelian surface A over a number field k, we study the limiting distribution of the normalized Euler factors of the L-function of A. This distribution is expected to correspond to taking characteristic polynomials of a uniform random matrix in some closed subgroup of USp(4); this Sato–Tate group may be obtained from the Galois action on any Tate module of A. We show that the Sato–Tate group is limited to a particular list of 55 groups up to conjugacy. We then classify A according to the Galois module structure on the ℝ-algebra generated by endomorphisms of $A_{{\overline {\mathbb Q}}}$ (the Galois type), and establish a matching with the classification of Sato–Tate groups; this shows that there are at most 52 groups up to conjugacy which occur as Sato–Tate groups for suitable A and k, of which 34 can occur for k=ℚ. Finally, we present examples of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves exhibiting each Galois type (over ℚ whenever possible), and observe numerical agreement with the expected Sato–Tate distribution by comparing moment statistics.

2008 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 734-757 ◽  
Srinath Baba ◽  
Håkan Granath

AbstractWe explicitly construct the canonical rational models of Shimura curves, both analytically in terms of modular forms and algebraically in terms of coefficients of genus 2 curves, in the cases of quaternion algebras of discriminant 6 and 10. This emulates the classical construction in the elliptic curve case. We also give families of genus 2 QMcurves, whose Jacobians are the corresponding abelian surfaces on the Shimura curve, and with coefficients that are modular forms of weight 12. We apply these results to show that our j-functions are supported exactly at those primes where the genus 2 curve does not admit potentially good reduction, and construct fields where this potentially good reduction is attained. Finally, using j, we construct the fields ofmoduli and definition for somemoduli problems associated to the Atkin–Lehner group actions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 364 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 1365-1392 ◽  
Lassina Dembélé ◽  
Abhinav Kumar

2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 1161-1180

Claus Fieker ◽  
Tommy Hofmann ◽  
Sogo Pierre Sanon

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