scholarly journals A Weighted Variant of Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integrals onℝn

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-18 ◽  
Zun Wei Fu ◽  
Shan Zhen Lu ◽  
Wen Yuan

We introduce certain type of weighted variant of Riemann-Liouville fractional integral onℝnand obtain its sharp bounds on the central Morrey andλ-central BMO spaces. Moreover, we establish a sufficient and necessary condition of the weight functions so that commutators of weighted Hardy operators (with symbols inλ-central BMO space) are bounded on the central Morrey spaces. These results are further used to prove sharp estimates of some inequalities due to Weyl and Cesàro.

2015 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
Zun Wei Fu ◽  
Shu Li Gong ◽  
Shan Zhen Lu ◽  
Wen Yuan

AbstractIn this paper, we introduce a type of weighted multilinear Hardy operators and obtain their sharp bounds on the product of Lebesgue spaces and central Morrey spaces. In addition, we obtain sufficient and necessary conditions of the weight functions so that the commutators of the weighted multilinear Hardy operators (with symbols in central BMO space) are bounded on the product of central Morrey spaces. These results are further used to prove sharp estimates of some inequalities due to Riemann–Liouville and Weyl.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 522-533
C. Aykol ◽  
Z.O. Azizova ◽  
J.J. Hasanov

In this paper, we find sufficient conditions on general Young functions $(\Phi, \Psi)$ and the functions $(\varphi_1,\varphi_2)$ ensuring that the weighted Hardy operators $A_\omega^\alpha$ and ${\mathcal A}_\omega^\alpha$ are of strong type from a local generalized Orlicz-Morrey space $M^{0,\,loc}_{\Phi,\,\varphi_1}(\mathbb R^n)$ into another local generalized Orlicz-Morrey space $M^{0,\,loc}_{\Psi,\,\varphi_2}(\mathbb R^n)$. We also obtain the boundedness of the commutators of $A_\omega^\alpha$ and ${\mathcal A}_\omega^\alpha$ from $M^{0,\,loc}_{\Phi,\,\varphi_1}(\mathbb R^n)$ to $M^{0,\,loc}_{\Psi,\,\varphi_2}(\mathbb R^n)$.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Qing Yan Wu ◽  
Ling Mi ◽  
Zun Wei Fu

We obtain the sharp bounds ofp-adic Hardy operators onp-adic central Morrey spaces andp-adicλ-central BMO spaces, respectively. We also establish theλ-central BMO estimates for commutators ofp-adic Hardy operators onp-adic central Morrey spaces.

2010 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 531-539 ◽  
Zunwei Fu ◽  
Shanzhen Lu

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Sha He ◽  
Taotao Zheng ◽  
Xiangxing Tao

LetLbe the infinitesimal generator of an analytic semigroup onL2(Rn)with Gaussian kernel bounds, and letL-α/2be the fractional integrals ofLfor0<α<n. Assume thatb→=(b1,b2,…,bm)is a finite family of locally integrable functions; then the multilinear commutators generated byb→andL-α/2are defined byLb→-α/2f=[bm,…,[b2,[b1,L-α/2]],…]f. Assume thatbjbelongs to weighted BMO space,j=1,2,…,m; the authors obtain the boundedness ofLb→-α/2on weighted Morrey spaces. As a special case, whenL=-Δis the Laplacian operator, the authors also obtain the boundedness of the multilinear fractional commutatorIαb→on weighted Morrey spaces. The main results in this paper are substantial improvements and extensions of some known results.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-19 ◽  
Dag Lukkassen ◽  
Lars-Erik Persson ◽  
Stefan Samko

We study the weightedp→q-boundedness of the multidimensional weighted Hardy-type operatorsHwαandℋwαwith radial type weightw=w(|x|), in the generalized complementary Morrey spacesℒ∁{0}p,ψ(ℝn)defined by an almost increasing functionψ=ψ(r). We prove a theorem which provides conditions, in terms of some integral inequalities imposed onψandw, for such a boundedness. These conditions are sufficient in the general case, but we prove that they are also necessary when the functionψand the weightware power functions. We also prove that the spacesℒ∁{0}p,ψ(Ω)over bounded domains Ω are embedded between weighted Lebesgue spaceLpwith the weightψand such a space with the weightψ, perturbed by a logarithmic factor. Both the embeddings are sharp.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 353-377 ◽  
Zhien Li ◽  
Chao Wang

Abstract In this study, we obtain the scalar and matrix exponential functions through a series of quaternion-valued functions on time scales. A sufficient and necessary condition is established to guarantee that the induced matrix is real-valued for the complex adjoint matrix of a quaternion matrix. Moreover, the Cauchy matrices and Liouville formulas for the quaternion homogeneous and nonhomogeneous impulsive dynamic equations are given and proved. Based on it, the existence, uniqueness, and expressions of their solutions are also obtained, including their scalar and matrix forms. Since the quaternion algebra is noncommutative, many concepts and properties of the non-quaternion impulsive dynamic equations are ineffective, we provide several examples and counterexamples on various time scales to illustrate the effectiveness of our results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Qiong Meng ◽  
Zhen Jin ◽  
Guirong Liu

AbstractThis paper studies the linear fractional-order delay differential equation $$ {}^{C}D^{\alpha }_{-}x(t)-px(t-\tau )= 0, $$ D − α C x ( t ) − p x ( t − τ ) = 0 , where $0<\alpha =\frac{\text{odd integer}}{\text{odd integer}}<1$ 0 < α = odd integer odd integer < 1 , $p, \tau >0$ p , τ > 0 , ${}^{C}D_{-}^{\alpha }x(t)=-\Gamma ^{-1}(1-\alpha )\int _{t}^{\infty }(s-t)^{- \alpha }x'(s)\,ds$ D − α C x ( t ) = − Γ − 1 ( 1 − α ) ∫ t ∞ ( s − t ) − α x ′ ( s ) d s . We obtain the conclusion that $$ p^{1/\alpha } \tau >\alpha /e $$ p 1 / α τ > α / e is a sufficient and necessary condition of the oscillations for all solutions of Eq. (*). At the same time, some sufficient conditions are obtained for the oscillations of multiple delays linear fractional differential equation. Several examples are given to illustrate our theorems.

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