scholarly journals Seasonal Dynamics of N, P, and K in an Organic and Inorganic Fertilized Willow Biomass System

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Amos K. Quaye ◽  
Timothy A. Volk ◽  
Jeff J. Schoenau

The seasonal variations in soil nutrient supply and bioavailability were assessed in a willow biomass crop (Salix miyabeana, SX64) treated with 150 and 200 kg available N ha−1of commercial fertilizer (CF), biosolid compost (BC), dairy manure (DM), and control (CT0) at Delhi, NY. Plant root simulator probes were used to measure nutrient supply (inside) and bioavailability (outside) of root exclusion cylinders. Measurements were made in September 2008 and May, August, and October of 2009. Soil moisture content (θd)and foliar nutrient concentrations were also determined. The BC treatments increased soil P supply more than CF and CT0. The supply ofNH4+and K in the soil increased in August but their bioavailability increased in May and October. SoilNO3-and P supply and bioavailability were both high in May. Foliar N and K concentrations were significantly high in May and low in August which could be due to dilution effect caused by increased soil moisture foliar dry weight. Foliar P concentrations increased in September and October. The observed higher soilNO3-mineralization and plant uptake in May suggest that in high soilNO3-conditions willow biomass crops can level and minimize leaching out of the root zone into groundwater.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Leilah Krounbi ◽  
Akio Enders ◽  
John Gaunt ◽  
Margaret Ball ◽  
Johannes Lehmann

AbstractThe conversion of dairy waste with high moisture contents to dry fertilizers may reduce environmental degradation while lowering crop production costs. We converted the solid portion of screw-pressed dairy manure into a sorbent for volatile ammonia (NH3) in the liquid fraction using pyrolysis and pre-treatment with carbon dioxide (CO2). The extractable N in manure biochar exposed to NH3 following CO2 pre-treatment reached 3.36 g N kg−1, 1260-fold greater extractable N than in untreated manure biochar. Ammonia exposure was 142-times more effective in increasing extractable N than immersing manure biochar in the liquid fraction containing dissolved ammonium. Radish and tomato grown in horticultural media with manure biochar treated with CO2 + NH3 promoted up to 35% greater plant growth (dry weight) and 36–83% greater N uptake compared to manure biochar alone. Uptake of N was similar between plants grown with wood biochar exposed to CO2 + NH3, compared to N-equivalent treatments. The available N in dairy waste in New York (NY) state, if pyrolyzed and treated with NH3 + CO2, is equivalent to 11,732–42,232 Mg N year−1, valued at 6–21.5 million USD year−1. Separated dairy manure treated with CO2 + NH3 can offset 23–82% of N fertilizer needs of NY State, while stabilizing both the solid and liquid fraction of manure for reduced environmental pollution.

1980 ◽  
Vol 58 (14) ◽  
pp. 1601-1606 ◽  
P. E. Pope

Inoculation of Platanus occidentalis seedlings with Glomus fasciculatus significantly increased plant dry weight and foliar phosphorus (P) concentration when compared with the uninoculated control. After 12 weeks inoculated seedlings were 73% taller and 200% greater in total dry weight. The largest dry weight increase was recorded for foliage (212%) followed in order by stem (202%) and root (171%). Averaged overall nutrient treatments, foliar P concentration was 22% greater for the inoculated seedlings. Nutrient regimes representing 1×, 2×, and 4× Hoagland's No. 2 solution and a control significantly influenced seedling height, dry weight, percentage of foliar N, P, and K, and the degree of root colonization. Maximum growth and foliar nutrient concentrations were associated with the 2× Hoagland's nutrient regime followed in order by the 4× and 1× nutrient treatments and the control. Degree of root colonization by G. fasciculatus increased from 42% of the root length in the unfertilized control to 48% at the 1× Hoagland's regime and sharply declined at the 2× and 4× levels. Total dry weight of inoculated seedlings was significantly greater than the noninoculated control at each nutrient level. Incremental differences were 2.71, 4.03, 4.37, and 3.08 g for the control, 1×, 2×, and 4× Hoagland's nutrient regimes, respectively. Seedling growth attributed to G. fasciculatus is directly related to degree of mycorrhizal colonization and inversely related to the amount of extractable soil P.

1992 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 593-600 ◽  
Cindy E. Prescott ◽  
John P. Corbin ◽  
Dennis Parkinson

Nutrient supply rate and limitation were measured in forest floors of lodgepole pine, white spruce–lodgepole pine, and Engelmann spruce–subalpine fir (pine, spruce, and fir forests, respectively) forests in the Kananaskis Valley of southwestern Alberta. Earlier analyses of the nutrient content of foliage and litter indicated low N and P supply in the pine forest, high P supply in the spruce forest, and high N–low P supply in the fir forest. Measurements of nutrient supply (insitu rates of net mineralization, extractable P, and uptake of N and P from the forest floor in pot trials) confirmed the differences in N and P supply among the forests and indicated that nutrient concentrations in needle litter were useful as an index of nutrient supply rate. Subtractive tests were useful in identifying the most limiting nutrients in each forest: lodgepole pine seedlings grown in forest floor material from the pine and spruce stands responded with increased growth to the addition of N; those in fir forest floor material responded to P addition. Vector analysis of N and P concentrations and contents in needles from trees fertilized with ammonium phosphate sulphate showed responses to both N and P in the pine site, no response at the spruce site, and response to P at the fir site.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Haiqing Gong ◽  
Bilisuma Kabeto Wako ◽  
Yue Xiang ◽  
Xiaoqiang Jiao

Space availability and the maintenance of adequate phosphorus (P) supply in the root zone are essential for achieving high yield and P-use efficiency in maize production by manipulating the root morphology and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi colonization. A major trade-off exists between root growth and AM colonization that is influenced by soil P supply intensity and space availability. However, how soil P manipulates the root morphological characteristics and AM colonization to compensate for the limitation of root-growth space induced by high-planting density is not clear. Therefore, pot experiments were conducted to investigate interactions between the root growth and AM fungi by optimizing soil P supply to compensate for limited root growth space induced by high-planting density. Similar shoot biomass and P uptake values were obtained in P200 (200 mg P kg−1 soil) under D = 40 (i.e., diameter of the pot is 40 cm) and P400 under D = 30, and similar values were obtained for root length, tap root length, root angle, lateral root density, and AM colonization. However, the improvement in P supply in the root zone, shoot biomass, and P uptake in P400 under D = 20 were lower than in P200 under D = 30, and there were no significant differences in the root parameters between P200 and P400 under D = 20; similarly, the root growth and AM colonization exhibited similar trends. These results suggest that optimizing P supply in the root zone to regulate the interaction between root morphological traits and AM colonization can compensate for limited root-growth space. Although P supply in the root zone increased after the root-growth space was compressed, it could not meet the P demand of maize; thus, to achieve the most efficient use of P under intensive high-density maize production, it is necessary to optimally coordinate root growth space and P supply in the root zone.

HortScience ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 29 (5) ◽  
pp. 464f-464
W.L. Berry ◽  
R.M. Wheeler ◽  
C.L. Mackowiak ◽  
G.W. Stutte ◽  
J.C. Sager

Critical levels of nutrients in leaf tissue are influenced by plant metabolism, environment, and nutrient availability. In this study, we measured the elemental concentrations in fully expanded, upper canopy potato (Solunum tuberosum cv. Norland) leaves throughout growth and development in a controlled environment. Plants were grown hydroponically (NFT) in NASA's Biomass Production Chamber using a complete nutrient solution with the electrical conductivity maintained continuously at 0.12 S m-1. Photoperiod and air and root zone temperatures were changed midseason to promote tuberization, while CO2 levels were maintained at 1000 μmol mol-1 throughout growth. During vegetative growth, leaf nutrient concentrations remained relatively constant, except for a decline in Ca. During tuber enlargement and plant maturation, overall nutrient uptake decreased. Concentrations of the less mobile nutrients such as Ca, Mg, and B increased in the leaf tissue during mature growth, but somewhat surprisingly, highly mobile K also increased. Leaf concentrations of P, Zn, and Cu decreased during maturation.

1980 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-70 ◽  
R. van den Driessche

A 5N × 5P factorial fertilizer experiment was conducted on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seed beds at Campbell River nursery on northern Vancouver Island. Nutrient concentrations were measured in soil and seedlings. After 2 years of growth, trees were lifted from each treatment in mid-November and again in mid-February for storage. All were planted out in April and grown for 2 years. Seedling dry weight and height in the nursery were significantly affected by N fertilizer treatment, but not by P fertilizer, although seedling tissue P concentrations were low (0.09-0.17%) and available soil P was significantly increased by treatment. Largest seedlings resulted from application of 50-75 kg N/ha during the 1st year of growth and 100-150 kg N/ha during the 2nd year. Seedling dry weight was correlated with tissue N concentration (r = 0.73-0.75) and greatest dry weight was associated with a 1-0 shoot N or a 2-0 foliar N concentration of 2%. Survival and height 2 years after planting out were significantly affected by N fertilizer treatment in the nursery, and the nursery treatments resulting in largest seedlings yielded the highest survival and height. However the N concentration of 2-0 seedlings was not closely correlated with survival or height, and shoot dry weight was the most useful nursery measurement for predicting these values (r = 0.49). Fertilization did not affect cold hardiness and hardiness of trees was essentially the same at both lifting dates. Survival at 2 years after planting was unaffected by lifting date.

2011 ◽  
Vol 62 (11) ◽  
pp. 992 ◽  
Jiayin Pang ◽  
Mark Tibbett ◽  
Matthew D. Denton ◽  
Hans Lambers ◽  
Kadambot H. M. Siddique ◽  

Developing new perennial pasture legumes for low-P soils is a priority for Australian Mediterranean agro-ecosystems, where soil P availability is naturally low. As legumes tend to require higher P inputs than non-legumes, the ability of these plants to fix N2 under varying soil P levels must be determined. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the influence of soil P supply on plant N status and nodule formation in 11 perennial legumes, including some novel pasture species. We investigated the effect of applying soil P, ranging from 0 to 384 μg P/g dry soil, on plant N status and nodulation in a glasshouse. Without exogenous P supply, shoot N concentration and N : P ratio were higher than at 6 μg P/g soil. Shoot N concentration and N : P ratio then changed little with further increase in P supply. There was a close positive correlation between the number of nodules and shoot P concentration in 7 of the 11 species. Total nodule dry weight and the percentage of plant dry weight that consisted of nodules increased when P supply increased from 6 to 48 μg P/g. Without exogenous P addition, N : P ratios partitioned into a two-group distribution, with species having a N : P ratio of either >70 or <50 g/g. We suggest that plants with a high N : P ratio may take up N from the soil constitutively, while those with a low N : P ratio may regulate their N uptake in relation to internal P concentration. The flexibility of the novel pasture legumes in this study to adjust their leaf N concentrations under different levels of soil P supplements other published evidence of good growth and high P uptake and P-use efficiency under low soil P supply and suggests their potential as pasture plants in low-P soils in Australian Mediterranean agro-ecosystems warrants further attention.

2011 ◽  
Vol 62 (6) ◽  
pp. 467 ◽  
Qifu Ma ◽  
Zed Rengel ◽  
Kadambot H. M. Siddique

Heterogeneity of soil nutrients, particularly phosphorus (P), is widespread in modern agriculture due to increased adoption of no-till farming, but P-use efficiency and related physiological processes in plants grown in soils with variable distribution of nutrients are not well documented. In a glasshouse column experiment, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) were subjected to 50 mg P/kg at 7–10 cm depth (hotspot P) or 5 mg P/kg in the whole profile (uniform P), with both treatments receiving the same amount of P. Measurements were made of plant growth, gas exchange, P uptake, and root distribution. Plants with hotspot P supply had more biomass and P content than those with uniform P supply. The ratios of hotspot to uniform P supply for shoot parameters, but not for root parameters, were lower in L. albus than wheat, indicating that L. albus was better able than wheat to acquire and utilise P from low-P soil. Cluster roots in L. albus were enhanced by low shoot P concentration but suppressed by high shoot P concentration. Soil P supply decreased root thickness and the root-to-shoot ratio in wheat but had little effect on L. albus. The formation of cluster roots in low-P soil and greater proliferation and surface area of roots in the localised, P-enriched zone in L. albus than in wheat would increase plant P use in heterogeneous soils. L. albus also used proportionally less assimilated carbon than wheat for root growth in response to soil P deficiency. The comparative advantage of each strategy by wheat and L. albus for P-use efficiency under heterogeneous P supply may depend on the levels of P in the enriched v. low-P portions of the root-zone and other soil constraints such as water, nitrogen, or potassium supply.

1995 ◽  
Vol 120 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-169 ◽  
William R. Argo ◽  
John A. Biernbaum

Rooted cuttings of `Gutbier V-l 4 Glory poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch) were grown in 15-cm pots using two irrigation methods, two water-soluble fertilization schedules, and two preplant root-media fertilization rates. No difference in shoot growth occurred with either top watering with 33% leaching or subirrigation. The top 2.5 cm (top layer) contained nutrient concentrations up to 10 times higher than those measured in the remaining root medium (root zone) of the same pot with both irrigation methods. Constant applications of28 mol N/m3 water-soluble fertilizer (WSF) limited shoot and root growth as measured at 3 and 8 weeks compared to a weekly increase in the concentration of WSF from 0 to 28 mol N/m3 in 7 mol N/m3 increments over a S-week period. The additional incorporation of 0.27 kg·m-3 mineral N to Metro Mix 510 before planting had no effect on fresh- or dry-weight accumulation. When the root-medium surface was covered by an evaporation barrier, 46% less water and 41% less N fertilizer were applied to plants of similar size, and higher root-zone nutrient levels were maintained over the 8 weeks of the experiment. The evaporation barrier had the greatest effect on increasing root-zone nutrient concentrations and reducing the growth of subirrigated plants.

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