Fast Extraction Algorithm for Local Edge Features of Super-Resolution Image
Image super-resolution is getting popularity these days in diverse fields, such as medical applications and industrial applications. The accuracy is imperative on image super-resolution. The traditional approaches for local edge feature point extraction algorithms are merely based on edge points for super-resolution images. The traditional algorithms are used to calculate the geometric center of gravity of the edge line when it is near, resulting in a low feature recall rate and unreliable results. In order to overcome these problems of lower accuracy in the existing system, an attempt is made in this research work to propose a new fast extraction algorithm for local edge features of super-resolution images. This paper primarily focuses on the super-resolution image reconstruction model, which is utilized to extract the super-resolution image. The edge contour of the super-resolution image feature is extracted based on the Chamfer distance function. Then, the geometric center of gravity of the closed edge line and the nonclosed edge line are calculated. The algorithm emphasizes on polarizing the edge points with the center of gravity to determine the local extreme points of the upper edge of the amplitude-diameter curve and to determine the feature points of the edges of the super-resolution image. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm consumes 0.02 seconds to extract the local edge features of super-resolution images with an accuracy of up to 96.3%. The experimental results show that our proposed algorithm is an efficient method for the extraction of local edge features from the super-resolution images.