scholarly journals On long exact (π¯,ExtΛ)-sequences in module theory

2004 ◽  
Vol 2004 (26) ◽  
pp. 1347-1361
C. Joanna Su

In (2003), we proved the injective homotopy exact sequence of modules by a method that does not refer to any elements of the sets in the argument, so that the duality applies automatically in the projective homotopy theory (of modules) without further derivation. We inherit this fashion in this paper during our process of expanding the homotopy exact sequence. We name the resulting doubly infinite sequence the long exact(π¯,ExtΛ)-sequence in the second variable—it links the (injective) homotopy exact sequence with the long exact ExtΛ-sequence in the second variable through a connecting term which has a structure containing traces of both a π¯-homotopy group and an ExtΛ-group. We then demonstrate the nontriviality of the injective/projective relative homotopy groups (of modules) based on the results ofs Su (2001). Finally, by inserting three (π¯,ExtΛ)-sequences into a one-of-a-kind diagram, we establish the long exact (π¯,ExtΛ)-sequence of a triple, which is an extension of the homotopy sequence of a triple in module theory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (12) ◽  
pp. 1663-1668
T. Nasri ◽  
H. Mirebrahimi ◽  
H. Torabi

UDC 515.4 We show that the th quasitopological homotopy group of a topological space is isomorphic to th quasitopological homotopy group of its loop space and by this fact we obtain some results about quasitopological homotopy groups. Finally, using the long exact sequence of a based pair and a fibration in qTop introduced by Brazas in 2013, we obtain some results in this field.

Duzhin Fedor ◽  
Loh Sher En Jessica

Finding homotopy group of spheres is an old open problem in topology. Berrick et al. derive in [A. J. Berrick, F. Cohen, Y. L. Wong and J. Wu, Configurations, braids, and homotopy groups, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 19 (2006)] an exact sequence that relates Brunnian braids to homotopy groups of spheres. We give an interpretation of this exact sequence based on the combed form for braids over the sphere developed in [R. Gillette and J. V. Buskirk, The word problem and consequences for the braid groups and mapping class groups of the two-sphere, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (1968) 277–296] with the aim of helping one to visualize the sequence and to do calculations based on it.

2007 ◽  
Vol 2007 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
C. Joanna Su

In his book “Homotopy Theory and Duality,” Peter Hilton described the concepts of relative homotopy theory in module theory. We study in this paper the possibility of parallel concepts of fibration and cofibration in module theory, analogous to the existing theorems in algebraic topology. First, we discover that one can study relative homotopy groups, of modules, from a viewpoint which is closer to that of (absolute) homotopy groups. Then, through the study of various cases, we learn that the classic fibration/cofibration relation does not come automatically. Nonetheless, the ability to see the relative homotopy groups as absolute homotopy groups, in a stronger sense, promises to justify our ultimate search.

1963 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. 169-188 ◽  
Yasutoshi Nomura

One of the most powerful tools in homotopy theory is the homotopy groups of a triad introduced by Blakers and Massey in [1]. Our aim here is to develop systematically the formal, elementary aspects of the theory of a generalized triad and the mapping track associated with it. This will be used in §5 to deduce a result (Theorem 5.5) which seems to be closely related to an exact sequence established by Brown [2].

1987 ◽  
Vol 101 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-257 ◽  
Alan Robinson

We introduce a new construction in stable homotopy theory. If F and G are module spectra over a ring spectrum E, there is no well-known spectrum of E-module homomorphisms from F to G. Such a construction would not be homotopy invariant, and therefore would not serve much purpose. We show that, provided the rings and modules have A∞ structures, there is a spectrum RHomE(F, G) of derived module homomorphisms which has very pleasant properties. It is homotopy invariant, exact in each variable, and its homotopy groups form the abutment of a hypercohomology-type spectral sequence.

Christian Haesemeyer ◽  
Charles A. Weibel

This chapter develops the basic theory of symmetric powers of smooth varieties. The constructions in this chapter are based on an analogy with the corresponding symmetric power constructions in topology. If 𝐾 is a set (or even a topological space) then the symmetric power 𝑆𝑚𝐾 is defined to be the orbit space 𝐾𝑚/Σ‎𝑚, where Σ‎𝑚 is the symmetric group. If 𝐾 is pointed, there is an inclusion 𝑆𝑚𝐾 ⊂ 𝑆𝑚+1𝐾 and 𝑆∞𝐾 = ∪𝑆𝑚𝐾 is the free abelian monoid on 𝐾 − {*}. When 𝐾 is a connected topological space, the Dold–Thom theorem says that ̃𝐻*(𝐾, ℤ) agrees with the homotopy groups π‎ *(𝑆∞𝐾). In particular, the spaces 𝑆∞(𝑆 𝑛) have only one homotopy group (𝑛 ≥ 1) and hence are the Eilenberg–Mac Lane spaces 𝐾(ℤ, 𝑛) which classify integral homology.

1991 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 814-824 ◽  
Robert J. Piacenza

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the notion of a CW complex over a topological category. The main theorem of this paper gives an equivalence between the homotopy theory of diagrams of spaces based on a topological category and the homotopy theory of CW complexes over the same base category.A brief description of the paper goes as follows: in Section 1 we introduce the homotopy category of diagrams of spaces based on a fixed topological category. In Section 2 homotopy groups for diagrams are defined. These are used to define the concept of weak equivalence and J-n equivalence that generalize the classical definition. In Section 3 we adapt the classical theory of CW complexes to develop a cellular theory for diagrams. In Section 4 we use sheaf theory to define a reasonable cohomology theory of diagrams and compare it to previously defined theories. In Section 5 we define a closed model category structure for the homotopy theory of diagrams. We show this Quillen type homotopy theory is equivalent to the homotopy theory of J-CW complexes. In Section 6 we apply our constructions and results to prove a useful result in equivariant homotopy theory originally proved by Elmendorf by a different method.

2014 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 344-356
Daisuke Kishimoto ◽  
Akira Kono ◽  
Mitsunobu Tsutaya

AbstractThe method for computing the p-localization of the group [X, U(n)], by Hamanaka in 2004, is revised. As an application, an explicit description of the self-homotopy group of Sp(3) localized at p ≥ 5 is given and the homotopy nilpotency of Sp(3) localized at p ≥ 5 is determined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 539-555
Miguel A Maldonado ◽  
Miguel A Xicoténcatl

Abstract The mapping class group $\Gamma ^k(N_g)$ of a non-orientable surface with punctures is studied via classical homotopy theory of configuration spaces. In particular, we obtain a non-orientable version of the Birman exact sequence. In the case of ${\mathbb{R}} \textrm{P}^2$, we analyze the Serre spectral sequence of a fiber bundle $F_k({\mathbb{R}}{\textrm{P}}^{2}) / \Sigma _k \to X_k \to BSO(3)$ where $X_k$ is a $K(\Gamma ^k({\mathbb{R}} \textrm{P}^2),1)$ and $F_k({\mathbb{R}}{\textrm{P}}^{2}) / \Sigma _k$ denotes the configuration space of unordered $k$-tuples of distinct points in ${\mathbb{R}} \textrm{P}^2$. As a consequence, we express the mod-2 cohomology of $\Gamma ^k({\mathbb{R}} \textrm{P}^2)$ in terms of that of $F_k({\mathbb{R}}{\textrm{P}}^{2}) / \Sigma _k$.

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