mac lane
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Marcelo Fiore ◽  
Philip Saville

Abstract We prove a strictification theorem for cartesian closed bicategories. First, we adapt Power’s proof of coherence for bicategories with finite bilimits to show that every bicategory with bicategorical cartesian closed structure is biequivalent to a 2-category with 2-categorical cartesian closed structure. Then we show how to extend this result to a Mac Lane-style “all pasting diagrams commute” coherence theorem: precisely, we show that in the free cartesian closed bicategory on a graph, there is at most one 2-cell between any parallel pair of 1-cells. The argument we employ is reminiscent of that used by Čubrić, Dybjer, and Scott to show normalisation for the simply-typed lambda calculus (Čubrić et al., 1998). The main results first appeared in a conference paper (Fiore and Saville, 2020) but for reasons of space many details are omitted there; here we provide the full development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 571-605
Geoffroy Horel ◽  
Maxime Ramzi

Jorge Aguilar-Guzmán ◽  
Jesús González ◽  
John Oprea

For a graph $\Gamma$ , let $K(H_{\Gamma },\,1)$ denote the Eilenberg–Mac Lane space associated with the right-angled Artin (RAA) group $H_{\Gamma }$ defined by $\Gamma$ . We use the relationship between the combinatorics of $\Gamma$ and the topological complexity of $K(H_{\Gamma },\,1)$ to explain, and generalize to the higher TC realm, Dranishnikov's observation that the topological complexity of a covering space can be larger than that of the base space. In the process, for any positive integer $n$ , we construct a graph $\mathcal {O}_n$ whose TC-generating function has polynomial numerator of degree $n$ . Additionally, motivated by the fact that $K(H_{\Gamma },\,1)$ can be realized as a polyhedral product, we study the LS category and topological complexity of more general polyhedral product spaces. In particular, we use the concept of a strong axial map in order to give an estimate, sharp in a number of cases, of the topological complexity of a polyhedral product whose factors are real projective spaces. Our estimate exhibits a mixed cat-TC phenomenon not present in the case of RAA groups.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 2709-2748
Jeremy Hahn ◽  
Dylan Wilson

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 511-544
Luis Scoccola

AbstractWe develop the basic theory of nilpotent types and their localizations away from sets of numbers in Homotopy Type Theory. For this, general results about the classifying spaces of fibrations with fiber an Eilenberg–Mac Lane space are proven. We also construct fracture squares for localizations away from sets of numbers. All of our proofs are constructive.

Colin McLarty

Saunders Mac Lane heard David Hilbert’s weekly lectures on philosophy and utterly believed Hilbert’s declaration that mathematics will know no limits. He studied algebra with Emmy Noether, and both mathematics and philosophy with Hermann Weyl. As a young algebraist he created today’s standard working method for mathematical structure: category theory, with topologist Samuel Eilenberg. As one step, they created the now standard definition of “isomorphism.” They originally saw categories as just a working tool. But in the 1950s, Mac Lane saw Alexander Grothendieck and others radically extend the range of the theory, and in the 1960s, he took up William Lawvere’s idea of categorical foundations. The essay relates all of this to current philosophical structuralism, especially concerning isomorphisms and automorphisms of structures. It concludes by comparing Mac Lane’s motives for structuralist working mathematics with current philosophical motives for structuralist ontology.

Since the 1960s, there has been a vigorous and ongoing debate about structuralism in English-speaking philosophy of mathematics. But structuralist ideas and methods go back further in time; that is, there is a rich prehistory to this debate, also in the German- and French-speaking literature. In the present collection of essays, this prehistory is explored in a twofold way: by reconsidering various mathematicians in the 19th and early 20th centuries (Grassmann, Dedekind, Pasch, Klein, Hilbert, Noether, Bourbaki, and Mac Lane) who contributed to structuralism in a methodological sense; and by re-examining a range of philosophical reflections on such contributions during the same period (also by Peirce, Poincaré, Russell, Cassirer, Bernays, Carnap, and Quine), which led to suggestions about logical, epistemological, and metaphysical aspects that remain relevant today. Overall, the collection makes evident that structuralism has deep roots in the history of modern mathematics, that mathematical and philosophical views about it have often been closely intertwined, and that the range of philosophical options available in this context is significantly richer than a mere focus on current debates may make one believe.

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Pilar Carrasco ◽  
Antonio M. Cegarra

The purpose of this work is to extend Leech cohomology for monoids (and so Eilenberg-Mac Lane cohomology of groups) to presheaves of monoids on an arbitrary small category. The main result states and proves a cohomological classification of monoidal prestacks on a category with values in groupoids with abelian isotropy groups. The paper also includes a cohomological classification for extensions of presheaves of monoids, which is useful to the study of H -extensions of presheaves of regular monoids. The results apply directly in several settings such as presheaves of monoids on a topological space, simplicial monoids, presheaves of simplicial monoids on a topological space, monoids or simplicial monoids on which a fixed monoid or group acts, and so forth.

Axioms ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 90
Ged Corob Cook

In this paper, we establish a topological version of the notion of an Eilenberg–Mac Lane space. If X is a pointed topological space, π 1 ( X ) has a natural topology coming from the compact-open topology on the space of maps S 1 → X . In general, the construction does not produce a topological group because it is possible to create examples where the group multiplication π 1 ( X ) × π 1 ( X ) → π 1 ( X ) is discontinuous. This discontinuity has been noticed by others, for example Fabel. However, if we work in the category of compactly generated, weakly Hausdorff spaces, we may retopologise both the space of maps S 1 → X and the product π 1 ( X ) × π 1 ( X ) with compactly generated topologies to see that π 1 ( X ) is a group object in this category. Such group objects are known as k-groups. Next we construct the Eilenberg–Mac Lane space K ( G , 1 ) for any totally path-disconnected k-group G. The main point of this paper is to show that, for such a G, π 1 ( K ( G , 1 ) ) is isomorphic to G in the category of k-groups. All totally disconnected locally compact groups are k-groups and so our results apply in particular to profinite groups, answering a question of Sauer’s. We also show that analogues of the Mayer–Vietoris sequence and Seifert–van Kampen theorem hold in this context. The theory requires a careful analysis using model structures and other homotopical structures on cartesian closed categories as we shall see that no theory can be comfortably developed in the classical world.

Christian Haesemeyer ◽  
Charles A. Weibel

This chapter develops the basic theory of symmetric powers of smooth varieties. The constructions in this chapter are based on an analogy with the corresponding symmetric power constructions in topology. If 𝐾 is a set (or even a topological space) then the symmetric power 𝑆𝑚𝐾 is defined to be the orbit space 𝐾𝑚/Σ‎𝑚, where Σ‎𝑚 is the symmetric group. If 𝐾 is pointed, there is an inclusion 𝑆𝑚𝐾 ⊂ 𝑆𝑚+1𝐾 and 𝑆∞𝐾 = ∪𝑆𝑚𝐾 is the free abelian monoid on 𝐾 − {*}. When 𝐾 is a connected topological space, the Dold–Thom theorem says that ̃𝐻*(𝐾, ℤ) agrees with the homotopy groups π‎ *(𝑆∞𝐾). In particular, the spaces 𝑆∞(𝑆 𝑛) have only one homotopy group (𝑛 ≥ 1) and hence are the Eilenberg–Mac Lane spaces 𝐾(ℤ, 𝑛) which classify integral homology.

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