Computerized Data Bank System for Temporal Bone Histopathology
1988 ◽
Vol 97
pp. 195-198
A computerized data bank system to store and analyze temporal bone histopathologic data is described. This system uses the University of Pittsburgh's Digital Equipment Corporation System 10 computer and the System 1022 data base management software. Data on histology cases are divided into five files: General information, otologic information, summary, histopathologic information about the external ear and middle ear, and histopathologic information about the inner ear. Eleven general terms are used to describe pathologic findings, surgery, postmortem degeneration, and artifacts. In addition, provision is made for the inclusion of more precise qualitative information to be entered as text.
2004 ◽
Vol 46
pp. 243-248
1987 ◽
pp. 143-153
2016 ◽
1987 ◽
Vol 96
pp. 3-19