scholarly journals Identifying Schools With High Usage and High Loss of Newly Qualified Teachers

2018 ◽  
Vol 243 ◽  
pp. R27-R36 ◽  
Sam Sims ◽  
Rebecca Allen

In England, teacher shortages have worsened in recent years and one contributor is the declining rates of retention among newly qualified teachers (NQTs). We employ a method developed in the health-statistics literature to identify schools that both recruit an unusually high level of NQTs and lose an unusually high level of NQTs from the profession. We show that this small group of schools, which are likely characterised by poor working conditions, are responsible for a disproportionately large amount of attrition from the teaching profession. This has a material effect on overall teacher shortages and comes at a high cost to taxpayers. Policy solutions, including improving the flow of information to NQTs to help them avoid such schools, are discussed

Luiz Anselmo Menezes Santos ◽  
Viviane Menezes Vidal

TEACHER OF STRESS: study about corporality in professionals of basic educationEL ESTRÉS DEL PROFESOR: estudio acerca de la corporeidad en profesionales de la educación básicaO presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar como professores que atuam no ensino fundamental da educação básica da rede pública de Aracaju lidam com os fatores estressantes no exercício da docência como: a falta de reconhecimento profissional, poucas horas de descanso, má alimentação, insatisfação, tensão, ansiedade, dentre outros problemas que ocasionam a elevação do nível de estresse, chegando ao esgotamento físico. Para tanto, realizamos uma pesquisa descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa, com a utilização de questionários e registro das condições de trabalho, com o intuito de saber qual a visão de corpo dos docentes e como eles percebem sua corporeidade. A partir do que constatamos na análise dos dados, pode-se concluir que os resultados são relevantes, já que a maioria dos pesquisados reclamam das condições de trabalho, da má remuneração, sentem desgaste físico constante, sentem o corpo cansado, dolorido, pesado ou tenso. Poucos fazem alguma atividade física, sentem-se pessoas estressadas, não conhecem nenhum método de relaxamento. Portanto, pode-se concluir que a maioria dos professores investigados apresentam os fatores estressantes descritos na literatura, bem como demonstram possuir diferentes visões de corpo, prevalecendo ainda uma concepção psicofísica, dualista e mecânica do corpo.Palavras-chave: Corporeidade; Docência; Estresse Ocupacional; Educação Básica.ABSTRACTThis study aims to investigate how teachers working in elementary school of basic education Aracaju from public deal with the stressors in the teaching profession as the lack of professional recognition, a few hours of rest, poor diet, dissatisfaction, stress , anxiety, among other problems that cause the high level of stress, even to exhaustion. Thus, we performed a descriptive, qualitative approach, using questionnaires and record of working conditions, in order to know which body view of teachers and how they perceive their corporeality. From what we see in the data analysis, it can be concluded that the results are relevant, since the majority of respondents complain about working conditions, poor pay, feel constant physical stress, feel the body tired, aching, heavy or tense. Few do some physical activity, they feel stressed people do not know any method of relaxation. Therefore it can be concluded that most teachers investigated presents stressful factors described in the literature and shown to possess different body views, still prevailing psychophysical design, dualistic and streamlined body.Keywords: Corporality; Teaching; Occupational Stress; Burnout.RESUMENEl presente estudio tiene como objetivo investigar cómo los profesores que actúan en la enseñanza fundamental de la educación básica de la red pública de Aracaju lidian con los factores estresantes en el ejercicio de la docencia como: la falta de reconocimiento profesional, pocas horas de descanso, mala alimentación, insatisfacción, tensión, ansiedad, entre otros problemas que ocasionan la elevación del nivel de estrés, llegando al agotamiento físico. Para ello, realizamos una investigación descriptiva, de abordaje cualitativo, con la utilización de cuestionarios y registro de las condiciones de trabajo, con el fin de saber cuál es la visión de cuerpo de los docentes y cómo perciben su corporeidad. A partir de lo que constatamos en el análisis de los datos, se puede concluir que los resultados son relevantes, ya que la mayoría de los encuestados reclaman de las condiciones de trabajo, de la mala remuneración, sienten desgaste físico constante, sienten el cuerpo cansado, dolorido, pesado o pesado (En inglés). Pocos hacen alguna actividad física, se sienten personas estresadas, no conocen ningún método de relajación. Por lo tanto, se puede concluir que la mayoría de los profesores investigados presentan los factores estresantes descritos en la literatura, así como demuestran poseer diferentes visiones de cuerpo, prevaleciendo aún una concepción psicofísica, dualista y mecánica del cuerpo.Palabras clave: Corporeidad; Docencia; Estrés Ocupacionales; Educación Básica.

Lisbeth Lunde Frederiksen ◽  
Åse Bonde

The purpose of the article is to present the development of induction support for newly qualified teachers in Denmark over the last 10 years. The article underlines that there currently might be incipient shifts in the political ecosystem of education by referring to a teacher commission that was appointed to provide recommendations for rules for new working hours for teachers in Denmark and to the latest recommendations from a commission whose task was to evaluate the Danish Teacher Training Program. Both commissions call attention to newly qualified teachers and to bridging the gap from teacher education to the teaching profession. The article briefly explains the situation today by referring to a nationwide survey study of how schools receive newly qualified teachers. The study was carried out by the Counseling and Mentoring Research Program at VIA University College. One of the research questions was “How and to what extent are newly qualified teachers in Denmark supported during the first year of their professional work?” The study concludes that support of newly qualified teachers is very arbitrary and unsustainable.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 77-100
Vilhelmiina Harju ◽  
Hannele Niemi

The first few years in the teaching profession are usually demanding. Although initial teacher education forms an essential foundation for teachers’ work, it cannot fully prepare new teachers for the complexities of working life. This study focuses on investigating the need for professional development support among newly qualified teachers to determine what their professional learning needs are and how these needs differ among teachers from four different countries: Finland, the United Kingdom (England), Portugal and Belgium (Flanders). The research data was collected via a questionnaire from 314 teachers, each with less than five years of teaching experience, and both closed and open-ended questions were included. The quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics and factor analysis to identify the latent variables associated with their needs. Answers to the open-ended questions were used to gain deeper insight into the newly qualified teachers’ situation. The results indicate that new teachers need support, especially regarding conflict situations and in differentiating their teaching. In addition, when analysing the profiles of eight support-need latent variables, all of the teachers in the different countries viewed supporting students’ holistic development as the most important area. Although the results of this study cannot be generalised, they provide an important overview of new teachers’ learning needs that should be taken into account when planning and organising support for them.

I. P. Danilov ◽  
N. I. Vlakh ◽  
V. I. Gugushvili ◽  
N. Ya. Paneva ◽  
T. D. Logunova

Introduction. A healthy lifestyle is one of the most eff ective methods of preserving health and preventing non-infectious diseases. The mechanisms and factors that infl uence the formation of motivation for health and a healthy lifestyle in employees engaged in harmful working conditions have not been suffi ciently studied. The study of these mechanisms will allow us to more eff ectively shape health-saving behavior.The aim of the study is to study negative aff ectivity, social suppression and anxiety in the formation of motivation to maintain health and a healthy lifestyle in coal industry workers.Materials and methods. A survey was conducted of 75 employees of mines and sections in the South of Kuzbass with an established diagnosis of occupational diseases, as well as 54 people who do not work in harmful working conditions (engineering and technical workers). Surveys were conducted using the method “Index of motivation to health and a healthy lifestyle”, the presence of personality type D was conducted using the DS14 questionnaire, the level of personal and situational anxiety was assessed using the Spielberger — Hanin questionnaire.Results. Th e level of motivation for health and a healthy lifestyle among patients with occupational diseases is signifi cantly lower than the level of motivation for the health of engineering and technical workers. Th e infl uence of negative reaction and social suppression on the level of motivation for health and a healthy lifestyle was not found. Th e level of situational anxiety also has no eff ect on health motivation. A higher level of personal anxiety among people with a high level of motivation for a healthy lifestyle was determined.Conclusions. Personal anxiety aff ects the level of motivation for health and a healthy lifestyle in people with occupational diseases. 

O. Klepikov ◽  
A. Boreyko ◽  
G. Kurenkova

The aim of the study was to assess the professional risk of developing diseases in workers of the railway car repair enterprise. The Voronezh Car Repair Plant, a branch of Vagonremmash Joint-Stock Company, was chosen as the object of study. Methods: «The methodology for calculating individual occupational risk depending on the working conditions and the health status of the employee», developed by the Klin Institute for Protection and Working Conditions in conjunction with the Research Institute of Occupational Medicine (2013), the main professions; cohort study with the calculation of the relative risk of morbidity with temporary disability, the odds ratio, the etiological share of factors in the formation of morbidity (group size: 250 people, experimental group — workers of the main specialties, 95 people — comparison group). Results. According to the research results, the priority factors of occupational health risk include: chemical, noise, heating microclimate, low light level. For certain professions, the share of the contribution of priority factors to the risk profile (PV) reaches 40 %. The indicator of individual occupational risk is 0.12 to 0.26 units. The high level of professional risk (0.22 ÷ 0.26) is characterized by the working conditions of the mechanics for the repair of rolling stock, machine tools (woodworking), casters (metal), thermists, plastic casters. In professional groups with medium and high risk, the indicator of the relative risk of morbidity with temporary disability is higher than 1 (RR = 1.75 and 1.39, respectively), and the etiological share of production factors in the formation of diseases is from 27.95 (subgroup with secondary professional risk) up to 42.88 % (a subgroup with high professional risk), which indicates the professional condition of the disease. Discussion. In general, our data are consistent with the results of similar studies conducted earlier at the car building and car repair enterprises. In order to ensure hygienically safe working conditions and preserve the health of workers, it is necessary to reduce the level of exposure to production factors, including through the introduction of modern equipment and improvement of technological processes.

2009 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-206 ◽  
Elaine Sharplin

This qualitative multiple-site case study explores the experiences of imported and overseas-qualified teachers appointed to fill ‘difficult-to-staff’ Western Australian rural schools. In a climate of global teacher shortages, investigation of the strategies adopted to solve this problem requires empirical examination. The study of six imported and overseas-qualified teachers found that they experienced difficulties with the employment application process, were not adequately inducted into the system and experienced difficulties with cultural adaptation related to pedagogy, behaviour management and language. These teachers still remained in schools for lengths of time comparable to their Australian-born counterparts. Transitions into schools could be assisted with improved appointment processes, induction and school-based support. A research agenda for further investigation of this field is recommended.

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