An experimental study on the interdependence of mercerization, moisture absorption and mechanical properties of sustainable Phoenix sp. fibre-reinforced epoxy composites

2018 ◽  
Vol 49 (9) ◽  
pp. 1233-1251 ◽  
G Rajeshkumar

This paper represents the first effort aimed to study the interdependence of mercerization, moisture absorption and mechanical properties of sustainable Phoenix sp. fibre-reinforced epoxy composites fabricated by compression moulding technique. The investigation was carried out by varying the fibre length (10, 20 and 30 mm), fibre volume fraction (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%), concentration of sodium hydroxide for fibre treatment (5%, 10% and 15%) and immersion temperature (10℃, 30℃ and 60℃). The fibre–matrix interface and failure mechanism was studied by using scanning electron microscopy. The results revealed that the moisture absorption rate increased with the increase in fibre length, fibre volume fraction and immersion temperature result in loss of tensile and flexural properties. The moisture absorbed samples shows 15% and 7% drop in tensile and flexural strength, respectively. However, this loss was less in mercerized fibre-reinforced composites.

2015 ◽  
Vol 787 ◽  
pp. 632-636
R. Parvatham ◽  
K. Chandrasekaran ◽  
S.K. Malhotra

Fiber Reinforced Plastics are now being used in all fields of industry as well as for consumer durables. In the present work, FRP laminates of glass/PP fabricated by film stacking method are studied for various mechanical properties. The glass/PP laminate of required thickness (3-4 mm) is fabricated by stacking a number of FRTP prepregs in the mould and applying heat and pressure in compression moulding press. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, tensile, flexural and izod impact tests were performed on FRTP laminates. From DMA test, the following viscoelastic properties of GF/PP laminate were observed. (i) The storage modulus increases with increasing fibre volume fraction. (ii) The loss factor decreases with increase in volume fraction. Tensile strength and flexural strength values increase with increase in fibre volume fraction. Impact strength decreases with increase in fibre volume fraction. The results of the present study will be useful in determining the end use applications of FRTP laminates in industry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 155892502090153
Zunjarrao Kamble ◽  
Bijoya Kumar Behera

The primary aim of this research is to develop thermoset composites reinforced with cotton fibres extracted from textile waste. These composites are mainly targeted to replace timber in its application for furniture items and in some visible and non-visible automotive components. The pre-consumer cotton textile wastes such as cutting waste, in garment manufacturing, and defective fabrics were converted into the fibrous form called ‘shoddy’, using rag-tearing technique. The fibrous web of shoddy was produced using the carding machine. This web was used for developing thermoset composites as a reinforcement material. The thermoset composites with four different fibre volume fraction values, namely 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 were developed using compression moulding technique. The developed composites were characterised by mechanical properties, dynamic mechanical properties, thermal degradation behaviour and water absorption behaviour. The mechanical properties of the composites were found comparable with that of commercial wood. These composites can be used to develop a dashboard panel. The composites developed in this research have shown low water diffusion coefficient values as compared with pine, oak and linden wood.

1998 ◽  
Vol 127 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-203 ◽  
Ton Peijs ◽  
Sanjeev Garkhail ◽  
Rob Heijenrath ◽  
Martien van Den Oever ◽  
Harriëtte Bos

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Doan Van Hong Thien ◽  
Thao Phuong Nguyen ◽  
Mong Linh Nguyen Thi ◽  
Ngoc Tuyet Tran ◽  

Rice straw fibre was utilized for unidirectional (UD) composites. In this study, the effects of compression temperature, duration, pressure, and fibre volume fraction on the mechanical properties of composites were investigated, respectively. The composite with optimal mechanical properties was prepared at a temperature of 180oC, pressure of 125 for 10 min, and at a fibre volume fraction of 40%. Mg(OH)2 was found to be an appropriate additive to enhance the flame retardancy of the composite. Interestingly, this agent also improved the mechanical and thermal insulation properties of the obtained composite.

Aerospace ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 107 ◽  
Jens Bachmann ◽  
Martin Wiedemann ◽  
Peter Wierach

Can a hybrid composite made of recycled carbon fibres and natural fibres improve the flexural mechanical properties of epoxy composites compared to pure natural fibre reinforced polymers (NFRP)? Growing environmental concerns have led to an increased interest in the application of bio-based materials such as natural fibres in composites. Despite their good specific properties based on their low fibre density, the application of NFRP in load bearing applications such as aviation secondary structures is still limited. Low strength NFRP, compared to composites such as carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP), have significant drawbacks. At the same time, the constantly growing demand for CFRP in aviation and other transport sectors inevitably leads to an increasing amount of waste from manufacturing processes and end-of-life products. Recovering valuable carbon fibres by means of recycling and their corresponding re-application is an important task. However, such recycled carbon fibres (rCF) are usually available in a deteriorated (downcycled) form compared to virgin carbon fibres (vCF), which is limiting their use for high performance applications. Therefore, in this study the combination of natural fibres and rCF in a hybrid composite was assessed for the effect on flexural mechanical properties. Monolithic laminates made of hybrid nonwoven containing flax fibres and recycled carbon fibres were manufactured with a fibre volume fraction of 30% and compared to references with pure flax and rCF reinforcement. Three-point bending tests show a potential increase in flexural mechanical properties by combining rCF and flax fibre in a hybrid nonwoven.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1019 ◽  
pp. 12-18
Rittin Abraham Kurien ◽  
D. Philip Selvaraj ◽  
M. Sekar ◽  
Chacko Preno Koshy ◽  
D. Tijo

Researchers have been busy developing new environmental friendly products and materials based on sustainability principles to reduce pollution and prevention of our resourceful non-biodegradable and non-renewable sources. Over synthetic materials there are many unquestionable focal points for natural fibers and some of them are low thickness, least waste transfer issues and also equivalent quality. In this research the mechanical properties of abaca fiber reinforced epoxy composite were evaluated. Then with the help of compression moulding process, different composite samples of varying fiber volume fractions were prepared. Different mechanical tests such as tensile, flexural, impact and hardness were conducted on the prepared samples. 25 wt% of abaca fibre volume fraction composites shows better mechanical properties.

2021 ◽  
pp. 096739112110239
Sheedev Antony ◽  
Abel Cherouat ◽  
Guillaume Montay

Nowadays natural fibre composites have gained great significance as reinforcements in polymer matrix composites. Composite material based on a polymer matrix reinforced with natural fibres is extensively used in industry due to their biodegradability, recyclability, low density and high specific properties. A study has been carried out here to investigate the fibre volume fraction effect of hemp fibre woven fabrics/PolyPropylene (PP) composite laminates on the tensile properties and impact hammer impact test. Initially, composite sheets were fabricated by the thermal-compression process with desired number of fabric layers to obtain composite laminates with different fibre volume fraction. Uniaxial, shear and biaxial tensile tests were performed and mechanical properties were calculated. Impact hammer test was also carried out to estimate the frequency and damping parameters of stratified composite plates. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis was performed to observe the matrix and fibre constituent defects. Hemp fabrics/PP composite laminates exhibits viscoelastic behaviour and as the fibre volume fraction increases, the viscoelastic behaviour decreases to elastic behaviour. Due to this, the tensile strength increases as the fibre content increases. On the other hand, the natural frequency increases and damping ratio decrease as the fibre volume fraction increases.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
A. Shalwan ◽  
M. Alajmi ◽  
A. Alajmi

Using natural fibres in civil engineering is the aim of many industrial and academics sectors to overcome the impact of synthetic fibres on environments. One of the potential applications of natural fibres composites is to be implemented in insulation components. Thermal behaviour of polymer composites based on natural fibres is recent ongoing research. In this article, thermal characteristics of sisal fibre reinforced epoxy composites are evaluated for treated and untreated fibres considering different volume fractions of 0–30%. The results revealed that the increase in the fibre volume fraction increased the insulation performance of the composites for both treated and untreated fibres. More than 200% insulation rate was achieved at the volume fraction of 20% of treated sisal fibres. Untreated fibres showed about 400% insulation rate; however, it is not recommended to use untreated fibres from mechanical point of view. The results indicated that there is potential of using the developed composites for insulation purposes.

2013 ◽  
Vol 746 ◽  
pp. 385-389
Li Yan Liu ◽  
Yu Ping Chen ◽  
Jing Zhu

This paper is aiming to develop the cattail fibre as reinforcing material due to its environmental benefits and excellent physical and insulated characteristics. The current work is concerned with the development of the technical fibres from the original plant and research on their reinforcing properties in the innovative composites. Polypropylene (PP) fibre was used as matrix in this research which was fabricated into fibre mats with cattail fibre together with different fibre volume fractions. Cattail fibre reinforced PP laminates were manufactured and compared with jute/PP composites. The tensile and bending properties of laminates were tested. The SEM micrographs of fracture surface of the laminates were analyzed as well. The results reveal that the tensile and bending properties of cattail/PP laminates are closed to those of jute/PP composites. The mechanical properties of cattail/jute/PP laminates with fibre volume fraction of 20/35/45 is betther than those of laminate reinforced with cattail fibers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 773-774 ◽  
pp. 949-953 ◽  
Izni Syahrizal Ibrahim ◽  
Wan Amizah Wan Jusoh ◽  
Abdul Rahman Mohd Sam ◽  
Nur Ain Mustapa ◽  
Sk Muiz Sk Abdul Razak

This paper discusses the experimental results on the mechanical properties of hybrid fibre reinforced composite concrete (HyFRCC) containing different proportions of steel fibre (SF) and polypropylene fibre (PPF). The mechanical properties include compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength. SF is known to enhance the flexural and tensile strengths, and at the same time is able to resist the formation of macro cracking. Meanwhile, PPF contributes to the tensile strain capacity and compressive strength, and also delay the formation of micro cracks. Hooked-end deformed type SF fibre with 60 mm length and fibrillated virgin type PPF fibre with 19 mm length are used in this study. Meanwhile, the concrete strength is maintained for grade C30. The percentage proportion of SF-PPF fibres are varied in the range of 100-0%, 75-25%, 50-50%, 25-75% and 0-100% of which the total fibre volume fraction (Vf) is fixed at 0.5%. The experimental results reveal that the percentage proportion of SF-PPF fibres with 75-25% produced the maximum performance of flexural strength, tensile strength and flexural toughness. Meanwhile, the percentage proportion of SF-PPF fibres with 100-0% contributes to the improvement of the compressive strength compared to that of plain concrete.

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