Intelligent Systems

Satyajee Srivastava ◽  
Abhishek Singh ◽  
Deepak Dudeja
1967 ◽  
Rowena Swanson

Metrologiya ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 25-42
Dmitrii V. Khablov

This paper describes a promising method for non-contact vibration diagnostics based on the use of Doppler microwave sensors. In this case, active irradiation of the object with electromagnetic waves and the allocation of phase changes using two-channel quadrature processing of the received reflected signal are used. The modes of further fine analysis of the resulting signal using spectral or wavelet transformations depending on the nature of the active vibration are considered. The advantages of this non-contact and remote vibration analysis method for the study of complex dynamic objects are described. The convenience of the method for machine learning and use in intelligent systems of non-destructive continuous monitoring of the state of these objects by vibration is noted.

M. G. Koliada ◽  
T. I. Bugayova

The article discusses the history of the development of the problem of using artificial intelligence systems in education and pedagogic. Two directions of its development are shown: “Computational Pedagogic” and “Educational Data Mining”, in which poorly studied aspects of the internal mechanisms of functioning of artificial intelligence systems in this field of activity are revealed. The main task is a problem of interface of a kernel of the system with blocks of pedagogical and thematic databases, as well as with the blocks of pedagogical diagnostics of a student and a teacher. The role of the pedagogical diagnosis as evident reflection of the complex influence of factors and reasons is shown. It provides the intelligent system with operative and reliable information on how various reasons intertwine in the interaction, which of them are dangerous at present, where recession of characteristics of efficiency is planned. All components of the teaching and educational system are subject to diagnosis; without it, it is impossible to own any pedagogical situation optimum. The means in obtaining information about students, as well as the “mechanisms” of work of intelligent systems based on innovative ideas of advanced pedagogical experience in diagnostics of the professionalism of a teacher, are considered. Ways of realization of skill of the teacher on the basis of the ideas developed by the American scientists are shown. Among them, the approaches of researchers D. Rajonz and U. Bronfenbrenner who put at the forefront the teacher’s attitude towards students, their views, intellectual and emotional characteristics are allocated. An assessment of the teacher’s work according to N. Flanders’s system, in the form of the so-called “The Interaction Analysis”, through the mechanism of fixing such elements as: the verbal behavior of the teacher, events at the lesson and their sequence is also proposed. A system for assessing the professionalism of a teacher according to B. O. Smith and M. O. Meux is examined — through the study of the logic of teaching, using logical operations at the lesson. Samples of forms of external communication of the intellectual system with the learning environment are given. It is indicated that the conclusion of the found productive solutions can have the most acceptable and comfortable form both for students and for the teacher in the form of three approaches. The first shows that artificial intelligence in this area can be represented in the form of robotized being in the shape of a person; the second indicates that it is enough to confine oneself only to specially organized input-output systems for targeted transmission of effective methodological recommendations and instructions to both students and teachers; the third demonstrates that life will force one to come up with completely new hybrid forms of interaction between both sides in the form of interactive educational environments, to some extent resembling the educational spaces of virtual reality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-87
György Kovács ◽  
Rabab Benotsmane ◽  
László Dudás

Recent tendencies – such as the life-cycles of products are shorter while consumers require more complex and more unique final products – poses many challenges to the production. The industrial sector is going through a paradigm shift. The traditional centrally controlled production processes will be replaced by decentralized control, which is built on the self-regulating ability of intelligent machines, products and workpieces that communicate with each other continuously. This new paradigm known as Industry 4.0. This conception is the introduction of digital network-linked intelligent systems, in which machines and products will communicate to one another in order to establish smart factories in which self-regulating production will be established. In this article, at first the essence, main goals and basic elements of Industry 4.0 conception is described. After it the autonomous systems are introduced which are based on multi agent systems. These systems include the collaborating robots via artificial intelligence which is an essential element of Industry 4.0.

1987 ◽  

Ashish D Patel ◽  
Jigarkumar H. Shah

The aged population of the world is increasing by a large factor due to the availability of medical and other facilities. As the number grows rapidly, requirements of this segment of age (65+) are increasing rapidly as well as the percentage of aged persons living alone is also increasing with the same rate due to the inevitable socio-economic changes. This situation demands the solution of many problems like loneliness, chronic conditions, social interaction, transportation, day-to-day life and many more for independent living person. A large part of aged population may not be able to interact directly with new technologies. This sought some serious development towards the use of intelligent systems i.e. smart devices which helps the people with their inability to use the available as well future solutions. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is the answer to these problems. In this paper, issues related to AAL systems are studied. Study of challenges and limitations of this comparatively new field will help the designers to remove the barriers of AAL systems.

2020 ◽  
Carlos A Almenara

[THE MANUSCRIPT IS A DRAFT] According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, 2020), food waste and losses comprises nearly 1.3 billion tonnes every year, which equates to around US$ 990 billion worldwide. Ironically, over 820 million people do not have enough food to eat (FAO, 2020). This gap production-consumption puts in evidence the need to reformulate certain practices such as the controversial monocropping (i.e., growing a single crop on the same land on a yearly basis), as well as to improve others such as revenue management through intelligent systems. In this first part of a series of articles, the focus is on the Peruvian anchoveta fish (Engraulis ringens).

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 36-45
F.F. Khabirov ◽  
V.S. Vokhmin ◽  

The article considers the possibility of introducing digital and intelligent systems in the electric power industry, including the analysis of the consequences after the introduction of new technologies on the economic, social and technological side. Currently, the concept of distributed generation is being used more and more often in the global energy arena. This is certainly a trend in the energy sector. The current level of technological development in the energy sector is quite high, but in order to continue to increase competitiveness, we need a further transition to digital and intelligent energy systems that will increase the reliability, quality, environmental friendliness and automation of energy supply.

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