scholarly journals Cellulase Producing Bacteria Isolation, Screening and Media Optimization from Local Soil Sample

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 62-74
Md. Arju Hossain ◽  
Md. Akash Ahammed ◽  
Saiful Islam Sobuj ◽  
Siratul Kubra Shifat ◽  
Pratul Dipta Somadder
Planta Medica ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 79 (10) ◽  
S Cai ◽  
JB King ◽  
L Du ◽  
DR Powell ◽  
RH Cichewicz

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 150-158 ◽  
Mohey A. Hassanain ◽  
Nawal A. Hassanain ◽  
Esam A. Hobballa ◽  
Fatma H. Abd- El Zaher ◽  
Mohamed Saber M. Saber

A surface sample representing a high contaminated loamy sand soil irrigated with sewage effluent since 30 years and was cultivated with artichoke was collected from Abu-Rawash sewage farm. The existence of HVC, enteric infectious bacteria and parasites in sewaged soil found to be negative for the forward and positive for the latter's. Out of the 30 samples separated from the sewaged soil sample, only 3 samples contained parasitic fauna of developed and undeveloped Ascaris (10%) and five samples contained Entamoeba coli. Results showed that the number of Ascaris eggs/gm soil was 0.017 and the number of E. coli/gm was 0.26. Decontamination of soil parasites was effective using either calcium hypochlorite or potassium permanganate. Salmonella, Vibrio and Campelobacter were detected in the high contaminated sewaged soil and survived for 120 days in the sewaged soil under all control and bioremediated treatments irrigated with either sewage effluent or water.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Suliasih Suliasih

A study was undertaken to investigate to occurance of phosphate solubilizing bacteria from rhizosphere soil samples of medicine plants in Cibodas Botanical Garden. 13 soil samples of medicine plants are collected randomly The result shows that 71 isolates of phosphate solubilizing bacteria were isolated, and 10 species of these organism was identified as Azotobacter sp, Bacillus sp, Chromobacterium sp, C.violaceum, Citrobacter sp. , Enterobacter sp., E. liquefaciens. Nitrosomonas sp., Serratia rubidaea, Sphaerotillus natans. Azotobacter sp. And Bacillus sp. Are found in all of soil tested. Conversely, Serratia rubidaea is only in the sample from rhizosphere of Plantago mayor The activity of acid alkaline phosphatase in soil tested ranged from 0.78 – 60,18 ugp nitrophenole/g/h, with the higest values being recorded in soil sample from rhizosphere of “Lavender”.Keywords : phosphate solubilizing bacteria, soil enzyme phosphatase

O. O. Kalinina ◽  
O. D. Golyaeva ◽  
O. V. Panfilova ◽  
А. V. Pikunova

Powdery mildew is one of the most harmful fungal diseases that causes economically significant damage to berry plantations. The disease is common in all areas of currant cultivation in the Russian Federation. In this regard, in modern conditions of intensive berry growing, the problem of breeding cultivars that are highly resistant to diseases and pests becomes urgent. Breeders have a difficult task to combine the adaptive potential of the cultivar with its annual high productivity and resistance to biotic environmental factors. When studying the adaptability of introduced cultivars of red currant and selected forms of the Institute to local soil and climate conditions, the following cultivars were identified as sources of economic and useful characteristics and involved in selection: ‘Belaya Potapenko’ as a complex source of resistance powdery mildew and high marketable and taste qualities of berries; SS 1426-21-80 as a source of high productivity and long racemes (raceme length 11-13 cm; up to 20 berries in the raceme). On their base the selection family of red currant has been developed: Belaya Potapenko × ♂SS 1426-21-80. The study of data on the destruction of hybrid seedlings of the selection family by powdery mildew showed that in epiphytotic conditions, the percentage of intensity of the disease development varies over the periods of screening from 0.2% in May to 20.4% in June. Such indicators served as a prerequisite for conducting a comparative test of breeding material in the field under artificial infection with powdery mildew. After artificial infection on the background of epiphytosis, the rate of intensity of the disease development increased slightly and amounted to 35.6% for the family. There were 30 highly resistant seedlings in the family, 10 of which have remained stable and highly resistant since 2018. In these plants we can assume the presence of the so-called field resistance, controlled by polygens, each of which does not give a visible effect of stability, but with different combinations determines one or another of its degree. Highly resistant seedlings will be used in further breeding studies to identify new sources of resistance to powdery mildew.

Soil Horizons ◽  
1977 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 14
David K. Maurer

2018 ◽  
Glen A. Warren ◽  
Mital A. Zalavadia

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-84
Vaishali V. Shahare ◽  
Rajni Grover ◽  
Suman Meena

Background: The persistent dioxins/furans has caused a worldwide concern as they influence the human health. Recent research indicates that nonmaterial may prove effective in the degradation of Dioxins/furans. The nanomaterials are very reactive owing to their large surface area to volume ratio and large number of reactive sites. However, nanotechnology applications face both the challenges and the opportunities to influence the area of environmental protection. Objective: i) To study the impact of oil mediated UV-irradiations on the removal of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, 2,3,7,8-TCDF, OCDD and OCDF in simulated soil samples. ii) To compare the conventional treatment methods with the modern available nanotechniques for the removal of selected Dioxins/furans from soil samples. Methods: The present work has investigated an opportunity of the degradation of tetra and octachlorinated dioxins and furans by using oil mediated UV radiations with subsequent extraction of respective dioxins/furans from soils. The results have been compared with the available nanotechniques. Results: The dioxin congeners in the simulated soil sample showed decrease in concentration with the increase in the exposure time and intensity of UV radiations. The dechlorination of PCDD/Fs using palladized iron has been found to be effective. Conclusion: Both the conventional methods and nanotechnology have a dramatic impact on the removal of Dioxins/furans in contaminated soil. However, the nanotechniques are comparatively costlier and despite the relatively high rates of PCDDs dechlorination by Pd/nFe, small fraction of the dioxins are recalcitrant to degradation over considerable exposure times.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (04) ◽  

The study was conducted at Ashuganj-Polash agro-irrigation project (APAIP), Brahmanbaria,aim to determine the chemical properties of power plant disposal water and to assess its suitability for irrigation. Initial soil samples (before irrigating crop field) and final soil samples (after crop harvesting) were collected. During irrigation ten water samples (six from crop field and four from irrigation canals) were collected for analysis. All soil samples were analyzed in Humboldt soil testing laboratory and water samples in bio-chemistry laboratory of Bangladesh Agricultural University and compared to FAO irrigation standard. Results show thatthe sodium absorption ratio (SAR) (0.53 to 0.88), residual sodium bi-carbonate (0.8 to 1.3meq L-1), Kelly’s ratio (0.31 to 0.6) and total hardness (85 to 150) found in normal range and largely suitable for irrigation. Soluble sodium percentage values found in satisfactory (20.26 to 41.1) level and magnesium absorption (57.1 to 76.4) found unsuitable for irrigation. Statistically similar value of pH, EC, total nitrogen, organic carbon, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in initial and final soil sample were observed. But potassium and sulfur value reduced in final soil sample from initial soil. The water samples fall within the permissible limit and found suitable for crop production

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