Certain aspects of the practical training of cadets and students of the specialization of the preliminary investigation in the internal affairs bodies

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 131-142
Сергей Ермаков ◽  
Sergey Ermakov

The article examines the positive experience of using some forms and methods of practical training of cadets and students in mastering the main educational program in the specialty 40.05.01 Legal support of national security of criminal specialization, narrow specialization preliminary investigation in the internal affairs bodies at Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. I. Kikotya. The personnel, legal, organizational, psychological conditions of the professional performance of investigators in which university graduates have to work are shown. The necessary professional competencies of the future investigator are analyzed. For the best adaptation to the future profession of an investigator in the process of training cadets and students, it is necessary to use elements of practical training, creating conditions that are as close as possible to the real situation of the commission of the crime and its preliminary investigation. The use of role-playing games in solving practical problems in the investigation of crimes is considered, which allows students to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of a crime, as well as its investigation. Attention is paid to the psychological training of cadets, the skills of investigative actions in stressful situations.

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Stéphane Kieger

Virtual worlds represent a new market with a distinct economy andmany individuals are trying to exploit this very new technology in thesearch of profitable opportunities. The current paper proposes to studyentrepreneurship in the Massively Multiplayer Online Role-PlayingGames (MMORPG) Second Life® and Entropia Universe® in whichmonetary trades are possible. A survey was proposed to the community of players of both games, and from a sample of 244 players, nineteenentrepreneurs were contacted for a second survey. The traits of theentrepreneurs were compared to those of the players andentrepreneurship was observed in Second Life® and Entropia Universe®.  In fact, all the necessary conditions are present for entrepreneurship: a new technology giving new sources of revenues, an entrepreneur willing to invest money in order to increase his wealth, and a market with an economy well understood. The different entrepreneurs have developed successful ventures in several markets, and they had well defined the strategy they wanted to adopt. They have examined the different markets in which they have entered although they did not use all the tools known in the marketing fields. Further, some steps in the process of creation of the venture may not be important and some may be done relatively swiftly, thus the venture creation in MMORPG may be relatively easy. In conclusion, the venture creation may be relatively undemanding in virtual worlds, and this opens new possibilities for the future.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 73-79 ◽  
Дмитрий Иванов ◽  
Dmitry Ivanov ◽  
Николай Горач ◽  
Nikolay Gorach ◽  
Антон Попенков ◽  

The article analyzes the experience of teaching at the Moscow University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot experimental practice-oriented discipline "activity of operational criminal investigation officer in the course of pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases". The main emphasis is on classroom practical classes, independent work, examination. Considered the most typical training storylines for the investigation of criminal cases related to thefts, robberies, robberies and other, which the cadets under the guidance of teachers practice various skills, including drafting procedural documents. The article describes the features of the joint practical training of teachers of the Department of preliminary investigation and the Department of operational-investigative activities, as well as the subsequent acceptance of the exam in the form of exercises, which was tested in the course of previously repeated interuniversity operational tactical exercises, using complex forensic polygons.

Светлана Токмакова ◽  
S. Tokmakova ◽  
Ольга Бондаренко ◽  
Ol'ga Bondarenko ◽  
Татьяна Воблова ◽  

The manual is designed to study the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa. In the formation of a text base tutorials used program of discipline "Stomatology" module "Gerontotechnology and diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity". All the themes associated with the programs, the curricula of training on discipline "Stomatology" and the professional standard "dentist". In accordance with the requirements of the GEF, in the educational process are widely used active and interactive forms of training, such as group discussions, role-playing games, solving situational problems, etc. Independent work of students involves preparing for practical training in the system of distance learning agmu (Moodle). For persons with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system and persons with disabilities provides the opportunity to remotely familiarize themselves with the materials of classes, as well as testing on the topics of practical training in Moodle. Manual allows to deepen knowledge on the subject "Dentistry" module "Gerontotechnology and diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth" with the formation of students ' skills of independent synthesis of a coherent picture of the subject. The textbook consists of an introduction, chapters, control tasks, conclusion, standard answers to control tasks, references and abbreviations. For ease of perception, a uniform organization and categorization of the text of all chapters has been introduced. At the end of each Chapter, control questions, test tasks and situational tasks are proposed, aimed at consolidating the material and assessing the effectiveness of mastering the studied topic. Situational task contains: the patient's complaints, anamnesis, data of objective examination and the assignment to her. For self-control of students in the manual answers to test tasks and situational tasks. The publication is intended for students of dental faculties of medical schools, as additional literature and to prepare for GIA.

Mariya Berehova

The article describes the main forms of work with students of the specialty special education, contributing to the effective professional training of future specialists. The analysis of innovative and interactive forms of work with future speech therapists in educational institutions. The status of teachers is changing, who become the organizers of the educational development process, which is saturated with the student's research work. In modern conditions, the teacher does not give information about certain topics, but organizes active research activities of students. In modern conditions, the forms of interaction between the teacher and students are changing. Traditional forms of learning change into forms of active, innovative learning: didactic games, analysis of problematic pedagogical situations, mutual assessment, and mutual control. Interactive learning involves modeling problematic pedagogical situations, using role-playing games, joint problem solving, developing a common strategy for overcoming difficult situations and more. It effectively contributes to the formation of future speech and language therapists, constructive creative thinking; development of values; creating an atmosphere of cooperation, interaction; enables the future specialist to develop their abilities as it is a kind of "redistribution of activity" from teacher to student. The use of interactive forms of learning promotes the formation of students' critical thinking, the ability to reasonably argue their own opinion, analyze the thoughts of others, find ways out of problematic pedagogical situations that arise in real conditions, etc. The practical experience of introducing innovative forms of education testifies to the formation of cognitive interest in the future speech therapists to study the disciplines of the professional component, allows the teacher to take into account the peculiarities of students' creative abilities development and their ability to apply them in practice, provide active practical training.

Svetlana Burilkina ◽  
Nelli Suprun

Раннее выявление психологических особенностей ребенка и неблагоприятных факторов воспитания могли бы способствовать коррекции его асоциального поведения, прежде всего созданием условий субъект-субъектного взаимодействия родителей и детей, необходимых для формирования полноценной личности. Изучено отношение родителей к психологическим тренингам как условию субъект-субъектного взаимодействия и способу профилактики асоциального поведения подростков. В первую очередь, были определены и практически подтверждены условия субъект-субъектного взаимодействия, такие как комплекс познавательных, динамичных и экспериментально-ролевых игр. Режим субъектного взаимодействия должен быть построен на гуманистических идеях, ориентирован на развитие субъектности ребенка в совместной деятельности с родителями. Через субъект-субъектное взаимодействие в системе профилактики асоциального поведения подростков определена ведущая роль родителей. Проанализированы сущность и содержание профилактики асоциального поведения подростков с позиции субъект-субъектного взаимодействия с родителями, предложена концепция профилактики асоциального поведения подростков путем субъект-субъектного взаимодействия родителей и детей. Анализ результатов эмпирического исследования позволил констатировать динамику ценностно-доверительного взаимодействия в семье, а реализация комплекса тренинговых упражнений в процессе субъект-субъектного взаимодействия – осуществить профилактику асоциального поведения подростков более эффективно.The relevance of the study is due to the fact that early identification of the child’s psychological characteristics and unfavorable situations of upbringing in the family could contribute to the correction of his asocial behavior, primarily by creating conditions for subject-subject interaction between parents and children, necessary for the formation of a full-fledged personality. The purpose of our study is to study the attitude of parents to psychological training as a condition of subjectsubject interaction, and a way to prevent asocial behavior of adolescents. In the study, first of all, the conditions of subject-subject interaction, such as a set of cognitive, active and experimental role-playing games, were determined and practically confirmed. The conditions should be based on humanistic ideas and aimed at developing the child’s own activity with the help of parents, in the mode of subject interaction. Also, in the system of prevention of asocial behavior of adolescents, the leading role of parents through subject-subject interaction is determined. The article analyzes the essence and content of prevention of asocial behavior of adolescents from the position of subject-subject interaction with parents. The concept of prevention of asocial behavior of adolescents by subject-subject interaction of parents and children was proposed. The analysis of the results of the empirical work allowed us to state the dynamics of value-trust interaction in the family, and the implementation of a set of training exercises, through subjectsubject interaction, ensured the effectiveness of prevention of asocial behavior of adolescents. The results of the study can be used by social educators, psychologists, and subject teachers, teachers of pedagogical universities in order to improve the process of subject-subject interaction between parents and children in the prevention of asocial behavior of adolescents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-33
Iu. V. Amelina ◽  
R. V. Amelin

The article discusses the prospects of role-playing games in the educational process to increase students’ motivation and involvement, as well as the possibility of modern information technologies (primarily social networks) for constructing innovative forms of such games. The author’s format of the live-action role-playing game is presented. It was developed and tested at the Saratov State University. It involves the integration of numerous educational tasks into a single plot, within which each participant plays a role and communicates with other participants to complete tasks. The main interaction, plot development and group activities occur in dialogs, conversations and groups of social networks. This approach has shown its viability in teaching legal disciplines, and also has prospects for use in IT education.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Оксана Воронкевич

У   статті   актуалізовано   проблему   поширеності   шкільного   насильства   у   середовищі   учнів  початкових класів. Особлива увага звертається на необхідність діалогічної взаємодії учасників освітнього  процесу як необхідної умови попередження насилля у школі.  Опираючись на результати власного дослідницького пошуку, автор пропонує варіант програми  психологічної профілактики шкільного насильства вчителів стосовно учнів. Дана програма спрямована на  формування  у  педагогів  навичок  глибинного  самопізнання  й  пізнання  дітей,  апробування  нових  форм  поведінки та базується на ідеї діалогізації педагогічної взаємодії, оскільки важливо налагодити суб’єкт- суб’єктну взаємодію учня та вчителя й не використовувати монологічну модель спілкування. Наголошено,  що педагоги повинні стимулювати будь-які прояви суб’єктної активності дітей, що сприяють виробленню  у них адекватної оцінки себе та свого оточення, розвитку здатності до самовизначення. Відзначено, що  для   діалогічного   освітнього   середовища   характерними   є   такі   властивості,   як   різноманітність,  динамічність, напруженість, достатність, кожна з яких сприяє високій ефективності освітньої взаємодії,  здійснює істотний вплив на розвиток особистості. Під час занять використано різні тренінгові методи:  рольові ігри, міні-лекції, мозковий штурм, обговорення в загальному колі тощо. Разом із тим поширено  інформацію з актуальних для педагогів питань спілкування з дитиною без агресії, злості та конфлікту.  Представлено  результати  успішної  апробації  програми  психологічної  профілактики  шкільного  насильства  з  боку  вчителів,  що проявилися в розумінні важливості толерантного ставлення до учнів,  набутті практичних умінь відчувати психологічний стан іншої людини та адекватно реагувати на нього,  виявляти доброзичливість, прихильність до школярів та надавати їм необхідну допомогу.  The article actualizes the problem of the prevalence of school violence among elementary school pupils.  Special attention is drawn to the need for dialogical interaction of participants in the educational process as a  necessary condition for preventing violence in school.  Relying on the results of his own research, the author suggests a variant of school violence psychological  prevention program of teachers in relation to pupils. This program is aimed at educating the students the skills of  deep self-cognition and cognition of children, testing new forms of behavior and is based on the idea of pedagogical  interaction dialogization, since it is important to establish subject-subject interaction between the pupil and the  teacher and not use the monologue model of communication. It is highlighted that teachers should stimulate any  manifestation of children's subject activity, which helps to develop an adequate assessment of themselves and their  environment, development of self-determination ability. It is noted that a dialogical educational environment is  characterized by such attributes as diversity, dynamism, intensity, sufficiency, each of them contributes to the high  effectiveness of educational interaction, have a significant impact on the development of personality. During the  classes various training methods were used: role-playing games, mini-lectures, brainstorming, discussions in the  general circle, etc. At the same time, information on relevant for teachers issues about communicating with a child  without aggression, anger and conflict is propagated.  Was presented results of successful approbation of the school violence psychological prevention program  from teacher’s part, manifested in the understanding importance of the tolerant attitude towards pupils, acquiring  practical skills of feeling the another’s person psychological state and react adequately to it, showing benevolence,  adherence to schoolchildren and providing them the necessary assistance. 

Gennadiy Marchenko ◽  
Irina Soshnikova

The article reveals the content of modern training technologies for internal affairs bodies; approaches are presented to training and education of cadets and students of educational organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and educational methods the foundation of which is formed value content of professional activities: patriotism and citizenship, service to the Fatherland and interests of the people, loyalty to the law and official duty. The authors propose specific methods (case methods, group discussions, role-playing and business games) for use during seminars and practical classes in the discipline «Professional ethics and official etiquette». These methods are active and interactive, and their content is based on the appeal to literary and cinematic works on the activities of law enforcement officers on various stages of national history. The article is of methodological interest for scientific and academicians of educational organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, teaching humanities. The authors come to the conclusion that the use of educational methods of teaching in the classroom gives cadets and listeners a clear idea of the main components of professional activity and official duty, morality and law, strengthens the understanding of the continuity of the glorious traditions of previous generations of employees of the internal affairs bodies, allows creating the Ministry of Internal Affairs in educational organizations Russia a favorable upbringing environment and qualitatively raise the level of practical readiness of graduates for professional activities.

Temática ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
Naiade Caparelli

O crescente desenvolvimento tecnológico tem transformado as diversas mídias do cotidiano. As mídias analógicas ganharam suas versões digitais e, junto com essa transformação, as características presentes nos primeiros meios também têm se reconfigurado para o digital, mostrando uma possível relação entre as novas e velhas mídias. O mesmo acontece com os jogos, em que os modelos analógicos constantemente influenciam as novas versões. Desta forma o presente artigo tem como objetivo entender como os livros-jogos analógicos se relacionam com os Role-playing games eletrônicos. Para compreender como ocorreu essa relação, foi necessário realizarmos uma comparação entre as diferentes modalidades de épocas distintas. Através desta pesquisa, foi possível demonstrar não somente a relação mútua dos livros-jogos com o RPG eletrônico atual, como também, de forma geral, entender como as novas mídias se apropriam de recursos de outros meios.Palavras-chave: Livros-jogos. RPG. Videogames.

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