scholarly journals Valoración por los estudiantes de la licenciatura en psicopedagogía, de una experiencia innovadora basada en estrategias de aprendizaje colaborativo y el uso del Courselab / Innovative experience evaluation in initial high school teacher based in...

2012 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 437-458
Rocío Serrano Rodríguez ◽  
Juan Manuel Muñoz González ◽  
Isabel López Cobo

Una sociedad en constante cambio tecnológico exige profesionales de la enseñanza en formación continua. Entre las principales competencias docentes que debe adquirir actualmente el profesorado, durante el proceso de formación inicial, podemos destacar el uso educativo de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y  el trabajo en equipo. A través de esta experiencia de innovación centrada en el desarrollo de una dinámica de trabajo fundamentada en el aprendizaje cooperativo y la utilización del programa Courselab, se exige al alumnado ciertas destrezas específicas en el dominio, tanto del PC en su conjunto, como de la navegación a través de Internet y de la capacidad de trabajo y de resolución en equipo. En definitiva, se pretende completar la formación de los futuros  docentes en entornos TIC, para que puedan desempeñar procesos de enseñanza/aprendizaje que respondan, verdaderamente, a los intereses y motivaciones del alumnado y puedan contribuir a la mejora del éxito escolar. Los resultados de este estudio indican que estos profesores en formación, demandan el uso de herramientas similares que les motiven y se adecuen a los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje, concluyendo con una valoración positiva tanto de la experiencia como del propio desarrollo de la asignatura.       A technological society in permanent evolution requires teaching professionals with continuous training. Among the main teaching skills that teachers must currently acquire  during process of initial training, we emphasize the educational use of Information and Communication Technologies  (in Spanish its acronym is TIC) and teamwork. Through this innovation experience focused on developing a workflow based on cooperative learning using CourseLab application, specific student skills are required in PC use,  navigation through Internet and ability for teamwork and problem resolution. Definitely, we pretend to complete training of future teachers in ICT environments, so they could perform teaching / learning processes  in order to match students interests and motivations, and may contribute to improvement of school success. Results of this study indicate that training teachers demand the use of similar tools to motivate themselves and adapt to teaching and learning processes. We conclude with a positive assessment of both experience and development of the subject.

10.28945/2679 ◽  
2003 ◽  
ME Herselman ◽  
HR Hay

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are the major driving forces of globalised and knowledge-based societies of a new world era. They will have a profound impact on teaching and learning for two decades to come. The revolutionary change which is taking place in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), has dramatic effects on the way universities carry out their functions of teaching, learning and research, particularly on the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge. These developments pose unprecedented challenges to higher education institutions (HEIs) in developing countries particular in South Africa as South Africa is viewed as the leading country on the continent.

2008 ◽  
pp. 1193-1215
Shivanand Balram ◽  
Suzana Dragicevic

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have created many new opportunities for teaching, learning and administration. This study elaborates a new embedded collaborative systems (ECS) model to structure and manage the implementation of ICT-based pedagogies in a blended learning environment. Constructivist learning, systems theory, and multimedia concepts are used in the model design and development. The model was applied to a third-year undergraduate multimedia cartography course. The findings show that regardless of student background, implementing effective ICT-based learning pedagogies can be managed using the ECS model.

Shivanand Balram ◽  
Suzana Dragicevic

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have created many new opportunities for teaching, learning and administration. This study elaborates a new embedded collaborative systems (ECS) model to structure and manage the implementation of ICT-based pedagogies in a blended learning environment. Constructivist learning, systems theory, and multimedia concepts are used in the model design and development. The model was applied to a third-year undergraduate multimedia cartography course. The findings show that regardless of student background, implementing effective ICT-based learning pedagogies can be managed using the ECS model.

Eduardo Henrique Celestino ◽  
Iara Yamamoto

One of the factors responsible for changes in society is information and communication technologies, the so-called ICTs, according to Silva and Maciel (2015). With the rise of new information and communication technologies, the traditional model of teaching in which the teacher has an active role (of speaker) and the student has a passive role (listener) can no longer meet the demands of the contemporary world and its technologies. Hybrid teaching solutions (such as blended learning) arise from the use of technology and innovations in the education sector. Thus, this chapter aims to understand how courses categorized as blended should be structured to maximize the potential of this teaching-learning method for teachers, students, and educational institutions. To achieve this goal, a framework was created consisting of the following steps: preparation of the teaching and learning plan, development of activities, development of materials, organization of the virtual environment, follow-up of the course / discipline and discipline rating and improvements identification.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 182
Joaquim Ferreira da NETO CUNHA

Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal refletir a utilização das tecnologias móveis na aprendizagem à luz da Teoria Histórico Critica. A metodologia a ser utilizada é a revisão literária em textos consagrados da literatura da área pesquisada. O smartphone, enquanto tecnologia digital móvel alterou a forma de comunicação e informação, convergindo diversas funcionalidades com o fato de se fazer onipresente, e apresentando inúmeras possibilidades que podem ser utilizadas a favor do ensino-aprendizagem. Nesse sentido, a Teoria Histórico Critica vem contribuir com o processo ensino e aprendizagem, pois propicia ao educando uma aprendizagem significativa, promovendo suas capacidades psíquicas, a socialização do saber sistematizado, promovendo a promoção humana, alterando seus comportamentos para se colocarem conscientemente no âmbito social. Destarte, percebemos que a tecnologia móvel smartphone é uma auxiliar muito importante no processo de ensino, onde os educando buscam constantemente novos conhecimentos. Smartphone. Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC). Teoria Histórico Crítica.ABSTRACT This work has as main objective to reflect the use of mobile technologies in learning in the light of the Critical Historical Theory. The methodology to be used is the literary revision of consecrated texts of the literature of the researched area. The smartphone, as a mobile digital technology, changed the form of communication and information, converging several functionalities with the fact of being ubiquitous, and presenting numerous possibilities that can be used in favor of teaching-learning. In this sense, the Critical Historical Theory contributes to the teaching and learning process, as it provides the student with meaningful learning, promoting their psychic abilities, the socialization of systematized knowledge, promoting human promotion, changing their behaviors to place themselves consciously in the social sphere. Thus, we realize that mobile smartphone technology is a very important aid in the teaching process, where the students constantly seek new knowledge.Smartphone. Information and Communication Technologies (TIC). Critical Historical Theory. RESUMEN Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal reflejar acerca del uso de tecnologías móviles en el aprendizaje a la luz de la Teoría Histórica Crítica. La metodología a utilizar es la revisión literaria de textos consagrados de la literatura del área investigada. El smartphone, como tecnología digital móvil, ha cambiado la forma de comunicación e información, convergiendo varias características con el hecho de que es omnipresente y presenta numerosas posibilidades que pueden utilizarse a favor de la enseñanza-aprendizaje. En este sentido, la Teoría Histórica Crítica viene a contribuir al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, ya que proporciona al estudiante un aprendizaje significativo, promueve sus habilidades psíquicas, socializa el conocimiento sistematizado, promueve la promoción humana, cambia sus comportamientos para ubicarse conscientemente en la esfera social. Por lo tanto, nos damos cuenta de que la tecnología móvil smartphone es una ayuda muy importante en el proceso de enseñanza, donde los estudiantes buscan constantemente nuevos conocimientos. Smartphone. Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Teoría Histórica Crítica.RIASSUNTO Questo lavoro ha come obiettivo principale quello di riflettere l'uso delle tecnologie mobili nell'apprendimento alla luce della teoria storica critica. La metodologia da utilizzare è la revisione letteraria in rinomati testi della letteratura dell'area ricercata. Lo smartphone, in quanto tecnologia digitale mobile, ha cambiato la forma di comunicazione e informazione, facendo convergere diverse funzionalità con il fatto che è onnipresente e presenta numerose possibilità che possono essere utilizzate a favore dell'insegnamento-apprendimento. In questo senso, la Teoria storica critica arriva a contribuire al processo di insegnamento e apprendimento, poiché fornisce allo studente un apprendimento significativo, promuovendo le sue capacità psichiche, la socializzazione della conoscenza sistematizzata, promuovendo la promozione umana, cambiando i loro comportamenti per posizionarsi consapevolmente nella sfera sociale . Pertanto, ci rendiamo conto che la tecnologia dello smartphone mobile è un aiuto molto importante nel processo di insegnamento, in cui gli studenti cercano costantemente nuove conoscenze.Smartphone. Tecnologie dell'informazione e della Comunicazione (TIC). Teoria Storica Critica.

2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
Albert Sangra ◽  
Mercedes González-Sanmamed

The purpose of this study is to analyse what is happening at schools regarding the integration and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and to examine teachers’ perceptions about what teaching and learning processes can be improved through the use of ICT.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (2) ◽  
pp. 414-419
Flávia Cristiane Kolchraiber ◽  
Maria Aparecida de Oliveira Freitas ◽  
Carmen Lúcia Albuquerque de Santana ◽  
Paula Hino ◽  
Káren Mendes Jorge de Souza ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: to implement a pedagogical strategy in the epidemiology course of a nursing school in a public university. Method: This is an interventional prospective study, with a critical epidemiological approach, based on the learner’s worldview for a theoretical conception about science. The development of the study started from a field recognition for the systematization of the teaching-learning strategy and ended with the evaluation of the course. Results: 67 students participated in the study, 91% were female and 54% were between 20 and 29 years old. Prior knowledge was mostly clinical/biological, and the strategy used enhanced the knowledge of science in a critical, creative and reflective way, stimulating intersectionality and teamwork through the use of Information and Communication Technologies. Final Consideration: The pedagogical strategy provided a meaningful learning about the principles of epidemiology.

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (44) ◽  
pp. 16-26 ◽  
Alex Sander Miranda Lobo ◽  
Luiz Claudio Gomes Maia

Este ensaio buscou apresentar algumas formas de utilização das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no sistema superior de ensino, como apoio ao ensino-aprendizagem e seus desdobramentos. Foi feita uma revisão literária com intuito de mostrar alguns caminhos e práticas para o ensino-aprendizagem, qual o perfil do novo docente frente a estas novas tecnologias, seu papel na utilização das mesmas e o resultado esperado quando da utilização das mesmas. Algumas ferramentas de TIC, que podem ser utilizadas em pesquisas, exposição de conteúdo e disseminação de conhecimento são apresentadas para este contexto. Como resultados percebemos que a tecnologia é uma auxiliar muito importante no processo de ensino, cabendo às instituições de ensino propor currículos bem elaborados; aos professores serem capacitados e interessados em melhorar constantemente as aulas; os alunos terem interesse e não serem passivos, buscarem constantemente adquirir novos conhecimentos.Palavras-Chave: Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC). Ensino-Aprendizagem (EA). Ensino Superior.AbstractThis article aims to present some uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching superior system to support the teaching - learning and its consequences. A literary review was made with the intention to show some ways and practices for teaching and learning, which the profile of the new teaching front of these new technologies, their role in the use of the same and the expected result when using them. Some ICT tools that can be used in research, content display and dissemination of knowledge are presented in this context. As a result we see that the technology is a very important aid in the teaching process, leaving educational institutions offer well-designed curricula; teachers are qualified and interested in constantly enhance lessons; students have interest and not being passive, seek constantly acquire new knowledge.Keywords: Information and Communication Technology. Teaching and Learning. Higher Education. 

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