scholarly journals ¿Equidad en la dotación de espacio público en Bogotá?

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-56 ◽  
Julian Alberto Gutiérrez-López ◽  
Lina Fernanda Quenguan-López ◽  
Mario Andrés Betancourt-Carvajal

Resumen El acelerado crecimiento urbano genera mayor demanda en infraestructura de servicios y dotaciones. También ha modificado el espacio público de las ciudades, y en tal sentido, se espera que se distribuya de manera equitativa en la ciudad garantizando una óptima cobertura; en especial, para las poblaciones más vulnerables. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la equidad en la distribución de espacio público en Bogotá, a partir de una caracterización, a escala localidad, de la pobreza (pobreza monetaria, pobreza extrema, índice de pobreza multidimensional, índice de calidad de vida y necesidades básicas insatisfechas). Adicionalmente, se analizan los indicadores de espacio público (espacio público efectivo, espacio público total y espacio público verde). Este análisis comparativo, a la luz de los conceptos de focalización, igualdad y progresividad, determina cuáles localidades presentan mayores niveles de pobreza en la ciudad, y si son las mismas que presentan mayores dotaciones en términos de inversión pública. Se establece un escenario de discusión frente a la implicación focalizada de las inversiones del gobierno local. Palabras clave: calidad de vida; capital social; hábitat urbano; indicadores de pobreza; indicadores urbanos; política pública; segregación socioespacial; vulnerabilidad   Abstract Accelerated urban growth has modified the public space of cities significantly. The increase of the world population demands a greater infrastructure of services and endowments in the city, to determine the optimum quality of life of inhabitants. In the case of urban space, it is expected to be distributed in an equitable way in the city, guaranteeing optimum coverage, especially for the most vulnerable populations. This work aims to analyze equity in the distribution of public space in Bogotá, based on a characterization of poverty, by location, and its relationship with the quality indicators of public space. This analysis determines which locations have the highest levels of poverty in the city and if they are the same with the highest endowments, in terms of public investment. A discussion scenario is established in the face of the focused involvement of local government investments. Keywords: quality of life; social capital; urban habitat; poverty indicators; urban indicators; Public politics; socio-spatial segregation; vulnerability   Recibido: febrero 14 / 2019  Evaluado: mayo 27 / 2019  Aceptado: diciembre 9 / 2019                              Publicado en línea: diciembre de 2019                 Actualizado: diciembre de 2019

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 3
Jenny Paola Cervera Quintero

Esta investigación muestra las características y estrategias socioeconómicas identificadas en un grupo de famiempresas de confección en Ciudad Bolívar, localidad de Bogotá, con las cuales logran la permanencia de sus negocios y así la reproducción de la vida y la subsistencia de sus familias. Este primer elemento se contrasta con las políticas de consecución de ingresos desarrolladas por los gobiernos distritales en el período 2000-2013, con el fin de encontrar los elementos comunes y el real aporte con el que las políticas sociales y económicas del Distrito benefician la economía popular de la ciudad, teniendo como referencia el grupo de famiempresas con el que se trabajó. Después de obtener un paralelo entre las políticas socioeconómicas del Distrito y las necesidades reales de las famiempresas, se desarrolla un ejercicio práctico aplicando la metodología de Vester como base para la formulación de recomendaciones dirigidas hacia los gobiernos distritales, en las que se manifiestan las prioridades que esta población objetivo espera de la acción institucional para mejorar el desempeño de sus famiempresas y, por ende, el de su consecución de ingresos para mejor su calidad de vida y la de sus familias.ABSTRACTThis research examines the socio-economic characteristics and strategies pertaining to a group of family business in the apparel sector in Ciudad Bolivar (Bogota), which ensures some stability in the business itself and in their families´ livelihood. This first element is contrasted with the policies of resource allocation pursued by Bogota local administrations in the period 2000-2013, in order to identify the real governmental contributions to thelocal economy. Next, a practical exercise is conducted by applying the methodology of Vester as a basis for the formulation of recommendations addressed to the city government; those recommendations depict the priorities that the targeted population expects from the institutional action to improve the performance of their business and to enhance their income to better their quality of life and that of their families. Fecha de recepción: 23 agosto 2016Fecha de aprobación: 15 noviembre de 2016Fecha de publicación: 6 de enero de 2017

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 159
Anisah Budiwati

This research explores the concept of understanding of mosque managers in the public space about the importance of facing the direction of Qibla. Samples Mosque located in the public space of the Hospital Jogja International Hospital, Adisutjipto Airport and Mall Plaza Ambarrukmo be proof of the tendency of pattern of understanding of managers of religious orders to face the direction of Qiblah correctly. By using qualitative analysis method and data collection method in the form of observation, interview and documentation, it is found that first, that understanding of mosque managers in public space at three places reflects the quality of life of Islami ie measuring to the expert so that the direction of qibla . Secondly, the accuracy of the direction of the mosque building in the public space in Sleman Yogyakarta is included in the category of accurate with the maximum reason for the 6 minute arc disturbance, where the direction of the largest deviation on the mosques is 0o 1 '20.8 "or equivalent to 3,074 km which means still leads the city of Mecca.Keywords: Accuracy, Understanding and Mosque in Public Space Penelitian ini menggali konsep pemahaman para pengelola Masjid di ruang publik tentang pentingnya menghadap arah kiblat. Sampel Masjid yang berada di ruang publik yakni Rumah Sakit Jogja International Hospital, Bandara Adisutjipto dan Mall Plaza Ambarrukmo menjadi bukti kecenderungan pola pemahaman pengelola terhadap perintah agama untuk menghadap ke arah kiblat dengan tepat. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif dan metode pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi diperoleh hasil penelitian, pertama bahwa pemahaman para pengelola masjid di ruang publik pada tiga tempat tersebut mencerminkan kualitas hidup Islami yakni melakukan pengukuran kepada pihak ahli sehingga arah kiblat sesuai dengan keilmuan astronomi. Kedua, akurasi atau ketelitian arah kiblat bangunan Masjid di ruang publik di Sleman Yogyakarta termasuk dalam kategori akurat dengan alasan maksimal penyimpangan 6 menit busur, di mana arah penyimpangan paling besar pada masjid-masjid tersebut adalah 0o 1’ 20,8” atau setara 3,074 km yang berarti masih mengarah kota Mekah.Kata kunci: Akurasi, Pemahaman dan Masjid di Ruang Publik

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 65-77
Marta Joanna Jamontt ◽  
Karol Kociszewski ◽  
Johannes Platje

Participatory budgets are a popular form of co-decision of residents about public space and quality of life in the city. Projects submitted to participatory budgets respond to needs such as recreation, health, communication and safety. This article evaluates the projects from 2016-2018 of the Wroclaw Participatory Budget in terms of aspects related to the wider issue of natural capital and climate change. The results obtained indicate that despite increasing financial outlays on projects that can contribute to strengthening environmental and climate aspects, the share of investments directly targeted at their implementation is relatively small. A total of 201 projects were analyzed, of which 12% directly and 18% indirectly referred to issues related to natural capital and/or climate change.

Sean Parson

Chapter 4 discusses Mayor Frank Jordan’s (1992–1995) revanchist Matrix Quality of Life Program, which sought to enforce a broken-windows policing system in San Francisco. The impact of the policy was felt largely by the visible homeless in downtown San Francisco, who were regularly harassed and arrested by the police and forced out of the city. Because quality-of-life policing desires to sanitize the public space of disruptive and asocial behaviour, the public meals of Food Not Bombs near City Hall resisted the city’s attempt to criminalize homelessness. This chapter argues that the city attempted to construct the homeless as anti-citizens and exclude them from the political and physical spaces of the city.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 723
Alfonso Urzúa ◽  
Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar ◽  
María Fernanda Bravo ◽  
Karen Carvajal ◽  
Claudio Vera

While self-report of overall quality of life has been widely examined, there are no studies that explore the impact of the relative importance people give to the various categories of their quality of life. Therefore, with a quantitative methodology and a co-relational transverse design, we analyze differences in the assessment when the importance given to each category is evaluated. Participants were 530 students from the city of Antofagasta in the North of Chile, aged between 15 and 18 years. They were from subsidized, public secondary schools and private and state universities in the city who were assessed using the KIDSCREEN-27 questionnaire. Results: Differences were found in the assessment of categories when results were analyzed based on gender and age and when incorporating an assessment of importance. Even when the results were not conclusive, there was evidence of a need to incorporate an importance variable when assessing quality of life.

Katarzyna Nosal ◽  
Łukasz Franek ◽  
Sylwia Rogala

The quality of urban space in terms of walkability can be assessed taking many parameters into account, such as the presence of sidewalks, their density and continuity, appropriate technical parameters as well as the presence of greenery, squares, parks, which create the environment for pedestrian traffic. The lack of travel barriers, the possibility to shorten the route, travel safety and security, the presence of street furniture, shops and services are also significant. This article concerns some of the above described factors and presents selected research results on the use of space in city centers of several Polish cities – Kraków, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Warsaw, Gdynia, Wrocław and Poznań as well as the results of an analysis on the friendliness of this space for pedestrian traffic. The first phase of this study was to determine the share of public space within the analyzed city center areas, and then define areas used as roads, infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists, squares, green areas, parks and public courtyards. The balance of the used space was created for each researched area, and the space dedicated to pedestrian traffic was additionally analyzed in terms of the presence of obstacles as well as sidewalk location. The analysis results prove that that greatest amount of the public space is located in the city center of Poznań, and the smallest in Kraków. Warsaw is characterized by the greatest and Szczecin by the smallest percentage of the pedestrian infrastructure. Szczecin dominates in terms of the share of roads in the downtown area, Wrocław in terms of squares and Gdańsk – public courtyards.

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (30) ◽  
pp. 31-42 ◽  
Iwona Cieślak ◽  
Karol Szuniewicz

Abstract The system of pedestrian urban space is the primary source of information on the state of the space. Walking around a city, we are perceptually building in our mind its physiognomic silhouette, which becomes the basis for evaluating the attractiveness of a city. Unfortunately, pedestrian traffic is rarely the subject of careful planning and design. Usually it regulates itself or is a side-effect of building an extensive system of road communication. On the other hand, concepts of shaping this system as a primary one appear more and more often, and pedestrian space is seen as high priority public space. The purpose of the article was to evaluate qualitative evaluation methods determining the current state of pedestrian pathways in the town Giżycko. Valuing quality, as a part of the science called qualimetrics, refers to determining the quality of objects which are the product of human activities, designed to meet the needs of human beings. At the root, it is a science relating to the determination of the quality of market items, supporting the production management process. As space, particularly urbanized, is created by people to satisfy their needs, it was concluded that quality valuation methods may also be useful to assess the quality of space. The article focuses on the quality of pedestrian routes that are essential to the central part of Giżycko. For these routes, the current state of the features identified as key for their quality was investigated, and quality classes of the routes were determined by analysis. The procedure can be a tool supporting the planning and implementation of modernization and renovation works for the area of pedestrian communication, and thus the image of the city.

Luiz Faustino dos Santos Maia ◽  
Lucia Helena Presoto

Trata-se de uma investigação sobre as condições e qualidade de vida. De caráter quantitativo do tipo descritivo e exploratório, objetivou conhecer, avaliar e descrever o perfil de estudantes em enfermagem de uma universidade privada de ensino superior. Num processo de escolha aleatória foram sujeitos da pesquisa oitenta alunos de enfermagem matriculados no primeiro, segundo, terceiro e quartos anos de graduação do período matutino e noturno. Os dados foram coletados durante os meses de agosto e setembro de 2006, utilizando um questionário com quinze perguntas fechadas e objetivas, referentes à caracterização da população abrangendo vários aspectos sociodemográficos. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, tabulados e apresentados em tabelas. Sugere-se o incentivo na comunidade acadêmica quanto à promoção e educação em saúde. Desta forma, reduzir-se-á os indicadores de morbidade, maus hábitos e sedentarismo relacionado com a população acadêmica, futuros educadores e profissionais de saúde.Descritores: Qualidade de Vida, Estudantes, Enfermagem. Quality of life: profile of nursing students in a private university in the city of São PauloAbstract: This is a research about the conditions and quality of life. A quantitative, descriptive, and exploratory study aimed to know, evaluate and describe the profile of nursing students in a private university of higher education. In a process of random choice were the research subjects eighty nursing students enrolled in the first, second, third and fourth years of graduation in the morning and evening. The data were collected during the months of august and september 2006, using a questionnaire with 15 questions closed and objective, relating to the characterization of the population covering several sociodemographic aspects. The data were statistically analyzed, tabulated and presented in tables. It is suggested the incentive in the academic community regarding the promotion and education in health. This way, it will reduce the indicators of morbidity, bad habits and sedentary lifestyle related to population academic, future educators and health professionals.Descriptors: Quality of Life, Students, Nursing. Calidad de vida: el perfil de los estudiantes de enfermería en una universidad privada en la ciudad de São PauloResumen: Se trata de una investigación acerca de las condiciones y calidad de vida. Una valoración cuantitativa y estudio descriptivo y exploratorio destinado a conocer, evaluar y describir el perfil de los estudiantes de enfermería en una universidad privada de educación superior. En un proceso de selección aleatoria eran los sujetos de la investigación de enfermería 80 estudiantes matriculados en el primer, segundo, tercer y cuarto años de graduación en la mañana y en la noche. Los datos fueron recopilados durante los meses de agosto y septiembre de 2006, utilizando un cuestionario con 15 preguntas cerradas y objetivo, relativas a la caracterización de la población que cubre varios aspectos sociodemográficos. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente, tabulados y presentados en tablas. Se sugiere el incentivo en la comunidad académica sobre la promoción y educación en salud. De esta manera, reducirá los indicadores de morbilidad, malos hábitos y estilo de vida sedentario relativos a la población académica, los futuros educadores y profesionales de la salud.Descriptores: Calidad de Vida, Estudiantes, Enfermería.

2020 ◽  
Vol 64 (186) ◽  
pp. 97-110
Maja Fojud ◽  
Artur Fojud

The article presents the results of the evaluation of the relationship between the way of shaping public space related to ensuring sustainable mobility in the city and the experiences of users influencing the perceptible quality of life. The assessment was carried out for one of the medium-sized cities, which was included in the list of cities threatened with exclusion. The subject of the evaluation was the city multimodal centreorganised around the railway station in Nysa. The aim of the research was to identify a selected, small group of key challenges and recommendations aimed at improving user experience in using a multimodal centre in the city. The article highlights the role of service infrastructure (stops, stations, transfer centres) in the ecosystem of sustainable urban mobility. Each element of this ecosystem (designed in accordance with the idea of universal design) can have a significant impact on the improvement of the perceptible (declared) quality of life in the city, if the applied solutions positively influence the user’s experience (including the sense of comfort and care). The authors focused on the current state of play in order to identify the key areas of intervention needed to improve the user experience in using the multimodal centre in a small and medium sized city. Attention was paid not only to the aspect of infrastructure accessibility, but also to the relations between urban, architectural and engineering solutions in the context of their impact on the assessment of the multimodal centre in terms of its usefulness in three dimensions: functional, rational and perceptible. The summary outlines the process of achieving from the basic solution standard to interoperability. This knowledge will allow better decision making in the planning of user-oriented projects in the city. This may be of particular importance when the conscious objective of the action is to achieve the level of interoperability expected by users of facilities such as, inter alia, a multimodal centre, which is one element of an urban public space with a significant impact on the quality of life of the citizen. Keywords: user experience, quality of life, universal design, interoperability, sustainable mobility

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-20
N. K. Nurlanova ◽  
F. G. Alzhanova ◽  
Z. T. Satpayeva

In Kazakhstan, in recent years, there has been an intensification of urbanization processes due to the uncontrolled migration of rural population to cities. In this regard, there arise the number of problems related to ensuring the quality of life in cities.The purpose of this article is to assess the quality of urban space and its role in sustainable economic development on Almaty example. When assessing the quality of space in Almaty’s districts, there were calculated the groups of indicators that reflect the basic characteristics of a modern city: safety, comfort, ecology, diversity, modernity, business environment, quality of life, social development and human capital. Data from open sources were used: Department of statistics of Almaty, Committee on legal statistics and special accounts of the General prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of emergency situations of Almaty.The study concluded that the spatial development of Almaty is uneven. Four types of territories were identified in the city structure: the historic center, integrated with the adjoining business center; microdistricts of mass housing development (sleeping areas); old areas of low-rise buildings and private households; new annexed areas that are characterized by unregulated individual housing construction. As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the quality of urban space is an important factor in the sustainable economic development of the city, in particular business.It was also concluded that it is necessary to develop a universal system of urban development indicators for use on an ongoing basis by representatives of business and the Akimat of Almaty in order to more fully identify the problems of urban space development, develop and implement strategic plans for the city’s development, as well as urban researchers.

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