Stability analysis of an eco-epidemiological SIN model with impulsive control strategy for integrated pest management considering stage-structure in predator

Preety Kalra ◽  
Maninderjit Kaur
2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-18 ◽  
Min Zhao ◽  
Yanzhen Wang ◽  
Lansun Chen

The dynamic behaviors of a predator-prey (pest) model with disease in prey and involving an impulsive control strategy to release infected prey at fixed times are investigated for the purpose of integrated pest management. Mathematical theoretical works have been pursuing the investigation of the local asymptotical stability and global attractivity for the semitrivial periodic solution and population persistent, which depicts the threshold expression of some critical parameters for carrying out integrated pest management. Numerical analysis indicates that the impulsive control strategy has a strong effect on the dynamical complexity and population persistent using bifurcation diagrams and power spectra diagrams. These results show that if the release amount of infective prey can satisfy some critical conditions, then all biological populations will coexist. All these results are expected to be of use in the study of the dynamic complexity of ecosystems.

2007 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 219-234 ◽  

A state-dependent impulsive SI epidemic model for integrated pest management (IPM) is proposed and investigated. We shall examine an optimal impulsive control problem in the management of an epidemic to control a pest population. We introduce a small amount of pathogen into a pest population with the expectation that it will generate an epidemic and that it will subsequently be endemic such that the number of pests is no larger than the given economic threshold (ET), so that the pests cannot cause economic damage. This is the biological control strategy given in the present paper. The combination strategy of pulse capturing (susceptible individuals) and pulse releasing (infective individuals) is implemented in the model if the number of pests (susceptible) reaches the ET. Firstly, the impulsive control problem is to drive the pest population below a given pest level and to do so in a manner which minimizes a weighted sum of the cost of using the control. Hence, for a one time impulsive effect we obtain the optimal strategy in terms of total cost such that the number of pests is no larger than the given ET. Secondly, we show the existence of periodic solution with the number of pests no larger than ET, and by using the Analogue of the Poincaré Criterion we prove that it is asymptotically stable under a planned impulsive control strategy. Further, the period T of the periodic solution is calculated, which can be used to estimate how long the pest population will take to return back to its pre-control level. The main feature of the present paper is to apply an SI infectious disease model to IPM, and some pests control strategies are given.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Ruiqing Shi ◽  
Sanyi Tang ◽  
Wenli Feng

Stage-structured predator-prey models with disease in the prey are constructed. For the purpose of integrated pest management, two types of impulsive control strategies (impulsive release of infective prey and impulsive release of predator) are used. For Case  1, infective prey applications are more frequent than releases of predator (natural enemies). For Case  2, predator (natural enemies) releases are more frequent than infective prey applications. In both cases, we get the sufficient conditions for the global attractivity of the susceptible prey-eradication periodic solution. In addition, the persistence of the systems is also discussed. At last, the results are discussed and some possible future work is put forward.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
Changtong Li ◽  
Sanyi Tang ◽  
Robert A. Cheke

Abstract An expectation for optimal integrated pest management is that the instantaneous numbers of natural enemies released should depend on the densities of both pest and natural enemy in the field. For this, a generalised predator–prey model with nonlinear impulsive control tactics is proposed and its dynamics is investigated. The threshold conditions for the global stability of the pest-free periodic solution are obtained based on the Floquet theorem and analytic methods. Also, the sufficient conditions for permanence are given. Additionally, the problem of finding a nontrivial periodic solution is confirmed by showing the existence of a nontrivial fixed point of the model’s stroboscopic map determined by a time snapshot equal to the common impulsive period. In order to address the effects of nonlinear pulse control on the dynamics and success of pest control, a predator–prey model incorporating the Holling type II functional response function as an example is investigated. Finally, numerical simulations show that the proposed model has very complex dynamical behaviour, including period-doubling bifurcation, chaotic solutions, chaos crisis, period-halving bifurcations and periodic windows. Moreover, there exists an interesting phenomenon whereby period-doubling bifurcation and period-halving bifurcation always coexist when nonlinear impulsive controls are adopted, which makes the dynamical behaviour of the model more complicated, resulting in difficulties when designing successful pest control strategies.

2011 ◽  
Vol 348 (4) ◽  
pp. 652-670 ◽  
Hengguo Yu ◽  
Shouming Zhong ◽  
Ravi P. Agarwal ◽  
Syamal K. Sen

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