5 Globalizing Senegal’s Grid-Plan Legacies in Light of Islamic Studies, World History and Urban Studies

2021 ◽  
pp. 70-82
Liora Bigon ◽  
Eric Ross
2011 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-248 ◽  

ABSTRACTThe dramatic urban change taking place on the African continent has led to a renewed and controversial interest in Africa's cities within several academic and expert circles. Attempts to align a growing but fragmented body of research on Africa's urban past with more general trends in urban studies have been few but have nevertheless opened up new analytical possibilities. This article argues that to move beyond the traps of localism and unhelpful categorizations that have dominated aspects of urban history and the urban studies literature of the continent, historians should explore African urban dynamics in relation to world history and the history of the state in order to contribute to larger debates between social scientists and urban theorists. By considering how global socio-historical processes articulate with the everyday lives of urban dwellers and how city-state relationships are structured by ambivalence, this article will illustrate how historians can participate in those debates in ways that demonstrate that history matters, but not in a linear way. These illustrations will also suggest why it is necessary for historians to contest interpretations of Africa's cities that construe them as ontologically different from other cities of the world.

John W.M. Krummel

This chapter discusses the comparative philosophies of two premier comparativists of postwar Japan, Nakamura Hajime and Izutsu Toshihiko. Both were known as accomplished scholars within their respective fields—Buddhist studies and Indology for Nakamura, and Islamic studies for Izutsu—when they initiated their comparative projects. Each had a distinct vision of what comparison entails and the sort of philosophy it would produce. Nakamura’s project was a world history of ideas that uncovers basic patterns in the unfolding of human thought. Izutsu aims to reconstruct Oriental philosophy on the basis of certain key concepts common to the traditions. The chapter covers the aims, methods, and philosophical achievements of their comparative projects. In their juxtaposition, it makes evident significant differences in their projects, methods, and results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-306
Elia Tambunan ◽  
Fouad Larhzizer

Abstract: This paper relates Islamic studies, namely Islamism, with Christian studies, urban studies in an integrative way. The objects of written material are religions, social movements, politics, and cities. The research was conducted from July 2012 to July 2018 using a qualitative empirical approach with depth interview techniques and the use of social media, combined with literature studies. The author argues, it is a fundamental mistake if scholars of Islamic studies believe too much that Islamic social movements are a manifestation of Islamism as the ideology of Islamists as published so far. In practice, Islamic social movements, especially in urban communities, are far more complex than ideological issues. Examining the Salatiga urbanites as the location and subject research, it is found a religious linkage and the caliptalization of urban space. This linkage creates a contentious politics and the interests of the urban elite that play into it during the Regional Head Election.الملخص: تربط هذه الورقة الدراسات الإسلامية ، أي الإسلاموية ، بالدراسات المسيحية ، والدراسات الحضرية بطريقة تكاملية. المواد المكتوبة هي الأديان والحركات الاجتماعية والسياسة والمدن. تم إجراء البحث في الفترة من يوليو 2012 إلى يوليو 2018 باستخدام نهج تجريبي نوعي مع تقنيات المقابلة العميقة واستخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع دراسات الأدب. يجادل المؤلف بأنه من الخطأ الأساسي أن يعتقد علماء الدراسات الإسلامية أن الحركات الاجتماعية الإسلامية هي مظهر من مظاهر الإسلاموية باعتبارها إيديولوجية الإسلاميين كما نُشرت حتى الآن. في الممارسة العملية ، الحركات الاجتماعية الإسلامية ، خاصة في المجتمعات الحضرية ، أكثر تعقيدًا بكثير من القضايا الإيديولوجية. عند دراسة سكان سالاتيجا كموقع وبحث موضوعي ، وجد ارتباطًا دينيًا وخلافة الفضاء الحضري. يخلق هذا الارتباط سياسة مثيرة للجدل ومصالح النخبة الحضرية التي تلعب دورها خلال انتخابات رئيس المنطقة.Abstrak: Tulisan ini mengaitkan studi Islam, yakni Islamisme dengan studi Kristen, studi perkotaan secara integratif. Objek material tulisan adalah agama, gerakan sosial, politik, dan kota. Penelitian dilakukan sejak Juli 2012 hingga Juli 2018 dengan pendekatan kualitatif empirik dengan teknik wawancara mendalam dan penggunaan media sosial, digabung dengan studi literatur. Penulis berargumentasi, adalah kekeliruan mendasar jika para sarjana studi Islam terlalu meyakini bahwa gerakan-gerakan sosial Islam merupakan manifestasi Islamisme sebagai ideologi kaum Islamis seperti dipublikasikan selama ini. Dalam praksisnya, gerakan-gerakan sosial Islam, khususnya di masyarakat kota jauh lebih kompleks dari persoalan ideologis. Dari masyarakat Kota Salatiga sebagai lokasi dan subjek penelitian, ditemukan keterkaitan agama dengan kaliptalisasi ruang kota. Keterkaitan itu menimbulkan politik perselisihan dan kepentingan elite urban yang bermain dalamnya pada saat Pemilihan Kepala Daerah.

2004 ◽  
pp. 190-196
Hanna M. Kulagina-Stadnichenko

The events of recent years have led to a revision of the concept of "bipolar world". It became apparent that understanding the perspectives of world history through the concept of "formation", which was based on the theory of "classes" and "class struggle", lost its leading place in national history. Thus, the idea of ​​“comprehending history-” by comparing and analyzing different civilizations, whose models are built on the basis of different types of cultures and, above all, of different religions, becomes more promising. However, it should be noted not only a significant change in ideological paradigms in the understanding of modern realities, but also the common that unites them. A legacy left over from previous times and one of the dominant features of modern science is the consideration of development through conflict, collision, "unity and the struggle of opposites." It is this view that prevails in assessing our age as conflicting, which is explained by the dissimilarity of cultural traditions that are "rooted" in different religions. It is clear that similar explanations lead to disappointing predictions that are ambiguous in their consequences. The latter depend, in particular, on Ukraine's global environment: the postmodern super-civilization of the West - the post-industrial, post-Christian type, on the one hand, and the Islamic world of the Eastern Territories, on the other.

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