Microwave On-Line Measurements on Conveyed Products Application to Paper and Wood Industries

1994 ◽  
Vol 347 ◽  
J.Ch. Bolomey ◽  
G. Cottard ◽  
P. Berthaud ◽  
A. Lemaitre ◽  
J. F. Portala

ABSTRACTMicrowave multiport sensors have been shown to provide some unique capabilities to achieve real-time testing of products conveyed at high speed. In many applications, quantitative measurements of physical quantities such as moisture content, density, etc… are required, either to guarantee reliable production or to optimally control a fabrication/transformation process. In this paper, different ways of extracting such physical quantities from microwave measurements performed by multiport sensors are presented. Model approaches are used, based on polynomial expansions of the physical quantities to be measured as a function of the microwave amplitude and phase data. Calibration procedures have been investigated for both paper and wood material samples. Comparisons between in-situ, microwave and conventional, measurements are analysed.

William Krakow

In the past few years on-line digital television frame store devices coupled to computers have been employed to attempt to measure the microscope parameters of defocus and astigmatism. The ultimate goal of such tasks is to fully adjust the operating parameters of the microscope and obtain an optimum image for viewing in terms of its information content. The initial approach to this problem, for high resolution TEM imaging, was to obtain the power spectrum from the Fourier transform of an image, find the contrast transfer function oscillation maxima, and subsequently correct the image. This technique requires a fast computer, a direct memory access device and even an array processor to accomplish these tasks on limited size arrays in a few seconds per image. It is not clear that the power spectrum could be used for more than defocus correction since the correction of astigmatism is a formidable problem of pattern recognition.

Z. Liliental-Weber ◽  
C. Nelson ◽  
R. Ludeke ◽  
R. Gronsky ◽  
J. Washburn

The properties of metal/semiconductor interfaces have received considerable attention over the past few years, and the Al/GaAs system is of special interest because of its potential use in high-speed logic integrated optics, and microwave applications. For such materials a detailed knowledge of the geometric and electronic structure of the interface is fundamental to an understanding of the electrical properties of the contact. It is well known that the properties of Schottky contacts are established within a few atomic layers of the deposited metal. Therefore surface contamination can play a significant role. A method for fabricating contamination-free interfaces is absolutely necessary for reproducible properties, and molecularbeam epitaxy (MBE) offers such advantages for in-situ metal deposition under UHV conditions

M.A. O’Keefe ◽  
J. Taylor ◽  
D. Owen ◽  
B. Crowley ◽  
K.H. Westmacott ◽  

Remote on-line electron microscopy is rapidly becoming more available as improvements continue to be developed in the software and hardware of interfaces and networks. Scanning electron microscopes have been driven remotely across both wide and local area networks. Initial implementations with transmission electron microscopes have targeted unique facilities like an advanced analytical electron microscope, a biological 3-D IVEM and a HVEM capable of in situ materials science applications. As implementations of on-line transmission electron microscopy become more widespread, it is essential that suitable standards be developed and followed. Two such standards have been proposed for a high-level protocol language for on-line access, and we have proposed a rational graphical user interface. The user interface we present here is based on experience gained with a full-function materials science application providing users of the National Center for Electron Microscopy with remote on-line access to a 1.5MeV Kratos EM-1500 in situ high-voltage transmission electron microscope via existing wide area networks. We have developed and implemented, and are continuing to refine, a set of tools, protocols, and interfaces to run the Kratos EM-1500 on-line for collaborative research. Computer tools for capturing and manipulating real-time video signals are integrated into a standardized user interface that may be used for remote access to any transmission electron microscope equipped with a suitable control computer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 109 (4) ◽  
pp. 243-260 ◽  
Yves Wittwer ◽  
Robert Eichler ◽  
Dominik Herrmann ◽  
Andreas Türler

Abstract A new setup named Fast On-line Reaction Apparatus (FORA) is presented which allows for the efficient investigation and optimization of metal carbonyl complex (MCC) formation reactions under various reaction conditions. The setup contains a 252Cf-source producing short-lived Mo, Tc, Ru and Rh isotopes at a rate of a few atoms per second by its 3% spontaneous fission decay branch. Those atoms are transformed within FORA in-situ into volatile metal carbonyl complexes (MCCs) by using CO-containing carrier gases. Here, the design, operation and performance of FORA is discussed, revealing it as a suitable setup for performing single-atom chemistry studies. The influence of various gas-additives, such as CO2, CH4, H2, Ar, O2, H2O and ambient air, on the formation and transport of MCCs was investigated. O2, H2O and air were found to harm the formation and transport of MCCs in FORA, with H2O being the most severe. An exception is Tc, for which about 130 ppmv of H2O caused an increased production and transport of volatile compounds. The other gas-additives were not influencing the formation and transport efficiency of MCCs. Using an older setup called Miss Piggy based on a similar working principle as FORA, it was additionally investigated if gas-additives are mostly affecting the formation or only the transport stability of MCCs. It was found that mostly formation is impacted, as MCCs appear to be much less sensitive to reacting with gas-additives in comparison to the bare Mo, Tc, Ru and Rh atoms.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (14) ◽  
pp. 4705
Julian Lich ◽  
Tino Wollmann ◽  
Angelos Filippatos ◽  
Maik Gude ◽  
Juergen Czarske ◽  

Due to their lightweight properties, fiber-reinforced composites are well suited for large and fast rotating structures, such as fan blades in turbomachines. To investigate rotor safety and performance, in situ measurements of the structural dynamic behaviour must be performed during rotating conditions. An approach to measuring spatially resolved vibration responses of a rotating structure with a non-contact, non-rotating sensor is investigated here. The resulting spectra can be assigned to specific locations on the structure and have similar properties to the spectra measured with co-rotating sensors, such as strain gauges. The sampling frequency is increased by performing consecutive measurements with a constant excitation function and varying time delays. The method allows for a paradigm shift to unambiguous identification of natural frequencies and mode shapes with arbitrary rotor shapes and excitation functions without the need for co-rotating sensors. Deflection measurements on a glass fiber-reinforced polymer disk were performed with a diffraction grating-based sensor system at 40 measurement points with an uncertainty below 15 μrad and a commercial triangulation sensor at 200 measurement points at surface speeds up to 300 m/s. A rotation-induced increase of two natural frequencies was measured, and their mode shapes were derived at the corresponding rotational speeds. A strain gauge was used for validation.

Lina Bai ◽  
Chunxiang Cui ◽  
Jianjun Zhang ◽  
Lichen Zhao ◽  
Guixing Zheng ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1505
Ignacio Menéndez Pidal ◽  
Jose Antonio Mancebo Piqueras ◽  
Eugenio Sanz Pérez ◽  
Clemente Sáenz Sanz

Many of the large number of underground works constructed or under construction in recent years are in unfavorable terrains facing unusual situations and construction conditions. This is the case of the subject under study in this paper: a tunnel excavated in evaporitic rocks that experienced significant karstification problems very quickly over time. As a result of this situation, the causes that may underlie this rapid karstification are investigated and a novel methodology is presented in civil engineering where the use of saturation indices for the different mineral specimens present has been crucial. The drainage of the rock massif of El Regajal (Madrid-Toledo, Spain, in the Madrid-Valencia high-speed train line) was studied and permitted the in-situ study of the hydrogeochemical evolution of water flow in the Miocene evaporitic materials of the Tajo Basin as a full-scale testing laboratory, that are conforms as a whole, a single aquifer. The work provides a novel methodology based on the calculation of activities through the hydrogeochemical study of water samples in different piezometers, estimating the saturation index of different saline materials and the dissolution capacity of the brine, which is surprisingly very high despite the high electrical conductivity. The circulating brine appears unsaturated with respect to thenardite, mirabilite, epsomite, glauberite, and halite. The alteration of the underground flow and the consequent renewal of the water of the aquifer by the infiltration water of rain and irrigation is the cause of the hydrogeochemical imbalance and the modification of the characteristics of the massif. These modifications include very important loss of material by dissolution, altering the resistance of the terrain and the increase of the porosity. Simultaneously, different expansive and recrystallization processes that decrease the porosity of the massif were identified in the present work. The hydrogeochemical study allows the evolution of these phenomena to be followed over time, and this, in turn, may facilitate the implementation of preventive works in civil engineering.

2003 ◽  
Vol 75 (9) ◽  
pp. 2166-2171 ◽  
Nicolae Leopold ◽  
Michael Haberkorn ◽  
Thomas Laurell ◽  
Johan Nilsson ◽  
Josefa R. Baena ◽  

2014 ◽  
Vol 782 ◽  
pp. 3-7
Kenji Shinozaki ◽  
Motomichi Yamamoto ◽  
Kohta Kadoi ◽  
Peng Wen

Solidification cracking during welding is very serious problem for practical use. Therefore, there are so many reports concerning solidification cracking. Normally, solidification cracking susceptibility of material is quantitatively evaluated using Trans-Varestraint test. On the other hand, local solidification cracking strain was tried to measure precisely using in-situ observation method, called MISO method about 30 years ago. Recently, digital high-speed video camera develops very fast and its image quality is very high. Therefore, we have started to observe solidification crack using in site observation method. In this paper, the local critical strain of a solidification crack was measured and the high temperature ductility curves of weld metals having different dilution ratios and different grain sizes to evaluate quantitatively the effects of dilution ratio and grain size on solidification cracking susceptibility by using an improved in situ observation method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 129 (18) ◽  
pp. 183305
Mário Janda ◽  
Mostafa E. Hassan ◽  
Viktor Martišovitš ◽  
Karol Hensel ◽  
Michal Kwiatkowski ◽  

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