scholarly journals Vertisols and Cambisols had contrasting short term greenhouse gas responses to crop residue management

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (No. 5) ◽  
pp. 222-233 ◽  
Giuseppe Badagliacca ◽  
Robert Martin Rees ◽  
Dario Giambalvo ◽  
Sergio Saia

In sustainable agriculture crop residues management should consider the interactions between soil and residue properties, which can affect the decomposition and global greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission. Through a laboratory experiment, we investigated the effect of the management (incorporation and surface placement) of wheat and faba bean residues on their decomposition and CO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub> and N<sub>2</sub>O emissions from two soils, a Chromic Vertisol and an Eutric Cambisol. In the Vertisol, wheat residues increased the CO<sub>2</sub> emission more than faba bean when left on the surface whereas no differences among residues were observed when incorporated. In the Cambisol, faba bean emitted more than wheat when left in the surface and less when incorporated. Total CH<sub>4</sub> emissions were higher in faba bean in Cambisol for both management and only when applied in the surface in Vertisol. Total N<sub>2</sub>O emission in the Vertisol was higher when faba bean was incorporated, and wheat was left on the surface. In the Cambisol, wheat addition increased total N<sub>2</sub>O emissions by 20% compared to faba bean, with no differences between managements. Our study confirmed that contrasting properties among tested soils resulted in significant interactions with residues own degradability and their placement affecting residue decomposition, soil C and N dynamics, and GHGs emission.

2006 ◽  
Vol 280 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 143-155 ◽  
B. Govaerts ◽  
K. D. Sayre ◽  
J. M. Ceballos-Ramirez ◽  
M. L. Luna-Guido ◽  
A. Limon-Ortega ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 160 ◽  
pp. 3-14 ◽  
A. Galvez ◽  
T. Sinicco ◽  
M.L. Cayuela ◽  
M.D. Mingorance ◽  
F. Fornasier ◽  

2001 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-148 ◽  
C A Campbell ◽  
F. Selles ◽  
G P Lafond ◽  
R P Zentner

Society’s desire to sequester C in soils, thereby reducing the net loss of CO2 (a greenhouse gas) to the atmosphere, is well known. It is also accepted that the choice of appropriate agricultural management practices adopted by producers will affect this goal. However, quantification of the extent and rate at which it can be achieved is uncertain. A crop rotation experiment that was initiated in 1957 on a thin Black chernozemic clay soil at Indian Head, Saskatchewan, was managed using conventional tillage until changed to zero tillage in 1990. Soil was sampled (0- to 7.5- and 7.5- to 15-cm depths) in May 1987 and 1997 to determine the effects of treatments on soil organic C (SOC) and total N. The rotations were: fallow-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (F-W), F-W-W, continuous wheat (Cont W), legume green manure (GM)-W-W, and F-W-W-hay (legume-grass)-hay-hay (F-W-W-H-H-H). The monoculture cereal rotations were either fertilized with N and P based on soil tests or unfertilized, while the legume systems were both unfertilized. There was also a F-W-W (N+P) treatment in which the straw was baled and removed. When the experiment was changed to zero tillage management in 1990, the fertilizer protocol was changed to satisfy the “moist soil” criteria. Consequently, higher rates of N and P were added thereafter to the fallow crop, resulting in a positive yield response of wheat grown on fallow, where before there was no response to fertilizer. Over the 10-yr period (1987-1997) fertilized soil gained C and N, but unfertilized soil did not. For example fertilized F-W, F-W-W and Cont W gained about 4, 5 and 2 Mg C ha–1 in the 10-yr period. During this period, C emissions from manufacture and transportation of N fertilizer was 0.28, 0.53 and 0.90. Mg ha–1 for these three rotations, respectively. These results suggest that without adequate fertility, conversion to zero tillage may not always result in an increase in soil C or N. By 1997, fertilizer increased soil C and N in F-W-W and Cont W, and soil C and N were greater in F-W-W-H-H-H than in GM-W-W and lowest in F-W-W (all unfertilized). Straw removal had no significant effect on C or N. The analysis showed that C inputs from crop residues was the main factor influencing SOC changes. Key words: C sequestration, crop rotation, fertilizer, grain yields, total N, tillage

2021 ◽  
Xiaolin Dou ◽  
Meng Lu ◽  
Liding Chen

Abstract Purpose Studies about soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics with land use change are urgently needed for urban ecosystems. We used fractionation of soils combined with stable isotopic analysis to examine soil C and N cycles after decadal forest and lawn planting in the Pearl River Delta, China. Methods Soil samples from bare soil (CK) and four land use treatments (55 and 20 years of forest plantation, F-55 and F-20; 55 and 20 years of lawn plantation, L-55 and L-20) were split into different chemical fractions. Then we analyzed the C and N contents, C/N ratio, δ13C and δ15N, C and N recalcitrant indices (RIC, RIN), and a C pool management index (CPMI).Results Forest vegetation substantially enhanced soil organic carbon (SOC) caused by the recalcitrant (RC) and labile C (LC) pools, while the larger soil organic nitrogen (SON) was ascribed to the increased recalcitrant N (RN). Enhanced LC but minor changes in labile N (LN) suggested a decoupled C and N in labile fractions of the forest soils. In contrast, the larger LN, and the enhanced decomposition of SOC, indicated that the lawns may have inhibited N mineralization of labile pools, also suggesting a decoupled C and N turnover and leading to low RIN values. Conclusions Urban forest and lawn plantations significantly changed the soil C and N dynamics, and emphasized the inconsistency between C and N processes, especially in labile pools, which would eventually lead to minor changes in N and limit the ecosystem C sequestration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 452 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 217-231
Jiao Feng ◽  
Fan Yang ◽  
Junjun Wu ◽  
Qiong Chen ◽  
Qian Zhang ◽  

2002 ◽  
Vol 82 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-217 ◽  
S S Malhi ◽  
J T Harapiak ◽  
M. Nyborg ◽  
K S Gill ◽  
N A Flore

An adequate level of organic matter is needed to sustain the productivity, improve the quality of soils and increase soil C. Grassland improvement is considered to be one of the best ways to achieve these goals. A field experiment, in which bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) was grown for hay, was conducted from 1974 to 1996 on a thin Black Chernozemic soil near Crossfield, Alberta. Total organic C (TOC) and total N (TN), and light fraction organic C (LFOC) and light fraction N (LFN) of soil for the treatments receiving 23 annual applications of 112 kg N ha-1 as ammonium nitrate (AN) or urea in early autumn, late autumn, early spring or late spring were compared to zero-N check. Soil samples from 0- to 5- cm (layer 1), 5- to 10- cm (layer 2), 10- to 15- cm (layer 3) and 15- to 30-cm depths were taken in October 1996. Mass of TOC, TN, LFOC and LFN was calculated using equivalent mass technique. The concentration and mass of TOC and LFOC, TN and LFN in the soil were increased by N fertilization compared to the zero-N check. The majority of this increase in C and N occurred in the surface 5-cm depth and predominantly occurred in the light fraction material. In layer 1, the average increase from N fertilization was 3.1 Mg C ha-1 for TOC, 1.82 Mg C ha-1 for LFOC, 0.20 Mg N ha-1 for TN and 0.12 Mg N ha-1 for LFN. The LFOC and LFN were more responsive to N fertilization compared to the TOC and TN. Averaged across application times, more TOC, LFOC, TN and LFN were stored under AN than under urea in layer 1, by 1.50, 1.21, 0.06 and 0.08 Mg ha-1, respectively. Lower volatilization loss and higher plant uptake of surfaced-broadcast N were probable reasons from more soil C and N storage under AN source. Time of N application had no effect on the soil characteristics studied. In conclusion, most of the N-induced increase in soil C and N occurred in the 0- to 5-cm depth (layer 1) and in the light fraction material, with the increases being greater under AN than urea. Key words: Bromegrass, light fraction C and N, N source, soil, total organic C and N

2010 ◽  
Vol 338 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 159-169 ◽  
Roberta Gentile ◽  
Bernard Vanlauwe ◽  
Pauline Chivenge ◽  
Johan Six

Enzhu Hu ◽  
Zhimin Ren ◽  
Xiaoke Wang ◽  
Hongxing Zhang ◽  
Weiwei Zhang

Abstract Elevated tropospheric ozone concentration ([O3]) may substantially influence the belowground processes of the terrestrial ecosystem. Nevertheless, a comprehensive and quantitative understanding of the responses of soil C and N dynamics to elevated [O3] remains elusive. In this study, the results of 41 peer-reviewed studies were synthesized using meta-analytic techniques, to quantify the impact of O3 on ten variables associated with soil C and N, i.e., total C (TC, including soil organic C), total N (TN), dissolved organic C (DOC), ammonia N (NH4 +), nitrate N (NO3 -), microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN), rates of nitrification (NTF) and denitrification (DNF), as well as C/N ratio. The results depicted that all these variables showed significant changes (P < 0.05) with [O3] increased by 27.6 ± 18.7 nL/L (mean ± SD), including decreases in TC, DOC, TN, NH4 +, MBC, MBN and NTF, and increases in C/N, NO3 - and DNF. The effect sizes of TN, NTF, and DNF were significantly correlated with O3 fumigation level and experimental duration (P < 0.05). Soil pH and climate were essential in analyses of O3 impacts on soil C and N. However, the responses of most variables to elevated [O3] were generally independent of O3 fumigation method, terrestrial ecosystem type, and additional [CO2] exposure. The altered soil C and N dynamics under elevated [O3] may reduce its C sink capacity, and change soil N availability thus impact plant growth and enhance soil N losses.

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