scholarly journals The impact of Europeanisation on the Nature Protection System of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Example of the Establishment of Multi-Level Governance System of Protected Areas Natura 2000

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-48
Aleksandar Šobot ◽  
Andrej Lukšič
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 753
Anna Zbierska

Land-Use Cover Changes (LUCCs) are one of the main problems for the preservation of landscapes and natural biodiversity. Protected Areas (PAs) do not escape this threat. Poland is among the European leaders in terms of the variety of landscapes and the share of an area designated as a protected area. However, as many as 78% of the habitats have poor or bad conservation status based on EEA reports. This article analyzes the LUCCs between 2000 and 2018 in various types of the Polish legal forms of nature protection areas and the European Natura 2000 network within the country. The research material was: the data of Corine Land Cover (CLC), the Central Register of Nature Protection Forms, and high-resolution layers, such as HRL and orthophotos. The results were compiled according to the CLC class and forms of protection. The matrix of transformations showed that the most frequently transformed CLC class was 312 (coniferous forest). It was transformed into class 324 (transitional woodland shrubs). The changes in PAs were usually smaller than in the surrounding buffer zones, which may indicate their effectiveness. The exception was the areas of the European Natura 2000 network. The scale of land-cover flows (LCFs) changed within particular forms of protected areas, though afforestation and deforestation predominating in all area types. National reserves and parks were the most stable in terms of land cover structures. However, human settlements increased around the protected areas, potentially increasing threats to their ecological integrity.

Purpose. To investigate the state of the Nature Reserve Fund (NRF) in Khmelnytskyi region in the context of the Emerald Network development. Methods. We have used the data of the Register of the Nature Reserve Fund of Khmelnytskyi region, the literature, the cartographic materials and the state documentations as the materials for our investigation. Based on the criteria created by Yu. M. Gryshchenko the state of the NRF of Khmelnytskyi region has been assessed. Results. 536 objects of the Nature Reserve Fund of Khmelnytskyi region on 328,663.98 ha have been created (January 1, 2021): 42 national objects and 494 local objects. The Nature Reserve Fund of this region includes all categories of protected areas except for the nature and biosphere reserves. About 80% of the area of the NRF is occupied by the Podilsky Tovtry National Nature Park. The NRF is characterized by high percentages of the nature reserves, high density of NRF objects and high landscape representativeness and low insularization index. Despite the expansion of the NRF over 2000–2020, the percentage of the nature reserves is 44% less than set out in the Regional Development Strategy (January 1, 2020). Eight NRF objects of this region are included in the Emerald Network of Europe. All emerald objects are characterized by high representativeness indices and the uniqueness of the flora and fauna. The objects of the Emerald Network are provided the preserving of the unique ecosystems of Podillya. These are the value of Khmelnytskyi region and Europe. The public environmental initiative “Emerald – Natura 2000 in Ukraine” has included two NRF objects to the “shadow list” in the Khmelnytskyi region: the Dnister and Ushytsia Reserves. Despite the positive dynamics of the formation of the NRF of this region, there are a lot of the problems and gaps. There are such problems as a difficult approval procedure for the creation of new protected areas; the insufficient funding of the NRF at the local and state levels. Also the system of the monitoring of the existing Nature Reserved Objects and the information about the current state of the biodiversity in this territory are absent. The non-compliance with the regime of the protected areas, the insufficient environmental awareness and the ignorance of the citizens about the need to preserve the environment are great problems. Conclusions. The NRF of Khmelnytskyi region is characterized by high qualitative and quantitative characteristics (a large number of the Nature Reserved Objects, high percentages of the nature reserves, high density of the NRF objects, high landscape representativeness and low insularization index). Eight NRF objects of this region are included in the Emerald Network of Europe. However, despite the expansion of the NRF of Khmelnytskyi region and its quality indices, a number of the problems of the nature protection have remained. These problems have to be solved in the local and national levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (13) ◽  
pp. 2075 ◽  
Adrian Ursu ◽  
Cristian Constantin Stoleriu ◽  
Constantin Ion ◽  
Vasile Jitariu ◽  
Andrei Enea

The present paper aims to evaluate if the Natura 2000 sites in Romania are placed over dynamic areas from a land cover changes perspective, or if they are placed in areas with low human interest and what the impact of these changes are. The effectiveness of conservation measures was addressed by analyzing the number of land cover changes and their areas in Natura 2000 sites, before and after declaring them as protected areas. Corine Land Cover (CLC) data were used as a tool to identify threats and pressures from each Natura 2000 site, and also assess whether land cover changes are more frequent in sites with a high biodiversity index, compared to those with low diversity, in order to estimate the conservation status. Changes in the land cover during 1990–2018 are characterized by three types of events, from 1990 to 2000 with most changes recorded, followed by a relative period of stability from 2000 to 2012; the most dynamic period is from 2012 to 2018. The main changes are due to deforestation. Only 29.7% ROSCI (Romanian Sites of Community Importance) and 36.5% ROSPA (Romanian Special Protected Areas) sites are characterized by a good degree of conservation without or with low modifications regarding the land cover. The most frequent threats and pressures that were found through CLC changes in the ROSCIs in Romania are related to forestry, grazing, the extent of the urbanized environment and those related to agriculture. The correspondence between Corine Land Cover and Natura 2000 specific threats and pressures emphasizes new guidelines for the Corine Land Cover program; therefore, this correspondence can be a potential tool to get more information for Natura 2000 sites.

Jānis Vīksne ◽  
Māra Janaus ◽  
Aivars Mednis

Factors influencing the number of breeding water birds in Lake Engure, Latvia Lake Engure has attracted great interest since the middle of the 19th century when the water level of the lake was lowered by construction of a canal. The lake area decreased from 90 km2to about 45 km2, and favourable conditions were created for development of emergent vegetation (presently covers 58.6% of area). A nature protection regime was established in 1957. The lake was included in the Important Bird Area list in 1994, in the Ramsar lists in 1995, and as part of the Natura 2000 network in 2004. The present paper deals mostly with data collected by the Laboratory of Ornithology, Institute of Biology, in the period 1948-2011. Direct and indirect impacts of climate, human activities, water level, vegetation succession, anthropogenic and natural food and predation on water birds (coot, waders, ducks, larids and grebes), as well as relationships between these water bird groups, were demonstrated. The impact of vegetation succession via overgrowing of meadows with reed and bushes, merging of the mosaic of small stands of emergents into huge reed dominated massives (thus reducing areas of habitats suitable for water birds) is described. The relation of Black-headed Gull population size with availability/unavailability of anthropogenic food and the associated changes in breeding duck numbers, as well as predation structure are discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-46
Dariusz Wojdan ◽  
Ilona Żeber-Dzikowska ◽  
Barbara Gworek ◽  
Katarzyna Mickiewicz ◽  
Jarosław Chmielewski

Abstract The Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship is one of the smallest provinces in Poland, but it clearly stands out with a very well-preserved natural environment. Because of exceptional features of animate and inanimate nature, large parts of the province are covered by various forms of nature protection. There is 1 national park (NP), 72 nature reserves (NRs), 9 landscape parks, 21 protected landscape areas and 40 Natura 2000 sites within the administrative borders of the province. The most unique natural features are found in the Świętokrzyski National Park (ŚNP), but the largest surface of the province is covered by protected landscape areas. Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship is the first in Poland in terms of the share of protected areas (as much as 65.2%), strongly outdistancing other Voivodeships. Small natural objects are much more numerous than large protected areas. At present, the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship has 705 natural monuments (NMs), 114 ecological sites (ESs), 20 documentation sites (DSs) and 17 nature and landscape complexes (NLCs). Moreover, new protected areas and sites may still be established within its borders.

Spatium ◽  
2009 ◽  
pp. 41-48 ◽  
Anka Lisec ◽  
Samo Drobne

This article is focused on finding problems in land use domain in the areas of protected natural and cultural heritage. In the paper, the influence of special regulation in the natural and cultural protected areas on land management is presented. The paper gives an overview on history of cultural heritage and nature protection initiatives in Slovenia and provides a review on basic EU and international initiatives, conventions in this field. For the case of Slovenian rural land market, it highlights the problem of complex institutional regulations relating to land management in the protected areas, which affect mostly local people. Here, the impact of the protected regimes, the case of pre-emption right, on land management and consequently spatial development in local communities is stressed, which is an important topic in particular in less developed regions since restriction of land use often means more complex, costly and time lasting procedures in land management and less opportunities as the consequence.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 65-72
V. N. Shmagol' ◽  
V. L. Yarysh ◽  
S. P. Ivanov ◽  
V. I. Maltsev

<p>The long-term population dynamics of the red deer (<em>Cervus elaphus</em> L.) and European roe deer (<em>Capreolus</em> <em>capreolus</em> L.) at the mountain and forest zone of Crimea during 1980-2017 is presented. Fluctuations in numbers of both species are cyclical and partly synchronous. Period of oscillations in the population of red deer is about 25 years, the average duration of the oscillation period of number of roe deer is 12.3 years. During the fluctuations in the number the increasing and fall in population number of the red deer had been as 26-47 %, and roe deer – as 22-34 %. Basing on the dada obtained we have assumed that together with large-scale cycles of fluctuations in population number of both red deer and roe deer the short cycles of fluctuations in the number of these species with period from 3.5 to 7.5 years take place. Significant differences of the parameters of cyclical fluctuations in the number of roe deer at some sites of the Mountainous Crimea: breaches of synchronicity, as well as significant differences in the duration of cycles are revealed. The greatest deviations from the average values of parameters of long-term dynamics of the number of roe deer in Crimea are noted for groups of this species at two protected areas. At the Crimean Nature Reserve the cycle time of fluctuations of the numbers of roe deer was 18 years. At the Karadag Nature Reserve since 1976 we can see an exponential growth in number of roe deer that is continued up to the present time. By 2016 the number of roe deer reached 750 individuals at a density of 437 animals per 1 thousand ha. Peculiarity of dynamics of number of roe deer at some sites proves the existence in the mountain forest of Crimea several relatively isolated groups of deer. We assumed that "island" location of the Crimean populations of red deer and European roe deer, their relatively little number and influence of permanent extreme factors of both natural and anthropogenic origination have contributed to a mechanism of survival of these populations. The elements of such a mechanism include the following features of long-term dynamics of the population: the reduction in the period of cyclic population fluctuations, while maintaining their amplitude and the appearance of additional small cycles, providing more flexible response of the population to the impact of both negative and positive environmental factors. From the totality of the weather conditions for the Crimean population of roe deer the recurring periods of increases and downs in the annual precipitation amount may have relevance. There was a trend of increase in the roe deer population during periods of increasing annual precipitation.</p>

The application of preparations of biological origin in the protection system of soybean grown under conditions of intensive irrigated crop rotations conforms to the modern tendencies of science and production development. The use of them contributes to solving ecological, production and social-economic problems. The study presents the three-year research on the efficiency of systems protecting soybean from pests and diseases based on biological and chemical preparations. The research was conducted in typical soil and climate conditions of the South of Ukraine. Zonal agricultural methods and generally accepted research methodology were used. The purpose of the research was to create a soybean protection system based on preparations of biological origin, ensuring high productivity of high-quality products reducing a negative impact of the crop production on the environment. The study emphasizes that, under irrigated conditions of the South of Ukraine, the application of biological preparations has a positive impact on the indexes of growth, development and formation of the elements of soybean yield structure. There was an increase in the crop biological weight by 13.8 % and 22.1 % and the number of seeds per plant rose by 11.6 and 14.6 % as a consequence of eliminating harmful organisms with the plant protection systems. The larger ground mass was formed by medium-ripe varieties Danai and Svyatogor, on which the increase from protection measures was higher. Weight 1000 pcs. the seeds did not undergo significant changes. It is established that the larger seeds were formed by Danaya and Svyatogor varieties, in which the average weight is 1000 pcs. seeds were 142 and 136 g, respectively, while in the variety Diona this figure was 133 g. There was an increase in the height of the lowest pod when the total plant height rose. For medium-ripe varieties was characterized by a higher attachment of beans, where the highest values of this indicator acquired in the variety Svyatogor. The medium maturing soybean variety Danaia formed the maximum yield of 3.23 and 3.35 t/ha respectively, when biological and chemical protection systems were applied. The research establishes that the application of the bio-fungicide Psevdobakterin 2 (2.0 l/ha) in the crop protection system at the beginning of soybean flowering and the bio-fungicide Baktofit (2.5 l/ha) with the bio-insecticide Lepidotsid-BTU (10.0 l/ha) at the beginning of pod formation does not reduce the productivity of the soybean varieties under study considerably, when compared to the application of chemical preparations. The research determines that the soybean protection system under study ensures a decrease in the coefficient of soybean water uptake by 7.2-13.0 %, increasing the total water intake to an inconsiderable degree. Biologization of the soybean crop protection system leads to a reduction in production costs compared to the chemical protection system. Taking into account the needs for the collection of additional products, costs increase by an average of 1 thousand UAH/ha, while for chemical protection systems by 1.8 thousand UAH/ha. At the same time, the cost is reduced by 220-360 UAH/t and the profitability of growing crops is increased by 3.8-7.8 %. There has been a reduction in the burden of pesticides on the environment and the production of cleaner products. This indicates the prospect of using the biofungicides Pseudobacterin 2 and Bactophyte and the bioinsecticide Lepidocid-BTU on soybeans to protect plants from pests.

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