“The synapses colapse; well, let them…” el feminismo postmoderno de the stone diaries de Carol Shields

Macarena Garcia-Avello

Este artículo examina la manera en que la metaficción postmoderna de Carol Shields en The Stone Diaries sirve de punto de partida para una crítica feminista desde la que se explora el carácter relacional y fragmentario del sujeto femenino. Aunque la crítica haya incidido en la vertiente feminista de la novela de Carol Shields, The Stone Diaries, el papel que juega el postmodernismo en la crítica feminista ha pasado desapercibido. El objetivo de este artículo es, por tanto, ahondar en la manera en que el feminismo se intercala con el postmodernismo en la obra de Shields. A lo largo de este  se demostrará cómo la confluencia entre la condición postmoderna y la construcción de la subjetividad de la protagonista proporciona a la obra una función política. Palabras clave: postmodernismo, feminismo, política, The Stone Diaries   This article examines the way in which postmodern metafiction in Carol Shields´ s The Stone Diaries can be understood as a starting point to explore the relational and fragmentary subjectivity from a feminist standpoint. Although most analysis on The Stone Diaries put an emphasis on the importance of feminism, the influence of postmodernism in Shields´s novel has been commonly overlooked. This article aims to delve into the interaction between feminism and postmodernism in order to demonstrate how this interplay provides the novel with a political function.   Key words: postmodernism, feminism, politics, The Stone Diaries.  

2020 ◽  
pp. 113-128
Jesper Gulddal

This chapter on Dashiell Hammett’s The Dain Curse takes a narratively unmotivated car accident as the starting point for a discussion of genre negation as a force of innovation in Hammett’s writing. As a violent interruption of preestablished modes of operation, the accident embodies the way in which the novel relates to the conventions of popular fiction only to wreck and overturn them. Thus, the linearity of the investigative process is replaced with a circular structure; the purity of genre is replaced with references to a catalogue of popular fiction templates, none of which are fully executed; narrative closure is replaced with ambiguity and contingency; and the classic figure of the ‘sidekick’ is literarily blown to pieces in what Gulddal reads as another emblematic representation of the principle of genre mobility.

2015 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 9
Valentina Bulo Vargas

<p align="JUSTIFY"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">El presente texto busca ampliar la tesis arendtiana sobre la banalidad del mal, para proponer de la mano de Heidegger, un tono histórico desde donde poder dar cuenta de eso que Arendt llama la banalidad del mal y que aquí pretenderemos completar con el ámbito afectivo desde lo que denominaremos desapego absoluto o desprecio, junto a su tono contrario, el apego, como complemento a la natalidad propuesta por Arendt. Con ello se busca también abrir la pregunta por la función que podría tener la afectividad en el modo de construcción de nuestras comunidades y por tanto una cierta función política de la afectividad.</span></span> </p><p align="JUSTIFY">Palabras clave: banalidad del mal, afectividad, cuerpo, desprecio, apego</p><p align="JUSTIFY"> </p><p align="JUSTIFY"> </p><p align="JUSTIFY"><br /><em>The banality of evil and natatity conceptualized from desdain and attachement</em></p><p align="JUSTIFY"><em>This text seeks to expand Arendt´s thesis on the banality of evil, to propose, together with Heidegger, a historical approach to the role that affectivity and body could play on this topic, and furthermore, on the way that our communities are constructed. The article intends to complement Arendt’s theory with affectivity, resorting to terms such as absolute disregard or disdain, together with attachment –an opposite concept used to complement what Arendt defines as natality. This is also to open the question of the role of affectivity in the mode of construction of our communities and therefore of its political function.</em></p><p align="JUSTIFY"><em>Keywords: banality of evil, affectivity, body, disdain, attachment</em></p><p align="JUSTIFY"> </p><p align="JUSTIFY"> </p><p lang="es-ES" align="JUSTIFY"> </p>

2018 ◽  
pp. 061-081

Resumen: Se señalan algunos elementos problemáticos, no resueltos aún por las ciencias sociales, que se desprenden de la noción de cultura establecida desde la mentalidad secularista dominante que tiene sus orígenes en la Ilustración y que ha condicionado y erosionado el reconocimiento de ontologías que esclarezcan el sentido de la actividad científica. Estas condiciones forman parte de la práctica de las ciencias sociales explicando la imposibilidad de vislumbrar de manera pragmática la vía por medio de la cual se logren integrar los conocimientos de las ciencias sociales. Dicha integración se manifestaría como una grieta de luz esperanzadora en la construcción societaria y en la generación de modelos culturales alternativos a los propuestos desde el discurso interpretativo dominante de corte efectivista. Palabras clave: Epistemología, ciencias sociales, cultura, sociedadEpistemology nomadic in Social Sciences: For a recapitulation and memory of complexity Abstract: Someproblematic elementsare reported, not yetresolved bythe social sciences thathave aroused fromthe notion of cultureestablishedfromthe dominantsecularistmentality thathas had its originsfrom the Enlightenment andthat have conditionedanderodedthe recognition ofalternativeontologies that can clarify the meaning of the scientific activity. These conditions are part of social sciences practices and explain the impossibility of catching pragmatically the way through witch to obtain integrity in the knowledge of social sciences. Such integration would manifest as hopefully as a crack of lightin the construction of society and in the generation of alternative cultural models to those proposed by the dominant interpretative discourse of effectivist type. Key words: Epistemology, social sciences, culture, society

Daniel R. Brunstetter

Jus in vi is the set of moral principles governing how limited force is used. Taking the traditionalist jus in bello principles as a starting point, this chapter interrogates what necessity, proportionality, and distinction look like in a limited force context and makes the case for the novel psychological risk principle by evaluating how concepts such as “excessive,” “military advantage,” and “harms” and “goods” fit into our thinking about vim. The keystone of jus in vi is the predisposition toward maximal restraint maxim. The chapter thus begins by making the case for why jus in vi principles should be more restrictive than their jus in bello counterparts. It continues by exploring how a circumscribed view of necessity sets the groundwork for constraining proportionality calculations and shaping the way we think about distinction in more restricted ways. The notion of jus in vi proportionality is then explored, with concerns about escalation and psychological risk driving the analysis. Drawing insights from revisionist just war theory to consider jus in vi distinction, the chapter concludes by making the case for affording greater protections to both combatants and non-combatants compared to standard just war accounts. Unlike war, in which almost any soldier can be targeted, in a context of limited force only those who are an active threat can be justly targeted. Both innocent non-combatants and non-threatening combatants should be preserved from the more predictable harms of limited force, though this differs depending on whether the use of limited force is protective, preventive, or punitive.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Sonia Patricia Ubillús Saltos

RESUMEN La sexualidad será enfocada desde la gestión pedagógica en la educación ecuatoriana, ya que las políticas de salud moderna, plantean la prevención como método eficaz, más que la cura o el tratamiento, de manera que alguien debidamente informado aprende libremente como quiere ejercer su sexualidad. En este sentido, la educación sexual es un tema de indiscutible importancia y actualidad para la educación de las nuevas generaciones. Se evidencia que la educación sexual en Ecuador empezó a cobrar relevancia en 1998 con el Plan Nacional de Educación para la Sexualidad y el Amor, sin embargo, a pesar de contar con soportes legales que garanticen y obliguen la Educación Sexual en los establecimientos educativos, la sexualidad no ha tenido un tratamiento sistemático, intencional o planificado que garantice una integralidad de la personalidad, convirtiéndose éste en el objetivo de esta investigación, la cual concluye determinando su escaso abordaje en el contexto educativo ecuatoriano.  Palabras clave:  Adolescentes, Embarazos, Formación, Salud sexual   ABSTRACT Sexuality will be focused since the pedagogy proposal   in Ecuadorian  education, besides the health in modern politics give like a sure method more than cure or treatment, the way that someone have to be very informed and learn freely like to execute their sexualility. In this way, the sexual education is a relevant theme nowadays for the education in new generations. It evidences the Sexual Education in Ecuador it  began to take relevant in 1998 with the National Plan Education for Sexual and Love, however,  they have  the  legal  support  that  give  guarantee  and  oblige  the  sexual education in the educative placements, the sexuality have not had systemic treatment, intentional or planning that give a integrality in their personality, convenience this the objective in this research, which fish determining the lacking in the Educative Ecuadorian context.  Key words  Young people, pregnant, formation, sexual health  

José Ignacio Barrera Maturana

<p>In the Homage tower the Alhambra palace. The prisioners graffitis between XVIII-XIX centuries. </p><p>RESUMEN</p><p>Algunos autores han visto por la forma en que se dispone el recinto de La Alhambra en la colina de la Sabika, a un barco varado cuya proa es la Alcazaba. Es en esta proa y concretamente en el interior de la Torre del Homenaje, donde localizamos un numeroso grupo de grafitos, mayoritariamente barcos, que son objeto de nuestro estudio. Creemos que fueron realizados por presos, quizás algunos de ellos ingleses, alojados en este espacio durante los siglos XVIII-XIX.</p><p>PALABRAS CLAVE: Prisión, Torre del Homenaje, grafitos, barcos, pingue, presos ingleses, Isla de Menorca.</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Some authors have seen by the way the grounds of the Alhambra is available in Sabika Hill, a stranded boat whose bow is the Alcazaba. It is in this bow and specifically in side of Homage Tower, where we located a large group of graffiti, mostly ships, which are the subject of our study. We believe they were made by prisoners, perhaps some of them British, housed in this space during the XVIII-XIX” centuries.</p><p>KEY WORDS: Prison, Homage Tower, graffiti, ships, pingue, British prisoners, Island of Minorca.</p>

Xihmai ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
Humberto Mejí­a Zarazúa

Resumen En el presente reporte de investigación se propone el concepto Cultura Cí­vica Universitaria y su operacionalización a través de un ejercicio de tipo ideal, diseño de instrumento de investigación y una encuesta realizada en la Universidad  La  Salle  Pachuca  en  mayo  de  2010.  Se  consideraron  tres ámbitos: el curricular, el institucional y el extraescolar. Se exponen los resultados por ámbito y por licenciatura, y se concluye que mediante esta propuesta es posible diagnosticar el estado de la formación ciudadana en las Instituciones de Educación Superior.   Palabras clave: Cultura Cí­vica Universitaria, La Salle Pachuca, curricular, Institucional, extraescolar.   Abstract In this research we propose the concept of University Civic Culture and the way it is  measured  through  an ideal  type  of exercise,  the  design of the research's instrument and a survey conducted at La Salle Pachuca University in may 2010. There were three areas considered: curricular, institutional and extra-curricular.  Results were exposed by field and degree and it was concluded that it is possible to diagnose the state of civic education in higher education institutions through this proposal.   Key   words: University   Civic   Culture,   La   Salle   Pachuca   University, curricular, institutional, extra-curricular.  

Alfonso Boix Jovaní

RESUMEN: La reciente incursión de Arturo Pérez-Reverte en territorio cidiano con su novela Sidi era, hasta cierto punto, previsible, pues el interés del autor por la historia y, especialmente, las hazañas bélicas y los héroes es de sobra conocido. Su obra está plagada de personajes como el famoso capitán don Diego Alatriste, pero, mientras que el capitán es un personaje surgido de la imaginación de Pérez-Reverte, el Cid es una figura firmemente integrada en la cultura española: a caballo entre la historia y la fantasía, el Cid cabalga a lomos de su leyenda desde la aparición del Cantar de Mio Cid. Desde entonces, no han sido pocos los autores que han seguido la estela del anónimo poeta y han recogido el mito en sus obras para ofrecernos su particular versión del mismo. Así, el héroe épico se convirtió en protagonista de obras de teatro, cuentos y novelas, y también la música o el cine, que sirvió para darlo a conocer entre el gran público a nivel internacional. A partir de un meticuloso análisis intertextual e interdiscursivo, el presente artículo muestra cómo Sidi incluye alguno de los episodios más famosos de la literatura cidiana, así como los tópicos épicos que configuran a Rodrigo Diaz como caballero ideal. Entre estos elementos tradicionales, se añaden los rasgos fundamentales del héroe cansado que protagoniza los textos revertianos, y, gracias a esta combinación de elementos antiguos y nuevos, el autor ha logrado convertir al Campeador en un personaje propio. ABSTRACT Arturo Pérez-Reverte’s recent incursion in the literary field of el Cid with his novel Sidi was, to a certain extent, predictable, as the author’s interest in history and, especially, war deeds and heroes is very well-known. His works are full of characters like the famous captain don Diego Alatriste, but, whereas the captain is a character born in Pérez-Reverte’s imagination, el Cid is a figure firmly integrated in Spanish culture: halfway between history and fantasy, el Cid’s legend has been developing since the Song of Mio Cid appeared. From that moment onwards, many authors followed the path of the anonymous poet and included this myth in their works to offer their own version of it. Therefore, the epic hero became the protagonist of plays in theatres, tales and novels, and also in music and cinema, which spread the legend internationally amongst a wider audience. Taking a thorough intertextual and interdiscursive analysis as its starting point, this article shows the way Sidi includes some of the most famous literary episodes devoted to el Cid and, also, the topoi that made Rodrigo Díaz an ideal knight. All these traditional elements are blended in the novel with the main features of the ‘tired hero’ who plays the lead in Pérez-Reverte’s texts, and, by this combination of new and old features, the author turns the Campeador into a character of his own.

La Palabra ◽  
2014 ◽  
pp. 129
Heidy Jazmín Velásquez Muñoz

El presente ar tículo es la introducción al proceso de investigación/creación de “Historias de Mujeres Infames” (Trabajo de g rado de la Maestría en Literatura, UPTC), en donde se quiere explorar el tema de la infamia, a través de la escritura de biog rafías imaginarias de campesinas de la primera mitad del s. XX en San Gil y El Socorro, Santander. Se quiere aprovechar el fenómeno literario para cuestionar la manera en que la historia ha sido contada desde una óptica del poder masculino. Por lo tanto, este artículo busca develar la importancia de la voz de la infame en la literatura y en la formación de la memoria de los pueblos dando una ojeada a algunos de los autores que han explorado a profundidad este tema en distintas épocas. Palabras clave: Literatura, infame, mujer, historia, machismo, biografías imaginarias, poder.  AbstractThis article is an introduction to the creative research process « (His)tories of Infamous Women» (thesis project presented at the Masters in Literature, UPTC), which explores the topic of infamy, through the writing of imaginary biographies of peasant women from the beginning of the XXc in San Gil and Socorro, Santander. This project uses the literary phenomenon to question the way in which history has been told from a male view point. For this reason, this article reveals the importance of the voice of the infamous subjects in literature and examines the construction of memory in a culture, in the company of authors who have explored this topic in different moments. Key Words: Literature, infamous, history, machismo, imaginary biographies, power.

2008 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 155
María Jesús Hernáez Lerena

The Stone Diaries (1993), a novel by Carol Shields, examines the strategies characters use to render their selves accountable: they turn life into an ensemble made up of historical, scientific, novelistic or biographical discourse. In contrast, Daisy Goodwill, who is the subject-matter of this fictional autobiography, remains close to the epistemology of the short story, whose potential has been described by critics as a challenge to knowledge or synthesis (Cortázar 1973; Bayley 1988; Leitch 1989, May 1994; Trussler 1996). There seems to be agreement that the only condition of coherence necessary for the short story is a pointing to the evasion of meaning in life, also that the genre allies itself to the way in which the past is attached to our memory (Kosinski 1978; Hallet 1998; Lohafer 1998; Wolff 2000). This essay will analyze the implications of its protagonist’s stance with a view to pinning down some of the ideological grounds of the novel and of the short story in their approach to the question of identity.

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