scholarly journals Environmentally Friendly Nitrogen Fertilizers Appplication for Winter Cereals Considering the Mineral Nitrogen Content in Soil

R. Timbare ◽  
M. Bušmanis

In order to improve nitrogen fertilizers application recommendations for cereals, the soil mineral nitrogen (Nmin) investigations (1995 – 2000) were carried out on sod – podzolic and brown – lesssive loamy sand and loamy soils in co-operation with other research institutions. The soil samples for determination of NO3 – N and NH4 – N were taken in depth 0 - 20, 21 – 40 and 41 – 60 cm in spring before the start of growth on winter cereals fields, but in 2001,2002- also in autumn before the sowing of winter cereals. Data on soil properties, the amount of precipitation in autumn (August 1 until the first decade with the average temperature below 5 oC), preceding crops and the use of organic fertilizers at sites of investigations were considered. The determination of NO3 – N and NH4 – N content was carried out in wet soil samples using for extraction 1 M KCl. Statistical analysis of data obtained in spring has been carried out using MS EXCEL function CORREL, CORRELATION, REGRESSION and SPSS 8.0 for Windows (GLM procedure). According to this analysis the following model (R2 = 0,527) was elaborated: y = 103.513 – 13.515|X1=1 – 0.247·X3 – 27.069|X2=0 – 42.945|X2=1 – 39.044|X2=2 – 16.022|X2=3 – 44.212|X2=4 + 0.104·X3|X2=0 + 0.181·X3|X2=1+ 0.187·X3|X2=2 +0.117·X3|X2=3+0.175·X3|X2=4, where y- predicted Nmin content in spring in 0- 40 cm soil layer, kg ha-1; 103.513 – intercept; X3 – amount of precipitation in autumn, mm; X1 – soil texture; X1=1 – loamy sand soils, X2 – predecessor; X2=0 – cereals; X2=1 – perennial grass; X2=2 – tilled crops; X2=3 – legumes; X2=4 – green manure crops; X2=5- fallow. On the basis of this model and data on meteorological conditions at different sites of Latvia the recommendations on correction N top - dressing application rates for winter cereals in spring were prepared.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-34
V. Volkogon ◽  
I. Korotka

Aim. To determine physiologically expedient rates of mineral nitrogen in winter rye production on sod-podzol- ic soils based on the orientation of the processes of biological nitrogen transformation in the plants rhizosphere. Methods. Field studies, gas chromatography determination of potential nitrogen fi xation activity and potential emissions of N 2 O. Results. The results obtained have demonstrated that the rates of mineral nitrogen, not ex- ceeding 60 kg/ha, can be considered physiologically expedient for winter rye production on sod-podzolic soils. Under the application of microbial preparation Diazobakteryn, there is a higher physiological need of plants for nitrogen, which allows increasing the rates of nitrogen fertilizers up to 90 kg/ha. Conclusions. The orienta- tion of the processes of biological nitrogen transformation in the root zone of plants is a reliable indicator of determining the appropriateness of nitrogen fertilization of crops.

1993 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-109
W.P. Wadman ◽  
J.J. Neeteson ◽  
G.J. Wijnen

In the period of 1983-1985, 18 field experiments with potatoes grown for industrial starch production were set up in the Netherlands to investigate the effects of poultry-slurry application on tuber yield and on soil mineral nitrogen. Slurry was applied in autumn with and without the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) and in spring without DCD. Control treatments without slurry or DCD were included. Various nitrogen fertilizer rates were applied to all slurry treatments. In autumn, following slurry application without DCD, slurry-derived nitrate moved to the 0.3-0.6 and 0.6-1 m soil layers. Following DCD-application, most of the slurry-derived nitrate remained in the 0-0.3 m soil layer. Maximum yields as estimated from a nitrogen fertilizer response function were slightly increased by the slurry application. Nitrogen supplied from the slurry decreased the amount of fertilizer nitrogen needed for maximum yield. Increasing the amounts of soil mineral nitrogen in June from slurry or applied inorganic nitrogen fertilizer increased residual soil mineral nitrogen at harvest.

2011 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-126 ◽  

SUMMARYNitrogen (N) nutrition is a key factor for vegetable growth and yield. However, different rates of nitrogen fertilization may trigger different responses to vegetables. A survey was conducted to investigate the effect of soil fertility management practices on nitrate concentration in vegetables. The survey results were used to plan experiments on the effect of chicken and cattle manures on nitrate levels in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) and amaranthus (Amaranthus cruentus) grown in Tanzania and the patterns of mineral nitrogen in soils under open field conditions. Chicken or cattle manure at 200, 300 kg N ha−1and 170 250 kg N ha−1for Chinese cabbage and amaranthus respectively, and control were compared in a randomized complete block design. We observed a higher nitrate content in fertilized Chinese cabbage at day 30 than at day 44 after sowing, ranging from 3243 to 4993 mg kg−1fresh matter regardless of the N source and rates. Only application of manures at high levels (250 kg N ha−1) induced significantly (p< 0.05) higher nitrate contents in amaranthus at day 28 after sowing, although there was a clear indication of nitrate accumulation even at 170 kg N ha−1application. Soil NH4+-N + NO3−-N in both Chinese cabbage and amaranthus plots were increased with increasing N application rates and differences between control and amended soils were significant (p< 0.01). There was a positive relationship between NO3−concentration in vegetables and NO3−-N in the rooted top soil layer (0–15 cm). However, higher NH4+concentrations depressed NO3−build up in crops and a significant negative relationship between soil (NH4+-N)/(NO3−-N) ratio and crop NO3−content was found. It is concluded that low manure application rates result in similar yields to high rates but reduces nitrate accumulation in vegetables and excess mineral nitrogen in soils.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-54
Jan Haberle ◽  
Pavel Svoboda ◽  
Tomáš Šimon ◽  
Gabriela Kurešová ◽  
Barbora Henzlová ◽  

Abstract Vegetable production may be the source of excessive residual nitrate that is prone to leaching to waters. To ascertain the risk of nitrate leaching in water collection area, the content of soil mineral nitrogen (Nmin = N-NO3− + N-NH4+) down to 120 cm depth was monitored in the years 2013–2016 on vegetable farms along lower Jizera river (in the Czech Republic). The risk of nitrate leaching below 30, 60, 90 and 120 cm during winter period was simulated with a simple model. The depths represent the limits of effective root depth and N depletion of groups of vegetables and field crops. The average autumn mineral nitrogen content in the fields, during experimental years, ranged from 101 kg to 134 kg N·ha−1 in the 0–120 cm soil layer, 85 to 92% of which was in the form of nitrate. The calculated leaching of nitrate from the topsoil (0–30 cm) and shallow subsoil (0–60 cm) ranged from 27 to 41%, and from 7 to 14% of autumn content, respectively. The risk of leaching below 60 cm and 90 cm was near to none during the experimental years due to the exceptionally low precipitation. High nitrate content in subsoil layers below 60 cm constitutes risk of leaching and water pollution due to shallow root systems of many vegetables and potatoes in seasons with normal weather and higher water percolation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 63 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 177-183 ◽  
Łukowiak Remigiusz ◽  
Barłóg Przemysław ◽  
Grzebisz Witold

It was assumed that the determination of the mineral nitrogen (N<sub>min</sub>) content in the 0.01 mol/L CaCl<sub>2</sub> could rely on measurements of single form NO<sub>3</sub><sup>–</sup>-N, NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N or both, and even including other extractable nutrients. This hypothesis was verified based on some primary data from 17 fields: ten with oilseed rape and seven with maize as indicatory crops during three consecutive seasons in a production farm in Górzno, Poland. The contents of NO<sub>3</sub><sup>–</sup>-N, NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N, P, K, Mg and pH were measured in soil prior to the spring vegetation start and after a crop harvest (autumn). Phosphorus in spring and NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N in autumn, were variables discriminating against the number of clusters. It was higher in cropping sequences (CSs) with maize than with oilseed rape. The reliability of N<sub>min</sub> determination and distribution between clusters in spring based only on NO<sub>3</sub><sup>–</sup>-N was fully corroborated for maize CSs. In autumn, irrespective of the CS, the decisive factor in N<sub>min</sub> prediction and distribution over clusters was the NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>-N pool. This study resulted in the rating of CaCl<sub>2</sub> extractable nutrients, indicating their availability status, shortage or excess, on the background of the N<sub>min</sub> temporary rating.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
Auksė Burakova ◽  
Eugenija Bakšienė ◽  
Almantas Ražukas

The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of organic fertilizers on the potato tubers yield and nutrient accumulation. Experiments were carried out at the Vokė Branch of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in 2016–2018. The experiments were performed in stationary concrete cylindrical 24 lysimeters on sandy loam and loamy sand Haplic Luvisol, with a surface area of 1.75 m2 and a test soil layer of 1.35 cm. Fertilization with three randomized replications on each side of lysimeters were the following: 1) control (no fertilizer); 2) NPK organic fertilizers (Provita, phosphorite powder, potassium magnesia); 3) 40 t ha–1 sapropel; 4) 60 t ha–1 manure. The results of the experiments suggest that 40 t ha–1 sapropel and 60 t ha–1 manure fertilizers increase potato tuber yields in both soils (sandy loam soil and loamy sand soil). Inserted NPK fertilizers produced the highest yield (in 2017 and 2019) of a small fraction of potato tubers. The findings suggest that during the drier period, in 2019, the accumulation of all elements increased about 0.7–7 times in both soils. The starch content in the tubers was dependent mostly on the meteorological conditions.

2013 ◽  
Vol 372 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 41-51 ◽  
Yunfeng Peng ◽  
Peng Yu ◽  
Xuexian Li ◽  
Chunjian Li

2009 ◽  
Vol 4 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 159-167 ◽  
J. Haberle ◽  
H. Kusá ◽  
P. Svoboda ◽  
J. Klír

The content of nitrate or mineral nitrogen (N<sub>min</sub> = N-NO<sup>-</sup><sub>3</sub> + N-NH <sup>+</sup><sub>4</sub>) in soil in autumn is recognized as the indicator of potential risk of N leaching during winter. In this contribution, the apparent changes of N<sub>min</sub> in the 0&ndash;60 cm soil layer, during winter, on farm fields in the Czech Republic were calculated. A significant positive relationship between N<sub>min</sub> in autumn and the change during winter was observed in eight out of the nine farms. Nitrate N data produced similar relationships as N<sub>min</sub>. The regression analysis suggested that 40&ndash;90% of N<sub>min</sub> above a specific amount, 14&ndash;35 kg N/ha (interception of regression line, I1), on farms was apparently lost from the soil zone. Corresponding results for pooled data (n = 187) were 74% and 25 kg N/ha (r = 0.90, P &lt; 0.001). The proportion of N leached from the 0&ndash;60 cm layer, calculated with a simple leaching equation was significantly correlated (n = 187, r = 0.92, P &lt; 0.001) with observed N<sub>min</sub>change during winter, with the intercept (I2) significantly different from zero (&ndash;30.9 kg/ha). When the average value of regression intercept I1 of farms, or of pooled data, were introduced to the leaching equation as a constant correction parameter, the fit was satisfactory (r = 0.93 and 0.92, resp.) and the intercepts (&ndash;3.1 kg and &ndash;5.4 kg N/ha, resp.) were not significantly different from zero (at P &lt; 0.01). The results of the study support the use of autumn N<sub>min</sub> within the leaching equation as a robust indicator of the risk of N leaching.

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